Introduce yourself - again



  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    @pnece -- thank you so much. Support is key. and those are there, have been there , who know what we are going through . That makes a world of difference.
  • Natniek
    Natniek Posts: 13 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hello, I'm a total n00b to this site. My name is Natalie and I'm from Australia.

    I used to use a similar site to this called Calorie King, about 5 years ago now. So I'm familiar with the format, it's just a matter of sticking to it, I guess.

    My current weight is 142kg - in pounds it's 313lbs (BMI of 40). I've just been diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea, which goes a long way to explaining just how awful I've been feeling recently. The rest of the way is depression.

    I'm a student with a year until I complete my masters degree in Animation. I hope to use this year to start taking care of myself again. I don't need to be slim per se, I just want my health back to what it was in about 2009. I've always been overweight and I don't have a problem with ALWAYS being overweight, as long as I don't feel like I can't do things - and right now, that's an issue.
  • rollsout
    rollsout Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone Im Sarah from Wisconsin. Ive struggled with my weight my whole life. Ive tried to diet in the past but had troubles keeping up with it. My ex husband kinda was an enabler, he was thin and was not very supportive. Im not blaming him for my weight but it sure was hard to diet when he would be waving pizza and junk in my face. Now that Im living alone I think this will be a little be easier to stick to the program. Ive only been on program for 5 days but Im down about 6 lbs already. Looking for buddies on here as well. Please add me :-)
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Lots of new names in here, dont forget to stop by some of the other threads :)
  • shellbell86mfp
    shellbell86mfp Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I am Shelly from Kansas City. I just turned 30 a couple weeks ago and refuse to spend any more of my life in the 300's. I am using Weight Watchers, YMCA, and Crossfit. Good luck everyone and thanks for having me!

    (PS: HW 415 SW 386 CW 377)
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome everyone!
  • hillamb
    hillamb Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Hillary. I reside on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. I am 31 years old. I recently joined the Queen's Weight Management Program - for now I am on the Non-Surgical track, but if I fail to lose weight and give my journey my all then I will opt for a surgical remedy.

    My stats:
    I weighed 367.7 lb with the program
    I currently weigh 366.4 lb according to my scale
    My Body Fat is 56.7% according to the program
    My BMI is 65.5 according to the program
    I am 5' 2.5" tall

    My goal weight is 175 lb, but I am looking to loose 1 or 2 pounds a week. It will take me years to get there, but though my goal weight is 175 lb my real goal is to lose weight and lose it for good. Anything more would mean that I am probably making eating or exercise decisions that aren't conducive for my life in the long run.

    I hope that everyone here has a blessed week.
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    @hillamb -- Hi Hillary! Welcome! Your statistics and your weight goal are very similar to mine when I first started (except that I wasn't smart enough to start until I was much older -- about 54 or 55!). I applaud your goal of wanting to lose the weight for good. I've lost about 110 pounds, so I still have more to go. But the best thing is I've kept it off now for about 2 years. What worked for me was taking small steps that resulted in slow losses -- I don't think I averaged more than 1.5 lbs a week at any point in time. By losing weight slowly, I was able to change some of my habits as I went and try to figure out why I overeat. Good luck -- you'll find a lot of support here!
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Hi, I'm Sonya. In 41 and joined MFP Jan 6 of this year. I've been on a yoyo for about 25 years. Weight swings of about 80lbs 3-4 times now. This past January I realized I'd gained 42 pounds over my last "all time high." Something had to change. That's when I found MFP. I was 331.6 pounds. Today I'm 301.6. So I'm down 30lbs! I obviously have a lot to go.

    I hope it's ok to join this group since I hope to finally be under 300 by next week. I just know I can relate to the people here more than in a group with smaller people. I just found the groups tonight. I didn't realize they were here.
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    @Cynsonya - Welcome! Of course you're welcome here! Congrats on your progress so far. I think it helps when you can find folks who can truly understand what you're experiencing and feeling. And I bet you'll find that in this group.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    pnece wrote: »
    @Cynsonya - Welcome! Of course you're welcome here! Congrats on your progress so far. I think it helps when you can find folks who can truly understand what you're experiencing and feeling. And I bet you'll find that in this group.

    Thank you!
  • Nuari2016
    Nuari2016 Posts: 68 Member
    Hi, I'm Susan. I recently turned 40, and due to my weight was doing none of the things I'd always promised myself for that birthday :( But, it's ok because it's kicking my butt into gear to try again to be healthy - I made a new promise to myself to have a do-over on my 41st birthday instead :)

    Highest weight: 303.9 lbs (few weeks ago, before joining MFP)
    Last weigh in : 296.6 lbs
    Goal weight: 180 lbs (tentative)

    I'm so very glad to find this group and know other people understand what I'm experiencing as I start this new journey!
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    edited March 2016
    Nuari2016 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm Susan. I recently turned 40, and due to my weight was doing none of the things I'd always promised myself for that birthday :( But, it's ok because it's kicking my butt into gear to try again to be healthy - I made a new promise to myself to have a do-over on my 41st birthday instead :)

    Highest weight: 303.9 lbs (few weeks ago, before joining MFP)
    Last weigh in : 296.6 lbs
    Goal weight: 180 lbs (tentative)

    I'm so very glad to find this group and know other people understand what I'm experiencing as I start this new journey!


    Hi Susan! I'm Sonya. I feel your struggle girl. I just turned 41 at 331.6 lbs in November. I found MFP in January and I'm now 301.6 and tomorrow is weigh day. I hope to be under 300. That will be the first time in at least 4-5 years.
  • misvic88
    misvic88 Posts: 14 Member
    hi everyone,, looking for a board to help with weight loss.. i am just under 300 for the first time in a while... love fitness pal.. just wanted to say hi and friend me if anyone wants!! vicki
  • Nuari2016
    Nuari2016 Posts: 68 Member
    Cynsonya wrote: »


    Hi Susan! I'm Sonya. I feel your struggle girl. I just turned 41 at 331.6 lbs in November. I found MFP in January and I'm now 301.6 and tomorrow is weigh day.

    Thanks, Sonya! Fingers crossed that you had a fantastic weigh-in!
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    Nuari2016 wrote: »
    Cynsonya wrote: »


    Hi Susan! I'm Sonya. I feel your struggle girl. I just turned 41 at 331.6 lbs in November. I found MFP in January and I'm now 301.6 and tomorrow is weigh day.

    Thanks, Sonya! Fingers crossed that you had a fantastic weigh-in!

    I did! I did! 5.8lbs down. Not exactly sure how or why, but I'll take it!
    New current weight 295.2
    I haven't been out of the 300's in at least 4-5 years.
  • Cynsonya
    Cynsonya Posts: 668 Member
    misvic88 wrote: »
    hi everyone,, looking for a board to help with weight loss.. i am just under 300 for the first time in a while... love fitness pal.. just wanted to say hi and friend me if anyone wants!! vicki

    Hi Vicki!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    I dont check this board enough!! Welcome to everyone who joined :) its a great group!
  • kamagna
    kamagna Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, I'm Candice and I just found this group. I started on MFP the second week of January at 295 lbs but I peaked somewhere over 300 (maxed out the scale so no idea what the actual number was :expressionless: ) So far I've lost 28 lbs here :smiley: My goal is to get down to 150. I love to hike, I want to be able to make it up a hill without having to stop and catch my breath! Feel free to add me, always looking for more friends who also have higher amounts to lose.
  • outspokenbelle
    outspokenbelle Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Katrina, 26, and a mom to two amazing little girls - one will be 2 next week and one will be 6 months next week. Yikes! I weigh 290 right now but was 312 a month or so ago. I switched my soda to diet soda and decreased the amount (baby steps... Goal is to quit it entirely.) and started drinking water again... I hadn't more than say 6 oz a day if that and not every day, in years. Now that the water weight is gone though I'm stuck. Joined mfp for the meal tracking, didn't realize there was a community here. I don't have a lot of support in my every day life so I'm hoping to find some here. Having trouble finding an exercise I can do that doesn't kill me in the first 15 minutes. I have hypothyroid (my first pregnancy tanked it, it has not yet recovered), fibromyalgia, and right now I am fighting my way through my second bout of post partum depression. I most struggle with my "why" and thinking that I deserve to be healthy. I am constantly sabotaging myself. I'm posting all this because I don't have anywhere else to I guess. Anyone is free to add me as a friend I welcome every ounce of support I can find :)