Introduce yourself - again



  • Blossom59
    Blossom59 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! My name is Brenda and I live in West Texas. I joined MFP a long time ago but never participated. I started really being active and participating about a month ago and found it is so encouraging. I have never told anyone this (not even my husband) ...about ten years ago I weighed 496 pounds. The only reason I know is I was trying to get the bypass surgery and the doctor's office had scales big enough to weigh me. I was turned down for the surgery. I went into a depression and pity party and of course soothed my soul with food, so I don't know really what my highest weight was. I started having anxiety attacks and thought I was having heart attacks and was going to die. By the grace of God I picked myself up and decided this was enough! Through the years I have pulled off over 150 lbs.....of course along the way ...I would seesaw....lose...gain....lose...gain! I probably have joined every weight loss program there is and took every pill looking for that "Miracle"! Now that I am bones are wore out carrying all the weight. I have made up mind that I am going to get it off this time. I want to retire in two years and I don't want to just sit around the house....I want to be active. I am having a real hard time getting in exercise since I do have so much problems with my joints. MFP is the best I have found. With MFP and all the support I am going to get the rest of the weight off!
  • adri97229
    Hello my name is Adriana i'm 23, live in Oregon and am really looking forward to a great year of losing weight,getting healthy, and making some new friends who will encourage/motivate me along the way! :)
  • jacki_faye
    jacki_faye Posts: 6 Member
    Hey there! 24 here from a small town in Iowa. My highest weight ever was 351lbs but after the holiday i seemed to drop down to 344..and i'm at 343 now. (i'm 5'4) I've been on here for awhile, but was just sort of a lurker. Here's to a new year with new goals, a new found motivation, and weight loss!
  • tinatatertoes
    tinatatertoes Posts: 100 Member
    My name is Tina and I am a military wife stationed in California. I'm 35 and I weigh 314. I'm hoping to take this year to focus on myself and being healthy! Nice to meet you all.
  • dawnb321
    Hello...I am new to mfp and ready to get started on changing my life! I'm married with no kids living in CT. Looking for motivational people to help along this journey. Plz add me!
  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    Hello everybody. I'm a 39 plus 9 years old ( family joke :laugh: ) from the UK and have dieted all my life until reaching the weight I'm at now, which is 322 :noway: So, I've given up dieting, because in my cause, they've never worked. I'm just going to make better food choices and to stop the awful addiction of eating when I'm not hungry :embarassed: Will have been married this October to my other half for 25 years and have 4 kids 2 girls ages 22 and 13, and 2 boys ages 20 and 16. I feel that this is the last chance to change my bad eating habbits forever and look forward to sharing my journey with you all :happy:

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  • mandie28653
    mandie28653 Posts: 8 Member
    hi everyone -- mandie from chicago here, 27YO. i'm at the top of the 300s and it's my first day here. not sure how all this works, but excited to figure it all out. looking for online fitness buddies and encouragement :)
  • wyera
    wyera Posts: 41 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm Sarah from London, Ontario, Canada. I'm 37 and at the top end of the 300's. I'm trying to re-focus myself on myself instead of constantly giving without time left for me. Also, I promised myself I would stop self-sabotaging when it came to working out.

  • libertarian4321
    libertarian4321 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm a 49 year old male and joined MFC yesterday weighing 345 (Max was 349 at the start of the year).
  • keg619
    keg619 Posts: 356 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Kaitlyn and I am 22 years old. I joined MFP October 2011 and have logged in every day since. I lost 90 pounds in the first year and hit a huge wall. For several months I struggled and ended up gaining about 10-15 pounds over the holidays.

    I began my weight loss journey at 315.5 and am so glad that a friend introduced me to MFP. This site has truly saved my life. My ultimate goal is to enlist in the Air Force, and while I am not as far along as I had hoped, I will keep working until I get there. I hope you all acheive your goals, and lead the healthy life you deserve!
  • danigotfaith1011
    Hi, my name is Danielle. I just joined this group and have recently picked back up on MFP. I was using it for a healthy living challenge at work last year but didn't keep up on it. I am looking for support as this is the key element I have been missing in my past pursuits to lose weight. I am starting in at 314 and hoping to lose quite a bit of that weight in 2013. If anyone has tips, support, or just wants to chat let me know!
  • Iheartpsychosis
    Hi my name is Ata. I'm a 26 yr old student and live in New Zealand. I currently weigh in at 330 lbs
  • xMysticx
    Hello :) My name is Beth and I'm 33. I started MFP 10 days ago after weighing in at an all time high 357! (5'7) I am loving the tracking so far. My first week I lost 7.6 lbs! I would love friends on here for support and motivation. Please add me :)
  • sjc0183
    Hello Everyone :happy:
    My name is Samantha and i am from arizona! Today i have reached my 10 day mark! Hooray! I stumbled across MFP while trying to look for a healthy way to drop my caloric intake. Thank goodness i have found this site, it has been soo hlpful. Since i have started i've roughly lost 7lbs and gained extra energy.:happy: It feels just soo good not to feel lethargic and unmotivated. At the beginning of last year i was seriously thinking about getting weight loss surgery. I have seen the bad and good of the surgery but i just felt that i wasnt ready to commit to that kind of lifestyle change. I knew there was a healtier way, i just never really got it going. Now that i've lost 7lbs and have shown myself that i can do it and that i can make the changes i feel more motivated! I would really like to have some friends on MFP, so just feel free to add me!
  • sjc0183
    I agree! The tracking is great! I too have also reached my 10 day mark and have lost 7lbs! It feels great doesn't it?:smile:
  • BrokenAlice
    BrokenAlice Posts: 49 Member
    Hey folks! I'm not new, but actually a returning member who took a 6 month hiatus from tracking. I can happily say I didn't backslide that far during that time but I acknowledge that I didn't make any great steps forward. I could have eaten better and I could have had more activity each day. Tracking works and MFP is what has worked for me so I'm back!

    I'm 38, in Seattle, childfree, full-time office worker, and would love to make some new MFP friends. Feel free to add me. :)
  • asharee12
    asharee12 Posts: 5 Member
    hi!! my names Ashley and i just recently turned 20
    i joined mfp about a year ago but haven't used it to much. i just recently got into it because i need to change my life. i weigh 347 pounds and am always depressed! i always tell myself ok this is the week im going to lose weight...then, it never one in my family is close to my weight to even know what i deal with. i feel like my weight gets in the way of my happiness all of the time. about 2 years ago my doc put my on adipex which helped dramatically !! within three months i dropped almost 40 pounds i was so happy and wasn't even close to my goal weight. but then my doc took me off of it and wouldn't let me continue taking it. i then gained all my weight back and some...i feel like i have just fell into a huge depression pit with no one to help me out. i am very self conscious and have no self esteem what so ever. i wish i had someone who could talk and understand me who knows what i have went threw my whole life. i really need some encouragement and a friend who i can talk to or maybe even be a workout buddy!! i just want to be able to go to a water park or wear shorts and short sleeve shirts without feeling like someone is laughing at me. i want my fat to stop getting in the way of my life. please help!!
  • xMysticx
    I know how you feel Ashley. Its so hard to be so overweight and feel depressed and discouraged. When I started this program I weighed my all time high 357. I was disgusted with myself when I saw that number. I have finally found some serious inner motivation and I am so determined to lose weight so I can feel 100% happy for the first time in my life. I think its very important to set small goal so that we do not become discouraged with how far we have to go. My goal for now is to track everything I eat daily and try to be more active then usual. So far I am so proud of myself for achieving these small goals. I have only been doing this for 11 days, but already I feel as though I have a lot more energy and have lost 7.6 pounds! You are beautiful and you can do this Ashley :) I cant wait to wear short sleeve shirts!!! Im sick of wearing my "fat arm" covers ;)
  • melissa9005
    Hi everyone,

    I've been on MFP and off MFP. I first started under a different account one year ago and was doing quite well. I don't know how much weight I lost because I never weighed myself but I felt better, my clothes felt better, and I was looking better. I then met my now boyfriend and we both slowly sort of.... stopped eating right. Now one year later I decided to weigh myself and I was just shocked. I hate the number I see on the scale and I want that to change. My boyfriend and I are both trying this together. I decided to turn back to MFP. I find it so helpful to track what you eat every day. Sometimes we just eat and don't realize what we're putting in our bodies.

    I have a lot of weight to lose, but I basically just want to look and feel better. I want to have the energy I should have. Friend requests are definitely welcome!!
  • kellyann2013xxx
    Hiya everyone, I'm new here. Started my healthy eating plan on Monday. I weigh 338lb right now and I am 5'9 tall. I live in Liverpool in the UK, not sure how many of you are from the UK here. Nice to meet you all. I'd love to get to know a lot of you while we're on this journey together.

    Is anyone else just starting out?
