Where are my fellow P90xers?



  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    I'm on day 7. My husband and I are doing it together as well, but with his crazy work schedule we have to be flexible. I usually ask him early in the day when he plans to work out. If it doesn't fit with my schedule, then I'll just go ahead and do it on my own. Or I'll do an easy-ish workout early in the day while I wait to work out with him later. I sometimes walk/run or do Brazialian Butt Lift or Yoga Booty Ballet videos. Having him for motivation is good, but it's hard when he's not motivated because it brings me down.

    It's tough... I would recommend both doing the program, but just doing it at different times... that way you can still compare notes, talk about the workouts and give each other tips, but you won't be sacrificing consistency, which I think is really important with p90x. Not as good as working out together at the same time, but better than nothing!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Definitely go with Cardio X as a second workout option. I did that on my last round and had great results.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I'm on day 7. My husband and I are doing it together as well, but with his crazy work schedule we have to be flexible. I usually ask him early in the day when he plans to work out. If it doesn't fit with my schedule, then I'll just go ahead and do it on my own. Or I'll do an easy-ish workout early in the day while I wait to work out with him later. I sometimes walk/run or do Brazialian Butt Lift or Yoga Booty Ballet videos. Having him for motivation is good, but it's hard when he's not motivated because it brings me down.

    Yeah, that is definitely tough when you two have different schedules. If you cant do it together, just do them at different times and talk to each about how your workouts went. My roommate and I did that since he worked nights and I worked mornings, so we just talked about our workouts and compared our results when we met up. It's hard when the other person isnt motivated, but you can do it!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Plyometrics day today! My pelvic area is sore from ab ripper, but I am going to bring it hard today... But not too much to where I cant walk for days haha!
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I'm on day 7. My husband and I are doing it together as well, but with his crazy work schedule we have to be flexible. I usually ask him early in the day when he plans to work out. If it doesn't fit with my schedule, then I'll just go ahead and do it on my own. Or I'll do an easy-ish workout early in the day while I wait to work out with him later. I sometimes walk/run or do Brazialian Butt Lift or Yoga Booty Ballet videos. Having him for motivation is good, but it's hard when he's not motivated because it brings me down.

    yeah, he's pretty adamant about 'working out together' (he's more likely than me to want to skip workouts)

    and yes znm100...I'm all about the consistency! It's killing me when I workout for a few days, and then don't get to workout for a few days.

    BryGuy2, would you say that the additional Cardio workout helped you lose weight? I just can't seem to get the scale to move. I've tried eating more, I've tried eating my TDEE, right now I'm letting my body tell me when to eat and how much to eat (which when I don't think about it, I don't meet my 1200 minimum)
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I asked this question on another group, bit it hasn't been answered in over a week. *grumble*

    My other half wants to do P90x with me, but sometimes he gets home around 6pm so it is much too late to workout, get dinner, go to bed. (He goes to sleep around 9pm and gets up at 4:30 am)

    I want to do other workouts during the day in case he gets home too late to workout. I realize I may be doing 2 workouts in one day. I was thinking of the Cardio X video, got any other suggestions? (this is my second round of P90X)


    I would do whatever day workout corresponds during the day, when he gets home if it's too late for him to workout, then at least you got your workout in, if it's not too late, then maybe just spot him or whatever. Or do a cardio tape, On the days I do weights, I do the weight workout in the morning and then in the evening I do a cardio set with my friends.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I feel a lot more hungry since starting p90x. And not late night junk food cravings, I want fruit, veggies, and meat. Anyone else have this?
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    I feel a lot more hungry since starting p90x. And not late night junk food cravings, I want fruit, veggies, and meat. Anyone else have this?

    I tend to find myself not necessarily that much more hungry, but much more conscious of when I eat. I try to eat several times in the morning before my workout in the early afternoon... then I make a shake and wait until dinner. So far, that has worked for me as far as energy for the workouts and not being too hungry... but hey, if you are craving vegetables, eat the hell out of them!!
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    Hey! I just read through this entire thread so I feel like I know you all pretty well and I thought I would introduce myself!

    I am on Day 10 of my first round of p90x, doing classic. My stats are:
    26 years old (27 by the time I finish the program)
    115 pounds (15 pounds lost since January)
    Currently 20.5% BF
    p90x goal: Looking to get to 18% BF, maybe lose a few more pounds

    I am sticking to 1800 calories and going with the recommended macronutrient ratios as best I can. I made my husband hide the scales from me until day 28, weigh in day!

    Not sure which is my favourite workout, but Kenpo X is my least favourite right now as I am so uncoordinated with all the moves! I am going to stick with the program as it is set up at least for the first phase though, then I might do some modifications.

    Good to see so many people sticking with the program!
  • znm100
    znm100 Posts: 148
    Hey! I just read through this entire thread so I feel like I know you all pretty well and I thought I would introduce myself!

    I am on Day 10 of my first round of p90x, doing classic. My stats are:
    26 years old (27 by the time I finish the program)
    115 pounds (15 pounds lost since January)
    Currently 20.5% BF
    p90x goal: Looking to get to 18% BF, maybe lose a few more pounds

    I am sticking to 1800 calories and going with the recommended macronutrient ratios as best I can. I made my husband hide the scales from me until day 28, weigh in day!

    Not sure which is my favourite workout, but Kenpo X is my least favourite right now as I am so uncoordinated with all the moves! I am going to stick with the program as it is set up at least for the first phase though, then I might do some modifications.

    Good to see so many people sticking with the program!

    Welcome to the group!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    I feel a lot more hungry since starting p90x. And not late night junk food cravings, I want fruit, veggies, and meat. Anyone else have this?

    I can get hungry at times, but I don't think it's from p90x. I believe its from the diet change and not eating when and what my body is used to. But if I get hungry, I just have something healthy of course. It's better to eat something then let your stomach starve.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Hey! I just read through this entire thread so I feel like I know you all pretty well and I thought I would introduce myself!

    I am on Day 10 of my first round of p90x, doing classic. My stats are:
    26 years old (27 by the time I finish the program)
    115 pounds (15 pounds lost since January)
    Currently 20.5% BF
    p90x goal: Looking to get to 18% BF, maybe lose a few more pounds

    I am sticking to 1800 calories and going with the recommended macronutrient ratios as best I can. I made my husband hide the scales from me until day 28, weigh in day!

    Not sure which is my favourite workout, but Kenpo X is my least favourite right now as I am so uncoordinated with all the moves! I am going to stick with the program as it is set up at least for the first phase though, then I might do some modifications.

    Good to see so many people sticking with the program!

    Hey welcome to the group and congrats on making it 10 days through the program. My favorite workout is Core Synergistics. You won't start that till the recovery week, but its a good workout. You are on a good plan for your nutrition, I am doing the same thing, only a little less calories. You will see some good results if you stick to it!

    Also, don't worry much about what the scale says. your weight is going to fluctuate and you may only get discouraged by what it says. Go for measurements and Body Fat %. I didnt start seeing results till about 7 weeks again, but it could be different for you. Good luck and keep us updated on your workouts and progress.
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    Amongstwaves: Cardio is common in the lean version of the program which is designed to help you basically shred fat. I used it while I was on the classic version as my double workout and I lost a lot of weight. If you want just strict fat loss, focus on cardio based workouts. But you want to have some strength training in there, as that muscle building helps burn fat.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Day 2 of Recovery week, Core Synergistics it should be called Holy F what the hell am I doing? Wow that is a tough one and even tougher to do confined into a little beachside condo living room, the banana/superman and dreya roll was especially difficult to do in such a limited space. As usual the pushups gave me a lot of headaches, wow were they tough. Back to Kenpo tomorrow.
  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Wow am I ever smart!! :tongue: Each day I have stopped my workout dvd and changed to the ab ripper x dvd. Today I took a little too long to find the remote and what happened? Ab ripper x started up right after my workout...turns out all the weight days have both on the dvds. So all the waiting I do for the dvd to load is no longer required. :laugh:
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Off on holiday for my rest week. I'll be doing 5 hour hikes and 3 hour bike rides - should I still try and fit P90x in too do you think or is that a bit too ambitious?
  • Barberini
    Barberini Posts: 140 Member
    Wow am I ever smart!! :tongue: Each day I have stopped my workout dvd and changed to the ab ripper x dvd. Today I took a little too long to find the remote and what happened? Ab ripper x started up right after my workout...turns out all the weight days have both on the dvds. So all the waiting I do for the dvd to load is no longer required. :laugh:

    You know, the other day I saw on the title screen that it said "chest & back" and in smaller text underneath "& Ab Ripper X", and I in my infinite wisdom thought it was a reminder for me to do the other disc after. You are certainly not alone in this! I am glad that you figured out and enlightened me in week two rather than finding out further down the track. :)

    In other news, I did my second Yoga X workout today, and I found I was able to push myself further being more familiar with the moves. I upped my calorie burn by 100 to 485! I am definitely feeling stronger and the workout is growing on me. :) Day 11, done and dusted.

    Hope everyone else has a good workout today!
  • BryGuy2
    BryGuy2 Posts: 244
    That is too funny guys. I always wonder why they have Ab Ripper on its own dvd, but I guess that could be if you separate your workout later in the day. Glad to hear you all are doing well. I am a little sore this week, but excited for Yoga tonight. Going to be doing it late tonight so hopefully I am not too tired.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I was also switching to ab ripper until I took to long and realized it started on it's own. LOL. I like it better now that I have no reason to take a break.
    I am a little nervous to do YogaX today. I really want to get better at it, but I also want to burn some calories and go running! I just dont have time for both.
    I cant believe next week is recovery week already. It is going by fast and I LOVE P90x!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Wow am I ever smart!! :tongue: Each day I have stopped my workout dvd and changed to the ab ripper x dvd. Today I took a little too long to find the remote and what happened? Ab ripper x started up right after my workout...turns out all the weight days have both on the dvds. So all the waiting I do for the dvd to load is no longer required. :laugh:

    HAHA!!! I did the same thing, I went 2 weeks, without knowing that ab ripper was on the same discs.