May 2013 Due Dates



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    RBX - good luck on your glucose test. Got mine back last week and I passed. Small victories.

    Bleh. Nausea is sticking around and I feel like crap. I've already thrown up twice this morning and it's not even 9:30!!

    Has anyone else been having Braxton Hicks? I've been having incredibly painful BH contractions (I know, I know "Braxton hicks contractions don't hurt") My OB knows and told me as long as I don't have more than one an hour then not to worry about it. Right now they are coming about every 45 minutes. I still have 8 weeks before they would let me go into labor, and even though these false contractions suck, at least my uterus is getting ready for a quick labor by practicing, right?

    I have been wondering about you and nausea. I am so sorry it is still sticking around :frown: I have had BH contractions pretty regularly, too, but not painful ones. Sometimes they feel extremely tight, though. I don't remember having them at all the first time, so maybe it means my uterus is working out in anticipation of labor...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Yes Good luck on your glucose test RBX! I will get my results tomorrow from the one I took on Thursday. I am also hoping to pass so I dont have to do the 3 hour. Thats exciting with your sons new furniture! I know we have to put our son into his toddler bed soon. He climbed out when I put him down for a nap on Thursday and in the mornings he gets ready to flip over his bars when I am getting him out. Just getting more and more brave....he was doing tumbles off the couch yesterday, which was scary and he just kept laughing...hes getting too daring now! :ohwell:

    I haven't had any BH contractions yet, but I didnt have them with my son and even if I had them I am not sure I would know considering Ive never felt contractions.....but hopefully they wont start! I am sorry to see you are nauseous:frown: . It is good your uterus is paracticing! Hopefully that will make it easier :smile: .

    On a side note my weight has evened out finally, which is nice! I changed my eating habits slightly, but it is so hard when I am hungry more than not.....I have just stopped snacking right away and waiting an hour or so and drinking water. I feel a lot better and I am hoping based on my prior weight gain, I can more or less maintain from here. Which would be fantastic! But the body will do what it wants....I had to buy more shirts because my belly is getting so big that most of my regular shirts no longer cover the band on my maternity pants :frown: ...but it was nice to buy myself a few new shirts and a new pair of maternity jeans this weekend....I haven't bought myself anything in so long! Just buy for the girls and our son I feel pretty today in my new shirt! And my coworker told me last week "You look skinny today! Omg like really skinny!" Never hear that during, but I feel like my body fat has shifted and I am thinner width wise and more belly.....anyone else having this? I know I am not complaining...I look better than I did when I was pregnant with my son! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    My son hasn't tried getting out of his crib, which is good, and he's pretty good at not standing around in his crib. When he's in there, he knows he's in there until someone gets him. I bet when he moves to his bed, he'll be all over the place, though, and will probably fall asleep on the floor until he gets the hang of it. I'll have to put the monitor camera up high so that I can see the whole room!

    That's awesome about your weight maintenance and new clothes. It's amazing what a couple of new shirts can do! I bought some roll-down yoga capris from Old Navy that I got around to wearing this weekend for running errands, and they were SO comfy! I have a feeling they will come in handy postpartum.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Thanks for the good wishes on my glucose test. I passed with flying colors last time, so I'm hoping to have similar results this time. They drew blood before and after, and then when I went to do BP/weight/urine test with my OB nurse, she asked if they had done the blood draw for Rh antibodies. I said I didn't know, so she went to check with the lab to find out that they hadn't done it. So I had to have blood drawn a third time, plus I got my RhoGAM shot today - making today a four-needle day :grumble:

    The only unusual thing about my appointment, though, was that typically I measure right on target (and I did with my first pregnancy, too), but this time I measured at 28 weeks. I technically hit 27 weeks yesterday - so my OB said I'm right around there and didn't change my due date or anything. However, if I am really closer to 28 weeks, I am totally ok with that!

    Oh, and I'd forgotten that now we begin with twice-monthly visits (*sigh*). Not that I don't love my doctor and all, but the scale really stresses me out. I just have to remind myself to breathe.

