Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    Well, I'm into week 3 and just weighed myself (I do weekly weigh in) and I'm up 0.6 pounds. No inches gained or lost, so I think I'm really at my TDEE (won't have a BMF until the end of the month)! I'm trying to eat a larger breakfast to get a dent in all those calories.Yesterday was my best day macro wise so far. Well, I'm off to plan my meals and cook up some grains!
  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member

    ....anyone else struggling a bit with anxiety?
    yes....but trusting that it will work

    Thanks...for letting me know that I am not alone in feeling a bit like "hmmmm - will this really work?" but like you I am committed to seeing it through...I just look at the success stories and think "why can't I be a success story too?".
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member

    ....anyone else struggling a bit with anxiety?
    yes....but trusting that it will work

    Thanks...for letting me know that I am not alone in feeling a bit like "hmmmm - will this really work?" but like you I am committed to seeing it through...I just look at the success stories and think "why can't I be a success story too?".

    Anxiety over the process is totally normal. Every morning I get up and wonder if my pants will still fit today...and if I'll cry if they don't! :wink: But, I do want to mention that success is not only measured on the scale, inches or dress sizes at first. Success in the beginning for me was attributed to other factors. I have been successful this far because:

    1. I no longer suffer from insomnia
    2. I no longer require depression medication
    3. I am no longer suffering from exhaustion
    4. I no longer suffer from strange aches, pains, and injuries
    5. I have managed to stick with this program now for 9 weeks without fail despite having gained 5lbs so far and a few inches.
    6. My lifting is stronger and my speed is faster.
    7. I am on the path of fitness AND health.

    I cannot boast scale losses or inches lost, or that I'm down a dress size, BUT I know that my time is coming. All my other success point to that. I just have to be patient and trust in the process. :smile: I am a success story so far...and soon, I'll have even more to add to my list!
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Hey Guys, I hope through this if you haven't started lifting that you consider doing so....the toning of the muscles will be a nice bonus when you start your cut. And please don't start cut at 20%....I would start with a 10% personally and then another 5% after plateauing. If you lose too fast you lose muscle too....that is a big no no. We want to lose fat....not muscle.:smile:

    Lucia, you took the next question right out of my mouth! I am not ready to cut for another couple weeks, but I can tell my body is stabilizing at maintenance, so my thoughts are moving onto what I will do next :) I am really not eager to see the scale move, more to see some muscles emerge since I have been working so hard with the iron. I will take your advice and only do 10% at first for a couple weeks and see where that gets me. I never want to be in this situation again, so slow and easy will be the road for me from now on.

    i think I will do 10% first too.. to see if that works, if not then add 5% because I really enjoy eating more lol..
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Week one of going back to near TDEE is done!

    And..... I'm down from 267 (where I went back to when I did a 15% cut) to 265! on a post lift day! I was hoping for a bit more, but if it's sustainable, I'm sticking with it.

    I lost a total of about 3 inches from various parts.

    So...another week at 2900-3000 cals for me. I only had one day where I was very short, and I just couldn't get there (missed too many meals and snacks at work).

    So I'm going to weigh in tomorrow (to check the bloat from yesterday's post lift).

    And then put the scale away for another week. It's hard, but I think it's better for my brain.

    Hang in there people!

    Sooooo happy for you A!!!! It is so nice to see things finally working!! I hope my results are just as good tomorrow:)
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Hey Guys, I hope through this if you haven't started lifting that you consider doing so....the toning of the muscles will be a nice bonus when you start your cut. And please don't start cut at 20%....I would start with a 10% personally and then another 5% after plateauing. If you lose too fast you lose muscle too....that is a big no no. We want to lose fat....not muscle.:smile:

    Lucia, you took the next question right out of my mouth! I am not ready to cut for another couple weeks, but I can tell my body is stabilizing at maintenance, so my thoughts are moving onto what I will do next :) I am really not eager to see the scale move, more to see some muscles emerge since I have been working so hard with the iron. I will take your advice and only do 10% at first for a couple weeks and see where that gets me. I never want to be in this situation again, so slow and easy will be the road for me from now on.

    i think I will do 10% first too.. to see if that works, if not then add 5% because I really enjoy eating more lol..

    Haha same here.. I'm only on day 6 of the reset, but when it's all done and over with, I'm going with a 10% cut and work my way slowly.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Hi guys, I need some advice:

    I think I'm on Day #8 of eating at maintenance... I had thought of quitting this method until Sunday... when I FINALLY got my period again (after not having it since January). I'm also not feeling cold anymore, so those things are good. But now that I've gotten my period again, can I cut to TDFEE -15%?

    The reason I'm asking is I think I'm gaining way too fast compared to others doing this. I weighed this morning and I'm up 6.6# since just last Thursday (5/31/12). My waist is up 2.5" and my thigh up 1" since about 5/28/12 (dates are approximate since I don't have my calendar with me). My clothes are so tight that I'm having to take clothes out of the bag I of clothes I was planning to donate (which had gotten too big for me).

    I'm also adding cardio back in... I ordered "Insanity" 20-min workouts which I hope to do 2-3x a week, though in the beginning I might only be able to handle once a week, on top of the Stronglifts 5x5 program which I've been doing for about 4 weeks.

    I emailed Lucia for some advice too but I'm sure she's super busy so I'm reaching out to the group.

  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Hi guys, I need some advice:

    I think I'm on Day #8 of eating at maintenance... I had thought of quitting this method until Sunday... when I FINALLY got my period again (after not having it since January). I'm also not feeling cold anymore, so those things are good. But now that I've gotten my period again, can I cut to TDFEE -15%?

    The reason I'm asking is I think I'm gaining way too fast compared to others doing this. I weighed this morning and I'm up 6.6# since just last Thursday (5/31/12). My waist is up 2.5" and my thigh up 1" since about 5/28/12 (dates are approximate since I don't have my calendar with me). My clothes are so tight that I'm having to take clothes out of the bag I of clothes I was planning to donate (which had gotten too big for me).

    I'm also adding cardio back in... I ordered "Insanity" 20-min workouts which I hope to do 2-3x a week, though in the beginning I might only be able to handle once a week, on top of the Stronglifts 5x5 program which I've been doing for about 4 weeks.

    I emailed Lucia for some advice too but I'm sure she's super busy so I'm reaching out to the group.


    A couple of things: the fact that you have your menstrual cycle back is definitely a good sign. However, (and I have a feeling Lucia will tell you this too...) keep the cardio to a minimum...don't scale it up too much. Lift 3-4 times a week and do 1 - 2 days of light cardio for the best mix.

    Also, fast weight gains are not unheard of (and inches up tend to come with the water retention) I believe I saw it posted just the other day that another member gained 10lbs overnight! If your body was in such bad shape as to lose your cycle, then it's going to likely bounce hard on the repair. Much of what you saw in that gain is water retention as your body is trying to heal various parts of it's system. Some of that water will come off, and some of the weight may stick around for a while during the reset, or you may gain a bit more depending on how your body responds before it levels out. Your body needs this fuel and based on the two NSV's you listed at the top of your message, I'd strongly encourage you to keep eating at tdee for the full 8 weeks and do NOT increase your cardio too much except if you want to add 1 - 2 LIGHT cardio days on top of your lifting (which you should keep doing). If you start working your body too hard again too soon, you are only going to slow down your reset/repair, or do further damage at this point. The best time to add that cardio in is when you start your cut...but even then you have to balance it so it plays nicely with your lifting. :smile:

    You should find that these first couple weeks are the worst for the weight gain and it should start to slow down in how fast you gain (you may still gain a little each week though until it stabilizes towards the end). Of course, some stabilize and start to lose a few inches during reset too!

    I'm sure Lucia will also respond to you as well, but hopefully that gives you something to chew on in the meantime.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I upped my calories to 15% cut value 7weeks ago. Thus far I have seen no progress only a gain of 6lbs. I currently weight more than I did when I started MFP over 1yr ago. As of this morning I was ready to throw in the towel and drop my calories back down (which is 1420 on non workout days....all other days are between 1800-2000 with exercise calories). I know I should be doing a reset BUT this is the worst possible time of year....bikini season. I can not bare the thought of gaining more weight. My clothes are tight and my belly is flabby.
    I'm super confused and need the motivation of this group, even if I don't go to TDEE yet. I love hearing how everyone is making out!!!!


