Mission not Impossible



  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    Day 3 complete. Yes! Abs and legs are so sore all over. Really happy I took up this challenge too. It really has been giving me the focus that I need.

    Anyone have a favorite JIllian quote ( she can be so annoying at times!)

    mine is while doing the last set of abs".... that pain is fear leaving the body"

    I must have a lot of fear cause it hurts every time LOL!
  • accusima
    accusima Posts: 38 Member
    I started 30DS last week, but didn't do it regularly, so I started over yesterday. I'm trying to work out in the mornings, but that got destroyed today, so I am waiting for my girls to go to bed so that I can work out tonight.

    I pushed myself good yesterday with the workout, then made the mistake of going to see "The Avengers" after. Pushing my muscles then sitting for 2.5 hours! I almost fell when I stood up! lol

    Are ya'll doing anything else with 30DS? I'm trying to add some yoga in, as well as getting back to working on couch to 5k a few days a week.

    I am looking forward to going through this journey with all of you! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • accusima
    accusima Posts: 38 Member
    Day 3 complete. Yes! Abs and legs are so sore all over. Really happy I took up this challenge too. It really has been giving me the focus that I need.

    Anyone have a favorite JIllian quote ( she can be so annoying at times!)

    mine is while doing the last set of abs".... that pain is fear leaving the body"

    I must have a lot of fear cause it hurts every time LOL!

    When she goes on about how the viewer must want to just turn the dvd off and stop seeing her face... I always yell/grunt "yes" while gasping for air! lol
  • hula808
    hula808 Posts: 224 Member
    I find it terribly irritsting when she calls them "buddy" and then goes on to say she would do anything to get abs like her "buddy" in the green behind her. I keep thinking well quit talking and get down and do ab work like the rest of us, you are Jillian Michaels for effs sake!"

  • mamabird07
    mamabird07 Posts: 18
    Today my favorite part was when she would mention that it is only 20 mintues and basically said to push through it, suck it up, and finish. That got me through the workout. It was more difficult to get up and do it today. But I did it and hope that in 30 days it will be part of my everyday routine to get up and do a workout. Rain or shine. Tired or not. I do feel accomplished. And I did another load of laundry today by 7am.
  • goldengirl28
    goldengirl28 Posts: 130 Member
    day 4 done...hot here today so it was hard work
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    Level 1 Day 4 complete. I can believe that tomorrow will be our halfway point for level one! How is everyone doing? Felt really good today. I love how the jumping jacks tone my calves. I weighed myself today and I am down 2 lbs :) I think I am losing a lot of water weight. I have given up diet pepsi and drink unsweetened iced tea instead which actually makes me crave more water. For a treat when I am out I get a venti black iced tea unsweetened at starbucks. Very refreshing. Anyone else making changes to your diet?
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    4 days complete, muscle soreness is very minimal. I am feeling good.
  • butlera8
    butlera8 Posts: 130 Member
    hi! I'm new to this group and excited about the shred. I'm 4 days in and I hope to continue on and do well.
  • butlera8
    butlera8 Posts: 130 Member
    Just finished day five. I can honestly say that it was kind of easy!
  • YetAnotherSusan
    YetAnotherSusan Posts: 9 Member
    Level 1 Day 4 complete. I can believe that tomorrow will be our halfway point for level one! How is everyone doing? Felt really good today. I love how the jumping jacks tone my calves. I weighed myself today and I am down 2 lbs :) I think I am losing a lot of water weight. I have given up diet pepsi and drink unsweetened iced tea instead which actually makes me crave more water. For a treat when I am out I get a venti black iced tea unsweetened at starbucks. Very refreshing. Anyone else making changes to your diet?

    are we only supposed to do each level for 10 days?? why did I think we were supposed to stick to a level for the 30 day period and THEN move up. I was thinking that by day 30 I might not feel like dying before the end of the 20ish minutes.

    as for diet changes........when this started I changed my weight loss plan goals to be harder. I wasn't getting the results I wanted with the easier plan. I think it was good to do both at the same time.

    yesterday I finally was able to workout in the morning. it was a good start. wasn't able to this morning (my own fault) but plan to be back to mornings again tomorrow.
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    Definitely feel better on day 5 exercise level 1. soreness is almost gone
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    Level 1 Day 4 complete. I can believe that tomorrow will be our halfway point for level one! How is everyone doing? Felt really good today. I love how the jumping jacks tone my calves. I weighed myself today and I am down 2 lbs :) I think I am losing a lot of water weight. I have given up diet pepsi and drink unsweetened iced tea instead which actually makes me crave more water. For a treat when I am out I get a venti black iced tea unsweetened at starbucks. Very refreshing. Anyone else making changes to your diet?

    are we only supposed to do each level for 10 days?? why did I think we were supposed to stick to a level for the 30 day period and THEN move up. I was thinking that by day 30 I might not feel like dying before the end of the 20ish minutes.

    as for diet changes........when this started I changed my weight loss plan goals to be harder. I wasn't getting the results I wanted with the easier plan. I think it was good to do both at the same time.

    yesterday I finally was able to workout in the morning. it was a good start. wasn't able to this morning (my own fault) but plan to be back to mornings again tomorrow.
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    Are shoes neccessary while exercising at home, what is the real importance of shoes here for jillian's DVD? just curious to know.
  • butlera8
    butlera8 Posts: 130 Member
    Are shoes neccessary while exercising at home, what is the real importance of shoes here for jillian's DVD? just curious to know.

    I never do it with shoes on. No negative side effects as of yet.
  • loraloha74
    loraloha74 Posts: 169
    FInished Level 1 Day 5. Felt great! Still really worked up a sweat. Might up weights for arms not really feeling any burn there anymore. I always wear shoes because my arches hurt if I don't have support. Probably depends on your foot.

    I am going to each level for 10 days. Its amazing how different you feel by day 7. Just stick with it. They have modifications at each level. I am always ready for a change by day 10.

    Way to shred everyone!
  • chichi128
    chichi128 Posts: 83 Member
    just started my shred last night..loved it! the 20 minutes is just enough and actually went by fast!! im actually looking forward to the workout tonight even though my legs are sore! never felt so shaky after working out..felt awesome hahaha
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    FInished Level 1 Day 5. Felt great! Still really worked up a sweat. Might up weights for arms not really feeling any burn there anymore. I always wear shoes because my arches hurt if I don't have support. Probably depends on your foot.

    I am going to each level for 10 days. Its amazing how different you feel by day 7. Just stick with it. They have modifications at each level. I am always ready for a change by day 10.

    Way to shred everyone!

    I think I will be ready for level 2 by day 10 on level 1. My face face is full of sweat by the end of 20 min on Level 1. I feel its a lot of for 20 min. Want to stick with it.
  • Texmom_2003
    Texmom_2003 Posts: 79
    just started my shred last night..loved it! the 20 minutes is just enough and actually went by fast!! im actually looking forward to the workout tonight even though my legs are sore! never felt so shaky after working out..felt awesome hahaha

    All the best:smile:
  • mamabird07
    mamabird07 Posts: 18
    Day 4 done. I feel good and am I crazy or am I really noticing results so far. My legs are toned and places that I noticed that were getting flabby are a bit more tight (thankfully). I am using the calorie counter and watching what I eat too (portion control and really thinking about calories). I also notice that the workouts seem less difficult, but I am able to focus on each exercise and movements more. i am very thankful for this group. It is motivating me to continue and not go back to being lazy. 21 days for a behavior change. I can do 30 days and I really want exercise to become part of my daily routine. :)