Metabolism Reset - Eating at TDEE Support Thread



  • ChrisNewmark
    ok. never mind. i just checked and I have 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat.............

    now i'm confused. what should I have them set to?
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I am in - even though i am not sure how i am going to eat over 3000 calories a day

    any tips?

    Right off the bat, eliminate just about everything "lite" or "diet" in favor of their real/whole food counterpart. Salad dressing, condiments, bread, dairy, etc. Second, add more protein - 5 oz servings instead of 3oz, for example. Add nuts and nut butters. Add healthy fats like olive oil and avocado. Have a protein shake after a workout (made with water or milk). You still want to get your 5-9 servings of fruit/veg a day, but paired with lower volume foods so that you don't feel quite so stuffed.

    I found it helpful to review what I was already eating and flesh it out a bit. No use re-inventing the wheel.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    The 40 carb, 30 fat, 30 protein is correct!

    One week in and I lost a half pound. First time the scale had gone down in WEEKS! I am a very happy girl today!
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    My connection is crawling ATM so can't browse much but I have a question if someone can kindly help. I am doing the "reset" and eating at Tdee. My question is: do I eat at Tdee everyday, even when I'm working out? I normally would make sure my net meats bmr at least by the end of the day when I work out. So that means eating back some calories sometimes. I'm just wondering if during reset I'll have to eat calories back to Tdee value or not.

  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    That's why I dont eat any fruit, b/c I would over in sugar grams every single day... I've always thought that was crazy but that is what my registered dietician told me to do...then again, she also told me to eat 1,200 calories a day........
    so in your opinion, I should pay more attention to the 1881 calories a day and not worry so much if I go over in sugar and fat long as they are healthy forms of sugar grams and fat grams (fruits, nuts, peanut butter, etc)

    I (think I) have my macro's set up as the following: 30% carbs, 40% protein and 40% fat............isn't that right?

    40 carb, 30 fat, 30 protein

    Yes, I would just wory about staying close to your calorie target, making sure protein is as close as you can get to your macro, but dont worry so much about the sugar and fat, especially if you are eating "clean" healthy things like fruits and nuts. Its a shame there isnt a breakdown of the good fats and bad.. kind of lumps it all under one..
    For carbs, as long as you are eating whole grains, whole wheats, fruits then those carbs are good for you, and the ones you want to have..
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    My connection is crawling ATM so can't browse much but I have a question if someone can kindly help. I am doing the "reset" and eating at Tdee. My question is: do I eat at Tdee everyday, even when I'm working out? I normally would make sure my net meats bmr at least by the end of the day when I work out. So that means eating back some calories sometimes. I'm just wondering if during reset I'll have to eat calories back to Tdee value or not.


    You want to eat TDEE every day. You only eat back exercise cals if your burn takes you below BMR. So for simplicity, your TDEE is 2000, your BMR is 1700.. You burn 400 cals running, 2000-400 = 1600, So thats below BMR, so you would want to eat back at least 100 of those cals,
  • ChrisNewmark
    Thanks! :)
    I eat as clean as possible throughout the day but always allow a nightly treat which currently is a golden grahm treat bar :) lol It has 13 grams of sugar in it which doesnt help when I'm only allowed 40 grams for the entire day. lol I also have a nut/trail mix most days and that has a lot of sugar in it as well. It is healthy with almonds, cashews, etc. but mixed in with dried fruit and chocolate chips. :) YUMMY!!
    I always go over in fiber and protein but those things I dont mind going over in. It just bothers me to see those red numbers at the end of the day. lol
    Thanks for the help everyone :)
    By the way, my weight went up 3 lbs. but then back down to where I started.......then had a "cheat" day this past Sunday and went back to normal the next day but for dinner ate subway (way high in sodium) and between the cheat day and sodium, I was up on the scale by like 8-10 lbs. As of this morning, I'm still up 5 lbs. which I know is sodium, etc.. but hate seeing those numbers on the scale. Not going to get back on till my weigh in day next weekend.
    I finally bought a tape meausure yesterday so going to get those taken shortly.
    NSV: I have a Omiron to measure my body fat % and BMI and my BMI has stayed the same but my body fat % has went down from 30.2% to 29%
  • asidebottom
    asidebottom Posts: 67
    Count me in! I've been doing TDEE -15% for the past 2 weeks having been on 1300 cals :embarassed: for the past 6 months or so and watching my weight slowly creep up. Now I think I'm going to go the whole hog for 8 weeks and do my TDEE which I think is 2300, I'll have to double check. I also have a Fitbit so I am going to average out the past month or so on that and see how it compares with Scooby.

    I'm nervous and yet kind of excited! I'm finding eating clean is making me feel better, I don't feel the urge to eat chocolate or stodge which was my issue on 1300 cals.

