May 2013 Due Dates



  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Rubybeach, you win the prize for making everyone jealous of your travels! That all sounded incredible!
    I hear you with the bladder issues -- I had to laugh at RBX's story of walking around target having to sporadically pee. Those sudden urges are killer! *bam* pee! My FIL was in town over the weekend so we did a lot of walking showing him Seattle's waterfront, etc, and I peed at pretty much every Starbucks we passed... which, if you know Seattle, was about every 3,000 feet.

    LadyJocc, I used to live in Everett! Still actually own a townhouse there and have a renter. Small world!

    I only seem to get the sudden need to pee at inopportune times, like in the middle of grocery shopping or at the park with the kids. Never when I'm conveniently at home, a few feet from the bathroom! :grumble: :laugh:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    That's as far as we've gotten. We're doing 100-150/day for now. I find myself doing them before bed, when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep right away, and after working out. I try to do them in the car or during lectures, but I find they take too much concentration.

    When you say "we," do you mean your prenatal yoga class? I am imagining you doing simultaneous kegels with your husband, which is kind of funny in my head, I guess because I am imagining what would happen if my husband were doing kegels...
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    The kegels are homework for my Bradley class, so that "we" means the pregnant class members!

    My husband did inform me that he has experienced contractions. I was like, ha ha ha. But it turns out that he used to have horrible back spasms that wrapped around to his abs and so he would have contractions that he needed to breathe through. I don't doubt that they were painful, but somehow I don't think they are quite the same.

    Today he also asked me if I had any mother's intuition about whether the baby would come early. I said I have no clue.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Kegel combinations:
    (I do all contractions on the exhale and all releases on the exhale, which is what I learned in prenatal yoga)

    Contract, relax, repeat

    "Elevator" kegels:
    -regular contraction, graded relaxation in five steps (like going down five floors on an elevator and stopping at each one)
    -graded contraction, graded relaxation, " "
    any combination of the above, plus a three second hold at the top

    Sprint kegels:
    really fast series of contract and relax, like a pulse

    That's as far as we've gotten. We're doing 100-150/day for now. I find myself doing them before bed, when I wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep right away, and after working out. I try to do them in the car or during lectures, but I find they take too much concentration.

    Thank you!! That's incredibly helpful.

    I too find that they take too much concentration for me to do while driving or working. Honestly, I know they are important - but they really do feel like a chore.

    Whining aside - I will try these combos to spice it up. :wink: Thanks again!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member

    My husband did inform me that he has experienced contractions. I was like, ha ha ha. But it turns out that he used to have horrible back spasms that wrapped around to his abs and so he would have contractions that he needed to breathe through. I don't doubt that they were painful, but somehow I don't think they are quite the same.

    During one of my past pregnancies, my hubby said that he was experiencing sympathy symptoms because he was feeling 'kicks' in his abdomen :laugh: You never know!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Ooops: I meant all releases on the inhale.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Sleeping at night had become so uncomfortable already. Luckily my husband is a chiropractic student so he did a bunch of trigger points and gave me an awesome lower back massage last night. But my joints are sooooooo achy. I finally fell asleep with a pillow propped under my belly, a pillow under my lower back, a pillow between my thighs, and a pillow between my shoulder and neck. I have a maternity pillow - but it doesn't feel supportive enough, and I have a stomach sleeper pregnancy pillow with a hole cut out for the belly - but my belly is to narrow for the sides and too deep which makes it hit the bed anyways :( Sigh.... 7 more weeks. Okay, the rant is over.

    The Nexium seems to be working FANTASTIC for the heartburn (which subsequently has keep my nausea in check too! Hurray!).

    As far as nesting, I am feeling much, much better. Still a few smaller projects to do - but if worst came to worst they are things my husband could take care of on his own.

    Anyways - hope everyone is feeling great! Are we all officially in the 3rd trimester now? It's the homestretch ladies!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    LadyJocc, fruit was soooo yummy and really fruit has been my only craving, so it was heaven.

    Lady & RBX, totally hear you on the bathroom breaks! We walk to the park and about 10 minutes into the walk I already have to pee!

    RBX- my mom didn't fly until she was 40, so I feel for you. She still won't fly alone, it's a tough one. I like you yacht idea better anyways :)

    MormonMama- wow, you are lucky to have a chiropractor husband! How nice!!! And where did you get the stomach sleeper pillow?

    Well, settling into our life in Canada. We had a nice relaxing weekend and took the dogs to the park twice. We met a couple there with 2 dogs and a baby. They had lived in Portland (where we're from) and Australia and had just moved to Vancouver too. She also delivered at the hospital we'll be at. Isn't that crazy to have so much in common??? They were so nice and she gave me her number to meet up :smile:

    The stereotype of Canadians being so nice has rang true for us so nice and polite, I LOVE it! Such a change from Australia, it's so interesting experiencing different cultures.

    Nesting in full force, if you look at my profile picture you can see the beginnings of our weiner dog nursery. Much more stuff to come...... Etsy will be the death of me and has taken all my money! You can't buy much weiner dog stuff in stores so a lot of it is custom made :ohwell:

    Still waiting on the air shipment of our belongings..... It'll be interesting to see where I'm at on the scale as we haven't had one in weeks. Measuring right on track though, so that's what I'm going by at this point.

    How are you??
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Today he also asked me if I had any mother's intuition about whether the baby would come early. I said I have no clue.

    My husband has asked me that about whether I think we're having a boy or a girl. He asked me that the first time, too. I went back and forth that time, as I do this time. So yeah, I had no guess! (Honestly, I think if you put a gun to my head the first time and forced me to make a guess, I'd have guessed a girl, and we had a boy. This time I have a feeling we'll have a girl, but as luck would have it in both of our families, we'll have another boy - which is TOTALLY fine by me.)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Hope everyone is doing well. Sleeping at night had become so uncomfortable already. Luckily my husband is a chiropractic student so he did a bunch of trigger points and gave me an awesome lower back massage last night. But my joints are sooooooo achy. I finally fell asleep with a pillow propped under my belly, a pillow under my lower back, a pillow between my thighs, and a pillow between my shoulder and neck. I have a maternity pillow - but it doesn't feel supportive enough, and I have a stomach sleeper pregnancy pillow with a hole cut out for the belly - but my belly is to narrow for the sides and too deep which makes it hit the bed anyways :( Sigh.... 7 more weeks. Okay, the rant is over.

    The Nexium seems to be working FANTASTIC for the heartburn (which subsequently has keep my nausea in check too! Hurray!).

    As far as nesting, I am feeling much, much better. Still a few smaller projects to do - but if worst came to worst they are things my husband could take care of on his own.

    Anyways - hope everyone is feeling great! Are we all officially in the 3rd trimester now? It's the homestretch ladies!

    I know, sleeping is getting to be rough :( I'm sorry you're having trouble with that. Glad the Nexium is working, though! I was doing the Zantac thing but decided to stop because I was having, um, movements that were interesting colors. (Not black, which is a sign of bleeding, but colors that led me to Google it, and it turns out that can be a side effect because you're producing less stomach acid and thus not digesting food as completely.) I decided to just use Tums as I go and to avoid foods that make things worse, and I've done fine so far. It's been about a week since my last Zantac.

    I think we should all be third trimester by now, since I'm 32 weeks and am due 5/26... anyone due past me and still in May is at least 31 weeks by now!

    We are thisclose to having our son's room set up with the big boy bed and everything; we just have to set up the monitor camera. We ended up ordering one online that we can use an app for, and it just arrived today (like 10 minutes ago). So we'll play with that tonight. On the downside, his overnight diaper has been leaking every. single. night. for the past week or so, which means I keep having to pull the crib sheet and wash it along with all his stuffed animals plus give him an "emergency" bath. (He gets baths every night, but I mean that I have to give him an unexpected bath.) I had just ordered more Huggies Overnites, so as soon as they arrive I will be shipping them back to Amazon (yay for free returns!) and have already ordered Huggies Pull-Ups Nighttime. Typically I would go a size up in diapers when this would happen, but he was already in size 6 Huggies Overnites, and they don't make them any bigger. So I went to the 3T-4T of Pull-Ups Nighttime and am hoping that works. I just don't want to have to strip his bed down to the vinyl mattress cover every day!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    LadyJocc, fruit was soooo yummy and really fruit has been my only craving, so it was heaven.

    Lady & RBX, totally hear you on the bathroom breaks! We walk to the park and about 10 minutes into the walk I already have to pee!

    RBX- my mom didn't fly until she was 40, so I feel for you. She still won't fly alone, it's a tough one. I like you yacht idea better anyways :)

    MormonMama- wow, you are lucky to have a chiropractor husband! How nice!!! And where did you get the stomach sleeper pillow?

    Well, settling into our life in Canada. We had a nice relaxing weekend and took the dogs to the park twice. We met a couple there with 2 dogs and a baby. They had lived in Portland (where we're from) and Australia and had just moved to Vancouver too. She also delivered at the hospital we'll be at. Isn't that crazy to have so much in common??? They were so nice and she gave me her number to meet up :smile:

    The stereotype of Canadians being so nice has rang true for us so nice and polite, I LOVE it! Such a change from Australia, it's so interesting experiencing different cultures.

    Nesting in full force, if you look at my profile picture you can see the beginnings of our weiner dog nursery. Much more stuff to come...... Etsy will be the death of me and has taken all my money! You can't buy much weiner dog stuff in stores so a lot of it is custom made :ohwell:

    Still waiting on the air shipment of our belongings..... It'll be interesting to see where I'm at on the scale as we haven't had one in weeks. Measuring right on track though, so that's what I'm going by at this point.

    How are you??

    Glad Canada is going well so far! That's so weird about the couple you met! I hope you guys hit it off :)

    I love your nursery. The dog theme is ADORABLE. In case you haven't noticed, I'm totally a dog person (my profile pic is just one of our four), so I love it! I kept our nursery neutral, and our son's room is space-themed, but I would love to do a dog theme!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    MormonMama- wow, you are lucky to have a chiropractor husband! How nice!!! And where did you get the stomach sleeper pillow?

    This is the pillow I bought when I was pregnant with my first:

    It doesn't get great reviews online, but when I was pregnant with my first it was the perfect solution for my inability to sleep, achy hips (from side sleeping), PSD (pubic bone would click and pop out of place if I rolled to switch sides in the night), and relaxing my overused back (think about how much effort our back goes into to keep our pregnant bellies stabilized both day and night!). I talked to my chiropractor (and my chiro student hubby) and my OBGYN and they were thrilled that I had found a way to sleep more comfortably. It is expensive, but I had it for the last two months of my first pregnancy and it was worth every penny.... BUT this time around, I'm carrying the baby out in front more and I'm not as wide, because of how he's positioned. So I kind of "fall through" the pillow... and because my belly sticks out so far, even with the extra cushions my belly touches the bed under the pillow. I still lay on it for massages and to rest for a few minutes, but I can't sleep on it for more than 20 or 30 minutes before I feel a little pressure on the belly.

    If I had the money to buy another one this is the one I would buy:

    It is more expensive.... and that sucks, but I have been adjusted on this at my chiropractors office and it is SOOO nice. I like that they sell 2 sizes - and that even if the deeper size is too small you can double them up (they sell a combo set). I like that they are a medical grade dunlap foam, and that they are manufactured for massage therapists and chiropractors versus just home use - which means they should endure a lot of usage/weight. With only 7 weeks left I'm not sure if I can justify buying another belly pillow - but this one was not available for international sales unless you were professionally certified when I was pregnant with my first, otherwise this would have been my initial purchase.

    Another reason I loved my first pillow was during breastfeeding. I developed mastitis and was told that sleeping on my chest could have been one of the factors. After that I slept on my pillow (or propped up so my chest wasn't taking the brunt of the weight) and didn't get it again (but I was also changing other "possible factors" like how often/how long I pumped. so no guarentee it was really avoiding sleeping on my chest). I have googled far and wide for stomach sleeping solutions... if anyone else has any ideas I'd be glad to hear them!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I don't have much to add today, but I wanted to bump - how is everyone doing? We are all getting so close!!!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks MormonMama for the links and info :)

    RBX- I've noticed you're a dog lover! It's been hard to find girly dog stuff, let me tell you! My mom said, this girl better love dogs! Haha

    How's everyone else doing?

    I'm doing ok, tired and feeling lots of pressure on my bladder, baby dropping? Lots of movement and hiccups.

    Not sure if I already mentioned this already but our baby is "sunny side up" mid wife said there is plenty of time to turn but if she doesn't labor is a little bit more painful. Turn baby, turn!

    Speaking of dogs...... How did you adjust to life with newborns? Barking, sniffing, etc?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Thanks MormonMama for the links and info :)

    RBX- I've noticed you're a dog lover! It's been hard to find girly dog stuff, let me tell you! My mom said, this girl better love dogs! Haha

    How's everyone else doing?

    I'm doing ok, tired and feeling lots of pressure on my bladder, baby dropping? Lots of movement and hiccups.

    Not sure if I already mentioned this already but our baby is "sunny side up" mid wife said there is plenty of time to turn but if she doesn't labor is a little bit more painful. Turn baby, turn!

    Speaking of dogs...... How did you adjust to life with newborns? Barking, sniffing, etc?

    My son is WAY into dogs. I think it's just natural given that he is greatly outnumbered by them :smile: He also talks to them all the time, which is kind of cute. I guess he sees us doing it and follows suit. When we first brought him home after he was born, he started crying because he needed a diaper change. So we brought him into his room to change him, and one of our then-three dogs started running around the room barking, as if to say, "I can make noise, too!" It was so out of character for him, which made it really funny. That was the only time they barked with regard to his crying or anything. My dogs aren't big barkers, but they will bark if, say, someone is at the door or in the wetlands behind our house, etc. I used to have major issues with the neighborhood kids using our backyard as a pass-through to the wetlands (where they're not supposed to be playing) and sometimes even playing games or chasing each other *in* our yard. Finally we had a fence put up, but until we did it was a major PITA because my son would be napping, I'd be trying to get stuff done, and out of the blue my dogs would start going nuts and would wake him up :explode: Otherwise, the dogs weren't all that interested in my son as an infant. I mean, they definitely kept an eye out for him, and occasionally they would sniff him, which was fine (hard to be a germophobe when you have dogs), but for the most part they didn't care. Only in the past 6 or 7 months have they really interacted that much, and since my son is gentle with them, they are fine with him.

    I hope your baby turns face down before birth! Like your midwife said, though, you've got time.

    Lots of weird pressure here. It comes and goes, though, and it's usually when I stand up after sitting for a while and/or walk around a lot that I feel that way. It's annoying, but it's my sign that s/he is dropping, which is good. When I was pregnant with my son, he hung out low from about 34 weeks forward, so when it came time to be born, he was pretty much right there, ready to come out. It only took three pushes to get him out. I am hoping baby #2 is as cooperative!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Nesting in full force, if you look at my profile picture you can see the beginnings of our wiener dog nursery. Much more stuff to come...... Etsy will be the death of me and has taken all my money! You can't buy much wiener dog stuff in stores so a lot of it is custom made :ohwell:

    Ahhh! Etsy has taken all of my money too! Such cute stuff - your nursery is looking great! I love the dog theme - very original.

    Glad you're settling in and (potentially) met a new friend! Crazy to run into people with so much in common as you - they are your Canadian Instant-Friends! :wink:

    Mine is having lots of hiccups too. He's also started in on the right rib and seems content to kick that spot and that spot only. But, otherwise he's head down and in position (hope he stays that way) - I'm sure that your baby will get turned around, like you said - plenty of time!

    And RBX - just 3 pushes on your first!?? Holy cow - I'm jealous! Here's hoping you have just as good of luck this go around!!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies - just realized I never made an update about the "big boy bed" for our toddler. He went straight to a twin bed (and then were gifted an amazing lightening mcqueen toodler bed - that will probably stay at grandmas for naptime). The very first night I asked him where he wanted to sleep and he chose the twin bed and has never looked back. In fact, the first night he woke up crying and I put him in the crib and said "if you are going to cry, then you have to sleep in the crib" and he said "no! [his name] big boy!" so I moved him back to his bed and he laid down and went to sleep.

    We still get a few wake ups a night (1 or 2) where he is startled and calls for help - I think I'm going to go buy a little night light for next to his bed so he can see a little bit (he usually sleeps with the room pitch dark) and hopefully that helps. He has only gotten off the bed once in the middle of the night and it was during an episode where he was convinced it was "morning". I had to show him the window and let him see that it was still night before he calmed down enough to go back to bed. He is waking up closer to 6 than 7 now, but I can live with that. He seems to love it though :)

    RBX - is your lttle man in the big boy bed now too?

    Anyways, as far as pregnancy goes I'm feeling pretty good. I'm getting to the huge stage where I feel like a balloon about to pop, but according to the countdown my husband set up on my phone, only 44 days left!
  • speshell4
    speshell4 Posts: 49
    I have not posted here in a while. I can not believe I will have another infant in just 8 weeks.
    My home will be a mad house. Three boys three and under!!! what was I thinking:) I hope everyone is as excited as I am to have another little one so soon!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    RBX - is your lttle man in the big boy bed now too?

    Anyways, as far as pregnancy goes I'm feeling pretty good. I'm getting to the huge stage where I feel like a balloon about to pop, but according to the countdown my husband set up on my phone, only 44 days left!

    I am so glad to hear your transition has been fairly smooth! I was just telling my sister today, I think the biggest transition will be that his bed is in a new room. We haven't done the camera setup just yet, so he hasn't slept in there yet. It's otherwise all done, and we have played with him and stuff in there, and he likes being in there and on the bed. When he sits up there, he actually cuddles up with the pillow and pretends to sleep, so he already understands the purpose of the bed. When he goes in there, if he wants to sit in bed and look at books until he falls asleep, I have no problem with that, but I am just concerned that he's going to be super upset at being in there by himself. We even set up a little lamp that can act as a night light, and we set up a cute little speaker to the iPod shuffle that my husband never uses so that he can have music, since he uses the music thingie in his crib every night (if we wakes up in the middle of the night, he will turn it on).

    The biggest issue we were having (and the biggest reason we haven't had him sleep in there yet) is that he was having diaper leaks every night (pee only), and then three nights in a row he woke up completely soaked. He's already wearing a size 6 diaper, which is fine for daytime, but Huggies Overnites don't come in bigger sizes. I actually moved him into Pull Ups Nighttime pants in the 3T-4T size. So far we've had three dry mornings. It is a big enough pain to have to wash a soaked crib sheet plus the three stuffed animals he sleeps with, so I didn't want to have to deal with the difficulty of getting him to sleep on his new bed plus having to strip the bed completely. (We have a vinyl cover on the mattress, so that wouldn't be an issue.) Since he's had now three dry nights, I think we will set up the camera tonight, spend tomorrow morning playing in there, then try a nap in the new bed. We can try again in the evening, too. Just hoping it goes smoothly!

    Overall, I still can't believe how close we all are! I was talking to someone yesterday who said, "Well, if you're due at the end of May, that's two months." I said, "Well, we're almost a week into April, and I have a feeling I am going to go early again, so we're talking about a month and a half." Which is CRAZY! I think I'm just anxious to get L&D over with and get going :smile:

    ETA that I have to go buy the Contraction Master app! I used an app last time (I had a Droid, and Contraction Master was not available for anything but iPhone - now it's on Droid, though), which was very helpful in timing my contractions, since they were close together from the start. I think the same guy created a breastfeeding app, too, so I might check that out.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I have not posted here in a while. I can not believe I will have another infant in just 8 weeks.
    My home will be a mad house. Three boys three and under!!! what was I thinking:) I hope everyone is as excited as I am to have another little one so soon!

    Good to "see" you!!!