Introduce yourself - again



  • Tempettes24
    Tempettes24 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi my name is tempest I'm new to this site, just wanted to say hello
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member

    My name is Heather and I am now back on MFP. In my head I thought about losing weight and calories everyday. Somewhere in the middle of the day I just stopped paying attention. Over the past couple of days I have noticed that I am getting bigger. My chin is hanging lower and my pants are getting tighter. Today I was leaning on my daughters bed reading her stories and my boobs were pushed up into my double chin. I am so over being heavy and I am over the excuses or lack of focus. I hate the way I look now and I refuse to get bigger.
    I look forward to talking to you guys everyday again.
  • DanielleMaxine1991
    DanielleMaxine1991 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone. Im new to myfitnesspal and to working out. Im a stay at home mom of 2 boys. 3 year old and a 7 month old. I finally have had enough and know its time ot change. Im currently doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Im on day 4 and i love it already! I weigh the most ive ever been right now and its disgusting. I cant stand the way i look and i know its effecting my parenting. I want to be able to play with my children. Im not only doing this for myself. I am doing this for my family!
  • breajohnson
    breajohnson Posts: 109 Member
    Hello Everyone! I have been a member of mfp since january. I dont weigh in much so not sure how much ive lost so far but i am working out about 6 days a week. I started p90x about 3 weeks ago. Just wanted to reintroduce myself. Feel free to add me.
  • KimWright1977
    My name is Kimberly a mother of five youngest is eight and I'm a my turning point in life.. I haven't been under 200 pounds since a teenager,and I've decided I going to get fit so here is the beginning of my new journey!!
  • AprettyFord
    My name is Amber, and I never thought I would ever weigh over 300 pounds. I remember when I was 19 years old and I got up to 280 pounds, I could not believe it so I had started my weight loss journey and got down to 250 pounds. Then i fell off the wagon and by the age of 22 I was now 305 pounds. A few months ago I saw some pictures of myself, and I couldnt believe how large I looked. I was 337 pounds, and I felt like my weight was becoming out of control. I've been eating healthier now for about 10 weeks now and I've lost 22 pounds. I just hope I do not fall off the wagon again. I just wanna get out of the 300s as my first step, and then my next step is to focus on going from obese to overweight. Lol, baby steps.
  • marcelle65
    marcelle65 Posts: 12 Member
    hi i weighed 312 lbs in january, been here roughly about a week, and can't wait to see the weight start dripping off, well done all that have begun there journy, feel free to add me, and we can help each other through, i feel as though your guys will help me the most as we all have simular beginnings and going through some of the same struggles, xmx
  • Brandyacutebbw
    Brandyacutebbw Posts: 48 Member
    Hello everyone. My name is Brandy, I have tried dieting in the past, but so far this time I seem to be sticking to it. I still have a long way to go, and hoping to meet some new friends that can help me on this journey. I can be rather shy, and never know what to say about myself, because I always feel like I'm rambling.
  • tamrod2
    tamrod2 Posts: 83 Member
    I joined mvp two weeks ago. I have fought counting calories and getting on scale for years. I have around 200lbs to loose. 8lbs down. I'm 45 and know if I don't make some changes, health issues will rear its ugly head.:huh: I am also following a low glycemic load way of eating. I have a long haul but I am happy to see that mvp has hundreds of people in my same situation:happy:
  • SunOfMan
    SunOfMan Posts: 67 Member
    Hi all!

    My name is Matt. I soon turn 30 and in 2012 I decided that I wanted to turn my life around before I hit that milestone.

    I started out at 313lb due to an unhealthy relationship with food and a VERY inactive lifestyle. I actually did the majority of my weight loss without MFP but have continued to lose it since I joined a month or 2 ago. It's such a good resource and having friends to support each other is amazing.

    Anyone can add me as a friend if you wish, I'm online every day!
  • beautifulcharm13
    Hi all!

    I'm Sarah. I have been on MFP for about a 9 months now on and off. I started to lose weight last year when I stepped on the scale at the DR office and saw the number of 352. It wasnt the best weight to try to get pregers. So I knew I had to cut down on how much I was eating per meal. My portions were was out of control. Before I found MFP I had lost 15 then I lost interest during the holidays but the good news is I held my weight all winter. And since I started back up using MFP in the last 2 wks I lost 4 lbs and been pretty darn active. I have been making things from scratch in the kitchen which helps keep my active rolling out bread and such. Its a good work out. Plus been bowling with my son. I gotta catch up with my hubby who has lost almost 100 lbs while truck driving. I am proud of him and myself for the progress we have made.
  • CGarner41412
    CGarner41412 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi there

    My name is Chrissy and I just joined this group, I have been overweight most of my life, it really got out of hand when I was younger after my parents took me out of swimclub, but most of the weight was put on after my dad died I just didn't care anymore. I eat when I'm depressed, when I'm bored and really anytime my brain tells me to.

    I want to lose this weight not only for myself but for my family! I'm turning 30 next month and realize I don't want to die, and that is the way I'm going if I don't start something now. I am well over 350lbs and I don't want to be this way anymore. I'm injured at the moment and awaiting knee surgery so I can get back into exercise, because that is soooo important for losing weight.

    My husband and I want to try for kids but I need to lose a lot of weight before it is safe enough for me to even carry a child, or go to a fertility clinic to see what is wrong with me!

    I'm hoping to find new friends to keep me motivated and going down the right path!
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    Hi! My name is Andrea. I am 54, and have to lose about half of me! LOL! I have been a member for about 2-3 weeks. I haven't logged as anything lost yet, long story - different scales in different places showed my weight differently. I had to chose one scale, and I did that two weeks ago. Last week no loss, so am looking forward, sort of, to weighing myself this week.

    But I HAVE lost about 4 pounds since the beginning of February. I was referred by my doctor to a program for people with chronic conditions (I am type 2 diabetic and have bad arthritis in my right knee). This class was at a gym, and they taught warm ups, cardio and strength excercises both with and without machines, and cool down/stretching. It is amazing how much only 8 weeks has helped. I went from only being able to do 12 minutes of cardio (treadmill/bike/row machines) to the full 30 minutes by the end. My knee is even a bit improved. So, I jumped in and got a year's membership because they have maintenance classes! I hope some of the people I met at the class will be there, but as all the other people in the class will be grads of the same program at least we'll have that in common & I am sure I will make new friends who understand what I am going through. Thankfully most of the people at the gym have been friendly, no one has made any rude comments or anything like that! But they may just be aware of the class too - hope it's no different if I wind up going in the afternoons (it's apparently not very busy in the early afternoon.)

    Best wishes to everyone on your particular weight loss journey!
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Hi, I'm Rebecca and new to the group.
  • jyneefur
    jyneefur Posts: 64 Member
    Hello, I'm Jen. I'm 30 years old (5'8" and 315 to start), living in NorCal with my boyfriend of over two years.

    I've been overweight my entire life, despite being active in my early & teenage years. I've attempted many diets over the years but nothing really stuck. That's the problem with "diets", I guess. A lot of things have been wearing on me lately.. the fact that I'm going to be 31 this year, that I don't have kids and quite honestly I'm not sure if I could have any at my weight, that I want to enjoy so many things in life that I can't at this weight.. and the proof I received that my weight is actually effecting my health. While a voice in the back of mind knows that being overweight isn't healthy, I never had problems with my knees, back, diabetes, breathing, sleeping. Blood work, however, showed that despite eating a diet not high in cholesterol, my bad cholesterol was a little high and my good cholesterol was a little low. I was prescribed medicine to help with it.

    Wow. A prescription. For something that can only be attributed to my obesity. I'm barely out of my 20s! It's time for a serious change.

    So here I am! A friend of mine lost over 100 lbs following the Slow Carb Diet (The 4-Hour Body) lifestyle. I am going to be doing the same and am here for the support and motivation that the MFP community offers. Nice to meet you all!
  • thedean1td1
    thedean1td1 Posts: 24 Member
    To all 300+ group members, I may be able to help you with your goals.

    Here's a couple of reasons why I can say that, if you're interested. I have a rather large group of friends and supporters that are awesome people. Some are just starting out on their journeys to better health and several that have SUCCESSFULLY losy over 100#, 200# and a few that have lost over 300#.

    I myself started with a high weight of 741 pounds and I've lost over 145# and over 88 inches.

    I'd like to invite you to join us and we can all continue to take this journey to better health together.

    Have a great day and hope to see you soon.

  • wstreet8110
    You got a friend in me :glasses:
  • wstreet8110
    Well UN-OFFICIALLY...I have now dropped out of the 300 club...I am now at 297 lbs...the reason I haven't made it official is because I'm still trying to process the fact that after well over 6 years, I've been 300 plus. And to finally be able to say to myself..."self"..."you finally did it!!" really makes this far...extremely rewarding. I still have a ways to go so the party isn't over just yet...I still need to squeeze another 72+ lbs out of this shell of far...I'm 60 lbs down since 6Jan13...I'm going to start weight training tomorrow...I've been walking everyday for an hour and REALLY watching what I'm eating. It now comes rather naturally...don't even feel like I'm dieting anymore. I'm just dropping pounds little by little. I do hope and wish everyone a successful journey and always remember...DEDICATION & PERSISTENCE EQUAL SUCCESS!!! :glasses:
  • melharper1976
    melharper1976 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, my name is Mel, I have been here b4, lost nearly 2 stone, I have been thru a lot, still got a lot to go, I am a single mum of 6, my eldest son is anorexia, my eldest daughter suffers from mild schitzophrenia, my children are 16, 15, 13, 10, 5 and 3, and believe me, it is a full time job.
    I currently weigh in at 334 lb, I have no goal in mind, just wanna steadily lose it, I would like to get back to my wedding day weight, can't rememeber the lb figures, but I was a UK size 16.
    I wanna get fit and healthy to be the best mum I can to my kids, and have a great future with the ones I love.
  • Emilia1987

    I'm Emilia. SW 325. Spent years playing the yo-yo game, but started a job where I sit at a desk all day and weight shot up. I want to lose around 200lbs. Used to look at that number and thought it would be impossible so ignored it, but now trying to face it with 10% at a time. So my first goal is 292.5lbs.

    I know I need to lose weight for my health, but I also want to live my life without the first thought being my weight. I am sure many of us have the thought when friends or family suggest going for a meal etc- what are the chairs like, do they have arms on the chairs etc or special functions and trying to find something suitable to wear.