    I have mostly maintained my weight for the last 2 weeks, but since I have kept my activity up, my clothes are actually fitting better. A reset doesn't have to equate to a gain, and I am all about the long-term benefit.

    Have you taken measurements?
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    So I have been reading this post every day and seeing that many of you have experienced feeling stronger during your workouts - and I was thinking wow that must be great - wonder why I am not feeling the same boost....

    Well today I did! I re-started the C25K program and during the running parts I was hitting 6.0 on the treadmill which is way fast for me - before I would slug along at around 5 - 5.5 and be wheezing at the end....but today I felt great!

    And also included a lifting session for legs....

    I haven't stepped on the scale since last Friday...and am doing okay with keeping off of it. Just going by how my clothes fit. I might have to buy a couple pairs of shorts/jeans to make it through this month but I am okay with that. I think I am just in-between sizes and hate squeezing myself into things.

    But I missed hitting my TDEE by 200 calories yesterday....dangit! At least I hit my cut level....

    I feel good but man I am hoping this works.....anyone else struggling a bit with anxiety?

    This made me so excited to get back into C25k, which I have been avoiding lately. Thanks! :drinker:
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Hi guys, I need some advice:

    I think I'm on Day #8 of eating at maintenance... I had thought of quitting this method until Sunday... when I FINALLY got my period again (after not having it since January). I'm also not feeling cold anymore, so those things are good. But now that I've gotten my period again, can I cut to TDFEE -15%?

    The reason I'm asking is I think I'm gaining way too fast compared to others doing this. I weighed this morning and I'm up 6.6# since just last Thursday (5/31/12). My waist is up 2.5" and my thigh up 1" since about 5/28/12 (dates are approximate since I don't have my calendar with me). My clothes are so tight that I'm having to take clothes out of the bag I of clothes I was planning to donate (which had gotten too big for me).

    I'm also adding cardio back in... I ordered "Insanity" 20-min workouts which I hope to do 2-3x a week, though in the beginning I might only be able to handle once a week, on top of the Stronglifts 5x5 program which I've been doing for about 4 weeks.

    I emailed Lucia for some advice too but I'm sure she's super busy so I'm reaching out to the group.


    A couple of things: the fact that you have your menstrual cycle back is definitely a good sign. However, (and I have a feeling Lucia will tell you this too...) keep the cardio to a minimum...don't scale it up too much. Lift 3-4 times a week and do 1 - 2 days of light cardio for the best mix.

    Also, fast weight gains are not unheard of (and inches up tend to come with the water retention) I believe I saw it posted just the other day that another member gained 10lbs overnight! If your body was in such bad shape as to lose your cycle, then it's going to likely bounce hard on the repair. Much of what you saw in that gain is water retention as your body is trying to heal various parts of it's system. Some of that water will come off, and some of the weight may stick around for a while during the reset, or you may gain a bit more depending on how your body responds before it levels out. Your body needs this fuel and based on the two NSV's you listed at the top of your message, I'd strongly encourage you to keep eating at tdee for the full 8 weeks and do NOT increase your cardio too much except if you want to add 1 - 2 LIGHT cardio days on top of your lifting (which you should keep doing). If you start working your body too hard again too soon, you are only going to slow down your reset/repair, or do further damage at this point. The best time to add that cardio in is when you start your cut...but even then you have to balance it so it plays nicely with your lifting. :smile:

    You should find that these first couple weeks are the worst for the weight gain and it should start to slow down in how fast you gain (you may still gain a little each week though until it stabilizes towards the end).

    I'm sure Lucia will also respond to you as well, but hopefully that gives you something to chew on in the meantime.

    Thanks for the quick reply. How would you define "light" cardio? The DVD I ordered is just a 20-min workout. I just find that I miss it and I felt more fit when I was doing more of it. I don't feel fit or strong right now, just fat. the 6.6# gain was just since last Thursday. If I include the gain since 5/12, I'm actually up 16.4lbs!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member

    Thanks for the quick reply. How would you define "light" cardio? The DVD I ordered is just a 20-min workout. I just find that I miss it and I felt more fit when I was doing more of it. I don't feel fit or strong right now, just fat. the 6.6# gain was just since last Thursday. If I include the gain since 5/12, I'm actually up 16.4lbs!

    I haven't done any of the insanity workouts but I hear they are very intense? Are the ones you ordered a lighter version of the normal ones? If so, then they should be fine. If they are the super intense ones and your burns are extremely high then find something that keeps your burns to a more moderate level (around the 300 cal burn mark or so?) You can certainly up the intensity afterwards to tailor a workout program that you prefer but for now we want to make sure we aren't destroying the muscle you are trying to put on with the lifting by having huge burns that tax the system.

    In regards to the weight, 10lbs from before and an additional 6 now is not unheard of, but I'd like to check your numbers and your diary a bit to see where we stand. Can you give me your stats? And the hours of exercise you do? Can you also open your diary?
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member

    Thanks for the quick reply. How would you define "light" cardio? The DVD I ordered is just a 20-min workout. I just find that I miss it and I felt more fit when I was doing more of it. I don't feel fit or strong right now, just fat. the 6.6# gain was just since last Thursday. If I include the gain since 5/12, I'm actually up 16.4lbs!

    I haven't done any of the insanity workouts but I hear they are very intense? Are the ones you ordered a lighter version of the normal ones? If so, then they should be fine. If they are the super intense ones and your burns are extremely high then find something that keeps your burns to a more moderate level (around the 300 cal burn mark or so?) You can certainly up the intensity afterwards to tailor a workout program that you prefer but for now we want to make sure we aren't destroying the muscle you are trying to put on with the lifting by having huge burns that tax the system.

    In regards to the weight, 10lbs from before and an additional 6 now is not unheard of, but I'd like to check your numbers and your diary a bit to see where we stand. Can you give me your stats? And the hours of exercise you do? Can you also open your diary?

    I'll try the workout when I have my BodyMedia Fit fully charged and ready to use so I can have a more accurate cal count of what I burned (I don't typically burn much in any workout anymore). Before I started SL 5x5, I was doing ~35 mins of kettlebell workouts 3x/week, and per my HRM burned anywhere from 175-220 on average. I wore a HRM on my first day of SL 5x5 and only burned 70 cals, but I didn't expect to burn much considering it's anaerobic exercise.

    My diary is open to friends so I'll send you a friend request. I pre-logged some of today's food so I haven't had lunch or afternoon snack yet.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I'll try the workout when I have my BodyMedia Fit fully charged and ready to use so I can have a more accurate cal count of what I burned (I don't typically burn much in any workout anymore). Before I started SL 5x5, I was doing ~35 mins of kettlebell workouts 3x/week, and per my HRM burned anywhere from 175-220 on average. I wore a HRM on my first day of SL 5x5 and only burned 70 cals, but I didn't expect to burn much considering it's anaerobic exercise.

    My diary is open to friends so I'll send you a friend request. I pre-logged some of today's food so I haven't had lunch or afternoon snack yet.

    Your diary looks pretty good. You tend to keep your sodium low and you hit your proteins and carbs most days pretty close. Keep trying to get those more regularly right on target, but your diary is overall low on packaged foods and good on variety. There was a day there where it looked like you skipped a meal careful of doing that...even if you get all your cals in, try to eat regularly.

    Let's just double check your numbers to make sure they are looking good too...what are your stats? age, height, weight? How many HOURS per day do you exercise? Are you on your feet a lot in the day or do you tend to sit when you aren't working out? (the last question just gives me a better view of whether you might be on the low end or high end of an activity scale...)
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I'll try the workout when I have my BodyMedia Fit fully charged and ready to use so I can have a more accurate cal count of what I burned (I don't typically burn much in any workout anymore). Before I started SL 5x5, I was doing ~35 mins of kettlebell workouts 3x/week, and per my HRM burned anywhere from 175-220 on average. I wore a HRM on my first day of SL 5x5 and only burned 70 cals, but I didn't expect to burn much considering it's anaerobic exercise.

