Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    One week into reset. Just typical scale fluctuations. Past few days have been BUSY so by the end of the day I still have about 1/2 my calories left to eat...nom, nom, nom. I have several busy days yet this week so I am going to purpose to load up earlier in the day.

    Ok techmom - I will make a deal with you - hold me to my 100 grams of protein a day goal and I will hold you to spreading the calories through the day? Need someone to hold me accountable :wink:
  • embersfallen
    embersfallen Posts: 534 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    I feel the same way! Terrified but hoping it will work...

    Same.. still incredibly nervous, especially since Im eating 2800 cals a day, so Im freaking out that its a s#it load of food. Plus Ive struggled the last few days to get to that number because ive been so busy.. and I dont want just total crap just to get in the cals either..
    Im two days away from deciding whether to weigh myself or not.. and Im terrified if what it might show.

    The scale might not say what you hope during the reset. I am actually trying to take this as PROOF that THIS IS why my body has not been shedding weight the past year with all the crazy exercise and diet stratedgies I have thrown at it. I am eating between 2500 and 2700... trying to edge up a little higher, but it's been hard. I have a bodybugg, so I am using that to figure my TDEE as it takes day by day daily burn info. I was still about 150-200 cals under TDEE this week...but I DID see a bit of a gain. I think it proves my body has been in conservation, flashing red warning makes more sense then anything In feeding my poor body, I really think this is going to help it wake up... I already determined that as long as I get my planned workouts in this week, I need to go to at least 2800 to hit TDEE.... so I'm with ya girl! We can do this!!! Even a little gain, as long as we tell ourselves it has a purpose, is worth it if it gets our bodies working properly... but sheeshta... part of me is furious at all the medical professionals who pounded into me, to eat lower lower lower ....mostly around 1700-1800, which is LOWER them my BMR of 1847, without one stitch of exercise. :noway: ( and, alas...since that wasn't working... on top of that I actually was eating quite a bit LOWER then that quite often as I thought that must be why I wasn;t losing as I should have been..)

    Nutritionist, weight loss clinic doctors, primary etc. etc. etc. I had even asked them about BMR from some reading a year or so ago, but they pretty much dismissed it. Every one of them was saying eat lower then that. No Thyroid issues, etc, all they could tell me was that *some people just don't lose as quickly* I was working out 2-3 hours a day some days, sometimes hitting over 4000 on my bodybugg...and just punishing my body. It really makes sense that this is likely why I've had all the trouble! :frown: Three years into this, and practically this whole past year of crazy hard work wasted! GRRRRR. :explode:
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    Am I the only one who feels like the finally had that "AHA" moment? I am super anxious and excited about this! I cannot wait for the reset to be over so I can get back on track!

    Oh definitely! Once I seen that I am basically the same size and can wear all my same close after 3 weeks upping my calories to my cut and now one week in on my reset, I can't believe what I was doing to my poor body for years! No wonder I would gain so much weight so soon with all 3 of my pregnancies. My body was so happy to have more food that it held onto it like mad! I really tried not to gain 60lbs during my 2nd and even more so on my 3rd while still eating enough but still always gained 60, now this makes sense as to why I still gained so much. I was always able to lose the pregnancy weight fairly easy, its the other weight I could never lose. My eyes are opened!

    You know, this was my light bulb moment too. I realized that this was the reason why I gained 70 pounds with my first baby and about 50 with my second.
    I lost 100 pounds prior to pregnancy #1 on WW. When I got PG, I tried to stay the course, but I just couldnt do it. I didnt go crazy at all with my eating, but the weight kept piling on, no matter what. I was horrified when I gained as much as I had.
    Unfortunately I didnt get al of the weight of before I got pregnant with #2. I was about 25 pounds away from that. With #2 I did concentrate more on maintaining my weight and for the first 20 weeks I was able to stay pretty much the same weight. Then when I had to give up my step classes, and my eating didnt go horribly crazy either, I packed on the weight again. This time in LESS time that it had the first time around. I was miserabe. No only that, but I barely dropped the 7 pounds that my child weighed coming out. I lost barely 10 pounds after that pregnancy, so 6 weeks after baby, I got back on the WW bandwagon and tried again. Here I am 19 months later, and barely 22 pounds down, with 10 of that from the begining of this year when I began running.

    SO it was a huge moment to realize that no wonder I was gaining so horribly quick. It saddens me to think about it now. It pains me to think that here I thought I was doing the right thing, losing all that weight to have a healthier life, and I couldnt control the gains during pregnancy. My doctors were incredibly unsupportive and cruel to me at times, no matter what I did, it didnt matter.

    So I do want to be healthy again. I want to be able to enjoy my life and my kids without having to starve myself to do it. It still kills me right now to reset, and I know its what I definitely need, but Im a lifetime fat girl. Its incredibly hard to not freak out about this some mornings.

    Oh that would have been so hard if my doctor had given me a hard time about my weight... I do admit, I ate my way through my 1st pregnancy and ate out everyday for at least one meal. I was so hungry and could never feel satisfied. I remember how it wasn't even fun because I just wanted to not be hungry and not have to eat! When I first started EM2WL it reminded me of that, being so hungry and revving up my metabolism. The second and third pregnancy though I exercised regularly and watched what I ate I actually wanted my doc and nurses to comment on my weight and ask what I was eating so I could show them while I was eating completely differently and getting my workouts, I was still gaining! Although I was much less puffier since I wasn't eating out as much and getting all that sodium!

    Some days can be hard. And with a trip I have coming up there will be lots of pics taken and put on Facebook and I want to add a caption explaining why I am bigger than what many people had seen me at! I am doing this on purpose, I swear! Hopefully by the end of summer I will have some great results, 8 weeks isn't that long really....And maybe this Halloween I can wear a cute costume! Not super slutty but you know, something kinda of cute & fun, not just whatever will cover my body!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    And with a trip I have coming up there will be lots of pics taken and put on Facebook and I want to add a caption explaining why I am bigger than what many people had seen me at! I am doing this on purpose, I swear! Hopefully by the end of summer I will have some great results, 8 weeks isn't that long really....And maybe this Halloween I can wear a cute costume! Not super slutty but you know, something kinda of cute & fun, not just whatever will cover my body!

    This is the hardest part for me...I have an annual girls mtn hike in just under 3 weeks, nothing fits properly (which will make it an uncomfortable hike) and I don't want to even think of what the pictures will make me look like. :grumble: My husband always makes a video of the hike (he's a video editor) and I usually love to see the finished vid but this time I'm not looking forward to it. And I start my cut the week before my two week vacation! ARG! However, this may end up being not too bad a scenario since I'm still in control of making my own food (we hike/camp for two weeks) and although my lifting will be pretty much non-existent, my cardio will be through the roof from all the mtn hiking (a good time to add that cardio - after the reset- and since no lifting at the same time, I won't be over taxing my body). So, all in all, God has a plan for me and it'll all work out fine. Just not exactly my idea of the perfect scenario! :grumble:

    THE BIG HOPE/PLAN though is that by the time I go to Mexico in November, my weight will be on the down trend and already a good chunk down...if I'm still at this weight for Mexico...well....then I'm gonna need hospitalization 'cause I'm gonna start making weird noises and twitchy movements from the stress! :tongue:
  • sandra0818
    sandra0818 Posts: 8 Member
    This is my third day doing the Metabolism reset and the scale hasn't change, no gain-no lost. Its that Good? In another note... I'm loving it :).
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    And with a trip I have coming up there will be lots of pics taken and put on Facebook and I want to add a caption explaining why I am bigger than what many people had seen me at! I am doing this on purpose, I swear! Hopefully by the end of summer I will have some great results, 8 weeks isn't that long really....And maybe this Halloween I can wear a cute costume! Not super slutty but you know, something kinda of cute & fun, not just whatever will cover my body!

    This is the hardest part for me...I have an annual girls mtn hike in just under 3 weeks, nothing fits properly (which will make it an uncomfortable hike) and I don't want to even think of what the pictures will make me look like. :grumble: My husband always makes a video of the hike (he's a video editor) and I usually love to see the finished vid but this time I'm not looking forward to it. And I start my cut the week before my two week vacation! ARG! However, this may end up being not too bad a scenario since I'm still in control of making my own food (we hike/camp for two weeks) and although my lifting will be pretty much non-existent, my cardio will be through the roof from all the mtn hiking (a good time to add that cardio - after the reset- and since no lifting at the same time, I won't be over taxing my body). So, all in all, God has a plan for me and it'll all work out fine. Just not exactly my idea of the perfect scenario! :grumble:

    THE BIG HOPE/PLAN though is that by the time I go to Mexico in November, my weight will be on the down trend and already a good chunk down...if I'm still at this weight for Mexico...well....then I'm gonna need hospitalization 'cause I'm gonna start making weird noises and twitchy movements from the stress! :tongue:


    I hear ya! But I did just buy some really cute flattering dresses for my trip in July and I feel good in them now, I am hoping to see some body improvements by then even though I am maintaining. Plus they will look even better when I start my cut and trim some fat! So if all else fails, go buy some cute dresses and cover ups:wink:
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    So one week in for me and I'm still at the low end of the 2 or 3 lbs I've been gaining and losing for months...yay! I feel really good and haven't had too much problem hitting cals but the macros are a little trickier lol but am getting the hang of that....always over on carbs and my fat has been quite low so I bought some cashews (no salt) and that will make the difference. I wasn't able to excersize last week at all because of scheduling issues and if I don't do it in the morning it doesn't get done so I was very happy to see I didn't gain at all. I could have excersized today but couldn't talk myself into it....the danger of taking a break lol....tomorrow I will have to be a bit tougher on myself.....this group is great and I love reading this thread...thanks everyone for all your input..
  • MrsKosal
    MrsKosal Posts: 415 Member
    Hi gang - how's the water?

    I've been dipping my toe in the increasing calories over the past several weeks (months? See my diet life detailed in the post titled "5 weeks of eating more and need feedback please" if your interested). As with others, I am a WW member who completely stalled out then gained weight following program after they changed to the new PointsPlus in November of 2010. At 50, I have been told all my life with you have to eat less and move more to lose weight. Common responses in many threads lately have been to do a reset. So, here and am and boy am I nervous!

    50 y/o, 61 inches
    CW - 152.4
    GW - 130 (or less? Won't know until I get there)
    BMR - 1280 (tested by that machine thingy at my HMO - Scooby says 1353)
    TDEE between light and moderate per my Fitbit so I'm going with 1900 with a 15% cut later to 1615

    OMG - 1900! When this works (I know - lurking in the back of our minds is IF THIS WORKS but WHEN THIS WORKS sound so much more positive), I'll consider turning the spare bedroom into a shrine to EMTWL. Plaster the walls with fad diet ads, former meal plans, etc with big red X's across them (hmmmm.... dart board?)

    So watch out - Cannon ball off the diving board!

    I am a past WW member too! I also changed after they did the PP system. I'm almost a week in to my reset! Good luck!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    I upped my calories to 15% cut value 7weeks ago. Thus far I have seen no progress only a gain of 6lbs. I currently weight more than I did when I started MFP over 1yr ago. As of this morning I was ready to throw in the towel and drop my calories back down (which is 1420 on non workout days....all other days are between 1800-2000 with exercise calories). I know I should be doing a reset BUT this is the worst possible time of year....bikini season. I can not bare the thought of gaining more weight. My clothes are tight and my belly is flabby.
    I'm super confused and need the motivation of this group, even if I don't go to TDEE yet. I love hearing how everyone is making out!!!!

  • britcurl
    britcurl Posts: 110 Member
    So into my first day of eating at TDEE. Not even finished and I am stuffed. I feel like i am eating constantly. Would be so much easier to eat at TDEE with a burger and fries, but I guess it doesn't work like that now does it. Just been so frustrated with no changes in my body and figured this couldn't hurt. What are you guys eating to meet your calories goals?
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I upped my calories to 15% cut value 7weeks ago. Thus far I have seen no progress only a gain of 6lbs. I currently weight more than I did when I started MFP over 1yr ago. As of this morning I was ready to throw in the towel and drop my calories back down (which is 1420 on non workout days....all other days are between 1800-2000 with exercise calories). I know I should be doing a reset BUT this is the worst possible time of year....bikini season. I can not bare the thought of gaining more weight. My clothes are tight and my belly is flabby.
    I'm super confused and need the motivation of this group, even if I don't go to TDEE yet. I love hearing how everyone is making out!!!!


    I don't think you are the only one thinking about having to get into a bathing suit! You are not gaining at what you are eating, so why don't you just stay there for now and plan on doing a reset in the fall when you are ready?
    For me, I don't want to waste anymore time spinning my wheels, so I jumped right in to a reset. Of course, I don't wear bikinis anymore so it doesn't bother me quite as much ;) A lot of people are able to keep the weight gain to a minimum and optimize the muscle changes with lifting heavy throughout the reset too. You have to be ready mentally though, this is tough!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    So into my first day of eating at TDEE. Not even finished and I am stuffed. I feel like i am eating constantly. Would be so much easier to eat at TDEE with a burger and fries, but I guess it doesn't work like that now does it. Just been so frustrated with no changes in my body and figured this couldn't hurt. What are you guys eating to meet your calories goals?

    Boy, I rarely have trouble eating all my calories :D, unless I am busier than usual. The key for me is to make sure I eat a good sized breakfast, usually around 600 cals or so. Then I have a normal lunch 4-500, a snack and whatever the family is having for dinner.
    For higher calorie foods, use healthy fats like olive oil, avacado, nuts, nut butters. Use full fat dairy. Don't be afraid of healthy carbs, lots of veggies and lean protein and you will be at your cal goal in no time!
  • candacepatra
    candacepatra Posts: 26 Member
    Hi all,

    So I have spent the last almost 3 hours reading through all the EMTWL information, I've watched the videos, and finally calculated my BMR and TDEE.

    Here's my info:
    probably 165-ish lbs (don't have a scale!)
    BMR: 1559
    TDEE: 2143
    Cut 15%: 1822.

    I selected "light" activity because at the moment all I'm doing is Jillian Michael's 30DS, and I'm only in level 1 day 3. I've been doing it daily, so that's only about 25mins per day of working out, so I estimate it wont be more than 3 hours per week. I'd love to eventually increase my workouts as well as learn more about strength training and weight lifting, but at the moment I'm just going to be gradual about it.

    I have never been the kind of person to starve myself or withhold food or pleasures, and in general I tend to eat clean (on occasion I eat out maybe 3x/month or order delivery). I cook daily, always use whole fats and cream, and eat tons of veggies. When I joined MFP earlier this year I was given a suggested calorie intake of 1360, and I just started tracking my normal daily intake. I found that I was almost always within that window, and I didn't really workout much. That was just my normal eating pattern!

    While I haven't really been gaining weight since last year, I have definitely stayed flabby and haven't lost anything... so I must truly be well under my BMR, and my body must be trying to store fats and nutrients every chance it gets.

    Honestly I am pretty much terrified to up my intake to the TDEE, because that's HUGE... and I really would hate to gain weight, especially over the summer during beach season here. However, I am willing to give it a try, because I'd really like to think long-term about weight loss and toning my body.

