


  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I just find it humorous that people can get worked up over some issues while they wear clothing made by exploited workers, eat food produced by exploited workers, eat food created while mistreating animals, etc, etc... I guess you pick your battles :smile:
    I also find it ridiculous that anyone would suggest a person that eats a box of chicken nuggets is against gay rights.
    Regarding social justice issues: I won't buy a certain brand of clothing if I've been given information and supporting data that the clothes are made by exploited workers. I won't buy meat from a place that I've been made aware purchases from slaughterhouses. I won't ever buy a puppy from a pet store or backyard breeder. I'm sure there are other people the same way.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    The owners of Chick Fila can go **** themselves. How in the hell can someone be so concerned with their freedom of speech (which I agree they have) and then openly support taking a huge dump on other americans civil liberties by donating money to anti-gay groups? And don't give me this " oh we aren't anti-homosexual, we are just pro-traditional marriage!" bull crap. It's a false dichotomy. No one is challenging traditional marriage. Straights still have all their choices while the homosexuals are having their choice of marriage taken from them. Straights are free not to have gay sex, not gay marry, not perform gay wedding ceremonies in their churches and so on. Not one straight persons rights are violated by gay marriage. It's bull****.

    Next, it was dumb dumb dumb business. Sorry to say this, but healthy eating gays and liberals make up a lot of their customers. I personally ate at Prick Fila all the time before this horse crap. Looks like now they are going to have to deep frying twinkies to make back that money from the good ole boys who hate them queers!

    I could careless what their christian faith entails if they give me some good chicken sandwiches. However, I will not tolerate someone using their faith as a weapon to fund government policies to trample on minority rights.

  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Why are people freaking out about Chick-fila? There is a restaurant in South Carolina who's owner is openly racist! Anyone heard of Maurice's BBQ? So, it's ok to be hateful towards African Americans but not ok to hate on homosexuals because that restaurant is fully operational. Sometimes, I think this people are crazy. Btw, I don't condone either.

    is that what you really take away from this? Chik fil a is a national chain...nobody has heard of Maruices. thats why this is in the news.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    If I boycotted every business that did something I didn't agree with I would be naked and have nothing to eat.

    If I didn't boycott a business that spends money on conversion therapy that should be classified as torture, I'd have trouble sleeping. Thankfully we don't live an all-or-nothing-world. I don't imagine you have much trouble sleeping regardless.

    I just find it humorous that people can get worked up over some issues while they wear clothing made by exploited workers, eat food produced by exploited workers, eat food created while mistreating animals, etc, etc... I guess you pick your battles :smile:

    I also find it ridiculous that anyone would suggest a person that eats a box of chicken nuggets is against gay rights.

    I no longer mind the hypocrisy. Worrying about the contradictions in my own life at one time stopped me from speaking out and being active UNTIL i realized that hey, wait a minute! I had no choice in the economic and political system and social structure I was born in to. I take the benefits of this situation and, as I learn about each explotation, I can use those same benefits to do all within my power to encourage appropriate change. There is no longer any reason to fear hypocrisy - we are all tainted. Doesn't give us any excuse to wallow in it, though.

    As for Schtick Fil A-a-a, they are as obnoxious as that Christian Baptist group from Kansas that attends many military funerals, disrupts them, and grieves the families of the deceased. No one can stop these hateful Kansas Bible-thumpers because this is America and free speech rules. But that Kansas group is very small. . .extremely small. They are for the most part shunned. Hell, even Bill OReilly condemns them.

    But I haven't heard anyone from Fox News come down on the plucked chick fillet. Why not? isn't the Chick Fil A speech bordering dangerously on hate? I just remember Matthew Shepard and cringe at crap like this. Clearly we Americans have our sacred double cows....I mean, chicks!

  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I would never eat there only because of the name. It has to be one of the stupidest names and most ridiculous logos in the history of restaurant franchises. I had only heard the name a few times in the past before this story came up. I was shocked to find out it was a real restaurant. I had always thought it was a joke name.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    I just find it humorous that people can get worked up over some issues while they wear clothing made by exploited workers, eat food produced by exploited workers, eat food created while mistreating animals, etc, etc... I guess you pick your battles :smile:

    It was the CEO of Chick-Fil-A that fired the first shot in this battle. He could have prayed quietly in his room till kingdom come, but he chose to pray on the streetcorners to make himself seen by men.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    There is a restaurant in South Carolina who's owner is openly racist! Anyone heard of Maurice's BBQ? So, it's ok to be hateful towards African Americans but not ok to hate on homosexuals because that restaurant is fully operational. Sometimes, I think this people are crazy. Btw, I don't condone either.

    No, I've never heard of Maurice's BBQ. Googling a little, I see that he has lost a lot of business because of his vocal views on race issues. For one, Walmart and Sam's Club have stopped carrying his BBQ sauce.

    I don't condone either, either. I'd guess the Chick-fil-a business is bigger news right now because (a) it's a national chain and (b) the CEO has gone out of his way to make it an issue.

    Actually, he didn't go out of his way to make it an issue... he was asked his opinion in niche media... first from a publication that is only distributed among southern baptist churches... and the other on a christian radio program... Not exactly the widest of audiences... He didn't go on the Today show or Rachel Maddow's show and start spouting his mouth off. And it was Mike Huckabee that started the Chik-fil-a appreciation day.
  • Turtlehurdle
    Why are people freaking out about Chick-fila? There is a restaurant in South Carolina who's owner is openly racist! Anyone heard of Maurice's BBQ? So, it's ok to be hateful towards African Americans but not ok to hate on homosexuals because that restaurant is fully operational. Sometimes, I think this people are crazy. Btw, I don't condone either.

    is that what you really take away from this? Chik fil a is a national chain...nobody has heard of Maruices. thats why this is in the news.

    No, but I would think that if people are so passionate about one chain then maybe people should practice what they preach and go after all the chains (because Maurice's is also a chain restaurant) who are either racist, against gays, against Hispanics, against Jews, against Arabs, etc. Unfortunately, I give this debacle another 3-4 days before it dies down...
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    As for Schtick Fil A-a-a, they are as obnoxious as that Christian Baptist group from Kansas that attends many military funerals, disrupts them, and grieves the families of the deceased. No one can stop these hateful Kansas Bible-thumpers because this is America and free speech rules. But that Kansas group is very small. . .extremely small. They are for the most part shunned. Hell, even Bill OReilly condemns them.
    There is a big difference between CFA and WBC, though. I've not seen any actions on the part of CFA that remotely resemble the ones done by WBC. My biggest issue with CFA is the financial associations they've made.
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    In the age of the internet, there is no such thing as "niche media." If Dan Cathy thought what's said on Christian radio stays on Christian radio, he's a bigger idiot than I assumed.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    In the age of the internet, there is no such thing as "niche media." If Dan Cathy thought what's said on Christian radio stays on Christian radio, he's a bigger idiot than I assumed.

    Yes, in the age of the internet things can blow up quite easily... but to be honest, even as a Southern Baptist myself... I never read the publication and I have never heard of the radio program that he had spoke on... so if it hadn't blown up in the blogosphere or on facebook I never would have heard about it in the first place... Also I am sure there are similar things that are said on that show or in that publication and we never hear anything about it.... If he had been some small regional franchise CEO, we would have never heard about it... It's only because we know who he is and what his company is that it made that big of a deal... I have a friend that hasn't eaten at Chik-Fil-A for years for the very same reasons that y'all here have stated... and she is even tired of it all...
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Funny factors I wanted to point out. A Realtor friend and I had this discussion on facebook yesterday.

    -Chik-fil-a serves Coca cola products, Coke is a huge supporter of the LGBT.

    -Chik-fil-a serves chicken, one of many animal species that engages in homosexual behaviors. They literally feed their homophobic customers gay chicken. My bisexual male friend said, "you mean to tell me they serve gay **** to straight men?" I just about died.

    My issues isn't even about the statement by the Cathys. I could care less what their views are. It's just the hypocrisy of the whole situation. The people who are blind to the fact that they are going there to support "Christian beliefs" but their money is funding persecution of human beings.

    I've eaten their once. The first day they opened in my town, everyone who patronized that day got food poisoning. They were closed for the next week to correct their under cooked chicken problem. Never been back.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I am Canadian, so I have never been even near one, and boy am I glad, lol

    Seriously, I have been posting about this on my facebook page for WEEKS....

    I CANNOT stand homophobes, they are as bad as racists....UGH

    As a Christian, I find it VERY offensive when people that call themselves Christians use the Bible to hate anyone.......Christians are suppose to follow the lead of Christ, and that includes loving everyone.....period.

    I would laugh for weeks if this place starts losing enough business to make some of the close down......that would just totally make my year......
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Guys, every location is a franchise. The owner is a douche but the franchise owners didn't do anything wrong.

    Yes and 65% of the franchises profits go to head office.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    As a Christian, I find it VERY offensive when people that call themselves Christians use the Bible to hate anyone.......Christians are suppose to follow the lead of Christ, and that includes loving everyone.....period.

    I totally agree with this statement. What I disagree with is thinking that everyone who supports traditional family is a homophobe. I know people who hold the ideal of the traditional family while not hating or fearing gay people. Now, if CFA refused to serve or hire gay people, that would be different.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    As a Christian, I find it VERY offensive when people that call themselves Christians use the Bible to hate anyone.......Christians are suppose to follow the lead of Christ, and that includes loving everyone.....period.

    I totally agree with this statement. What I disagree with is thinking that everyone who supports traditional family is a homophobe. I know people who hold the ideal of the traditional family while not hating or fearing gay people. Now, if CFA refused to serve or hire gay people, that would be different.

    How about being fired for being a single mother and being told your rightful place is at home?

    “On or about June 27, 2011, Defendant Howard told Barbara Honeycutt that she was being terminated so she could be a stay home mother.” “Howard routinely made comments to the Plaintiff suggesting that as a mother she should stay home with her children.”
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I totally agree with this statement. What I disagree with is thinking that everyone who supports traditional family is a homophobe. I know people who hold the ideal of the traditional family while not hating or fearing gay people. Now, if CFA refused to serve or hire gay people, that would be different.

    Sorry but this image isn't working for me but here's a link. marriage

    'Traditional marriage' is at most 100 years old as we understand it. Traditional marriage as decried by Christians doesn't exist.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    How about being fired for being a single mother and being told your rightful place is at home?
    “On or about June 27, 2011, Defendant Howard told Barbara Honeycutt that she was being terminated so she could be a stay home mother.” “Howard routinely made comments to the Plaintiff suggesting that as a mother she should stay home with her children.”
    That is discrimination and wrong.
  • KodAkuraMacKyen
    KodAkuraMacKyen Posts: 737 Member
    'Traditional marriage' is at most 100 years old as we understand it. Traditional marriage as decried by Christians doesn't exist.

    Love love love love love. You said that perfectly.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    'Traditional marriage' is at most 100 years old as we understand it. Traditional marriage as decried by Christians doesn't exist.
    But what is wrong with some Christians holding that as their ideal, as long as they're not bashing, hating, or discriminating against others who feel differently? Keep in mind, this also includes heterosexual couples divorcing, numerous remarriages, single moms raising children without a father to help, husbands having multiple wives, etc. This is not just about homosexual marriage. All this really means is that some people would love to see a mother and father raising their children in a happy, loving home because they feel that is what is best for children, all things considered equal. They can hold that as their ideal, whether or not it exists anymore. I respect people who will stand on their convictions, as long as they're not provoking hatred.

    My problem is assuming that those who hold traditional family values as their ideal all hate or fear gay people. That's nonsense. Many of these same Christians have gay children whom they love unconditionally.