Introduce yourself - again



  • ConnieMari
    ConnieMari Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Connie and I weigh 374. I'm turning 24 in July and my goal before my birthday is to weigh 350. My ultimate goal is 150-160 and I have a long way to go. This is the heaviest I have been since having my baby last October. Pre-pregnancy my weight was 280 and with some medical complications and baby weight I gained 90lbs. Can't wait to get back on track and I look forward to meeting everyone!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Adia and I weigh 340 as of this morning. I am 33 mother to a 9 year old and can't use baby weight as an excuse. I gained all of my weight after pregnancy. I'm so backwards. lol I've always been tall and healthy, but I can't kid myself that it will stay that way. I'd like to get to 299 as a mini goal. I'm focusing on 10 pound goals right now. I look forward to meeting everyone!

  • jessiperez826
    jessiperez826 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, my name is Jessica... on June 23 I was told that I had to loose weight before I could have babies...
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Katrina, 26, and a mom to two amazing little girls - one will be 2 next week and one will be 6 months next week. Yikes! I weigh 290 right now but was 312 a month or so ago. I switched my soda to diet soda and decreased the amount (baby steps... Goal is to quit it entirely.) and started drinking water again... I hadn't more than say 6 oz a day if that and not every day, in years. Now that the water weight is gone though I'm stuck. Joined mfp for the meal tracking, didn't realize there was a community here. I don't have a lot of support in my every day life so I'm hoping to find some here. Having trouble finding an exercise I can do that doesn't kill me in the first 15 minutes. I have hypothyroid (my first pregnancy tanked it, it has not yet recovered), fibromyalgia, and right now I am fighting my way through my second bout of post partum depression. I most struggle with my "why" and thinking that I deserve to be healthy. I am constantly sabotaging myself. I'm posting all this because I don't have anywhere else to I guess. Anyone is free to add me as a friend I welcome every ounce of support I can find :)

    Hi outspoken
    Like u l have problems with excersizing due to osteoarthritis, but 3 wks ago joined a gym and I'm a gym convert.
    I take it 10 mins at a time. Give myself a break n go back at a different exercise.
    The exercising will be good for depression which I have.
    Add me as friend.
  • JoenDeb1958
    JoenDeb1958 Posts: 229 Member
    just4me83 wrote: »
    Hi everyone. I am new... 29, 340lbs, 5'6. I am uncomfortable every single day, I hear people making jokes about me on campus, none of my jeans fit, and I am at my wits end. I really am. I have an obsession with food but like any addict, I am trying to wean myself off one day at a time. I just focus on not overeating one day at a time. That is all I can do at this point. Anyway, I would like to make friends with people who weigh close to what I weigh and have similar goals. I do intend to log on every day and I will be honest with my logging. Good luck to you all.

    Good luck to u too!
    Add me as a friend
  • AnachronisticAutistic
    AnachronisticAutistic Posts: 13 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm Jenny, 37 years old, and living in Leicestershire, UK. I've lost 86lbs over the past year, but still have another 150 or so to go.

    As my user-name suggests, I'm autistic, so replying to messages and the like can be difficult for me, but I would welcome new friends if you would care to add me. :smile:
  • nassi1984
    nassi1984 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back on MFP again. 5 days into a new attempt and on day 3 of tracking everything.

    At ~360lb I'm the heaviest I've ever been and my body is starting to fail me, so I have to stop being stupid about this and start living properly.

    Feel free to add me if you like :)
  • pnece
    pnece Posts: 179 Member
    Hi Jenny and Nassi -- I'm Patty. Welcome! Glad you're both here!
  • tlelizondo
    tlelizondo Posts: 45 Member
    edited August 2016
    i joined years ago, and lost weight. However, I stopped using MFP and stopped caring and gained it all back, plus some! my highest 335 - currently close to 325. i am a high school counselor with 2 grown kids. Been divorced 19 years and need some support to get the weight off and feel better. Friends with similar struggles needed my picture was when I had lost weight, I keep it for motivation.
  • Flamewolf
    Flamewolf Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! My name is Valerie I'm 29 and I struggled with weight issues all of my life. I was always the fat kid. I'm currently at 301 lbs. I was at my heaviest 332 lbs and I've lost a bit of weight and I've been struggling to get below 300. I'm so close and I've been yo yo-ing between a little under 300 and 310 lbs now for about a year and a half. I want to take it more seriously and keep to my target calorie intake, and I want to go back to the gym. I'm just looking for people in similar situation as me and could use a little support and encouragement! I wish you all the same :smile:
  • flywithme100
    flywithme100 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there, been here for a bit. Always looking for accountability buddies and workout buddies or what have you. I've struggled with weight and yo yo dieting all my life and hoping this is the last time, I'm getting too old for this. I live in Goose Creek South Carolina. If you are in the area or not hit me up.
  • Boyer6605
    Boyer6605 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I'm Jennie from Washington State and just discovered MFP groups! I have used MFP off and on for a couple years and was up to 369 lbs (if not more, avoided the scale for a while) at my heaviest. I am down to 320.5 and have been on track for the last month and feeling very good and motivated this time around. I welcome any new friends and I look forward to getting to know you!! Have a wonderful night
  • christinalapane1
    Hey guys. My name is Christina. Last november 2015 I weighed in at 398. This September I weighed in at 378. I am now (November 2016) at 355, cutting out carbs and sugars and going to the gym almost everyday. I am determined to be close to 160 by the end of 2017. I joined this group to be part of a community that knows what it's like to lose over 200 lbs. I'm excited to see everyone's progress! Feel free to add me!
  • HLaR79
    HLaR79 Posts: 1,519 Member
    Hello to all the new members :)
  • MissBecca145
    MissBecca145 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi all.

    My name's Becca. I'm from Australia :) I used to post here a while ago, but disappeared. Boo. I'm back. Heavier (we all know this story, no?). I have no excuses, this is all on me.

    I promised myself I'd never see it, but there it is on the scale: 400 pounds.

    It's been a terrible year. My father passed away a few months ago after a relatively short and traumatic battle with liver cancer. I was there every step of the way, living back in the family home and it was the worst thing I've ever experienced. And so the old demons returned, turning to food for comfort. And the guilt I have of my dear sweet Dad passing and not having been able to get my weight under control in his lifetime is real.
    So I sat there last night, crying, and realised this was only going to go one of two ways.

    And I find myself here this morning. Logging. Trying to get my life back on track. Onward, onward.
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Welcome Becca. So sorry to hear of all the trouble you have had this year. You made the first and hardest step...own foot in front of the other. No matter the number on the scale, take it in small chunks and just whittle away at it. You are worth your efforts. Sometimes thats the hardest thing of all for us to learn.
  • FaithIt365
    FaithIt365 Posts: 356 Member
    Hello! I'm Kay; I'm 39 yr old, wife and mother of 3. I'm currently weighing in at 310 lbs. Heaviest weight. Over the years I have just gradually put on weight. I haven't had any health issues due to the weight and I'm trying to work it off before I cause myself any issues (other than being physically uncomfortable). I get bored very easily so I am setting mini goals for myself and mini challenges to keep myself motivated.
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member

    I'm Rhonnda. I'm 54 and from the fair isle of Bermuda.

    I live with both chronic depression and anxiety disorder for which I am medicated. My wonderful husband is the one who suffers from it, but he loves me anyway. No children, though we have cats, birds and fish. (Yes, I do consider them family.)

    I work full-time evenings for our daily newspaper as a proofreader, a job that I love regardless of the major frustrations at times.

    I'm presently around 425 (guessing from my scale which is iffy at best).

    I'm have not been diagnosed with any medical disorders, aside from the depression and anxiety, though I'm making myself go in to see my doc within a couple weeks because I suspect I am showing signs of diabetes.

    I've lost before so I know I can do it, and how to do it. I just really struggle with the mental aspect. Because of this I'm only going to be getting on the scale monthly and focus on day by day doing what I know I need to do.

    I've been around MFP for a number of years, but haven't been doing much of anything for the last couple.

    You're welcome to friend me.
    I tend to be pretty quiet, though when I get going it's another story. I can be fairly blunt, and a bit of a smartass.

  • healthyMSk
    healthyMSk Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, like most have gained some back & am trying to get back to my good habits. I recently moved back home to help with my Dad being put on hospice. Food is my emotional vice, same old story bad childhood turned to food for comfort & to make myself less noticeable. Honestly the most luck I had losing weight was when I started drinking...a lot. But I developed migraines & that ended that. I am stuck at home all the time and am really hoping to meet some people I can talk with daily who are on the same goal as me. I have hypothyroidism, PCOS, and spine problems. I think I'm around 325 now & my back felt sooo much better when I was around 270.
  • bmeadows380
    bmeadows380 Posts: 2,981 Member
    Hi! I'm Bridget from WV and am happy to find a group of folks who are facing a similar struggle to me! I've been heavy pretty much my whole life, especially from my teens on. I managed to loose a little weight in college, but my weight ballooned up bigtime after that, until I hit my heaviest at 380 in 2012. I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2005, and that coupled with thyroid problems has made it incredibly difficult to lose weight and keep it off.

    I've tried many diets, from weight watchers online to slim fast, but the only thing that I found that worked for me was calorie counting. I managed to get just back under the 300 mark in 2012, but had to have my thyroid removed because of cancer in 2014, and ended up regaining all but 5 lbs by 2016.

    I've found that there is some mental aspect to it definitely - if I can't align my willpower with my desire to lose weight, I am hopeless at sticking to a diet. And aligning that willpower is extremely difficult! But something has seemed to click this time around because I started dieting again as part of my new year's resolution, and so far, I've dropped 30 lbs and am down from 375 to 343. So here's hoping whatever clicked keeps working! :)