Where are my fellow P90xers?



  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Today was weigh in and tomorrow will be start of week 3. So far I've lost 3.5 inches just from doing this. But even better is this very non-scale victory. Several years ago I lost some weight, I did Slim in 6 and then I started boxing/kickboxing at the gym. At that time I bought a shirt from Target it was a different brand, but I didn't think about how brands are different, so it didn't fit (just too tight, rolls showed and my boobs were very snug) even though I fit in the same size but just another brand, it was so cute I just kept the shirt. Anyhow, back then I was 20 lbs less weight than I am as of this morning, I was probably doing weight lifting once a week during a circuit class, kickboxing/boxing in two sessions a day, as well as a bootcamp twice a week and then once a month I was doing a really heavy weight lifting class as well on a saturday. Yesterday I had a all day training and I was trying to find something to wear and I pulled it out, not only did it fit but it was loose in the stomach area, no bulges at all, I wore it yesterday and was so excited. I'm amazing 20 lbs difference, but I obviously have much better muscle tone now I was elated and it was a huge deal for me.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Crushed KenpoX with weighted gloved. 577 calories SEE YA!
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member
    any one do p90x and insanity, which is easier?
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    starting week 2 again tomorrow after having to miss 4 workouts due to a medical procedure. :-) Hope all of you are doing well.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    starting week 2 again tomorrow after having to miss 4 workouts due to a medical procedure. :-) Hope all of you are doing well.

    Hope everything is okay. I'm starting week 3 so we are on somewhat the same course. I'm doing classic.
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    I also just got done with Legs and back and of coarse ab ripper.
    My booty is going to be SORE tomorrow!

    Call me crazy but I love ab ripper X and love that we do it 3 times a week.

    I think I need to get a heavier band, I am not feeling those enough. I really want to work up to be able to do pull ups.

    I know, i really don't 'feel the burn' much in my back using the bands for the pull up exercises... I really wish I had one of those assisted pull up machines in my house like they have at the gym! I think that would be ideal :)
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Today was weigh in and tomorrow will be start of week 3. So far I've lost 3.5 inches just from doing this. But even better is this very non-scale victory. Several years ago I lost some weight, I did Slim in 6 and then I started boxing/kickboxing at the gym. At that time I bought a shirt from Target it was a different brand, but I didn't think about how brands are different, so it didn't fit (just too tight, rolls showed and my boobs were very snug) even though I fit in the same size but just another brand, it was so cute I just kept the shirt. Anyhow, back then I was 20 lbs less weight than I am as of this morning, I was probably doing weight lifting once a week during a circuit class, kickboxing/boxing in two sessions a day, as well as a bootcamp twice a week and then once a month I was doing a really heavy weight lifting class as well on a saturday. Yesterday I had a all day training and I was trying to find something to wear and I pulled it out, not only did it fit but it was loose in the stomach area, no bulges at all, I wore it yesterday and was so excited. I'm amazing 20 lbs difference, but I obviously have much better muscle tone now I was elated and it was a huge deal for me.

    Congrats!! That is awesome! Everyone needs to find something in their lives to keep them motivated... often times, its the little things that keep us pushing forward...
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Crushed KenpoX with weighted gloved. 577 calories SEE YA!

    NICE! I actually didn't do Kempo yesterday... I had a lot of labor intensive yard work to do yesterday (shoveling, wheelbarrow-ing, etc). I was planning to do Kenpa after I was done but I was SHOT after about 2 hours of yard work (and almost 1000 calories on the HRM! ) ... got a good workout anyways... everyone enjoy their off day! Back at it tomorrow for week 3, then we have a 'recovery' week. yay!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I also just got done with Legs and back and of coarse ab ripper.
    My booty is going to be SORE tomorrow!

    Call me crazy but I love ab ripper X and love that we do it 3 times a week.

    I think I need to get a heavier band, I am not feeling those enough. I really want to work up to be able to do pull ups.

    I know, i really don't 'feel the burn' much in my back using the bands for the pull up exercises... I really wish I had one of those assisted pull up machines in my house like they have at the gym! I think that would be ideal :)

    You know when I am doing them, I am thinking I don't feel it, but the next day I sure do. HA!
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    any one do p90x and insanity, which is easier?

    I think so fa P90x is easier, but I only just finished my first week.

    I thought Kenpo was a nit slow for me. I will try with weighted gloves next week! Great idea Diva!

    I am sad my first week is over. I always get good results the first week of a new program. So far I am in love with P90x. I cant wait for next week.
    Today is suppose to be a rest day, but I went out to lunch. So in order not to go over my calories today I am going to do a little elliptical or treadmill. I Was stuck or gaining weight for the last 6 months. In the last two weeks I have lost 2lbs. I dont want to mess that up.
  • gmon87
    gmon87 Posts: 6
    Hi :)
    I'm not new to MFP (just back with a new username after a break) but am new to the group. I did a week of P90X in the past and then discovered insanity and restarted and did a P90X/Insanity hybrid for a little bit but stopped before seeing results. I did too much at once and it effected my immune system as I kept getting sick all the time so I took a long break from working out.
    I'm going to start P90X again tomorrow so I found this group and decided to join :)

    I noticed some people asking out of INsanity and P90X, which is easier..
    Personally I found Insanity to be much harder. At the time I started Insanity I was running 5-7 miles 5 times a week and still found it to be a real challenge. Insanity was too fast paced for me, I was so out of breath all the time so I had to take a lot of breaks. I actually dreaded doing insanity lol :) P90x, although still not easy is more doable for me. It is easier than Insanity in a way because when you are lifting, or doing push ups/ pullups, you have to slow down and focus on your form. You are not jumping around like you are in insanity but it still gives you results. I also like that P90x seems to be more complete, you have Yoga, you have stretching, strength and cardio..

    I also have a couple of questions about calorie intake, hopefully someone can answer them..
    I am starting the classic version of P90X tomorrow and also am planning a light 45-60 min. jog/run 3 times a week. I want to add the runs because I think that while P90X is great, it lacks a little in cardio. While I get a good burn with plyo, I don't get it with cardio x or kenpo x, so I think I would benefit from the runs.
    I am 5'1, weigh about 132 and hope to get to 115-120 by the end of the 90 days.
    I'm also on my feet 8 hours a day, 5 days a week as I waitress at a pretty busy restaurant. I'm also in college full time, and that will be starting in about 3 weeks. Not really a physical activity I know, but it means I will probably be getting less sleep and be more exhausted overall.
    I set my activity level as active on mfp and to lose a pound a week I think it recommended 1300 cals a day. But I feel that might be too low. I looked at the P90X meal plan and thought it recommended way too many calories, especially for my height/weight. Though I will be applying the recommended macros for each phase.
    What would some of you more experienced people recommend as far as calories.
    Does 1500-1600 seem reasonable for an active person 5'1, 132lbs trying to shed some fat?
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    Hi gmon. I was the same way with doing P90X, after my 90 days my immune system went crazy on me, I took a week off after completing the program, then what went from a week lead to 3 weeks bc I kept getting sick each time I tried working out again. I suppose my body was telling me I needed a longer break and to rest.
    I jumped back into Round 2 of P90 on July 9th and haven't turned back yet.
    I believe you will do great if you stick with P90X. I noticed a magor change in my body after completing the program. I haven't tried insanity yet, but agree that it does seem a lot harder than P90X.
    For your weight and being active I'd stick with the lowest income calorie P90 suggest, 1800. I know that sounds like a lot but you need the right amount of nutrition in order to complete the intence workouts. I weight 132 right now and do my best to eat all the right foods P90 request, I take in at least 1700-1800 a day. You just need to sit down and figure out what foods you like, and can handle each day.
    Good luck on your 90 days!! I believe you'll do GREAT!! Kim
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    I know I need the yoga, I just have something against it. I dont know how I am going to get though it today.
    I think I might just run this afternoon and do yoga after dinner.

    I am the same way, I don't do yoga, I did it 2 or 3 times the first round of p90, but just felt like they drag yoga out and it's so dag um long.. I suppose I need to start doing that in my workouts.. maybe one day. :) I have always substituted yoga for walking/jogging. Eh
  • kalawhon
    kalawhon Posts: 162 Member
    I've done great with my workouts all week/weekend but my eating hasn't been the best. Had a few splurges hear and there.
    Sunday morning at 2 a.m I woke up with a stomach bug, felt horrible all day so I didn't eat so much. I got plenty of bed rest and ate what I could. Started feeling better around 10 pm last night.
    Today begins a new day, and I feel pretty great. Going to eat healthy today, bringing on the ARX and chest and back tonight!
    Let do it!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Hi :)
    I'm not new to MFP (just back with a new username after a break) but am new to the group. I did a week of P90X in the past and then discovered insanity and restarted and did a P90X/Insanity hybrid for a little bit but stopped before seeing results. I did too much at once and it effected my immune system as I kept getting sick all the time so I took a long break from working out.
    I'm going to start P90X again tomorrow so I found this group and decided to join :)

    I noticed some people asking out of INsanity and P90X, which is easier..
    Personally I found Insanity to be much harder. At the time I started Insanity I was running 5-7 miles 5 times a week and still found it to be a real challenge. Insanity was too fast paced for me, I was so out of breath all the time so I had to take a lot of breaks. I actually dreaded doing insanity lol :) P90x, although still not easy is more doable for me. It is easier than Insanity in a way because when you are lifting, or doing push ups/ pullups, you have to slow down and focus on your form. You are not jumping around like you are in insanity but it still gives you results. I also like that P90x seems to be more complete, you have Yoga, you have stretching, strength and cardio..

    I also have a couple of questions about calorie intake, hopefully someone can answer them..
    I am starting the classic version of P90X tomorrow and also am planning a light 45-60 min. jog/run 3 times a week. I want to add the runs because I think that while P90X is great, it lacks a little in cardio. While I get a good burn with plyo, I don't get it with cardio x or kenpo x, so I think I would benefit from the runs.
    I am 5'1, weigh about 132 and hope to get to 115-120 by the end of the 90 days.
    I'm also on my feet 8 hours a day, 5 days a week as I waitress at a pretty busy restaurant. I'm also in college full time, and that will be starting in about 3 weeks. Not really a physical activity I know, but it means I will probably be getting less sleep and be more exhausted overall.
    I set my activity level as active on mfp and to lose a pound a week I think it recommended 1300 cals a day. But I feel that might be too low. I looked at the P90X meal plan and thought it recommended way too many calories, especially for my height/weight. Though I will be applying the recommended macros for each phase.
    What would some of you more experienced people recommend as far as calories.
    Does 1500-1600 seem reasonable for an active person 5'1, 132lbs trying to shed some fat?

    Use this calculator to figure out your body fat percentage


    Then go here and plug in the info (click on advanced option so you can put in your body fat percentage from the calculator above)

  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    I've done great with my workouts all week/weekend but my eating hasn't been the best. Had a few splurges hear and there.
    Sunday morning at 2 a.m I woke up with a stomach bug, felt horrible all day so I didn't eat so much. I got plenty of bed rest and ate what I could. Started feeling better around 10 pm last night.
    Today begins a new day, and I feel pretty great. Going to eat healthy today, bringing on the ARX and chest and back tonight!
    Let do it!
    glad it was only a short bug!
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Hi :)
    I'm not new to MFP (just back with a new username after a break) but am new to the group. I did a week of P90X in the past and then discovered insanity and restarted and did a P90X/Insanity hybrid for a little bit but stopped before seeing results. I did too much at once and it effected my immune system as I kept getting sick all the time so I took a long break from working out.
    I'm going to start P90X again tomorrow so I found this group and decided to join :)

    I noticed some people asking out of INsanity and P90X, which is easier..
    Personally I found Insanity to be much harder. At the time I started Insanity I was running 5-7 miles 5 times a week and still found it to be a real challenge. Insanity was too fast paced for me, I was so out of breath all the time so I had to take a lot of breaks. I actually dreaded doing insanity lol :) P90x, although still not easy is more doable for me. It is easier than Insanity in a way because when you are lifting, or doing push ups/ pullups, you have to slow down and focus on your form. You are not jumping around like you are in insanity but it still gives you results. I also like that P90x seems to be more complete, you have Yoga, you have stretching, strength and cardio..

    I also have a couple of questions about calorie intake, hopefully someone can answer them..
    I am starting the classic version of P90X tomorrow and also am planning a light 45-60 min. jog/run 3 times a week. I want to add the runs because I think that while P90X is great, it lacks a little in cardio. While I get a good burn with plyo, I don't get it with cardio x or kenpo x, so I think I would benefit from the runs.
    I am 5'1, weigh about 132 and hope to get to 115-120 by the end of the 90 days.
    I'm also on my feet 8 hours a day, 5 days a week as I waitress at a pretty busy restaurant. I'm also in college full time, and that will be starting in about 3 weeks. Not really a physical activity I know, but it means I will probably be getting less sleep and be more exhausted overall.
    I set my activity level as active on mfp and to lose a pound a week I think it recommended 1300 cals a day. But I feel that might be too low. I looked at the P90X meal plan and thought it recommended way too many calories, especially for my height/weight. Though I will be applying the recommended macros for each phase.
    What would some of you more experienced people recommend as far as calories.
    Does 1500-1600 seem reasonable for an active person 5'1, 132lbs trying to shed some fat?

    Hi! Welcome to the group! For calories, my very non-professional opinion is to stick with the 1300 calories, and then eat back at least some of your exercise calories. You will find a million debates on the message boards about this, but I would just start from there, and then adjust based on what is working for you.

    As far as the running goes, P90X is a pretty solid overall program as far as it being self contained and not really needing (or allowing for) much outside exercise with the risk of overtraining. That being said, if you did want to jog as well as do the program, my opinion would be to do the P90X Doubles program, only replace the Cardio X workouts with your run...

    Hope this helps, and good luck!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Today was weigh in and tomorrow will be start of week 3. So far I've lost 3.5 inches just from doing this. But even better is this very non-scale victory. Several years ago I lost some weight, I did Slim in 6 and then I started boxing/kickboxing at the gym. At that time I bought a shirt from Target it was a different brand, but I didn't think about how brands are different, so it didn't fit (just too tight, rolls showed and my boobs were very snug) even though I fit in the same size but just another brand, it was so cute I just kept the shirt. Anyhow, back then I was 20 lbs less weight than I am as of this morning, I was probably doing weight lifting once a week during a circuit class, kickboxing/boxing in two sessions a day, as well as a bootcamp twice a week and then once a month I was doing a really heavy weight lifting class as well on a saturday. Yesterday I had a all day training and I was trying to find something to wear and I pulled it out, not only did it fit but it was loose in the stomach area, no bulges at all, I wore it yesterday and was so excited. I'm amazing 20 lbs difference, but I obviously have much better muscle tone now I was elated and it was a huge deal for me.

    Great job! That's always a good feeling and sounds like you are on the right track. Great work with Kenpo. That workout is fun.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I also just got done with Legs and back and of coarse ab ripper.
    My booty is going to be SORE tomorrow!

    Call me crazy but I love ab ripper X and love that we do it 3 times a week.

    I think I need to get a heavier band, I am not feeling those enough. I really want to work up to be able to do pull ups.

    I know, i really don't 'feel the burn' much in my back using the bands for the pull up exercises... I really wish I had one of those assisted pull up machines in my house like they have at the gym! I think that would be ideal :)

    I had this same problem my first round in p90x, but then i found other exercises to use with the bands that worked the same muscles and it worked out very well. So well, I was sore for 2 days haha! There are many things you can do with those bands, its amazing.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Hey Amy, it all depends on what your fit level is and what your goals are. Insanity is more cardio based, so if you have good stamina and can do a lot of cardio, then that is your workout. They barely take any breaks at all, so you're constantly moving. P90x is more strength training with a couple days of cardio. I am starting with p90x then moving to Insanity, but you do what you feel is best for you. I would go on YouTube and look up both programs and you can see video comparisons on the two.