APRRAE's Progress : Body Revolution Started on May 2nd



  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    I'm about to start body rev on monday and i'm so glad i saw this! congrats! i hope i have as good success and lose a dress size! lol
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Today is my rest day and my weigh in day...the week of poor eating choices resulted in a 3 pound gain. It took away nearly the entire loss I had the previous week. It just goes to show you that your eating is just as important as the workouts. The next few weeks are going to be challenging on the eating front, and I really have to put my goals at the front of my mind.

    I am still down 13 pounds and I am trying to not let this one bad eating week derail my progress. I have not missed a workout and I remain committed to insuring that the workouts are a top priority in my day. I have a new goal to shoot for since my family has planned a beach trip for the week I finish my body revolution program. I would really like the trip to be the first on in years that I haven't felt self conscious about my body in a swim suit. I already feel good after all the changes I've seen so far.

    The big lessons from this week:
    * Make sure you plan your meals so you don't graze.
    * Make sure you have good food choices always accessible.
    * Watching mindless TV makes me want to snack. Turn it off and do something outside.
    * Don't let you success get you complacent.
    * Keep pushing through Workout 7 & 8 and Cardio 2, you will get better at them.

    On to week 8...goals for this week:
    * Good eating choices : Go back to Jillian's NEVER food list
    * Add some walking in the evenings
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Thanks for reminding me not to get complacent, I always feel like I am cruising along and next thing you know I am flat on my face lol. Let's just keep picking ourselves up, right? You are doing great, congrats on sticking with it!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Your doing really good too :happy: You both are :happy: I'm trying to keep up with you all.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Thanks for the support ladies! I had a good day yesterday, and have already gotten my workout in today.

    Week 8 begins today.

    Workout 7 is a bit easier the third time, but I still have to do a bunch of modifications. The 1st circuit is impossible for me to complete without modifications. I am starting to get worried about Workout 9 since I will not have mastered Workout 7 before moving to week 9. I will keep plugging away, but have decided that if Workout 9 is worse than 7, I may just stay on 7 for another week. It's my workout - I can change the schedule if I want to.

    I found out yesterday that my uncle passed away. We were not close, but I will be traveling for his memorial service on Thursday evening, Friday and into Saturday. I should be able to get my workout in while there, but I am a bit nervous about my how I am going to manage my eating. You know how food is at funerals. Lots of casseroles and heavy food. I don't think there will be any healthy food choices anywhere I go. I will bring some food with me, but keeping things cold will be a challenge. I will do my best, and I can always have a few meal bars handy for when I am desperate.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 50

    I realized this afternoon that I am only 1 week away from ending Phase 2. It surprised me because I am still struggling with Workout 7, circuit 1. I feel like I should be doing it longer. Phase 2 flew by. Summer does that to you I think. I can't believe that I will be taking my measurements for my Phase 2 results on Tuesday. The realization should hopefully push me to have some real success this week on both my workout and eating targets.

    My family has scheduled a beach vacation for the end of July, that will coincide with the completion of my 90 days. It will be a wonderful way to celebrate my commitment to the program. I would love to lose another 10 pounds in these next 6 weeks. I know it is accomplishable since 2 pounds a week is 12 pounds, but it will take some real dedication to clean out any garbage from my diet.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 53

    Well, I completed Workout 7 this afternoon for what should be the last time in the program. I say should be, because I may come back to workout 7 if Workout 9 is too difficult. I still can't complete the entire 1st circuit without modifying the final set of crab pushups/walking planks/plank ups. I will preview Workout 9 over the next few days, and if it looks too difficult I may do another week of workout 7. We'll see.

    The good news is that the rest of the circuits are still very difficult, but I feel like I can move on.

    I had to make an unexpected trip out of town on Thurs/Friday and had to complete my workout at my uncle's house. I was able to get a decent workout in, but I was on the second floor of his house and I felt like I was shaking the house down. At home I do my workout in our finished basement, so I can jump and pound the floor without any concerns. I was so self conscious about how much I was rattling the windows, doors and floors. So glad I only had to do it for one day.
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm just a week behind you. After reading everyone's posts about the difficulty of 9 I am wondering if I may go back to 7 & 8 for awhile too. Keep up the awesome work!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Your doing really good :happy: .I hope I can get that far.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 55:

    I completed Cardio 2 for the last time this morning. I am ready to move on to Phase 3 after my day of rest. Pretty amazing that I have had the dedication to stick with the program for 55 days!

    I weigh in on my rest day, so I will try to also do some end of Phase 2 pics and measurements tomorrow as well. I can see the changes in my body, so hopefully you will be able to see them as well.

    I previewed Workout 9 this morning, and I am very worried that I won't be able to complete it most of the moves. I am going to give it the old college try and if I don't feel I am getting the workout that I want, I will do 7 for another week. Everyone on the video looks like they are struggling, so I won't feel bad at all about modifying and just doing my best.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 56 : End of Phase 2 Results

    Starting Measurements:
    Weight: 189
    Waist: 37
    Hips: 43
    Bust: 43
    Thigh: 26
    Dress Size: 14
    %Body Fat: 37

    End of Phase 1 Measurements:
    Weight: 176.8
    Waist: 34.5
    Hips: 41.5
    Bust: 39
    Arm: 12.3
    Thigh: 25
    Dress Size: 12
    % Body Fat: 36.5

    End of Phase 2 Measurements:
    Weight: 171.8
    Waist: 33.5
    Hips: 40
    Bust: 38.5
    Arm: 12
    Thigh: 24.5
    Dress Size: 12 getting close to a 10
    % Body Fat: 35.5

    Total Difference:
    Weight: 17.2 pounds
    Waist: 3.5 inches
    Hips: 3 inches
    Bust: 4.5 inches
    Arm: .3 inches
    Thigh: 1.5 inch
    Dress Size: 1.5 dress sizes
    % Body Fat: 1.5%

    So that is a bit over 17 pounds and 12.8 inches in 8 weeks.

    I won't be able to get my progress photos taken today, but I will try to complete them in the net day or so.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Wow that's some amazing progress, look at all those inches gone!
    You should feel so proud, you are 2/3 of the way through!!!!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Ok , here are my Phase 1 to Phase 2 comparison Photos. I sure wish I could compare to a beginning photo, because it is really hard to see much of a change. I know the changes are there because of my inches and weight results, but I would have thought I'd see more of a difference in these pictures.

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 57 : Start of Week 9 and Phase 3

    So today is my official start day for Phase 3 and week 9. I completed all of my measurements yesterday, and I continue to be very happy with the results I am getting. When I posted my pictures this morning, I have to admit that I find it hard to see the results, but my measurements and weight loss tell the real story. At age 43 and a number of years not exercising, I am not expecting a rock hard body in only 2 months. I know I am getting stronger, leaner and more energetic. I am only working out 30 minutes a day and adding some walking. The program is working for me because I can easily dedicate those 30 minutes everyday. I am excited to see what Phase 3 brings.

    Workout 9:
    I completed workout 9 this morning, and I like it sooo much better than workout 7. It is hard, and I had to do some modifications, but I could complete the workout effectively. My shoulders and arms will be sore today. I would recommend previewing the workout before trying it for the first time.
  • rosarenee1
    rosarenee1 Posts: 271 Member
    Ok , here are my Phase 1 to Phase 2 comparison Photos. I sure wish I could compare to a beginning photo, because it is really hard to see much of a change. I know the changes are there because of my inches and weight results, but I would have thought I'd see more of a difference in these pictures.

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2

    Phase 1 ******************* Phase 2

    I can definitely tell a difference! Especially your arms! Congrats! Good luck during the last phase!
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Workout 57:

    Workout 10 completed. It was hard, but just like with Workout 9, I found it better than expected. More balancing moves that I am sure my past yoga experience help. If you are getting frustrated and concerned on Workouts 7 & 8, keep plugging away, you'll like 9 & 10 better.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    JMBR Day 58:

    I did Cardio 3 today and Wow! It totally kicked my *kitten*. Very tough. You are either jumping or in plank the entire workout. I did it though, and I burned some major calories. Just like Cardio 2, most of the moves, you have seen before, but I wish I had previewed the workout so the transitions would be easier.

    I had a bad last couple of days when it comes to eating. Yesterday was so bad, I didn't even track. Looking back over this journey, I seem to have my bad days after I weigh in. Not sure why that happens. This week, I think it was the comparison photos. I thought I would be able to see more of a change. Well, bad days are a normal part of the process...I just need to make sure they don't become bad weeks or bad months.

    The good news is that I still haven't missed a workout, and I am already planning how my workouts will continue over the next week when I will be traveling to visit my parents. I can say that I have made these workouts a priority and I am doing everything I can to make sure they happen everyday.

    Hope you all are doing well.
  • aprrae
    aprrae Posts: 172 Member
    Just a quick update that I am more sore today than I have been throughout this entire program. Cardio 3 really is one heck of a workout.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    WOW.Your doing really great.I hope I can get to where you are now.I'm going to try the best I can.
  • lchapoton
    lchapoton Posts: 14 Member
    You look awesome! Congrats on the loss!