Zero2hero2013 -



  • Zero2hero2013
    walked 2.1 miles this morning
  • moosejuice16
    Nice way to start the day!
  • Zero2hero2013
    just did a 35 min walk at lunch, guessing around 1.5 miles, cheers moose
  • Zero2hero2013
    todays training:

    circuit style, 30 seconds between exercise, 1 min between each circuit

    bench press, 60x15, 50x10,50x20
    bent over row 60x10x3
    sldl: weight never touches the floor until finish, 80x10, 100x10, 140x3
    shoulder press dumbells, 1x10x20kg 1x10x17.5 1x10x15

    leg press

    3x10x bw 88.4kg currently in monring.

    also 3 walks today, each 20 min plus.
  • Zero2hero2013
    35 min walk at lunch
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    your workouts are looking tidy. nicely done!
  • Zero2hero2013

    just a pic of my legs, dont really show my legs in any pics so thought i would today.
  • Zero2hero2013
    todays training:
    bench press:1x20x40kg, 10x5x40kg, 20 seconds between sets. 1x3x80kg finisher

    clean and jerks,
    10x3x40kg 20 seconds again

    bent over rows,
    10x5x40kg same again

    shoulder shrugs
    10x5x80kg same again

    face pulls
    3x10xsetting 8 im guessing around 100lbs...

    squats (was aching so did just a little)
    1x10x40kg, 1x15x40kg, 1x10x50kg. 1x15x50kg

    lat pull down no break between sets, 20 seconds max between a couple when someone was trying to talk to me. hehe didnt get far... lol
    150lbs x 3
    137.5lbs x 4
    125lbs x 5
    112.5 x 7
    100 x 10
    87.5 x 12

    finsihed. and burnt out lol. gonna re feed tonight, taking the mrs out for dinner. back on diet tomorrow. ( aiming for around 2800 calories)
  • Zero2hero2013
    did a mini workout today,

    1x15 crunches follwed by 10 sit ups,
    arm raises double handed 18kg, 1x15
    bent over row single arms, 18kg 1x 15
    front squats 1x10kg seconds explosive
    eleveted push ups 1x20

    around 30 seconds between exercises, then repeated circuit again.
  • Zero2hero2013
    todays workout

    bench press 3x10x60kg

    squats: 1x5x100kg, 1x15x60kg, 1x10x80kg, 1x8x90kg

    inclined chest press: 1x8x25kg dumbell x2, 1x10x22.5kg, 1x10x20kg

    bent over row: 1x5x32.5kg, 1x8x30kg, 1x12x25kg

    hip abductors 3x10 x setting 6, very hard and hurt alot, need to do this more

    bench press, 1x10x50kg
    squat 1x14x60kg
    bent over row 1x10x25kg
    inclined chest press, 1x12x20kg

  • MinnesotaManimal
    MinnesotaManimal Posts: 642 Member
    your legs kick *kitten*

    that is all.
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    Hey mate i was just looking over your workouts and was just wondering how you have such awesome legs for someone not lifting very heavy?

    all my leg lifts are all 110kg plus and my legs look like ****.

    got any hot tips for me?

    cheers buddy

  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    i would imagine its because he does high volume work for hypertrophy and you do lower volume work for strength. I also believe Zero used to be quite big, so he'll have bigger legs from carrying that excess weight all his life
  • moosejuice16
    i would imagine its because he does high volume work for hypertrophy and you do lower volume work for strength. I also believe Zero used to be quite big, so he'll have bigger legs from carrying that excess weight all his life

    I know this feel. Although my quads are slightly lacking i am pretty happy with my fat man calves.
  • Zero2hero2013
    i have been thinking the same thing, but i have noticed something which is bad but apparantly did something. i always go to low on my squats, so my knee will be bad hence why i have been working on the form.

    also when i did that pose it was first thing in the morning, my legs were already messed up from the day before and i just tensed really really hard lol. almost got cramp.... i dont think il get a repeat of this anytime soon to be honest although i am curious to know what it will look like with lower bf% im guessing thats around 12% their.

    if anyones interest here are my actual stats:

    187.8kg weight, 187cm height, just shy of 6ft, 42-43'' chest, 35'' waist, 39'' around the widest point of my hips, bicep L 14'' R 14.4 but considerable fuller, thigh L 24'' R 24.6''

    Todays Training: walked 1.5 miles
  • yummy_
    yummy_ Posts: 248 Member
    your legs kick *kitten*

    that is all.

    ^^ that!!!

    also, nice work incorporating all the walking - i'm always impressed with the extra calorie burn i get every weekend just from walking around all day instead of sitting at a desk for 7+ hours (easy to track this since i wear a Bodymedia and it tells me my steps and calories burnt).
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    very interesting. LOL at the thigh cramps! I wouldn't say the volume of leg work is "that" high though.

    I did 18 reps at 82.5% (152.5kg) on Monday as part of a strength program. Warm up sets is a total of 40 reps from 50kg to 145kg.

    Do you do any cycling zero2hero?
  • Zero2hero2013
    nah i dont do any cycling mate, when i was at my largest fat wise i had 23 and 23.5'' legs. with fat hanging on the inner thigh, loads of it.... guess it genetics thats givem the shape.

    random question,sitting my legs are full at first my girlfriend thought i was tensing them untill i said thats normal, this is normal right?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    sorry, I don't understand the question. What do you mean "full"?
  • Zero2hero2013
    almost like they are tense when they aren't , and this is 24/7