Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Can someone explain why we're supposed to limit cardio? I love cardio.

    I think its just a suggestion so you don't have to end up eating a ton of calories back to reach your BMR.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Can someone explain why we're supposed to limit cardio? I love cardio.

    I think that is for the people that have overdone the cardio and eating too little <raises hand>
    Your body is stressed from being overworked and underfed and this reset period should be lower stress. We want to convince the body it is getting fed.
    I have read Lucia and Kiki say that too much cardio is counterproductive during a reset.
    I still do some, just not to the extent I did before.
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    Just wanted to jump in here and let you all know I am four weeks into my reset today! Yay! Halfway there, just decided today I will do 8 weeks. I was waffling before, but I think my body is getting used to this and I want to do it right if I am going to go through it!!!
    So my thoughts so far?
    Food is good.
    I love lifting weights.
    I don't miss the hours and hours I spent on cardio.
    Overall, I feel amazing.
    Yes, so far I have gained the freshman five, but I am okay with that. I am rebuilding my body from the foundation up and it just makes me feel so good that I am doing this. :love:
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Just wanted to jump in here and let you all know I am four weeks into my reset today! Yay! Halfway there, just decided today I will do 8 weeks. I was waffling before, but I think my body is getting used to this and I want to do it right if I am going to go through it!!!
    So my thoughts so far?
    Food is good.
    I love lifting weights.
    I don't miss the hours and hours I spent on cardio.
    Overall, I feel amazing.
    Yes, so far I have gained the freshman five, but I am okay with that. I am rebuilding my body from the foundation up and it just makes me feel so good that I am doing this. :love:

    ME TOO! I decided to finish 8 weeks. First 3 weeks was unintentionally doing reset (was measuring with cups most of times without realizing I was over doing it and I was licking, biting and tasting things. so I was eating way more than my TDEE-15% Last week I offically did reset plus 3 weeks.. today is 4 weeks and day of reset. I am excited to finish this in 4 weeks. I can see how this will help me. I mean my body need to trust me again then wheN i do the cut (my body will say OH, ok let's lose some fat LOL) I hope so. How many % are you planning on doing? I am thuinking about doing 10% first and add 5% if needed.

    I love lifting weights too! I limit cardio to 3x a week (most of times intense 30 minutes of cardio (hiit, etc). :love:
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    My goal is 4 45ish-minute workouts a week - I do a lot of Firm dvds (cardio + strength) and C25k. Too much? I have never been one to over-exercise, but I have gotten into the habit of it in recent years and I don't want to lapse.
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    Check in:

    I started the repair/reset a week and a half ago. As I said before, I ate between 1100-1300 for a couple of months then I started the EMTWL mentality and upped to 1400 for a wk, then decided to do reset and eat at tdee.1700.

    I haven't gained or lost weight so far, I have been coasting at the usual 120-121lbs (depending on water and leftover food on my stomach from previous night).

    So now, I'm just concerned if I have the right numbers for my TDEE. I have been using the "light exercise" for calculating it.

    I only started working out about a month ago I think, and only go to to the gym a few times a week. Although the last couple of weeks, I feel I'm more active than I was before. Even if I don't go to the gym, I may still be busy with cleaning, gardening and recently trying to do some workout at home if I cant make it to the gym.

    I don't feel it warrants moderate exercise though but I was expecting some gain from eating at tdee and 1.5 wks later, nothing.
    Should I be concerned or just keep at 1700 for the remainder or the "reset/repair"?

    Wish I had a bodymedia/bodybugg to see what I am really burning but all I have is a hrm. =(
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I know I've probably said this before, but I just feel so FREE and amazing right now! I've been upping cals for about a month, but only 1 week into reset as of tomorrow.
  • Noor13
    Noor13 Posts: 964 Member
    I know I've probably said this before, but I just feel so FREE and amazing right now! I've been upping cals for about a month, but only 1 week into reset as of tomorrow.
    Finishing my first week of reset tomorrow too :)
    So far so good. I feel really good and have lots of energy
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    I know I've probably said this before, but I just feel so FREE and amazing right now! I've been upping cals for about a month, but only 1 week into reset as of tomorrow.
    Finishing my first week of reset tomorrow too :)
    So far so good. I feel really good and have lots of energy

    Same here! And I feel like everything in my body is working better. My digestive track, skin, sleep, etc.
  • ANeWcRe8N
    ANeWcRe8N Posts: 1,180 Member
    Day 7 of the reset for me and when I weighed in this morning I had a .2 loss :smile: I know that is not a lot, but it's exciting for me because I have seen the same numbers on that scale for several months now and seeing it go a little bit lower gave me hope that this reset is what I really need. Can't wait to see what week 2 brings me :bigsmile:
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Day 7 of the reset for me and when I weighed in this morning I had a .2 loss :smile: I know that is not a lot, but it's exciting for me because I have seen the same numbers on that scale for several months now and seeing it go a little bit lower gave me hope that this reset is what I really need. Can't wait to see what week 2 brings me :bigsmile:

    I know the feeling exactly! I lost a half pound the first week. It's a great feeling!
  • SweatpantsRebellion
    SweatpantsRebellion Posts: 754 Member
    Bah - the past two days have been rough. Yesterday I had a "not hungry" sort of day. I didn't make it all the way to TDEE - I was a couple of hundred short. Today I'm struggling also. It's nearly 7:30 and I still have 600 calories to go. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out if I forgot to add stuff because I just feel full!
  • terrigrace
    terrigrace Posts: 199 Member
    I promise you, we are doing the right thing for our bodies. This is a repost from my status today, it was something that really shocked me and totally brought the need to fuel our bodies into focus:

    Reading New Rules of Lifting for Women tonight (and actually working too, I promise!) We all know that it takes 3500 calories to make a pound of fat. But did you know it also takes 2800 calories to build a pound of muscle? Or 454 grams of protein? If you are cutting calories drastically and only eating 20% of that in protein there is no way you are going to build the muscle we all want to replace our fat with! Another check mark in the "Eat More to Lose Weight" category.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Is it just me or is eating at TDEE a lot of food?! I've eaten like 1600 cals today and I feel stuffed but I'm not even at my BMR yet. Should I eat my TDEE even if it means eating when I'm not hungry?
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Is it just me or is eating at TDEE a lot of food?! I've eaten like 1600 cals today and I feel stuffed but I'm not even at my BMR yet. Should I eat my TDEE even if it means eating when I'm not hungry?

    It is so hard in the beginning. What helps is eating small meals consisting of prot/carb/fat 6 times a day at 2-3hr intervals, it helps to also pre plan your meals in the morning, so you set your timer and eat at the appointed time. Once your body adjusts you will wonder how you ate less...that is where I am did I ever eat 1500 much less 1200

    Oh and eating more calorie dense foods...there is a good sticky with good items, but I even resorted to drinking a tbs of coconut oil for a while there, while trying to get cals in. Also nut butters, nuts, avocado, greek yogurts, regular cheeses, olive oil....

    Hope this helps!

  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Horrible! I went to the zoo today, walked a lot, now I have to eat more? What if I don't want to eat, say 2000/ day for the rest of my life! Without junk food, it's really not so fun to eat that much! Did I say that? And can I say my avocados aren't ripe enough to eat !Not that I want to eat an avacado at 10pm
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    Awesome I'll have to go buy me some nuts I guess 'cause all I have in the house seems to be low calorie stuff. I actually looked at my plain greek yogurt and said "ugh only 120 calories?" lol Kind of a fun issue to have I guess. Today I netted 1400 so I guess it's progress.
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    I have a strong feeling this will be my last week of eating at TDEE.

    I think I've gained way too much too soon compared to others doing this. I joined MFP in June 2011 (I had already been on Weight Watchers since January 2011). I just skimmed through my calorie intake from 6/4/11 - 9/30/11 and I rarely consumed less than 1800 cals; I even consumed 2000+ almost once a week. I'll take a look at my intake from Oct 2011-Dec 2011 tomorrow, and on and on through the last month, but so far it seems I was not one of those people who weren't eating enough.

    What led me to eating more/eating at TDEE was that I didn't have my period since January 2012, but then got it again this past Sunday (June 3rd). I also had a lot of hair falling out, felt cold all the time, etc., but yesterday I finally considered non-dietary causes, and I emailed my doctor to ask him for some lab tests. I told him I wanted to be tested for Cushing's syndrome and PCOS. I felt silly that it didn't occur to me sooner, because I'm an RN(!), but I guess it's hard to see the picture when you're inside the frame.

    If I wake up early enough on Friday, I'll do my tests that morning, or on the weekend (they need to check cortisol levels at 7-8am). If I find out I have one of those conditions (or some other hormonal issue), I'm not going to eat at TDEE anymore, and will go back to lower cals and exercise as I was doing before (3x/week of weight training and 2-3x/week of cardio, because I really miss cardio and I felt healthy back in those days).

    If all the tests turn out normal then I might continue with eating at TDEE.

    Wish me luck :smile:
  • cca1229
    cca1229 Posts: 23 Member
    Completed day 4 and honestly I feel fat lol I haven't gotten on the scale this week but my clothes are tight and I'm a little uncomfortable. But I can say that eating this way is liberating and I know that there is a purpose. I've been travelling for 2 days which was a slight challenge but I tried to bring lots of healthy snacks.

    The one thing that really did help was I'm packing a lot of the calories in at breakfast, 600 calories at breakfast makes the rest of the day easier.

    I feel like I've been asleep most of my life and I'm so grateful to finally have this information!!
  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    One of my "friends" from another site recommended this group. As I am reading your posting, I am getting excited about the concept of eat more weigh less...I truly have been on a yo-yo the past few years...I can never get past a 10lb. plateau. My diet doesn't change much and I have been trying to eat about 1200-1500 calories. I did a TDEE calculator and my calories were at 2327. Do I have to eat this many calories? Sorry, I haven't had time to watch the videos. Thanks!:flowerforyou: