
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Awesome job @ kaw!!!
  • ncrook
    ncrook Posts: 2
    SW 382
    GW 307
    AUG 23 367
    SEPT 23 352
    OCT 23 337
    NOV 23 322
    DEC 25 307 LET'S GOOO
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member
    Hello everyone!!! Just stopping by
    To say hi. . Hows everyone doing so far??
    Me: im fine trying to drink more h20 n
    up my exercise well ill check in later
    ** keep up the good work everyone!!
  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    Good morning!
    Today was my first weigh in and I am extremely happy about my results!

    SW: 265
    Weigh in 7/28: 262

    Have a great day! On my way to workout!

    Nice job girl!!!
  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    Hey all I am very disappointed with my weigh in today :embarassed: However, I am not ashamed to share my results.

    SW: 375 7/21/12
    WI (Weigh in): 379 7/28/12

    This was a bad week with late night eating for me.
    Just gives me more motivation, to get back on track.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    Hey all I am very disappointed with my weigh in today :embarassed: However, I am not ashamed to share my results.

    SW: 375 7/21/12
    WI (Weigh in): 379 7/28/12

    This was a bad week with late night eating for me.
    Just gives me more motivation, to get back on track.

    How is everyone else doing?

    You got this Markay!!! Just stumbling blocks, we all have them!! Keep focused on your goal. You can do it!!!
  • I just found this website 07/27/2012.... Does that mean I can't join?
  • markay_
    markay_ Posts: 83 Member
    Hey all I am very disappointed with my weigh in today :embarassed: However, I am not ashamed to share my results.

    SW: 375 7/21/12
    WI (Weigh in): 379 7/28/12

    This was a bad week with late night eating for me.
    Just gives me more motivation, to get back on track.

    How is everyone else doing?

    You got this Markay!!! Just stumbling blocks, we all have them!! Keep focused on your goal. You can do it!!!

    Thank you Sandra! Today is a new day!

    @SheilaRose You can join at any time. =)

  • Rochie81
    Rochie81 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi Ladies :)
    I did not lose any weight this week, but I am praising God that I was able to maintain. I had an emotiional week and used food as my comfort and stopped exercising. So I definitely see the areas in my life that need work; I will not give up- I am still in this!!! :D

    SW: 305 lbs.
    CW: 305 lbs.
    GW: 250 lbs
  • Count me in.... My current weight is 250 --- My goal weight is 190. I will post my before pic soon.
    August 27th gw is 238
    September 27th 226
    October 27th 214
    November 27th 202
    December 27th 190
  • So it's been our 1st full week. I started at 241.3 and this morning I was 239.2 So that's a good start for me...I was at a plataeu for a little minute and it was sooooooo frustrating so I increased my calorie intake up from 1270 to 1780 to see what happens. I'm still having trouble hitting my calories per day since I've made that change, and let's not even mention the calories added on from workouts! Geez! LOL

    How has everyone else's week been going?????
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    So it's been our 1st full week. I started at 241.3 and this morning I was 239.2 So that's a good start for me...I was at a plataeu for a little minute and it was sooooooo frustrating so I increased my calorie intake up from 1270 to 1780 to see what happens. I'm still having trouble hitting my calories per day since I've made that change, and let's not even mention the calories added on from workouts! Geez! LOL

    How has everyone else's week been going?????

    Great Job BGirl!!! That a really good start :smile: I wont weigh in until tomorrow, but so far I lost a few inches around my belly button and arms, no weight loss yet, however :grumble: . Hoping for a good loss tomorrow or at least not a gain. Fingers crossed
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Hey Sisters! I'm Tere, 5'6", Just checking in. . . This morning I was 230. Went for my morning walk with the Doberman and I am looking forward to working out this evening! Have a great week!

    SW: 231
    GW: 196

    Weight loss Total by December 25: At least 35 lbs gone!

    GOAL #1: August GW 224
    GOAL #2: September GW 217
    GOAL #3: October GW 210
    GOAL #4: November GW 203
    GOAL #5: December GW 196
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Good morning!
    Today was my first weigh in and I am extremely happy about my results!

    SW: 265
    Weigh in 7/28: 262

    Have a great day! On my way to workout!

    WOOT WOOT!! Look at you!! Great job!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi Ladies :)
    I did not lose any weight this week, but I am praising God that I was able to maintain. I had an emotiional week and used food as my comfort and stopped exercising. So I definitely see the areas in my life that need work; I will not give up- I am still in this!!! :D

    SW: 305 lbs.
    CW: 305 lbs.
    GW: 250 lbs

    I understand eating emotionally as I'm an emotional eater as well! So thankful for your positive attitude though and your refusal to give up!! Keep that attitude up and you'll be dropping the pounds in no time!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey all I am very disappointed with my weigh in today :embarassed: However, I am not ashamed to share my results.

    SW: 375 7/21/12
    WI (Weigh in): 379 7/28/12

    This was a bad week with late night eating for me.
    Just gives me more motivation, to get back on track.

    How is everyone else doing?

    You got this Markay!!! Just stumbling blocks, we all have them!! Keep focused on your goal. You can do it!!!

    I second this emotion! We all have setbacks..keep your head up and keep going!!
  • RobinRenee83
    RobinRenee83 Posts: 93 Member
    Good morning ladies!! I'm so glad to see that many others have joined this challenge. I don't have the time to personally welcome you all, but I'm glad that you have decided to take this journey with us!

    I am SO SO SO SO SO glad to post my results for the past week. My recap is below:

    SW (before this challenge started): 327
    SW of this challenge: 302
    Goal weights:
    August 23rd - 292
    September - 282
    October - 272
    November - 262
    December - 260 - Lord knows I will struggle around the holidays!

    *drum roll*

    And my CW as of 07.30.2012 is 294.6!! That's down almost 8 pounds in a week and 3 days!!

    I credit my success to the fast that my husband and I were on where we ate an ABUNDANCE of fruits and vegetables over the past week. I still ate at least 1300 calories a day, but it was mainly fruits, veggies, and whole grain items. Apparently my system likes it :) We went back to normal eating on Saturday and Sunday, but everything in moderation of course with no weight gain. I'm excited, and looking forward to giving my system a good 'cleanse' like that once a month!
  • 4sandrad
    4sandrad Posts: 283 Member
    *drum roll*

    And my CW as of 07.30.2012 is 294.6!! That's down almost 8 pounds in a week and 3 days!!

    I credit my success to the fast that my husband and I were on where we ate an ABUNDANCE of fruits and vegetables over the past week. I still ate at least 1300 calories a day, but it was mainly fruits, veggies, and whole grain items. Apparently my system likes it :) We went back to normal eating on Saturday and Sunday, but everything in moderation of course with no weight gain. I'm excited, and looking forward to giving my system a good 'cleanse' like that once a month!

    Robin those are AMAZING results Girl!!! Congrats and keep it going!!!!
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Everyone - new to the group - and would love to participate in the challenge!

    SW - 227

    8/23 - 217

    9/23 - 207

    10/23 - 197

    11/23 - 187

    GW 12/25 - 177
  • Calyse90
    Calyse90 Posts: 147 Member