Introduce yourself - again



  • prettyplus1986
    prettyplus1986 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi There,
    My Name is Shannon, I'm a 26 year old from Brampton, Ontario in Canada.... I have been big all my life have tried almost every diet out there, my doctor eventually referred me for gastric bypass...but I decided that wasn't the way to go that I wanted to do this on my own I wanted to get healthy. So I searched for all the information and started today using weight watchers and tracking my progress with my fitness pal. I'm scared because all I want is to be at a healthy weight but alot of the time it seems impossible that its going to take forever and once I lose it that it wont be good enough... My biggest reason for losing weight is because I have been trying to get pregnant for the past year and haft and nothing....It scares me that because I am so big that it causes alot of issues with me getting pregnant.. I pray that I can do this... I'm hoping through this site I can surround myself with positive and uplifting people that hopefully we can help each other on our journeys.. please go ahead and add me I look forward to getting to know everyone and starting this starting weight is 341lba
  • phasesme
    phasesme Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Tamika, I am 35 and 346lbs. Like a lot of people here I have been the biggest girl in the room for most of my life.Most of my family and friends a very supportive but are thin and have no clue about the struggles involved with that getting healthy. I know it may sound strange but for most of my life being the big, cute, sassy girl has been a big part of my identity. I love shopping and buying clothes. This new change that I am trying to make terrifies me. I have no idea what thin looks like or feels like in terms of my body. I can't remember a time when the simplest task did not seem like a struggle. I have been working on changing that for a while. So far I have been unsuccessful. I have a tendency to go really hard at first then fizzle out. I want to change that pattern. Starting today. I'd love to start a support system herewith some of you wonderful and inspiring people.I know I have to be healthy but I am afraid of "losing" me when I lose the pounds.
  • melodylaughlin
    melodylaughlin Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Melody and I am 47 and currently weigh 308 lbs. I am tired of living in this shell and want to let out the vibrant woman that hides in the shadows. I have been diagnosed with a heart problem a year ago, in addition to Type II Diabetes. I live in San Diego, so I have no excuse for weather and live near the ocean.

    Over the years I have lost weight only to gain it back and much more. I feel like for the last 30 years I have been a yo-yo.

    I do work from home full time and am a writer - so my backside seems to be glued to a chair way too much - but working from home also affords me an opportunity to take breaks and exercise for 15 - 30 minutes at a time.
  • wstreet8110
    Hello once name is Walt and I am less than 2 oz's away from being out of the 300 club. I've had so many positive things go on lately...starting w/ my clothes...I started this journey wearing a size 48 (6Jan13)...and today I'm wearing 40 - 42!!! I'm so use to buying 4x I'm in 2x. Granted...I still have a ways to go "but" things are definately going well. I've been consistently going to the gym on Mon, Wed & Fri's and walking 4 miles on Tues & I said...when I stepped on the scale this morning I was @ 300.2...I've had to "re-adjust" my weight goals several times as I am beating every goal I set. I wanted to be under 300 by my birthday (4Jun) but by the looks of things I'm looking at being at or near 285 lbs which I haven't seen in quite a few years. I'm excited & pumped...positive results are coming weekly. I'm going to continue to keep my eyes on the prize and refuse to give up...congrats to all and remember: Dedication + Determination = SUCCESS !!! I'm a FIRM believer of this...
  • junco1971
    junco1971 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi my name is Pat, I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin. I'm 42 and my starting weight was 396 after my weigh in today I weigh 379 my goal weight is 200. I work as a parts inspector in a factory and sit for 8 hrs a day. I have knee and back problems and walk with a cane so I'm having a hard time exercising. I am looking for new friends so if you want add me.
  • felicia128
    felicia128 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey everyone I'm felicia, been overweight all my life. I started at 306.8 (April 4th 2013) and now weigh 209.6 (haven't weighed for two weeks though :)
  • jessicaelaine82
    jessicaelaine82 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi I am Jessica I'm starting out at 390 and started last night, its going to be a hard road for me but hope to find encouragement on this site. I want to finally be a healthy person and find the little me inside me :)
  • sun_kissed29
    sun_kissed29 Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Tasha. I'm not new on here but this week I became very active I using this app. I am desiring to surround myself with positive people who have similar goals as myself. My goal is to lose 190 pounds. I'm taking things day by day. I have my good days Andy bad days; but no matter how I feel I always strive to put my best foot forward.
  • tamrod2
    tamrod2 Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me!!
  • 1104Jen
    1104Jen Posts: 27
    Hello everyone!

    I'm Jennifer and I'm 34 and live in Indiana. I started on MFP over a year ago and had some success but quickly stumbled and went back to my old ways. I decided May 1st to renew my commitment and since then have lost 9 lbs. I have a long way to go, but hope to eventually lose about 200 lbs.
  • Willovyne
    Willovyne Posts: 3
    Hi! My name is Teresa and although I joined MFP awhile back I haven't really done anything until today :( Definitely looking for kindreds for support and inspiration. I'm at 320 lbs and really feeling the effects. My second time at the rodeo. Several years ago I lost about 70 lbs and pretty much kept it off for awhile. In the last few years it has really packed back on. I'm searching for that will power I used to accomplish that weight loss before but cannot seem to tap into it again. Any words of wisdom or encouragement?
  • Trashanna28
    Trashanna28 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi My name is Trashanna and I joined MFP over a year ago but stopped using it due to lack of motivation. i weigh 422lbs and i am ready to start losing weight the right way. No surgery, No fast quick easy diet...just eating better and working out. I want to lose at least 250 lbs...
  • theamazinjonesy
    theamazinjonesy Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone!!
    My name is Courtney and I'm 30 years old. I joined the site a while ago but only began actively using all the features today. I have a lot of weight to lose and am hoping you guys can help keep me motivated!
  • shamilton1984
    Hi all! My name is Stephanie and I'm from Ohio but live in Junction City, KS because my hubby is stationed here (Army). I have been fat my entire life and my heaviest has been 363. I'm down to 326 and I am determined to keep this going for once. I'm 28 and I've gotten used to the bulk but the older I get the more I'm feeling it. My joints, my stamina, my back etc. I'm also having major fertility issues so this is the time for me to get healthy. I'm glad there's a group of similar people. It's ok talking to others losing weight in the other groups, but unless you've been there, you do not understand what it's like over 300. It's not simply eat less, move more when you have this much to move lol.
  • tamrod2
    tamrod2 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello, I am joined MFP 85 days ago. Even though I am not seeing results I want I am determined to stick with it!! Great people on here that give great support! Feel free to add me as a friend if you need extra support:flowerforyou:
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    hello i joined mfp in feb. 2013 after 2 months in when i finally gave in and bought a scale and was shocked on seeing 142 kg (313 lbs) I cut down to 20-100 g of carbs a day since and exercise 6 times a week for around 6 hours total i have insulin resistance pcos (thats why the low carbs) and untreated hashimoto because my thyroid is still 2 points to high for medication but my body is attacking its own thyroid i will be in the medication range within 4-6 months my doctor said.
    I live in norway but original i am from germany but also lived in texas for about 5 years.

    Yeah i guess that is all for now, i am glad i found this page it has changed my life
  • 1Step_1Day_At_A_Time_MrsToler
    Hello, my name is Brandie. I am 27 as of March 3th 2013 and I started this year in January at 420 pounds.

    I decided I had my whole future ahead of me. I was tired of this and tired of just dreaming but all the things I wanted to do and never doing them. I am engaged to be married on 10/31/2014 and I want to look and feel my best. I want to be healthy and not take shortcuts because I want to stay healthy.

    I want to have kids and be able to run around and play with them.
    I want to go backpacking across Europe and I want to run a marathon for a good cause.

    I am currently in school for radiology and when I graduate I want to be able to get a job because I am so full of energy. I do not currently live off the state other than them paying for my school, but I don't ever want to live off the state. I want to work for a living, I want to get my own place and I want to be able to go out with my friends and I want to go camping and I want to go swimming and not be so shy or the recluse I have slowly become.

    I want to live and experience and raise a healthy family, and then when my love and I retire, I want us to still be healthy and be able to go and travel more. To travel across the united states and to go on cruises and to just be free. I have so many thoughts and dreams and plans for our future..... but it just can;t happen at the weight either of us are at.

    I am tired of being afraid of dying of a heart attack, or dying young so that I don't get to do my dreams. I am tired of the stares and looks and the whispers and always wondering who is making fun of me behind my back. I am tired of just sitting here and waiting for life to come to me. I am ready to get up and charge at life head on.

    I am not currently Diabetic, I have normal blood pressure, I am actually very healthy other than my weight which has always been a bit of an amazement to doctors, but my grandparents (who are also very overweight) are diabetic, my dad who is a little over weight is diabetic and my mom had the gastric bypass when I was a teen is pre-diabetic.

    Before I joined MFP I had lost some weight, now I am at 394, according to MFP I have lost 16 pounds but I have actually lost 26 pounds.

    I had been working on this on and off since the beginning of the year. A little over a week ago someone I loved very much and who I was trying to encourage and help because she was very sick, very diabetic, and about 490 pounds, and who most importantly like my second mother, passed away from a heart attack. It has pushed me even more into doing this. She was so proud of the 20+ pounds I had lost, and I want to continue to make her proud and to smile down at me from where ever she is.

    My new motto is one step, one day at a time.

    I am happy to have joined this group and I need all the encouragement I can get. I just want to be healthy. My goal for my height is 150. I have a long way to go, and I don't want to give up. Ever.

    Also.... sorry this is so long.
  • Jasmine238
    Hey everyone my name is Jasmine or Jaz which ever you prefer I don't mind.

    I have only just joined up today, I have been very up and down this year with my weight while I have been "going it alone" and not really tracking or talking to anyone about what I'm doing etc... So hopefully this site will keep me on track! I actually properly started my weight loss journey a week a go and have lost 8lbs so far... I started out a whopping 378lbs and want to get down to 140lbs so that's a total of 238 (hence the name lol). I know I have a massively long way to go but I need to do this (well we all do haha).

    Hoping to make some MFP friends to support each other along the way because lets face it we'l be here a while huh! :)
    Feel free to add me <3

    Peace and love xoxo

  • from2to6
    from2to6 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello to everyone. I am new to MFP.

    I am 34 years old. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 13 years and we have 4 great kids. 3 girls and 1 boy, 12,11,8,and 6. I am a stay at home Mom but I also work with my husband who has a Irrigation business. The best of both worlds, home with my kids and work when I'm needed.

    I joined at the end of May on my Dr. advice. I went in for a check up (the first since my 6 year old was born) and weighed in at 358lbs. I had not stepped on a scale in a very long time and was shocked by what I saw. On the upside of that appointment I found that overall I'm healthy for my size. I explained to the doctor that we eat healthy. I make all our meals and we eat lots of fruits and vegetables with good lean proteins. I don't fry anything and use good oils (coconut, olive oil) while cooking. I bake our bread (whole grain no added oil or sugar). We do not keep snacks or sugary things in the house. No soda or Juice. In fact I could easily give up sweets altogether and not miss them much. My children are very lean and healthy.

    To my long lament he simply answered that you can get fat even on good food. At first I was grumpy and indignant. I thought of all the people we know who eat out all the time. They drink soda like water and scarf Pizzas the way we do salad. Then I gave myself a mental slap. I could be angry but the truth was that I was way over weight so I was doing something wrong. I decided to do things his way for one month. 1,200 calories a day and very little fat. I did not weigh myself again until my next appointment.

    On June 21st I had my next appointment. When I stepped on the scale I saw 332.4.(26 lbs !!!!!!) Wow shocked again. I had not changed the type of food we eat just the portion size and no added oils. If I had not seen it with my own eyes I would not have believed it. I was amazed and motivated!!

    I am now working on month number 2 and have 25 days until my next appointment and weigh in. I still have not bought a scale and don't plan to anytime soon. I know that this time it will not be as dramatic as the first time and I don't expect those results on a regular basis but it did show me what is possible. I am in for the long haul. My goal is 180 so I have a long road ahead of me but I am taking it one day at a time.
  • amber_simmering
    Hello all =D My name is Amber and I am 24 years old but will be 25 in October.I live in Portsmouth, Ohio. I am a stay at home mom to 2 wonderful devil children,5 and 3.. I have been happily married to the love of my life for 6 years now,7 in august. I honestly can't remember when I joined mfp but I just recently jumped back on the diet wagon ( hopefully this time I wont fly off )

    I have struggled with weight issues my whole life. I was the biggest of my siblings (till now atleast) I have not been under 200 since I turned 13. Found my true love in 2007 and had a couple of kids. Now I am 355. =( My highest weight would have been when I was pregnant with my last child and I was 367.

    I dont have any real life friends just ones online. I am a homebody. I have only 4 people in my life which are my father,husband,and my 2 kids.

    If I forgot about something that you want to know just ask.
    If you would like to be friends on here just add me I try to get on everyday.

    )0( BB