    Has anyone else had that happen, where you measure later? How much later did you measure? Was it a one-time thing, and then you were back "on schedule," or did you continue to measure later?
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congrats, Rebecca! It's great to not have to worry about GD... one less of the many worries that camp out in the pregnant brain! But FOUR needles? Ugh.

    Mormonmomma --just when I think I have it bad, someone else has it worse and I realize I should appreciate how things are for me! I was so happy to leave the nausea behind, but it left a permanent mark of fear in my soul and I really feel bad for you! And now the painful BH... Just expressing my sympathy. I haven't had any yet.

    Tara -yay for the happy weight news! I've been hanging out at around 27 lbs for a few weeks and hoping that continues.

    That said, lately I have had major chow-down sessions in which I don't have a lot of control. I'm not really very hungry, but I start eating something and the food tastes so much better than whatever gross heartburn-y or whatever icky preggo taste is in my mouth that I just eat way more than necessary. And then a little while later I feel really awful and overly full and heartburn-y and tired and uncomfortable, and I can't work and I have to lie down for a little. I have NEVER felt like this or had this little control in my life before. I feel like I now have a sense of how people with eating disorders now have to live and I have a lot more sympathy. Only about 3 more months... Please tell me that women do eventually return to normal after giving birth... my healthy, athletic past seems like a dream right now!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Congrats, Rebecca! It's great to not have to worry about GD... one less of the many worries that camp out in the pregnant brain! But FOUR needles? Ugh.

    Mormonmomma --just when I think I have it bad, someone else has it worse and I realize I should appreciate how things are for me! I was so happy to leave the nausea behind, but it left a permanent mark of fear in my soul and I really feel bad for you! And now the painful BH... Just expressing my sympathy. I haven't had any yet.

    Tara -yay for the happy weight news! I've been hanging out at around 27 lbs for a few weeks and hoping that continues.

    That said, lately I have had major chow-down sessions in which I don't have a lot of control. I'm not really very hungry, but I start eating something and the food tastes so much better than whatever gross heartburn-y or whatever icky preggo taste is in my mouth that I just eat way more than necessary. And then a little while later I feel really awful and overly full and heartburn-y and tired and uncomfortable, and I can't work and I have to lie down for a little. I have NEVER felt like this or had this little control in my life before. I feel like I now have a sense of how people with eating disorders now have to live and I have a lot more sympathy. Only about 3 more months... Please tell me that women do eventually return to normal after giving birth... my healthy, athletic past seems like a dream right now!

    Oh, I didn't find out the results from this time - I realized after the fact that it looks like I said I passed! I meant that my numbers were really good during my last pregnancy. Sorry about that!

    But to answer your question, yes, you do return to normal! I wasn't into fitness at all prior to my son's birth, and I became a total Spinning and running fanatic. I ended up in far better shape than I ever had been before becoming a mom!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good morning ladies - thanks for the sympathy :) I guess I can just be glad that I got 2 months without nausea during the 2nd trimester. Luckily I only got sick twice while we were in Arizona. It was so nice to be in the WARM SUN! I miss it now that I'm back in the frozen tundra. lol. I'm also back on Zantac for heartburn so hopefully that starts getting better soon.

    I'm having a hard time paying attention today. Baby is kicking me so hard that it's distracting and I'm starving! Can't WAIT until lunch because I've already gone through my morning snacks!

    Anyway - hope you are all doing well!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    TheLaser- I hear you on the food tasting extra good....sometimes its like I am eating it for the first time and I cannot get over how good it is! And I dont remember having that with my son...Lol.
    Momma-I am glad you got to enjoy the sun and didnt get too sick while on vacation! I felt that way too regarding being hungry. Some days I am fine and other days I cannot get full! Drives me crazy! And my girls are crazy kickers...especially baby B...she is already demanding and when she rolls...I see it! I never got to experience so much movement and kicking with my first it was extremely weird and I didnt know if I liked it....but now I cant get enough..of course it still feels funny, but I love it when they move as reassurance :happy:

    I passed my glucose test so I am extremely excited! And although I cant compare too much RBX to you measuring ahead, I was generally right on schedule with my son....,but my doctor was surprised yesterday when he did my fundal height and found I am between 32 and 33 weeks measurement he said once I start measuring 38 weeks is when we will have to start really keeping an eye on preterm labor symptoms since I will only be about 32 weeks or so by then. It is scary to think I only have a little over 3 weeks until I get there! This pregnancy has flown by for the most is everyone on names and the nursery?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Has anyone else had that happen, where you measure later? How much later did you measure? Was it a one-time thing, and then you were back "on schedule," or did you continue to measure later?

    When I was 23 weeks I measured at 30 weeks! The intern was totally freaked out and went to go get the doctor to double check. Then at 27 weeks I meaured at 30.5 weeks. So it really leveled out. We'll see what next months appointment looks like (I'll be 31 weeks along so if I measure the same then we will be back on track).
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Time for another update:

    I had another useful midwife appt, and she told me I was slightly anemic! That would help to explain the low energy and sluggishness. Anyone have some really good iron-rich recipes that won't give me heartburn? :) She also said she was not concerned about my weight gain (30 lbs at 30 wks).

    I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but in my Bradley class they have been stressing a high protein diet to avoid pre-eclampsia. If you are at all in a risk category, you might want to look into the research on this. They are recommending 100 g a day, but I just can't do that without eating a ton. I'm usually around 65-85 g a day, but I'm not going to overly worry about it. Tara, I'm sure you know that twins can be a risk factor, although it sounds like you are doing awesome with everything and that measurements can be way off sometimes!

    On another weird note, I was in the gym and these women around me were all speaking an Asian language I didn't understand when suddenly I hear one say, "Baby. Boy. First time." I was shocked -right on both accounts! I asked her how she knew, and someone had to translate "position" for her. But then she said "One month," and I'm like "No, 2.5 more months." All the while I'm crazily thinking, oh no, what if she's right and he comes early?!!! My sister's first came almost 7 weeks early, so it's a real fear. But the midwife said I was measuring right on target. Argh.

    Names and nursery: we've got the name, and the nursery is very much a work-in-progress! I We have basically everything we'd need immediately, but I'm definitely not where I want to be in terms of preparation (no stroller, no baby-wearing device, no breastpump or bottles, only a few diapers from a friend, no wipes or lotion, no changing mat, no receiving blankets for swaddling... ) I don't even know for sure what I need and don't have!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    So there's waaaaay too much I've missed to address all of it....but I've read through it all, at least! :drinker:

    Two of my kids caught a stomach bug (vomiting and diarrhea) from the library's story time a week and a half ago and I ended up catching it too. Talk about miserable, especially while pregnant!! Then, as a result of being dehydrated from all of that, I ended up having terrible cramps and contractions that thankfully turned out to just be Braxton-Hicks because I am not dilated at all. Whew! But it was a pretty awful week overall. So glad to have it behind us! And I'm glad I'm not changing a million diapers a day and washing load after load of laundry every day anymore while hobbling around with zero energy due to being so sick!

    Yesterday we boosted up the mattress for the baby's crib (it was still on the lowest setting from before we moved the last baby out) and this weekend I worked on sewing (for my older kids and the new baby). I managed to hem 3 swaddle blankets and make a 'fauxby wrap' (faux moby wrap) :laugh: since I'll definitely need my hands free when she arrives. I also dyed a few white onesies and nightgowns pink and think they turned out super-cute! Newborn sized clothes are washed and folded in the dresser in her room (which she'll be sharing with my oldest daughter who's 3). I think all we really need are some disposable diapers to get us through the first handful of weeks, but we might wait until she's born so we'll know whether to buy size Newborn or size 1. We do cloth diapers, so the disposables would pretty much only be for the meconium timeframe and waiting for the umbilical stump to fall off.

    I hit 31 weeks today; this Thursday I have one final ultrasound to check on her growth, and then I'm down to the every-other-week visits! Only 8 weeks to go until surgery date, if she waits that long!

    Meanwhile, I've picked out a name that my hubby also likes, but he isn't 100% sure on it. He doesn't have any other suggestions, but I think he just wants to skim through the baby name book to make sure we didn't miss any, lol!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Time for another update:

    I had another useful midwife appt, and she told me I was slightly anemic! That would help to explain the low energy and sluggishness. Anyone have some really good iron-rich recipes that won't give me heartburn? :) She also said she was not concerned about my weight gain (30 lbs at 30 wks).