    Question: does anyone know how to reset the values for protein/carbs/fat and calories on the MFP diary?? I've seen a lot of people say just go in to settings and change it, but when I click on settings I don't see anything that I can change. Any help would be appreciated!!
  • tlhorsley
    tlhorsley Posts: 141 Member
    Today starts the 2nd week of eating at TDEE. Feeling so fat and bloated today :cry: Not enjoying this feeling at all....
  • missdimpley
    missdimpley Posts: 192
    Hi gang - how's the water?

    I've been dipping my toe in the increasing calories over the past several weeks (months? See my diet life detailed in the post titled "5 weeks of eating more and need feedback please" if your interested). As with others, I am a WW member who completely stalled out then gained weight following program after they changed to the new PointsPlus in November of 2010. At 50, I have been told all my life with you have to eat less and move more to lose weight. Common responses in many threads lately have been to do a reset. So, here and am and boy am I nervous!

    50 y/o, 61 inches
    CW - 152.4
    GW - 130 (or less? Won't know until I get there)
    BMR - 1280 (tested by that machine thingy at my HMO - Scooby says 1353)
    TDEE between light and moderate per my Fitbit so I'm going with 1900 with a 15% cut later to 1615

    OMG - 1900! When this works (I know - lurking in the back of our minds is IF THIS WORKS but WHEN THIS WORKS sound so much more positive), I'll consider turning the spare bedroom into a shrine to EMTWL. Plaster the walls with fad diet ads, former meal plans, etc with big red X's across them (hmmmm.... dart board?)

    So watch out - Cannon ball off the diving board!

    I am a past WW member too! I also changed after they did the PP system. I'm almost a week in to my reset! Good luck!

    Iam also a past WW member too!!! sheesh! was on their program for 4.5 years..
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi gang - how's the water?

    I've been dipping my toe in the increasing calories over the past several weeks (months? See my diet life detailed in the post titled "5 weeks of eating more and need feedback please" if your interested). As with others, I am a WW member who completely stalled out then gained weight following program after they changed to the new PointsPlus in November of 2010. At 50, I have been told all my life with you have to eat less and move more to lose weight. Common responses in many threads lately have been to do a reset. So, here and am and boy am I nervous!

    50 y/o, 61 inches
    CW - 152.4
    GW - 130 (or less? Won't know until I get there)
    BMR - 1280 (tested by that machine thingy at my HMO - Scooby says 1353)
    TDEE between light and moderate per my Fitbit so I'm going with 1900 with a 15% cut later to 1615

    OMG - 1900! When this works (I know - lurking in the back of our minds is IF THIS WORKS but WHEN THIS WORKS sound so much more positive), I'll consider turning the spare bedroom into a shrine to EMTWL. Plaster the walls with fad diet ads, former meal plans, etc with big red X's across them (hmmmm.... dart board?)

    So watch out - Cannon ball off the diving board!

    I am a past WW member too! I also changed after they did the PP system. I'm almost a week in to my reset! Good luck!

    Iam also a past WW member too!!! sheesh! was on their program for 4.5 years..

    So glad you are both here, it's an adjustment but you will find your rhythm. The problem with low cal diets is that you start eating and start to gain then jump back to low cal and the cycles goes on and on...
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Today starts the 2nd week of eating at TDEE. Feeling so fat and bloated today :cry: Not enjoying this feeling at all....

    This too shall pass and when you cut you will miss tdee sorely. The bloating subsides in time. Stay consistent. Maybe try a papaya enzyme after meals or tbs of braggs apple cigar vinegar in 8oz of water in the morning helps the tummy too.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    Hi all,

    So I have spent the last almost 3 hours reading through all the EMTWL information, I've watched the videos, and finally calculated my BMR and TDEE.

    Here's my info:
    probably 165-ish lbs (don't have a scale!)
    BMR: 1559
    TDEE: 2143
    Cut 15%: 1822.

    I selected "light" activity because at the moment all I'm doing is Jillian Michael's 30DS, and I'm only in level 1 day 3. I've been doing it daily, so that's only about 25mins per day of working out, so I estimate it wont be more than 3 hours per week. I'd love to eventually increase my workouts as well as learn more about strength training and weight lifting, but at the moment I'm just going to be gradual about it.

    I have never been the kind of person to starve myself or withhold food or pleasures, and in general I tend to eat clean (on occasion I eat out maybe 3x/month or order delivery). I cook daily, always use whole fats and cream, and eat tons of veggies. When I joined MFP earlier this year I was given a suggested calorie intake of 1360, and I just started tracking my normal daily intake. I found that I was almost always within that window, and I didn't really workout much. That was just my normal eating pattern!

    While I haven't really been gaining weight since last year, I have definitely stayed flabby and haven't lost anything... so I must truly be well under my BMR, and my body must be trying to store fats and nutrients every chance it gets.

    Honestly I am pretty much terrified to up my intake to the TDEE, because that's HUGE... and I really would hate to gain weight, especially over the summer during beach season here. However, I am willing to give it a try, because I'd really like to think long-term about weight loss and toning my body.

    Question: does anyone know how to reset the values for protein/carbs/fat and calories on the MFP diary?? I've seen a lot of people say just go in to settings and change it, but when I click on settings I don't see anything that I can change. Any help would be appreciated!!

    Go to goals>setting>custom and you can input figures there.

    This is a life long journey and not a quick fix. Quick fixes lead to gaining in the long run. Try cut at 15% and if you hold steady or lose a little then plateau then bump another 100 cals upward. You can take leap and reset and allow body to stabilize or do it slow creeping up but you will go through stabilization at each level.

  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    So into my first day of eating at TDEE. Not even finished and I am stuffed. I feel like i am eating constantly. Would be so much easier to eat at TDEE with a burger and fries, but I guess it doesn't work like that now does it. Just been so frustrated with no changes in my body and figured this couldn't hurt. What are you guys eating to meet your calories goals?

    Boy, I rarely have trouble eating all my calories :D, unless I am busier than usual. The key for me is to make sure I eat a good sized breakfast, usually around 600 cals or so. Then I have a normal lunch 4-500, a snack and whatever the family is having for dinner.
    For higher calorie foods, use healthy fats like olive oil, avacado, nuts, nut butters. Use full fat dairy. Don't be afraid of healthy carbs, lots of veggies and lean protein and you will be at your cal goal in no time!

    I don't either now...I can eat 3000 cals on high burn days no problem. It is an adjustment. I start eating early in the morning and plan out my meals and eat every 2-3hrs. You will adjust to eating and can't imagine how you did anything less

    You have to shoot for high calorie items at first. Before you ate low cal, high you need calorie dense nuts, avocado, nut butters, coconut oil...there are some more great ideas in one of the sticky's :flowerforyou: Try planning out your meals in the morning and eating them on time throught the day so your not trying to get in too much at night.
  • ANewLucia
    ANewLucia Posts: 2,081 Member
    I upped my calories to 15% cut value 7weeks ago. Thus far I have seen no progress only a gain of 6lbs. I currently weight more than I did when I started MFP over 1yr ago. As of this morning I was ready to throw in the towel and drop my calories back down (which is 1420 on non workout days....all other days are between 1800-2000 with exercise calories). I know I should be doing a reset BUT this is the worst possible time of year....bikini season. I can not bare the thought of gaining more weight. My clothes are tight and my belly is flabby.
    I'm super confused and need the motivation of this group, even if I don't go to TDEE yet. I love hearing how everyone is making out!!!!


    Hi Kate,

    Don't throw in the towel. I took a look at your diary and there are a couple things we could tweak a bit. Your carbs are high and protein on the lower side. We suggest 40%carb 30% fat and protein. Try adjusting your ratios and hitting those macros. I think that would help you. Also eat your cut value consistently. Remember you don't need to eat back exercise cals unless your burn is high then eat back enough to net at least your BMR.:flowerforyou: