Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok Folks, I am at near reset (2900) but on days that were bad at work patient wise, how the hell do I eat that much? I walked 3.3 miles or near 5Km at work today. And that'd be on top of my regular TDEE.

    I'd have to eat every hour, and today I barely net my cals. (wine is helping ROFLMAO)

    Any other nurses or folks trying to eat 3K in calls?

    I can't make a big calorie day unless I eat a huge breakfast. In fact I have two breakfasts (I think hobbits were on to something!)
    I never use to be able to eat in the morning. I am pretty busy during the day and often wont get time to eat again until the evening.
    So I get up early I have brown rice almost everyday as I can't eat anything with gluten in it. I will nuke a huge bowl in the microwave (takes 30 minutes) and its lasts about 3 days. So I weight out my rice and then cook a few eggs/chicken whatever, nuke some frozen veggies (3 minutes) or cut up some raw cabbage and spinach as a salady thing. It doesnt take very long. Then I get ready and before I head out the door I will often down a banana and rice milk smoothie. All together that adds up to about 1000 - 1200 calories.
    Bananas are awesome for getting your calories up and are a great run around snack during the day.
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!
  • curiousheathy
    Posted as an individual topic, but I am posting it here as well:

    Hey everyone! I have a quick question in regards to going up to my TDEE!

    My plan was to start going up tomorrow while on vacation. However, being on vacation means that I will most likely not be AS active as I usually am. (I put myself at strenuous before [I exercise 6+ hours a week], so now I think I'll be light/ morodate).

    However, upon returning in TWO weeks (that's the big thing, I'll be gone for two full weeks), I will return to my exercise schedule.

    I do plan on doing at least half an hour of casual walking a day. Some days it will be more like three hours of walking (theme park stuff) and other days will be swimming (1 hour at a time).

    I look at it and think to myself it could potentially total up to 6+ hours.. but it isn't really strenuous. At least with my 6+ hours now, I'm lifting, I'm doing HIIT training, regular cardio.. you know, things that make me FEEL like I worked out.

    So I guess the question is:

    Should I just eat at my normal TDEE which is 2546

    Or should I drop down to a moderate or light exercise TDEE, which for me would be: 2288 / 2029

    Please let me know!!

    Thanks everyone!!!
  • Mc_Queen
    Mc_Queen Posts: 48 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    I feel the same way! Terrified but hoping it will work...
  • cca1229
    cca1229 Posts: 23 Member
    Age: 57
    Weight: 180
    Goal: 150
    Height 5-6"
    I recently found this group after getting the MFP app for my phone. It was as though a light bulb went off in my head and all that I had been in resistance to all my life finally made sense. I've dieted off and on in my life but not like some people have, so mostly I've stayed overweight most of my adult life. Weight Watchers was my primary diet vehicle but of course still restrictive. I started that 2 months ago while doing 3-5 hours of cardio and light lifting and during those 2 months I did not lose any weight. But was beginning to feel better from the movement.

    I first found the group and started upping my calories 2 weeks ago. Can't say enough about how good I feel, Also at that time I backed off on the cardio and began lifting heavier. The amount of calories was a little daunting at first but I'm getting there. I actually woke up hungry this morning which for someone who has never had any food before noon is pretty amazing.

    I'm in this for the long haul but what I notice for myself is there doesn't seem to be alot of women in my age group and I want to do this right. Does age play a factor?? My TDEE is 2284 and this is day 2 for me. I'm going for building more muscle so I will begin NWFW next week. But currently I am lifting heavier.

    If anyone has any input I'm totally open!
  • Kandyhar
    Kandyhar Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone! I know this is me and I have done the starvation then the binge thing and my weight has skyrocketed.

    Can someone please tell me or start an Eat More to Weigh Less board for beginners? Most of the comments on here use a whole bunch of acronyms that I have no idea what they mean... I work in the military so I deal with acronyms all day and just want to ask you who are professionals in this:
    -How do I determine my calorie goal? (MFP has it set to 1200 which I know can't be right)
    -How do I determine my macros? (carbs, protein, fat)

    29 years old
    CW: 178 pounds/ size 12
    GW: 130 pounds or a size 6

    Thank you in advance and feel free to add me!
  • cca1229
    cca1229 Posts: 23 Member
    I understand where you are ,I had to do a lot of reading to get there. I've seen others posted but I've also read that this one is the easiest to follow and I would have to agree after looking at all of the others. As I've also read don't underestimate your activity. Unless you are doing massive amounts of exercise most I believe fall into the moderate category even with a desk job and exercise.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Hi everyone! I know this is me and I have done the starvation then the binge thing and my weight has skyrocketed.

    Can someone please tell me or start an Eat More to Weigh Less board for beginners? Most of the comments on here use a whole bunch of acronyms that I have no idea what they mean... I work in the military so I deal with acronyms all day and just want to ask you who are professionals in this:
    -How do I determine my calorie goal? (MFP has it set to 1200 which I know can't be right)
    -How do I determine my macros? (carbs, protein, fat)

    29 years old
    CW: 178 pounds/ size 12
    GW: 130 pounds or a size 6

    Thank you in advance and feel free to add me!

    Please read the stickies-there is a lot of information there. It's all explained there :)
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    Day three of my reset-so far so good.
    Having a bit of a sturggle with my macros today-went over with the fats (good ones though, but still....)
    I usually plan the day ahead form the breakfast, but somehow it didn't work out today.
    At least I hit my numbers without eating junk or processed food.
    How is everybody else?
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    I feel the same way! Terrified but hoping it will work...

    Same.. still incredibly nervous, especially since Im eating 2800 cals a day, so Im freaking out that its a s#it load of food. Plus Ive struggled the last few days to get to that number because ive been so busy.. and I dont want just total crap just to get in the cals either..
    Im two days away from deciding whether to weigh myself or not.. and Im terrified if what it might show.
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    me too @rayn. I'm terrified of what scale says.. but math and science works.. so they will work somehow. we just need to see.
  • naonah
    naonah Posts: 119 Member

    I started EMTWL in mid March. I first upped my calls to 1900 for 8 weeks and decided to up it all the way to TDEE thereafter. I'm now starting my 4th week. I gained about 3 lbs with each increase (within the first week) and then stay more or less stable throughout.

    It was hard to eat so much at first, but getting the hang of it now (most of the time). Am planning on following NROLFW so maybe it won't be so bad when I have to cut 15%!
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I was SO NERVOUS to start the reset, but now that it's been a week and a half, I feel so good!
  • skbarton
    skbarton Posts: 141 Member
    Hi gang - how's the water?

    I've been dipping my toe in the increasing calories over the past several weeks (months? See my diet life detailed in the post titled "5 weeks of eating more and need feedback please" if your interested). As with others, I am a WW member who completely stalled out then gained weight following program after they changed to the new PointsPlus in November of 2010. At 50, I have been told all my life with you have to eat less and move more to lose weight. Common responses in many threads lately have been to do a reset. So, here and am and boy am I nervous!

    50 y/o, 61 inches
    CW - 152.4
    GW - 130 (or less? Won't know until I get there)
    BMR - 1280 (tested by that machine thingy at my HMO - Scooby says 1353)
    TDEE between light and moderate per my Fitbit so I'm going with 1900 with a 15% cut later to 1615

    OMG - 1900! When this works (I know - lurking in the back of our minds is IF THIS WORKS but WHEN THIS WORKS sound so much more positive), I'll consider turning the spare bedroom into a shrine to EMTWL. Plaster the walls with fad diet ads, former meal plans, etc with big red X's across them (hmmmm.... dart board?)

    So watch out - Cannon ball off the diving board!
  • dlf820
    dlf820 Posts: 20
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    I totally feel like I had the "AHA" moment!! I really felt like I was an expert on losing weight because I've been losing and gaining my whole life. Like most people I thought I was just weak and couldn't do what was necessary to be successful. Then I stumbled into this group and I feel like it was meant to be. Everything makes sense and I wonder how it never occurred to me that maybe I wasn't eating enough? Seriously, that thought NEVER crossed my mind!! I shudder at how I've been abusing my body all there years and I am so excited to have found this group and the incredible people on the same journey. I've only been here a few weeks, but I love these ladies (and men)!!!!

  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    Oh definitely! Once I seen that I am basically the same size and can wear all my same close after 3 weeks upping my calories to my cut and now one week in on my reset, I can't believe what I was doing to my poor body for years! No wonder I would gain so much weight so soon with all 3 of my pregnancies. My body was so happy to have more food that it held onto it like mad! I really tried not to gain 60lbs during my 2nd and even more so on my 3rd while still eating enough but still always gained 60, now this makes sense as to why I still gained so much. I was always able to lose the pregnancy weight fairly easy, its the other weight I could never lose. My eyes are opened!

    I am such a foodie and have felt like this was Heaven until this weekend. While I am not complaining and I love getting to eat...I was scared I would never want to cut but I will be ready. I still love it, but I am ready to not have to eat quite so much. The novelty has sort of worn off a bit. Still happy to eat, just realized eating to cut won't be as hard to do once I am there. :love:
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    I feel the same! Today is day 4 for me and I can't wait til its over to start my cut again. I've hit a plateau for way too long and I really hope this helps me break through it. Others might think its crazy, but I think it all makes sense lol. Good luck to you all :)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    Oh definitely! Once I seen that I am basically the same size and can wear all my same close after 3 weeks upping my calories to my cut and now one week in on my reset, I can't believe what I was doing to my poor body for years! No wonder I would gain so much weight so soon with all 3 of my pregnancies. My body was so happy to have more food that it held onto it like mad! I really tried not to gain 60lbs during my 2nd and even more so on my 3rd while still eating enough but still always gained 60, now this makes sense as to why I still gained so much. I was always able to lose the pregnancy weight fairly easy, its the other weight I could never lose. My eyes are opened!

    You know, this was my light bulb moment too. I realized that this was the reason why I gained 70 pounds with my first baby and about 50 with my second.
    I lost 100 pounds prior to pregnancy #1 on WW. When I got PG, I tried to stay the course, but I just couldnt do it. I didnt go crazy at all with my eating, but the weight kept piling on, no matter what. I was horrified when I gained as much as I had.
    Unfortunately I didnt get al of the weight of before I got pregnant with #2. I was about 25 pounds away from that. With #2 I did concentrate more on maintaining my weight and for the first 20 weeks I was able to stay pretty much the same weight. Then when I had to give up my step classes, and my eating didnt go horribly crazy either, I packed on the weight again. This time in LESS time that it had the first time around. I was miserabe. No only that, but I barely dropped the 7 pounds that my child weighed coming out. I lost barely 10 pounds after that pregnancy, so 6 weeks after baby, I got back on the WW bandwagon and tried again. Here I am 19 months later, and barely 22 pounds down, with 10 of that from the begining of this year when I began running.

    SO it was a huge moment to realize that no wonder I was gaining so horribly quick. It saddens me to think about it now. It pains me to think that here I thought I was doing the right thing, losing all that weight to have a healthier life, and I couldnt control the gains during pregnancy. My doctors were incredibly unsupportive and cruel to me at times, no matter what I did, it didnt matter.

    So I do want to be healthy again. I want to be able to enjoy my life and my kids without having to starve myself to do it. It still kills me right now to reset, and I know its what I definitely need, but Im a lifetime fat girl. Its incredibly hard to not freak out about this some mornings.
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Happy Monday - so today is day 4 of my reset and I am getting used to the food. And my clothes still fit :). But I continue to have some trouble reaching my macros - my carbs are always up & my protein is always under. So that will be this week's goal to have at least 100 grams of protein a day (my goal is 132).

    Oh and I wanted to share a NSV - I returned to lifting today with no pain! I injured my elbow in early May and have been off weights since then. I got cleared last week to start with light weights and figure if there isn't any pain this week then I will begin to up them slowly.

    So - what NSV did you all have this weekend?

    PS - I read this thread every morning -- you all are inspiring & motivating, so thanks!
  • techmom29
    techmom29 Posts: 103
    One week into reset. Just typical scale fluctuations. Past few days have been BUSY so by the end of the day I still have about 1/2 my calories left to eat...nom, nom, nom. I have several busy days yet this week so I am going to purpose to load up earlier in the day.