    My diary is open to friends so I'll send you a friend request. I pre-logged some of today's food so I haven't had lunch or afternoon snack yet.

    Your diary looks pretty good. You tend to keep your sodium low and you hit your proteins and carbs most days pretty close. Keep trying to get those more regularly right on target, but your diary is overall low on packaged foods and good on variety. There was a day there where it looked like you skipped a meal careful of doing that...even if you get all your cals in, try to eat regularly.

    Let's just double check your numbers to make sure they are looking good too...what are your stats? age, height, weight? How many HOURS per day do you exercise? Are you on your feet a lot in the day or do you tend to sit when you aren't working out? (the last question just gives me a better view of whether you might be on the low end or high end of an activity scale...)

    Thanks. Here are my stats:

    Ht: 65"
    Wt: 188.8 (as of today, still on my period)
    Age: 39
    Exercise: Doing Stronglifts 5x5 3 days a week (today will be Day 2 of Week 4 of the 12-week program), that's it. One workout typically lasts about 30-40 mins including about 90 seconds of rest in between sets. The more experienced Stronglifts followers say the length of the workout will increase as the weights get heavier.

    I have a mostly desk job, and on Saturdays I run all my errands/grocery shopping, etc. I do the 5x5 workout on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Ok, so it looks like you should have these stats:

    BMR: 1589
    TDEE: 2185

    Is that what you are eating? If it is, then continue to do so...I have set you at light activity and it allows room for a couple of cardio activities if you wish to add them to your strong lifts. (just remember to keep the burn average). Does this sound good to you?
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Ok, so it looks like you should have these stats:

    BMR: 1589
    TDEE: 2185

    Is that what you are eating? If it is, then continue to do so...I have set you at light activity and it allows room for a couple of cardio activities if you wish to add them to your strong lifts. (just remember to keep the burn average). Does this sound good to you?

    I started with 2100 based on a 7-day average of BodyMedia Fit data, but then lowered just a little to 2067 based on the scoobysite calcs.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I started with 2100 based on a 7-day average of BodyMedia Fit data, but then lowered just a little to 2067 based on the scoobysite calcs.

    I would go by your BMF. It's more accurate since it's specific to you. Remember it's actually better to be over than under in a reset.
  • Daphnemomof9
    Daphnemomof9 Posts: 130 Member
    I started my reset 5/28. I use a fitbit and averaged the last 3 weeks to find my TDEE and it was around 3000. I was burning a lot more calories than I thought I could eat back so I decided to reduce my exercise level and set my TDEE at 2550. In doing that my biggest burns have been mowing our huge lawn, which I might be able to stop doing by walk behind, therefore reducing my activity level. Well, after averaging last weeks activity level, my TDEE was more like 2650 with just some added dog walks. I would really like to work out more than that, so I'm playing around with where my TDEE will end up. ` I'm at a place now that eating so much isn't as hard, well actually, I got a little hungry yesterday.

    My BMR: 1572
    SW: 226
    CW: 191
    GW: 165
    How long do I plant to reset? I think 8 weeks, I really want this to solidify
    Describe your reasons for doing a metabolism reset: I waited to start weight loss until I figured out how I was going to keep it off. When I started MFP, I could see that it would make it a lot easier to track everything and be successful. Eating More to Weigh Less is closer to my goals of maintaining the weight loss successfully when all is said and done
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    I started with 2100 based on a 7-day average of BodyMedia Fit data, but then lowered just a little to 2067 based on the scoobysite calcs.

    I would go by your BMF. It's more accurate since it's specific to you. Remember it's actually better to be over than under in a reset.

    Yes, go by the BMF data - it is more accurate. HOWEVER...if you add in that cardio then your average will be a little higher so get a week's worth of data after (and if) you start adding in the cardio and recalculate that average. Then, make sure you try to just keep that activity plan in place as much as possible for the duration of your reset...too many changes in your calorie goal during your reset aren't particularly helpful. :)