    Hey Laser - As far as Iron.... I like a spinach "key lime" smoothie! We have a blendtec (it purees the spinach so there isn't spinach flakes) but any strong blender should do the job.

    Put the following ingredients in your blender in this order (depending on how strong your blender is, you may need to blend between steps):

    - 4 ounces of vanilla milk (almond, coconut, soy, rice, cow, or non-dairy creamer)
    - A handful of Spinach
    - 1 large banana (frozen or fresh, either is fine)
    - a couple Nilla Wafers (optional: the recipe says add them, but I don't)
    - A teaspoon of lemonade or limeade powder mix
    - Ice (add enough to make it your desired consistency (I like mine really thick - like ice cream! I eat it with a spoon)

    If you don't want all the extra stuff try milk, vanilla (or vanilla flavored milk), spinach, and ice.. it makes a pretty tasty vanilla ice cream, as long as you can get past the green color. The spinach is virtually tasteless when you puree it in other foods.

    Another way I eat my spinach is in scrambled eggs. I do 2 eggs, salt & pepper, chopped spinach, and chopped deli meat (turkey, ham, or chicken) with shredded cheese on top. If you like your eggs to be a bit fluffier add a dash of skim milk to the scrambled eggs before you cook them.

    Obviously meat iron is absorbed better than plant irons... but I am not a big meat fan when pregnant. They say if you eat foods high in Vitamin C that it will help you absorb more iron though - so enjoy maybe add in more citrus and bell peppers too?

  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I've been kind of frustrated for the past week because my glucose screening came back 143 (my doctor accepts up through 140) now I have to go back in the morning for the 3 hour test. I didn't expect this at all as I had gained 15 lbs at 28 weeks and I have been exercising (including jogging) through the entire pregnancy. I got the news on Thursday and since then I have cut out all sweets and processed carbs and am just waiting....I don't know if what you eat beforehand really makes a difference but some people have told me that it does...and since I was just a few points over hopefully it will. I really hope I pass because there's no way I"ll be able to gain properly on a special diet....the past 5 days I have dropped 2 lbs so that puts me at 13 lbs at 29 weeks.

    Did anyone else have to go back for the 3 hour test and pass (now or in previous pregnancies?)
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I've been kind of frustrated for the past week because my glucose screening came back 143 (my doctor accepts up through 140) now I have to go back in the morning for the 3 hour test. I didn't expect this at all as I had gained 15 lbs at 28 weeks and I have been exercising (including jogging) through the entire pregnancy. I got the news on Thursday and since then I have cut out all sweets and processed carbs and am just waiting....I don't know if what you eat beforehand really makes a difference but some people have told me that it does...and since I was just a few points over hopefully it will. I really hope I pass because there's no way I"ll be able to gain properly on a special diet....the past 5 days I have dropped 2 lbs so that puts me at 13 lbs at 29 weeks.

    Did anyone else have to go back for the 3 hour test and pass (now or in previous pregnancies?)

    Oh, with that close of a number after the 1-hour, I bet you'll definitely pass the 3-hour! If you don't pass, I'll be very surprised. There are LOTS of women who don't pass the 1-hr but do fine on the 3-hr. In fact, because of the high rate, some doctors are moving toward a 2-hr test to sort of blend the 2 tests and get a more accurate result the first time around. Good luck, and don't worry! :-)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    So there's waaaaay too much I've missed to address all of it....but I've read through it all, at least! :drinker:

    Two of my kids caught a stomach bug (vomiting and diarrhea) from the library's story time a week and a half ago and I ended up catching it too. Talk about miserable, especially while pregnant!! Then, as a result of being dehydrated from all of that, I ended up having terrible cramps and contractions that thankfully turned out to just be Braxton-Hicks because I am not dilated at all. Whew! But it was a pretty awful week overall. So glad to have it behind us! And I'm glad I'm not changing a million diapers a day and washing load after load of laundry every day anymore while hobbling around with zero energy due to being so sick!

