Whole30 September Challenge



  • _Amy_Budd
    _Amy_Budd Posts: 378 Member
    Hey all,

    I started the Whole30 on Sunday (9/9), so today is Day 3. I'm super-pumped on this - it's challenging, but I need the reset. August vacations, back to school stress, the resolution of my custody case (which was very positive, and also incredibly emotional), and my kids' birthday - I just got too casual about my eating and exercise, and my body responded with added weight and my clothes starting to feel a bit snug. NO GOOD!

    I was a bit apprehensive about going without my beloved bacon, and dark chocolate, and my occasional dairy, but I love a challenge, and I do very well at hard-core extremism, so I'm just telling myself that it's a finite period of time, and I can add these favorites back in to my Primal lifestyle at the end of 30 days.

    Also, my first half-marathon is on Day 29, so I feel like that's great timing - I should be lean and mean and ready to tackle that challenge - it's like a double-focus in terms of timing, and I like that.

    I will admit that I've already broken one of the Whole30 rules - no getting on the scale - I took a peek this morning, and after only 2 days, I'm down 8.4 pounds. Now, I know that's probably all water weight, but it certainly is encouraging, and it makes me absolutely certain that this is exactly what I need right now. :)

  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Day 12 is done for me! I went on a 4 day camping trip, brought all my food, and stuck to it!! Im so proud of me :)
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Day 4 and feeling fabulous! Strange stomach gurgling, seriously evil flatulation (my partner was scared to come near me) and very mild headaches on Days 2 & 3 (sugar and sweetener withdrawal I'm guessing), but otherwise fine.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Day 5 for me and sticking with it!

    Even went out to dinner last night for my birthday and was able to make some good whole 30 choices (prime rib, roasted veggies and grilled asparagus)! Although I did question the oils and marinades used for the veggies - the menu description said nothing about marinades but there was definitely something on them.

    What do you guys do when eating out? or do you avoid it all together?
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    Day 5 for me and sticking with it!

    Even went out to dinner last night for my birthday and was able to make some good whole 30 choices (prime rib, roasted veggies and grilled asparagus)! Although I did question the oils and marinades used for the veggies - the menu description said nothing about marinades but there was definitely something on them.

    What do you guys do when eating out? or do you avoid it all together?

    I have to go out to a business lunch next week and tried to bow out of it but my boss is not letting me. It will be interesting see what I can order that will fit into my Whole 30.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    I went out for my birthday tonight and I was able to stick to the plan. We went to a seafood place and I had grilled fish and steamed veggies. I asked them not to put butter on anything. They were very accomodating. It's funny though, when my plate came out there was a candle in my fish. The waitress said they didn't have any desserts without dairy so this was what they came up with! I am glad because I didn't want to have to turn away dessert. Tonight I celebrated with a tbs of sunbutter though, lol.
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Its the last week! How is everyone doing? Is there anything you are looking forward to on day 31?

    I would just like a piece of bacon, after looking at package after package, at store after store, I think I deserve it! :)

    I don't really plan to add back much else. Id like to try bulletproof coffee with butter, that's about it! I have learned dairy is the root of a lot of my issues, I'm just going to have to say goodbye.
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    Its the last week! How is everyone doing? Is there anything you are looking forward to on day 31?

    I would just like a piece of bacon, after looking at package after package, at store after store, I think I deserve it! :)

    I don't really plan to add back much else. Id like to try bulletproof coffee with butter, that's about it! I have learned dairy is the root of a lot of my issues, I'm just going to have to say goodbye.

    I've had the same dairy epiphany. Well, it's probably the third time I've had that particular light-bulb go off, but this time I've seen just how much of a difference it makes.

    I've really missed baking. I have a few paleo-friendly recipes picked out, but I'm going to try to stay Whole30 afterwards with just a treat or two a week. I can't believe how much energy I've had the past few days to go too crazy, even with a night or two of bad sleep and way too much stress. I can't seem to sit still!

    Edited to add: I also really, really miss my scale! I'm anxious to get those measurements done. There have been tons of results with better energy and mental clarity, usually better sleep and clearer skin, but I'd love to see those numbers :wink:
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    I've been bad and have been weighing myself. The first week was so hard, I needed to know my effort and strong will was worth it. And it is! I only wish I would have taken measurements, cant find my darn measuring tape anywhere.
  • amanda6393
    amanda6393 Posts: 176 Member
    Day 4 and feeling fabulous! Strange stomach gurgling, seriously evil flatulation (my partner was scared to come near me) and very mild headaches on Days 2 & 3 (sugar and sweetener withdrawal I'm guessing), but otherwise fine.

    UPDATE: Day 15 and feeling fantastic! Have dropped another clothing size in 2 weeks, according to my weekend shopping :bigsmile:
    Bought a size 10 skirt...which fits perfectly and a size 8 skirt...which is quite snug, but considering I was a size 16, that's pretty darn good!
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I have done well and have had some issues with food variety but not to bad. I am looking forward to a couple of pumpkin ales.
    I did weigh myself and I am down 9.5 lbs so far. If I worked out like I normally do maybe it would have been more but I have a lot going on right now so workouts suffered. I am going till Sept 3rd, that is 30 days for me.
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    Day 20 for me and things are great! I can't wait to weigh to see what the number is! I am loving the taste of REAL food! My headaches have stopped and joints feeling better!
  • renkatrun
    renkatrun Posts: 111 Member
    I am going till Sept 3rd, that is 30 days for me.

    The what?
  • jconnon
    jconnon Posts: 427 Member
    I am going till Sept 3rd, that is 30 days for me.

    The what?

    Sorry, October 3rd. :smile:
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    Day 26 for me, but I took my weight and measurements early since I'm starting a new workout program and needed numbers. Down 5 pounds and nearly 3 inches. At this point in my journey, any time I can average even a pound a week is awesome. And I feel amazing - sleeping like a rock, tons of energy, mental clarity, so much *get up and go* that I'm driving my husband nuts.

    It's been a horribly stressful month with loss of a family member, grandfather broke his hip, and my son going through behavioral issues. I know that if I weren't eating Whole30 - even as imperfectly as it's had to be at times - I would have fallen off the paleo wagon, gained weight and be paying the price physically.

    I'm planning to continue Whole30, but with a little paleo-friendly baking once in a while and weighing every two weeks. Even after having been paleo already for a year, I feel so much better I can't imagine going back!
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    That's great! I was thinking the same this morning about stress and stuff this week. If I wasnt so rock solid into this plan, I would be eating junk all week. Im so glad the cravings are gone!
  • skwidlund
    skwidlund Posts: 117 Member
    Im so happy to be past cravings, too. I do have a thought after dinner that I want dessert, but I can tell that I'm not hungry and it's just a lingering habit. I'm having a cup of tea and feel better.
  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    Today is Day 18 for me - I have noticed that I have increased energy in the morning and I don't really get the "afternoon slump" like I used to. I've also noticed that I have been having fewer breakouts on my face which is awesome!

    One thing I am having trouble with is my snacking though... I recognize when I'm actually hungry and when I'm not, but I seem to just keep reaching for the snacks - all Whole30 foods, but still snacking nonetheless!
  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    Day 30!!!!!!

    What are you eating tomorrow? Im having bacon with breakfast, everything else pretty much stays the same. Im so happy with my Whole30 life!