    Good luck everyone!

  • carriea67
    carriea67 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am in! Here are my answers:

    Start Date - Friday, June 1st
    Reset Length - 4 weeks but will go for 8 weeks if I need to
    Why - I don't want to go another year and not feel good about where I am at. I just realized that I have been working out fairly consistently for a couple of years and have not gotten to where I feel good about myself. I also have tried every fad diet under the sun and realize I should be kind to my body - it's the only one I got after all :happy:

    Here are my stats:
    Height - 5'1"
    CW - 126.8
    GW - 115ish but frankly I just don't want to be squishy (am also trying to break my obession with the scale)
    Per Scooby:
    BMR - 1336
    TDEE - 15% - 1760
    TDEE - 2071

    So I will up my calories to 2071 on Friday and weigh in, take measurements, and the dreaded before pictures.

    My workout schedule will be - 3 days - 10 minute mile & strength training; 2 days - Run/Walk - 60 minutes.

    I will also work really hard to meet my macros -- I have trouble with going over on my carbs and being under on my protein.

    We can do this ladies!!!!
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    I am so excited to see this thread! I will be good to get to know other resetters and help each other out.

    I will spare you all my long story that I posted in another thread, but in a nutshell, I have been eating too little and working out too much for about a year and a half now. I have lost 60 pounds and have been stalled out for way to long to count.

    I started my full reset 3 weeks ago today and not sure how long I will go. At least 4, maybe 8, maybe more??? My weight is up a little from when I started by about 3-5 pounds, but I know I haven't eaten enough extra to gain that much, so I know it is just from weight lifting and my body trying to repair and replace from when I was starving it. I am okay with it. I think my weight will guide me. When I level out for a few weeks that's when I know it is time to do a (small) cut again.

    I too am wondering if I will be able to do a cut, I have grown accustomed to what I am eating and am comfortable at this amount.
    I still have about 20 pounds to lose to get under my red line, so I will have to cut at some point, but jeesh, I just like the amount I am eating.
    I have cut out most cardio except for light walks. I still lift weights 3x per week. I am really trying to do this right for once in my life. No quick fixes, no magic potions, just eat well and take care of my body so it can take care of me.

    I think the hardest thing for me is watching other friends losing weight left and right on very low calorie diets, but I just keep reminding myself this is setting me up for success and I don't want to starve myself like they are, I know what the repercussions are. Soooo not worth it, but still hard to "watch.

    I hope to get to know you all better!
  • moylie
    moylie Posts: 195
    I'm gonna jump in the deep end, too.

    Start Date - 5/25/12 (Start of Memorial Day weekend with no WiFi or Cell = no MFP tracking = eating and drinking mucho, so I'm sure I was at TDEE or over)

    Reset Length - 4 weeks, and then evaluate if I need to do longer

    Age: 40 (41 in July)
    Height: 5'6.5"
    Lowest MFP Weight: 144
    After starting EM2WL: 150 (also current weight)
    GW: 135-140
    BMR: 1425
    TDEE: 2210
    Exercise: Run 3x week (training for 2nd half-marathon), Lift 1-2x week (hoping to start NROLFW after my race season winds down, and aim for 3x week lifting)

    Brief History:
    Lost about 30ish pounds after being on MFP a year, eating 1400-1500 (always eating exercise calories back, too). At the holidays of 2011 I reached a plateau that lasted until late February. Found this group, and started eating TDEE -15% beginning of March. Ate 1800-1900 calories from March to May, and all I got out of it was an extra 6 pounds. BOOOOOO. No change in measurements or body fat % since end of 2011. Kept reading all these posts that it was water weight that would go, but it never did. Very discouraged to see 150 again.

    Question on eating back calories. I know we're supposed to at least net BMR on exercise days, but if the actual food calories is lower than TDEE, we should aim to hit TDEE everyday, right?? For example, today I burned 400ish calories. If I just hit my net BMR of 1425, the actual food calories is around 1900, and still lower than my TDEE of 2210. I should actually eat 2210 in total food calories, right?
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    My connection is crawling ATM so can't browse much but I have a question if someone can kindly help. I am doing the "reset" and eating at Tdee. My question is: do I eat at Tdee everyday, even when I'm working out? I normally would make sure my net meats bmr at least by the end of the day when I work out. So that means eating back some calories sometimes. I'm just wondering if during reset I'll have to eat calories back to Tdee value or not.


    You want to eat TDEE every day. You only eat back exercise cals if your burn takes you below BMR. So for simplicity, your TDEE is 2000, your BMR is 1700.. You burn 400 cals running, 2000-400 = 1600, So thats below BMR, so you would want to eat back at least 100 of those cals,

    Sorry, Im still confused lol.
    I know I always want to NET at least my BMR. My question is, during this "reset", do I need to eat my TDEE (1700) on workout days as well? So even if my net is already at BMR, do I keep eating until I hit 1700, everyday?

    Thank you =)
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    My connection is crawling ATM so can't browse much but I have a question if someone can kindly help. I am doing the "reset" and eating at Tdee. My question is: do I eat at Tdee everyday, even when I'm working out? I normally would make sure my net meats bmr at least by the end of the day when I work out. So that means eating back some calories sometimes. I'm just wondering if during reset I'll have to eat calories back to Tdee value or not.


    You want to eat TDEE every day. You only eat back exercise cals if your burn takes you below BMR. So for simplicity, your TDEE is 2000, your BMR is 1700.. You burn 400 cals running, 2000-400 = 1600, So thats below BMR, so you would want to eat back at least 100 of those cals,

    Sorry, Im still confused lol.
    I know I always want to NET at least my BMR. My question is, during this "reset", do I need to eat my TDEE (1700) on workout days as well? So even if my net is already at BMR, do I keep eating until I hit 1700, everyday?

    Thank you =)

    Hi there! It's confusing isn't it? :smile: Short answer to your question is YES....keep eating until your total food eaten number is the same as your TDEE goal number on workout AND non-workout days. Long answer:

    1. Set your MFP goal to your TDEE. Eat that number of calories every day, workout or not.
    2. Your total food number should be close to the Goal number at the end of the day, UNLESS your net/bmr issue has to be resolved because you worked out and the burn was really high, then it will be higher.
    3. Your net will always be lower than your goal number and lower than your total food number EXCEPT on non-workout days...then it will be the same as your total food number (and close to your goal). If your net number is lower than your BMR (the number you keep in your head), then eat enough calories back to get it higher than your BMR number. This will make your total food calorie number HIGHER than your goal number and that's ok.

    does that help?
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    uuuuuh so I ate 2494 calories today (TDEE has me at 2697) when I clicked the button to post my diary it says If every day were like today... You'd weigh 168.0 lbs in 5 weeks...I weight 165 now?!?!

    I don't even read that number! It's just discouraging no matter if you eat too little (makes it seem as though it's a good thing to undereat) or too much!
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    uuuuuh so I ate 2494 calories today (TDEE has me at 2697) when I clicked the button to post my diary it says If every day were like today... You'd weigh 168.0 lbs in 5 weeks...I weight 165 now?!?!

    I don't even read that number! It's just discouraging no matter if you eat too little (makes it seem as though it's a good thing to undereat) or too much!

    yup...ignore it. mine keeps telling me I'm going to gain's too stupid to know better. :tongue:
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    My connection is crawling ATM so can't browse much but I have a question if someone can kindly help. I am doing the "reset" and eating at Tdee. My question is: do I eat at Tdee everyday, even when I'm working out? I normally would make sure my net meats bmr at least by the end of the day when I work out. So that means eating back some calories sometimes. I'm just wondering if during reset I'll have to eat calories back to Tdee value or not.


    You want to eat TDEE every day. You only eat back exercise cals if your burn takes you below BMR. So for simplicity, your TDEE is 2000, your BMR is 1700.. You burn 400 cals running, 2000-400 = 1600, So thats below BMR, so you would want to eat back at least 100 of those cals,

    Sorry, Im still confused lol.
    I know I always want to NET at least my BMR. My question is, during this "reset", do I need to eat my TDEE (1700) on workout days as well? So even if my net is already at BMR, do I keep eating until I hit 1700, everyday?

    Thank you =)

    Hi there! It's confusing isn't it? :smile: Short answer to your question is YES....keep eating until your total food eaten number is the same as your TDEE goal number on workout AND non-workout days. Long answer:

    1. Set your MFP goal to your TDEE. Eat that number of calories every day, workout or not.
    2. Your total food number should be close to the Goal number at the end of the day, UNLESS your net/bmr issue has to be resolved because you worked out and the burn was really high, then it will be higher.
    3. Your net will always be lower than your goal number and lower than your total food number EXCEPT on non-workout days...then it will be the same as your total food number (and close to your goal). If your net number is lower than your BMR (the number you keep in your head), then eat enough calories back to get it higher than your BMR number. This will make your total food calorie number HIGHER than your goal number and that's ok.

    does that help?

    Lol, this:)...
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    uuuuuh so I ate 2494 calories today (TDEE has me at 2697) when I clicked the button to post my diary it says If every day were like today... You'd weigh 168.0 lbs in 5 weeks...I weight 165 now?!?!

    I don't even read that number! It's just discouraging no matter if you eat too little (makes it seem as though it's a good thing to undereat) or too much!

    yup...ignore it. mine keeps telling me I'm going to gain's too stupid to know better. :tongue:

    I like having a conversation with mine.. "in 5 weeks you will be 238.6" OH REALLY?? Ill show you, you piece of crap siggy line!!:)
  • mishkat
    mishkat Posts: 99 Member
    Sorry, Im still confused lol.
    I know I always want to NET at least my BMR. My question is, during this "reset", do I need to eat my TDEE (1700) on workout days as well? So even if my net is already at BMR, do I keep eating until I hit 1700, everyday?

    Thank you =)

    Hi there! It's confusing isn't it? :smile: Short answer to your question is YES....keep eating until your total food eaten number is the same as your TDEE goal number on workout AND non-workout days. Long answer:

    1. Set your MFP goal to your TDEE. Eat that number of calories every day, workout or not.
    2. Your total food number should be close to the Goal number at the end of the day, UNLESS your net/bmr issue has to be resolved because you worked out and the burn was really high, then it will be higher.
    3. Your net will always be lower than your goal number and lower than your total food number EXCEPT on non-workout days...then it will be the same as your total food number (and close to your goal). If your net number is lower than your BMR (the number you keep in your head), then eat enough calories back to get it higher than your BMR number. This will make your total food calorie number HIGHER than your goal number and that's ok.

    does that help?

    Ty for replying to my post. =)

    So then, do I want my "net" or my "food" to be the tdee every day during this reset process?
    I think the mobile app has "net" so im getting hung up on that word.

    At the moment what I see on food diary here on the website is
    Totals 770 Your Daily Goal 1,911 Remaining 1,141

    *You've earned 211 extra calories from exercise today

    On the phone I see:
    Goal 1700 Food 771 Exercise 211 Net 560 Remaining 1140

    So the breakdown is different, and confuses me. I mostly use my phone app, so in order to be clear, I want to understand that one.

    So which number should match my daily goal (tdee) of 1700? And which number should not be lower than my BMR?
    The one that says "food" on my phone app, or the one that says "net"?

    Gah! my head is spinning now >_<
  • jomatho
    jomatho Posts: 311 Member
    From what I understand, only pay attention to NET if it takes you below BMR. If it does, eat back enough calories to get above BMR.
    This should only happen occasionally because you should already have your activities figured into your TDEE, so normal days, you shouldn't go under BMR, only on unusually high burn days.
    If you are constantly burning enough to get under BMR then perhaps you have your activity level of your TDEE set too low.
  • jyska
    jyska Posts: 728 Member
    Sorry, Im still confused lol.
    I know I always want to NET at least my BMR. My question is, during this "reset", do I need to eat my TDEE (1700) on workout days as well? So even if my net is already at BMR, do I keep eating until I hit 1700, everyday?

    Thank you =)

    Hi there! It's confusing isn't it? :smile: Short answer to your question is YES....keep eating until your total food eaten number is the same as your TDEE goal number on workout AND non-workout days. Long answer:

    1. Set your MFP goal to your TDEE. Eat that number of calories every day, workout or not.
    2. Your total food number should be close to the Goal number at the end of the day, UNLESS your net/bmr issue has to be resolved because you worked out and the burn was really high, then it will be higher.
    3. Your net will always be lower than your goal number and lower than your total food number EXCEPT on non-workout days...then it will be the same as your total food number (and close to your goal). If your net number is lower than your BMR (the number you keep in your head), then eat enough calories back to get it higher than your BMR number. This will make your total food calorie number HIGHER than your goal number and that's ok.

    does that help?

    Ty for replying to my post. =)

    So then I want my "net" to be the tdee every day during this reset process, right?
    I think the mobile app says "net" so im getting hung up on that word.

    At the moment what I see on food diary here is Totals 770 Your Daily Goal 1,911 Remaining 1,141
    On the phone I see: Goal 1700 Food 771 Exercise 211 Net 560 Remaining 1140

    So the breakdown is different, and confuses me. I mostly use my phone app, so in order to be clear, I want to understand that one.

    So which number should match my daily goal (tdee) of 1700? And which number should not be lower than my BMR?
    The one that says "food" on my phone app, or the one that says "net"?

    Gah! my head is spinning now >_<

    Ok, I see where you are getting mixed up. When you look at your food diary itself on the website, it is different, but it's easier to go to your home page (click on MY HOME tab at the top of this website) You will see at the top of that a similar set of numbers as what you are seeing on your phone. Those (and the phone ones you mentioned) are the ones I'm talking about.

    So the one that should match your daily goal is the 'food' one (although it might be higher on exercise days if you burn a LOT of calories and need to bring up your net number back over bmr. On the flipside, your food number should never be more than a few calories lower than your goal because no matter what, you want your food number to get up to the same number as your goal). Now that you have the right numbers to look at, go back through my answer before and start piecing it together...hopefully now it will make more sense!