    Yesterday we boosted up the mattress for the baby's crib (it was still on the lowest setting from before we moved the last baby out) and this weekend I worked on sewing (for my older kids and the new baby). I managed to hem 3 swaddle blankets and make a 'fauxby wrap' (faux moby wrap) :laugh: since I'll definitely need my hands free when she arrives. I also dyed a few white onesies and nightgowns pink and think they turned out super-cute! Newborn sized clothes are washed and folded in the dresser in her room (which she'll be sharing with my oldest daughter who's 3). I think all we really need are some disposable diapers to get us through the first handful of weeks, but we might wait until she's born so we'll know whether to buy size Newborn or size 1. We do cloth diapers, so the disposables would pretty much only be for the meconium timeframe and waiting for the umbilical stump to fall off.

    I hit 31 weeks today; this Thursday I have one final ultrasound to check on her growth, and then I'm down to the every-other-week visits! Only 8 weeks to go until surgery date, if she waits that long!

    Meanwhile, I've picked out a name that my hubby also likes, but he isn't 100% sure on it. He doesn't have any other suggestions, but I think he just wants to skim through the baby name book to make sure we didn't miss any, lol!

    Ugh, I am so sorry to hear about the stomach bug! My son got it about three weeks ago, and I was praying so hard not to get it. It's no fun under normal circumstances, but when you're pregnant, dehydration can be even worse. It's also no fun to be taking care of others while you feel terrible yourself. I'm glad you have all gotten over it, though, and that you are still doing well! Hopefully this will be the last time you'll ever have to deal with it!

    It sounds like you're getting your nursery all set up again! There is something fun about doing that. Our son's new bedroom furniture comes on March 16th, so we have to get that bedroom emptied out before it arrives! I was home with him yesterday (he had to go to the doctor for a sinus infection, so he could have gone back to preschool, but I was content to spend the day with him), and I took a couple of hours to go through the clothes in that bedroom and re-organize them by size. Obviously past a certain point they are all boys' clothes, but for the NB-3 months stage we do have some unisex and girls' clothes (girls' stuff is all hand-me-downs). I found a whole ton of size 1 and size 2 diapers that we never got around to using, so I think I'll pick up a smallish box of newborn size diapers, then move on to what I've already got. I doubt I'll have to buy more size 1s. Maybe I'll need size 2s, since I remember using them for a good while before moving on to size 3s, but it's kind of nice knowing I'm pretty well set on diapers for the time being.

    We haven't started discussing names yet. Last time my due date was February 5th (our son was born January 27th), and we didn't start talking about names until early January. We'll probably wait just as long this time, too. Since we didn't know what we were having then (and don't know this time, either), we had a shortlist for each sex and chose our son's name shortly after he was born. Since we have several unused names, we'll probably just pull out the old list and amend, which sounds kind of nice! My husband and I tend to be on the same page as to types of names that we like, so putting together our list really wasn't that hard the first time, nor was making the ultimate decision. I've seen people have horrible fights over this topic, so I am really glad not to have to worry too much about that! I feel like I can make a big fight out of almost anything these days, so perhaps I am speaking too soon...
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I've been kind of frustrated for the past week because my glucose screening came back 143 (my doctor accepts up through 140) now I have to go back in the morning for the 3 hour test. I didn't expect this at all as I had gained 15 lbs at 28 weeks and I have been exercising (including jogging) through the entire pregnancy. I got the news on Thursday and since then I have cut out all sweets and processed carbs and am just waiting....I don't know if what you eat beforehand really makes a difference but some people have told me that it does...and since I was just a few points over hopefully it will. I really hope I pass because there's no way I"ll be able to gain properly on a special diet....the past 5 days I have dropped 2 lbs so that puts me at 13 lbs at 29 weeks.

    Did anyone else have to go back for the 3 hour test and pass (now or in previous pregnancies?)

    I'm sorry to hear about your test results :frown: I took mine last Monday and was told that results take 24-48 hours, that "no news is good news," so I'm guessing I passed. I go in next Thursday, so I'll know my numbers then.

    I didn't think that what you had immediately beforehand could really affect the results that much since the test should be taken after a fast. I'm not a medical professional, though, so I don't really know. Maybe, like you said, since you were so close to the cut-off, you'll be ok since you've cut down on carbs.

    However, my sister, who has two kids, failed the one-hour with her first pregnancy and passed the three-hour. During her second pregnancy she passed the one-hour test and didn't have to do the three-hour test.

    Also, I know you're bummed, but pleasepleaseplease don't take it as a sign that you've done something wrong. I know it's really easy to beat yourself up over these things, like I did when I was Strep B positive during my first pregnancy (which is totally idiotic to get upset about, but I felt somehow "defective"). I've known several "healthy" women who've had GD, including one who has it again (this is her second pregnancy) and is due in June. She's a little tiny thing and is really into nutrition, so who knows. Sometimes it just happens without any real rhyme or reason. :flowerforyou:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Oh, with that close of a number after the 1-hour, I bet you'll definitely pass the 3-hour! If you don't pass, I'll be very surprised. There are LOTS of women who don't pass the 1-hr but do fine on the 3-hr. In fact, because of the high rate, some doctors are moving toward a 2-hr test to sort of blend the 2 tests and get a more accurate result the first time around. Good luck, and don't worry! :-)

    I've heard of this, too, that the one-hour test actually has a good percentage of false positives, so the new thinking is that maybe a hybrid of the two would be best for everyone.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    So there's waaaaay too much I've missed to address all of it....but I've read through it all, at least! :drinker:

    Two of my kids caught a stomach bug (vomiting and diarrhea) from the library's story time a week and a half ago and I ended up catching it too. Talk about miserable, especially while pregnant!! Then, as a result of being dehydrated from all of that, I ended up having terrible cramps and contractions that thankfully turned out to just be Braxton-Hicks because I am not dilated at all. Whew! But it was a pretty awful week overall. So glad to have it behind us! And I'm glad I'm not changing a million diapers a day and washing load after load of laundry every day anymore while hobbling around with zero energy due to being so sick!

    Yesterday we boosted up the mattress for the baby's crib (it was still on the lowest setting from before we moved the last baby out) and this weekend I worked on sewing (for my older kids and the new baby). I managed to hem 3 swaddle blankets and make a 'fauxby wrap' (faux moby wrap) :laugh: since I'll definitely need my hands free when she arrives. I also dyed a few white onesies and nightgowns pink and think they turned out super-cute! Newborn sized clothes are washed and folded in the dresser in her room (which she'll be sharing with my oldest daughter who's 3). I think all we really need are some disposable diapers to get us through the first handful of weeks, but we might wait until she's born so we'll know whether to buy size Newborn or size 1. We do cloth diapers, so the disposables would pretty much only be for the meconium timeframe and waiting for the umbilical stump to fall off.

    I hit 31 weeks today; this Thursday I have one final ultrasound to check on her growth, and then I'm down to the every-other-week visits! Only 8 weeks to go until surgery date, if she waits that long!

    Meanwhile, I've picked out a name that my hubby also likes, but he isn't 100% sure on it. He doesn't have any other suggestions, but I think he just wants to skim through the baby name book to make sure we didn't miss any, lol!

    The protein does help with the preeclampsia and when I got it with my last pregnancy, I cut down on my sodium intake and within a few weeks I was borderline which was great. So far so good with the twins, my blood pressure has been good and my glucose test was fine. I am hoping my blood pressure will stay this way. From what I have read though GD and preeclampsia can sometimes just be unavoidable...the body does what it wants. I am so glad you are cloth diapering! I wanted to do it with my son, but we lived with hubbys parents at the time and they wouldnt let me use the washer to wash the diapers...I am really wanting to try it with the girls, but nobody I know has really used it makes it hard for me when I have no idea where to start and starting with 2 at once I know will be a challenge. A lot of people say I wont have the time to even wash them between a 2 year old and the girls. That is not discouraging me, but I know they are speaking some truth because it will be another thing I have to worry about...
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you all for your encouragement!!! The 3 hour test was not fun (I had to go lay down in a room since they took my blood 4 times and I don't do well with that, especially while I'm fasting!)...but I am confident that all will go well....and no matter what happens, like you say, there are certain things that you can't avoid with pregnancy and the body goes back to normal afterwards. I just wish I didn't have to wait 48 hours!

    Wow, May is coming up fast!!!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Random question: Does anyone have a lot of fluctuation in baby's movements? I don't remember from last time, and I think I was so in denial that I didn't worry about anything (how nice was that?).

    This weekend was fairly quiet. There was enough movement for me not to be worried, but it was somewhat diminished from the days prior. Then today it's like crazy movement, all day long! I wonder if it's really where s/he is positioned that makes the difference.

    Not that I'm ever not happy to feel movement, but today it feels nice to have it happening often when s/he was quiet over the weekend.

    Does anyone else have that happen?
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    So there's waaaaay too much I've missed to address all of it....but I've read through it all, at least! :drinker:

    Two of my kids caught a stomach bug (vomiting and diarrhea) from the library's story time a week and a half ago and I ended up catching it too. Talk about miserable, especially while pregnant!! Then, as a result of being dehydrated from all of that, I ended up having terrible cramps and contractions that thankfully turned out to just be Braxton-Hicks because I am not dilated at all. Whew! But it was a pretty awful week overall. So glad to have it behind us! And I'm glad I'm not changing a million diapers a day and washing load after load of laundry every day anymore while hobbling around with zero energy due to being so sick!

    Yesterday we boosted up the mattress for the baby's crib (it was still on the lowest setting from before we moved the last baby out) and this weekend I worked on sewing (for my older kids and the new baby). I managed to hem 3 swaddle blankets and make a 'fauxby wrap' (faux moby wrap) :laugh: since I'll definitely need my hands free when she arrives. I also dyed a few white onesies and nightgowns pink and think they turned out super-cute! Newborn sized clothes are washed and folded in the dresser in her room (which she'll be sharing with my oldest daughter who's 3). I think all we really need are some disposable diapers to get us through the first handful of weeks, but we might wait until she's born so we'll know whether to buy size Newborn or size 1. We do cloth diapers, so the disposables would pretty much only be for the meconium timeframe and waiting for the umbilical stump to fall off.

    I hit 31 weeks today; this Thursday I have one final ultrasound to check on her growth, and then I'm down to the every-other-week visits! Only 8 weeks to go until surgery date, if she waits that long!

    Meanwhile, I've picked out a name that my hubby also likes, but he isn't 100% sure on it. He doesn't have any other suggestions, but I think he just wants to skim through the baby name book to make sure we didn't miss any, lol!

    The protein does help with the preeclampsia and when I got it with my last pregnancy, I cut down on my sodium intake and within a few weeks I was borderline which was great. So far so good with the twins, my blood pressure has been good and my glucose test was fine. I am hoping my blood pressure will stay this way. From what I have read though GD and preeclampsia can sometimes just be unavoidable...the body does what it wants. I am so glad you are cloth diapering! I wanted to do it with my son, but we lived with hubbys parents at the time and they wouldnt let me use the washer to wash the diapers...I am really wanting to try it with the girls, but nobody I know has really used it makes it hard for me when I have no idea where to start and starting with 2 at once I know will be a challenge. A lot of people say I wont have the time to even wash them between a 2 year old and the girls. That is not discouraging me, but I know they are speaking some truth because it will be another thing I have to worry about...

    I did a LOT of research on cloth diapering when I was pregnant with our first child. It really came down to cost savings (we're super frugal around here). We use Econobum and Flip diapers from They're the most cost-efficient and work great. A lot of people like all-in-one diapers, but I've heard they take FOREVER to dry and I don't have that kind of time! I know cloth diapering isn't for everybody - I'm certainly not the type of person who tries to push it on everyone I meet, lol! But it works for us. And regarding the people saying you won't have time to wash them....well, our daughter was 19.5 months old when our twins were born, and we had all 3 in cloth diapers until the oldest potty-trained herself at 2.5 years old. And I had WAY more time to throw a load of diapers in the washing machine than I had time to try to get out of the house to the store to buy more diapers. :laugh: Just something to consider! If you want more info about how I do cloth diapers, feel free to PM me. :smile: