APRRAE's Progress : Body Revolution Started on May 2nd



  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    I am officially done with my phase 1 workouts today!! Tomorrow is my rest day, so I will weigh in and do my measurements in my post tomorrow. It feels great to be moving on and I am so proud of myself that I have completed all of my workouts for the first 28 days.

    I did Cardio 2 today instead of Cardio 1 and it was great : hard but I could do all of the exercises, including burpees. The burpees were only the only new move. The circuit is built from all the cardio intervals that were in the Phase I workouts. The best part was that you only did each exercise for a short time (30 secs, I think).

    So far so good on my eating this memorial day weekend too. We hosted a picnic with my husband's family last night, so there was lots of food and drink to tempt me. I splurged on a homemade cookie ice cream sandwich that my sister in law made and I had one glass of wine. It was delicious and so worth it. I ate great otherwise, and avoided all the chips, dips and other processed foods that were at the picnic.

    Hope everyone enjoys their Memorial Day. I will check in tomorrow with my official Phase 1 results.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    I didn't mention that I tweaked my ankle during my towel runs this morning. I thought it was ok, but it has been hurting all evening. I am glad that tomorrow is my rest day. I can give it a rest also.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Well I am officially done with Phase 1 and here are my results:

    (By the way, I am 5' 10". Thought it would be good to have the reference for my weight and dress size.)

    Starting Measurements:
    Weight: 189
    Waist: 37
    Hips: 43
    Bust: 43
    Thigh: 26
    Dress Size: 14
    %Body Fat: 37

    End of Phase 1 Measurements:
    Weight: 176.8
    Waist: 34.5
    Hips: 41.5
    Bust: 39
    Arm: 12.3
    Thigh: 25
    Dress Size: 12
    % Body Fat: 34.5

    Total Difference:
    Weight: 12.2 pounds
    Waist: 2.5 inches
    Hips: 1.5 inches
    Bust: 4 inches
    Arm: 0 inches
    Thigh: 1 inch
    Dress Size: 1 dress size
    % Body Fat: .6%

    Sorry, but I didn't take any "before photos", but here is a general photo of me from before:

    End of Phase 1:

    Sorry the pictures are so bad. Lighting in my home office is not very good. I was too scared to take before photos, but now I wish I had. At least now, I can compare phase 1 photos with the end of phase 2 and 3. As you can see, I still have a long way to go, but I am really pleased with my results so far.

    12 pounds and 9 inches, and I am only done with phase 1. I have followed the workout plan to the letter and so far have not missed a day. As for eating, the only week, I followed JM's plan was the kickstart week. For the following 3 weeks, I have followed her NEVER foods lists (with a couple of cheats here and there) and have tried to keep my eating around 1200 to 1500 calories (also with a couple cheats here and there). I had lost about 20 pounds with weight watchers last summer, and I am basically now down to where I was (before a winter where I put on 10 pounds). I am excited about Phase 2 and seeing how Body Revolution will help change my body more. At 43, I don't expect to have the body that I had when I was 25, but seeing it look more healthy and athletic is exciting.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Official start of Phase 2 this morning and I completed Workout 5! Hard but I was so much stronger than I thought. Only major challenge was the crabs with 1 leg raised. I had a hard time completing the 2nd time through. Balancing on the single leg squat/raises was a bit challenging too, but just the balancing was hard. For those of you coming behind me, she does prepare you for what's coming. It gets harder, but you will be ready.

    I will do Workout 6 in the morning before I leave on my trip. I doubt that I will post again until Sunday evening when I get home. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and wish me luck on keeping up the program while traveling.
  • mcmom0725
    mcmom0725 Posts: 53 Member
    Congrats on all the results of your hard work!!! Good luck this weekend! you will do great I am sure!!! Enjoy!!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Well, I have returned from my trip. I was able to get my workouts in every day!!!

    Luckily, they had a DVD player in their basement, so I could steal away in the morning before everyone woke up to get my workouts done. This was extremely helpful, because I don't know if I would have been able to do them in front of everyone.

    My workouts went well, but my eating was challenging. Not being in control of my meals often led to my grazing. I tried to make good choices but I was over my calories almost each day I was gone. I even had a few glasses of wine last night, which I had been avoiding. All in all, I am happy with how I did, since I still feel the workouts are the most important piece of my journey right now. I will be diligent about may eating over the next few days, and hopefully I won't have gained any weight when I weigh in on tuesday.

    The best part of my weekend was being around people who haven't seen me recently who remarked about how good I look. This felt great. I think that was why I felt more encouraged to get up early each morning to do my workouts.

    As for the workouts, here are some general thoughts on this week:
    *** The one legged squat exercises in both Workout 5 & 6 are accomplishable, but I am still struggling with balance. I just try to do the best I can.
    ***I can't do the windshield wiper leg/side leg raise/cruches. My core is just not strong enough. I bend my legs as a modification.
    ***Thank god no one watches me when I do rockstars, I'm sure I look hysterical.
    ***I am finally feeling comfortable in all the planks.
    ***Love the circut structure of the workouts. I can push through knowing where I am.

    That's all I can think of for now. I am looking forward to Cardio 2 in the morning.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    WOW.Your doing great :happy: .I hope I can get at least most of my workouts in.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Strange things happen on Mondays. I had another grazing day. Tomorrow is my rest day, but I will need to do some walking to help with those extra calories I consumed today.
  • lynnmariebucks
    Thanks for all the updates. You and I are on the same path; I just started Phase 2 on Monday. It helps to know that others are suffering with you :-) Workouts 5/6 are harder than 1-4 but definetly doable. I do Phase 2 cardio tomorrow morning and was relieved to read that it's similar to cardio 1 because I was a little anxious about it. I have been trying to follow her meal plan but I feel like I'm constantly running to the store and constantly cooking and doing dishes. I have substituted some meals from WW and Cooking Light and tried to stay within the calorie range for the day and have tried to avoid all of the NO foods as well, with slips here and there. I love this program and feel great. I lost about 14 pounds, give or take, and have about 35 left to go. Keep up the good work and stay focused on the goal!!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Well I have started week 6, and for some reason, I have been feeling down these past few days. It's been harder to be motivated about my eating and my workouts, but I have still been getting my workouts in and logging what I eat. Trying to stay committed. Yesterday, just when I was feeling pretty low, I was at my sister in-laws, and one of her friends stopped by and while she was there, she asked if I had lost weight and said I looked really good. Then this morning, my sister-in law sent me a text saying her husband's friend who also stopped by mentioned the same thing. Her text said "that's 2 people who noticed. Keep up the good work."

    The text was so well timed since my daughter slept terrible last night and I didn't get up to work out at my normal time this morning. I was going to procrastinate to a later time today, but then I got her text. I put my gear on and I went down to my basement and got Workout 6 completed. THANK YOU to my husband who helped out with the kids and went to his office a bit late this morning.

    I didn't have a big weight loss this week, and I am getting a bit bored with having to always be good with my eating. It gets so hard to stay on track. I cheat here and there. Feel guilty about cheating. All the normal dieting pitfalls. I'm sure that's why I am having a low motivational week. BUT IT IS WORTH IT!! Six weeks in, and I can see a change and others can obviously see it too. It's not quite halfway to the end of the 90 days, so I am committed to seeing how much more of a change I can make in the next 6 weeks. I am going to stick it out and get to the end and be motivated to do more when I am done.

    For those of you just starting JMBR or who are only a few weeks in, keep going! It works. You may not see the changes reflected in the scale, I can attest to that. I did weight watchers a year ago and usually lost 2 pounds a week. I think that's why I feel like I should see more weight loss on this plan. With BR, I am not seeing the success in the scale and sometimes that can be a big downer. I just try to keep reminding myself that the number on the scale is not where I really want the results. No one knows what my scale reports. I want the inches and the loss of flab. I want to look better in my clothes.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    What matters is other people are seeing your results.You are really doing great.Keep going and know hard work really will be rewarded.You look great :smile:
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Completed Workout 5 for the last time this morning. I did really great except my shoulders were dying about the cardio with the cable. I am definitely feeling stronger and hope that I am prepared to move on since workout 7 is going to be very hard. I have decided that when my 90 days is over, I am going to come back and repeat Phase 2 & 3, starting with workouts 5 & 6. I know they will still be challenging and I really like how this system changes the workouts to keep thins fresh. I am hoping that will keep me doing the workouts even after the 90 days is over.

    I have my first day coming up where I know it will be hard for me to get my Workout in. I usually have my rest day on Tuesday, but I have an event Wednesday night which I will be traveling for, and there it is unlikely that I will be able to get my workout in on Thursday. So, I am going to move right on into Workout 7 on my normal rest day; do Workout 8 on Wednesday morning before I leave, and then rest on Thursday. I'm hoping that my body can handle doing Workout 7 without a rest day. We'll see.

    Tonight, I have a dinner where I will have a couple drinks and have great food. I am going to limit my calories today and tomorrow to compensate for the overage I am sure to have tonight. I don't drink much anymore, so it helps that I only can have a couple before I feel them. :-)

    Hope everyone is doing well. Enjoy the weekend!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Workout 7: Holy Shikies!

    Just when you think you are feeling strong, Jillian slaps you in the face with the reality that you have a LONG way to go. Workout 7 is a beast. It was VERY hard. I was able to do a few of every move except the jack knife crunches and the oblique raises. I couldn't do one of the oblique raises. My core and lower back are just not strong enough. I made modifications where I could and I finished with sweat pouring off me. Hard to believe that I will be able to master this workout in only 2 weeks, but it does reassure me that after I finish the program, I can restart with Phase 2 and still be challenged.

    Thanks to all of you who have made posts about Workout 7. I am sure that I would have felt defeated if others hadn't made posts about how difficult the workout is.

    I can also take some pride in some movement in the scale this week. I lost 3.8 pounds!! I have to admit that I was surprised to since I had a 5 course dinner Sat night and a grad party on Sun. I can say that I limited my alcohol at both events, and I really watched my portion size.In some ways, I think my knowing I had these events helped, because I was very diligent about my eating all week because I wanted to splurge a bit on the weekend. I guess it really worked. This is the biggest weekly loss I have had since my Kickstart Week.

    The dinner I went to on Sat night was pretty swanky and I had to get really dressed up. Thanks to this program and all my hard work, I felt more comfortable with my body than I have in years. There was even another woman wearing the same outfit. I normally would have been self conscious that she looked better in the outfit than I, but instead I felt great.

    Well, I have made it half way through the program and it is really paying off. I can only imagine what the next 7 weeks will bring.

    Have a great day all!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Your doing great :happy: .It gives me hope I can finish this program.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Workout 8:

    Just finished workout 8 and it was such a relief to be able to accomplish the moves. After yesterday's workout 7, I was feeling like I wasn't going to be able to complete the next few workouts. The workout is progressively harder, so I had another day of sweat pouring off of me when I was done, but I can feel my own progression in this workout as I get stronger and am doing so much better with balance.

    I am finding my former yoga practice coming in very handy with many of the moves in this journey. It is inspiring me to maybe start back once my kids get back to school.

    I have another dinner event tonight and tomorrow, so I am taking my rest day on Thursday. I hope to make some good eating choices while there, but have also given myself the ability to enjoy myself and not worry too much about it. I am half way and accomplished so much. I deserve some celebration. I will post again on Friday when I try to tame the beast of workout 7 again. I plan to have my DVD player remote handy this time, so I can pause if I need a chance to catch up or do a couple extra reps due to modifications.

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    Really great job! Though this is structured program, it's also about how you manage a healthy lifestyle with real life. The key is to make "plans" for those special events and then it becomes less of an issue. I did this in phase 1 and lost almost 16 lbs. In phase 2, I allowed some events and other things to derail me and sort of fell off for 2 weeks. I know, for me, the key is to plan around those events, make choices and then move on. You're doing all of those things with keeping your eating clean in preparation for some dinner events and moving your rest day to accommodate your workouts.

    I'm totally with you on the weight loss piece. When you have been on other "plans" and see these larger differences on the scale, it can be discouraging. What I continue to "ask" myself is what do I want to look like? Do I want to be lighter, but not much fitter and soft (which many individuals I've met who've lost weight at Weight Watchers...those who don't exercise or only walk)? Or do I want to be fit, tone and smaller? My goal is the latter. Weight means nothing when you fit in smaller clothes...or when you have less "jiggle". BUT...it's a tough mind game...working so hard and not seeing a numeric change on the scale.

    Keep up the good work!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    WOW your on workout 8.That's great.I'm trying hard to get there like you.Keep up the good work :happy:
  • kazala
    kazala Posts: 115 Member
    No one knows what my scale reports. I want the inches and the loss of flab. I want to look better in my clothes.

    Love this!
    Well done, am enjoying following your progress. Im not doing BR but am considering it as my next goal :)
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Well I am officially halfway through the program!! Tomorrow will be day 48, and I know that the work is paying off. BUT...

    I had an event Wednesday night that I allowed my self to splurge at. This splurge day has now cascaded into 5 splurge days. There are many reasons why, but fundamentally, it came down to being too unstructured. I know that these days of poor eating, I will probably have lost the gains I made last week. What a bummer.

    The good news is that I haven't allowed the splurge days to derail my workouts. I have been getting them all in. Workout 7 was still crazy hard. Circuit one is just more shoulders/abs than I can do. The rest of the workout is doable. Workout 8 was great. Hard but just right for my body.

    I am thinking about doing another kickstart (eating) week this week. I need to get the processed carbs out of my system. I think I really need the kick.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    That's great.Half way through the whole program.Your doing really good.I hope I can finish this program.