Workout Log & Progress



  • supermomtoo4
    supermomtoo4 Posts: 27 Member
    I agree. Its so much better to go back a level than to quit. Just keep doing the best you can. Level 2 is hard.

    When I have skipped a day or two I actually feel alot stronger when I start again. I do try to do some other activity when I don't Shred.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    My shoulder is still pretty bad, and baby isn't mine :( things couldn't get worse lol. No only kidding. The baby is my niece, she's not really a baby anymore, she has pigtails she's so cute.

    Tomorrow I'm back on the shred again and running too. Just have to get back on the wagon and I'll try to eat really good this week to try and get some results on the scales on Friday, but after the few days I've had, I'll be happy to maintain this week x
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    Weigh in tomorrow

    Bought size 8 (US size 6) dress. It fits just.......
    Thanks JM.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Today I did day 2 of level 2 after a 3 day break from working out (apart from my usual walking and horse riding activities).

    I worked really hard and got a lot more of it done than the first day I did it. My whole body is now shaky but will be worth it. I'm dead pleased.

    I even did *some* of the plank jacks and plank squats, ouch, if anybody had filmed me I think I looked like a benny hill sketch!!

    Very pleased with myself though :)
  • nbintliff
    nbintliff Posts: 22 Member
    I just joined this group today and looking forward to the motivation and support! I finished Level 1, Day 8 today (after missing three days in a row!). My endurance was down slightly from day 7, but my knees felt a lot better after taking a break. I also go on a two mile power walk on most mornings. I start back to school (i'm a teacher) in three weeks so I'm looking to get into a good routine before then!
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    welcome. Yes it's pretty hard on your knees isn't it!

    I think it's right to take some time off if you feel your body needs it :)
  • luce0266
    luce0266 Posts: 17 Member
    Just finished L2D2 and really feeling the jump between level 1 and 2...... It was really daunting after ii heard a few people saying they were dreading the tougher moves, but i am really, really enjoying it :) I find her words of motivation great for keeping me focused and on track and believing that I can do it...and the time goes by so quick!!

    For those of you dreading the tougher moves, don't focus on those things concentrate on where you are today and how far you have come already.... You can do the more challenging stuff and you will, every day you get your work out gear on, pat yourself on the back.....keep doing what you can, and try the stuff you think you can't do and see what happens! I bet you really surprise yourself and then wonder why you were worried :)

    Happy Tuesday everyone :)

    Feel free to add me if you need (and like to share) encouragement.
  • ch00singlife
    ch00singlife Posts: 64 Member
    Luce, your post was great timing in that I just finished level1 today and watched level2. It looks REALLY hard. I was thinking about staying at level1 until I am able to master all the moves but now I think I will give level2 a try. Thanks!!
  • luce0266
    luce0266 Posts: 17 Member
    Luce, your post was great timing in that I just finished level1 today and watched level2. It looks REALLY hard. I was thinking about staying at level1 until I am able to master all the moves but now I think I will give level2 a try. Thanks!!

    Good for you! Do what you can, believe that you can, and just know that you are doing your best. What more can you ask for??! :)
    I figured out today that just because I'm not keeping up with Natalie that doesn't make me a failure, it just gives me something to work towards. Also once you have done the moves a couple of times you get to figuring out where your 'I'm pushing myself hard but not gonna die' level is.... I think that's almost the toughest bit!
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Yeah, keeping up with Natalie isn't failing, even Natalie looks like she's struggling to keep up with Natalie! I think the best way to improve at doing a particular move is trying, so sticking at level 1 isn't as good as moving on to level 2 and giving it your best shot every day until you improve.

    I've done day 3 of level 2 today and it was hard, really hard, but I'm managing to do *some* of every move, which is an improvement. Just keep swimming ladies xxxxxxxxx
  • zanasush
    zanasush Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks Zanasush.

    Day 7 of level 2 done. I'm really not liking pendulum lunges, walk out push ups, squat with a v raise, or anything that involves a plank. I don't even like Jillian anymore!

    How's level 3 for you?

    Thank you , unfortunatley.. I have sprained my ankle... so no 30DS for few weeks. How dissapointing is this.. I was just starting level 3 , well on my way on this fitnnes program ...and here I am wth hurt foot . I hope to recover soon and catch up again...I will not give up..:wink:
  • zanasush
    zanasush Posts: 35 Member
    sprained my ankle :sad: :sad: so no progress for me. I guess I just have to watch my diet very carefully in the meantime...

    Hope everyone is going well
  • luce0266
    luce0266 Posts: 17 Member
    . Just keep swimming ladies xxxxxxxxx

    LOVE THIS :)

    Well done you for digging deep, it is tough but in a kind of nice way, you don't get that sense of achievement from anything else :)......the hardest thing for me is getting out of bed when my alarm goes off at 5:55am, but once I am in front of the telly I figure it's already half way over :)
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Very true, although I have to confess that I'm off at the moment so I don't have to do it before work or anything, I just get up, drop hubby at work, come back, have breakfast, look on here for a while, then do the shred. In that sense it's quite a lot easier for me than you guys.

    Today was day 4 of level 2. It was really hard but worth it, I got more done again than last time and really pleased that I'm almost half way through. I can really see and feel a difference, but terrified of my next weigh in in case I haven't lost any weight or inches, I don't know why I feel like that every week but I do. Anybody else?
  • supermomtoo4
    supermomtoo4 Posts: 27 Member
    Day 8 Lev 2 done. I'm really just forcing my way through it right now. Not enjoying it at all. I've been really busy last few days and had to miss a couple days exercise. I'm sure if I keep pushing I'll get back in the groove.

    You ladies are all doing great. Keep it up.

    Zanasush- I'm sorry you hurt yourself. Can you try doing some strenght training of arms and abs while your ankle heals?
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    I feel the same now supermom, I'm just having to force myself to do it, hopefully I'll feel better after a rest tomorrow :)
  • zanasush
    zanasush Posts: 35 Member
    Day 8 Lev 2 done. I'm really just forcing my way through it right now. Not enjoying it at all. I've been really busy last few days and had to miss a couple days exercise. I'm sure if I keep pushing I'll get back in the groove.

    You ladies are all doing great. Keep it up.

    Zanasush- I'm sorry you hurt yourself. Can you try doing some strenght training of arms and abs while your ankle heals?

    Thanks Supermom, I will try to do that today.. :happy:
  • quietattheback
    quietattheback Posts: 84 Member
    i@m wearing so much tubegrip i look like a mummy, the egyptian kind not the parent kind.. :sad:
  • supermomtoo4
    supermomtoo4 Posts: 27 Member
    Where is everyone? No one has posted for 3 days. I have not been able to work out every day but I'm still moving forward. Today I finished level 2! I'm so happy simply because I didn't care for that level at all. I'm not sure I'm ready for level 3 though either. I have to stop and rest several times during level 2.

    Can you all do whatever level your on without stopping or do you take rests?

    My husband is on day 5 of level 3 and he really thinks I can move up but I'm not sure.

    By the way...I still have not lost any weight. I went down 1 pound and then gained it right back. I have lost 1 inch off my waist and .5 off my bust. That's it.
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    sorry I've had a few days off due to various parties etc. I'm going to do day 16 today and I don't much care for level 2 either. I have 5 second breaks for a mouthful of water whenever I feel I need to. My upper body strength is pants so I really find the plank stuff hard, and press ups? forget about it.

    I don't think the breaks you are taking mean you are not ready to move on though, I do know from my course that the challenge of doing something that is so hard is what makes you stronger, particularly in terms of exercise, so I wouldn't be worried about taking breaks and moving on is what makes your body change so that's good.

    In terms of weight loss and even inch loss, this type of high impact exercise can mess with both the scales and the tape measure. If you are retaining tonnes of water due to micro-trauma in the muscles, that will increase inches as well as weight, which most people on here seem not to observe. Or even if you're retaining water for some other reason like high sodium, it's only like you gaining inches whilst you're on your period, that's just water and it doesn't only affect the scales. You might find that once you've finished the whole thing, and had a week of rest, maybe using lots of walking to burn your calories that week, or something else low impact, then you drop a load of weight and inches once your body has recovered from the shred.

    That's what I'm hoping for, and even if it doesn't happen, my metabolism will be faster because of altered muscle bulk, and I will be fitter and ready to face the next challenge, which in my case is stepping up my running a gear.