May 2013 Due Dates



  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! What brand is your new body pillow, alibur?

    And Tara --what does your doctor say about water walking? I have started adding this into my pool workouts and I LOVE it! It's gentler on my joints than even regular walking and I feel like I can get a really great workout in. I take my swim hand paddles and use those also to propel myself forward and get an arm workout.

    LOL! I don't even know! I'll check when I get home. :)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    A busy couple of days here! I really need to up my water intake, but we just ran out of water bottles here in the office :frown: We need to run out and get more. The tap water tastes funky here, and I hate using filters. (I know, I'm picky.) I packed my own lunch today, too, so that I won't have to run out for (fast) food. I've been doing that almost every day for a month or so now, and the scale definitely showed it when I went to the doctor this past Tuesday! I'm sure all the sodium isn't helping, either.

    As for body pillows, I just bought a regular body pillow at Bed Bath & Beyond for $10 or so. It works fine for me. I only use it on one side, though, because flipping it is too hard, especially considering one of our dogs likes to curl up on my legs when he sleeps. I love him, but sometimes I just wish he would lose his loyalty to me during the night!

    Question for you ladies who have older children: how are you handling having your kids watched while you're in labor?

    My mom's school year doesn't end until late June, so she can't come down to watch our son (she came down to stay for a few weeks when my sister had her second - but that was July-August). I will kill my in-laws if they come to stay. They bug me in short stints, so I will be a big ball of stress if they stay with us. My brother lives nearby but has four kids, and I'm not cool with his parenting style, so I don't really want to ask them to take over. My sister also lives nearby and has two kids, and I trust her more than anyone (not counting my husband) with him. I'm thinking she will be my go-to gal. I was hers if she happened to go into labor with her second before our mom arrived, but then again I didn't have any kids of my own yet. None of my friends who live here are child-free or have older children, so I'm pretty much out of luck on that front. I just wish we had someone close by whose routine we had the ability to mess up a bit without too much guilt!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Rainy day here = lots of sewing getting done! No....not for the baby, but for my 2 other girls, lol! I have a HUGE pile of clothes I'm upcycling and my goal is to have it done before the baby comes. Plus I do need to sew up a couple swaddling blankets for the new baby, but those are quick. I even already have the fabric cut out. I'm trying to get as much done now as possible because I know it's my last chance to fit in anything for a while after the baby comes!

    RBXChas - one thought that could make your water a little cheaper since your tap water isn't good: you can buy gallons of water at walmart really inexpensively (definitely less than bottes of water). Then if you have a reusable bottle or a cup, you won't be going through so many plastic bottles and you can stock up on the gallons for much cheaper. Just a thought!

    Also, it sounds like your sister would be your best bet. If you're only needing someone to watch your son while you're in labor, it shouldn't be *too* much of a disruption to somebody's day! My mom will be coming a day before the baby comes, since I'm having a scheduled c-section (though it has yet to actually be scheduled). She'll be at home with the 3 older kids while I'm in the hospital those first couple days after surgery. I'm assuming she'll go home once I return from the hospital, since that's pretty much what she did when the twins were born. My hubby will get time off work so he can take charge of meals (I've already started making freezer meals) and fetch/change the baby while I give attention to the other kids on the couch or wherever (while I heal).
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    RBX-I second the gallons to have on hand for when your office runs out of bottled water. I am picky too with my hubby hates it, but its just how I am and I also need my water ice cold, so I would have to keep my gallons in the fridge at work and there isnt much room for that. I am lucky we always have bottled water here. And for the labor situation I would go to your sister. I havent qorked the details out yet for my hospital stay, but I know either of our parents will help us out with our son. Plus I am going to plan for a Friday c-section so everyone will be off work Saturday and Sunday to help us out. But with having a planned c-section it makes it easier for me to work it out beforehand.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Hey ladies!

    How is everyone doing? I'm pretty good today (other than being sick again. I wish the cold weather and all the icky germs floating around would go away! I'm ready for summer!).

    Just found out today that one of my husband's brothers is bringing is family out to see us in June and in the week after that I think his parents are coming. I'm pretty excited! We miss his family (he has 7 brothers and they are all very close). It will be good for him to spend some time with a brother and his parents.

    Also - I upped my water intake again (getting over 130 ounces a day again). I have to pee like crazy, but my snacking has let up a bit. I'm getting stoked to start planning my postpartum workouts. (silly, I know, but planning things makes me happy). I've convinced my extended family to compete in a "Biggest Loser" type challenge, but each person's goal would be different - for example mine would be to lose X amount of inches, my moms would be to log her food everyday, my aunt's would be to attend her botcamp classes once a week, and we'd get points based on how well we achieved our goal and then there could be bonus activities like... participate in a 5K, or get X amount of vegetables in each day for a week. We still need to work out all the details but we'll all go in for a "pot" to win. We can donate money, gift cards, or whatever we can. Lots to figure out details wise, but I'm pretty excited :)

    That sounds like a great idea! I am excited too and cannot wait to start running again and doing Zumba. It has been too long! I try focusing on water and even those days seems I am hungry. I even try and chug water when I feel hungry if I had eaten recently and it doesnt take away that feeling! But I have started tracking because I think my sodium intake is killing me. I have to do my glucose test within the next couple weeks, so hopefully it will turn out well. Planning to track so I can make sure my sugar is good, although I dont seem to have an issue so I should be fine either way.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey everyone! Looks like it's been a quiet week around here.

    I'm happy its Valentines Day! We had chocolate dipped strawberries last night (our toddler was in heaven!) and today we are taking my mom out to lunch (dad is out of town) and then this weekend we are headed on vacation to the southwestern states! Hallelujah! I need a break from this crummy weather so my lungs/sinuses can clear up! Tomorrow I'm making valentines with my little man to deliver to all his great aunts and uncles on our trip.

    What's everyone up to? I'm almost 27 weeks so on Saturday I'm officially in the 3rd trimester, right? Bizzare! This pregnancy is going SOOOO fast!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey everyone! Looks like it's been a quiet week around here.

    I'm happy its Valentines Day! We had chocolate dipped strawberries last night (our toddler was in heaven!) and today we are taking my mom out to lunch (dad is out of town) and then this weekend we are headed on vacation to the southwestern states! Hallelujah! I need a break from this crummy weather so my lungs/sinuses can clear up! Tomorrow I'm making valentines with my little man to deliver to all his great aunts and uncles on our trip.

    What's everyone up to? I'm almost 27 weeks so on Saturday I'm officially in the 3rd trimester, right? Bizzare! This pregnancy is going SOOOO fast!

    I noticed that this morning, that it's been quiet! I'm glad someone else started "talking" again because I didn't have that much to say!

    I am congested today - though I feel like it's actually a cold coming on - BOO! It's ok, though, so long as it doesn't get really bad.

    It sounds like your trip to the SW states will be busy! I love that part of the country, too. It's just so different from what I'm used to, and the scenery is just amazing. I'm sure for you that will be a great change in weather, too!

    I will be 26 weeks on Sunday, and I had a similar thought about being close to the 2nd trimester (baby2see puts it at 26w6d), which is CRAZY! It's not going that fast for me, but then I REALLY think about it and realize that it is going by quickly!

    My husband and I went out to lunch today, and at the next table was a lady with a baby who looked to be 3-4 months old. It made me SO want to be at that point not only where I've already had the baby (pregnancy is so not my thing!) but to where you've figured enough out time-wise and such that you can actually leave the house and do stuff like go have lunch with a friend! Plus he was a really cute little boy, and I secretly want another boy...
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Happy V-Day ladies - hope everyone is enjoying some chocolate at least.

    Momma - your trip sounds great! Busy, but a nice change of pace. Enjoy the dry temps - hopefully you'll come back feeling much better. Also, enjoy your valentine card crafting - sounds like a fun mess of red paper, finger paints and glue. :wink:

    RBX - hope your cold doesn't linger! And I totally agree - the weeks seem to passing so slowly at times, until you realize that you're well past the 1/2 mark and should probably get your ducks in a row. Having never experienced this before, I'm in constant awe of this waiting game. Everyday brings something new and I can never fully wrap my head around just how cool it is to be making another person. Congrats on your healthy pregnancy so far!

    Nothing too crazy on our end. Nursery is finished (just waiting to be stocked with more little clothes & burp clothes) and I've been feeling really good. My only complaint is that he feels like he's sitting SO low. It's a lot of vagina punching going on (his head's been down the whole time) and a lot of weird cervix twinges. Lovely. Other than that, everything is feeling pretty good and I'm sleeping really well.

    How are the other May Mama's doing?
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hey Ladies! Happy Valentines Day!

    Drooling over the mention of chocolate dipped strawberries....

    I hope everyone is feeling ok and has enjoyed their day.

    I've been feeling uncomfortable and having trouble sleeping.....scared to think of how much worse it will get. Also, I've had some pains in the groin, like a continuous pulling of a muscle. Anyone know what that could be? It comes and goes.

    We found a condo in downtown Vancouver, so the Bub will be a city baby for awhile......should be interesting with 2 dogs too.

    Have a great day!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Sounds like a fun trip, Momma! I love doing crafts with kiddos :flowerforyou:

    RBX, I feel you with the congestion! We all got colds around here the other week, and my stuffy nose will NOT go away. I think it's a combination of the last hangings-on of the cold plus typical pregnancy stuffiness. But super-annoying either way.

    LadyJacc - good job on getting everything prepared! We haven't done anything yet.....this weekend I need to have my hubby go up in the attic for all the newborn and 0-3 month clothes so I can get them sorted and washed. That'll be one step in the right direction, at least!

    RubyBeach: you might be experiencing round ligament pain, as the muscles loosen and stretch to accommodate your growing tummy. That's what it sounds like, anyway; not pleasant but it comes with the territory!

    I had my 1-hour glucose tolerance test today; brought all 3 of the kids with me (since there was no way I'd be able to find someone to watch them starting at 7:30 in the morning!) and they did AWESOME. I even left them in the waiting room a few times (when getting my blood drawn, seeing the dr, etc) and they were so well-behaved! I had some proud mama moments there. :blushing: To put it in better perspective, my kids are 3yo daughter and 17 month twins.

    Anyway, the test went fine, I guess. I didn't get sick from it (always a plus) and I'll find out results tomorrow. The SUPER-DUPER-EXCITING NEWS from the appointment is that my doctor and I decided on a c-section date!!! It hasn't been confirmed (the scheduling people had to see when an available appointment timeslot would be) but if all goes as planned, I should be delivering on Monday, April 29! So...technically not "May" but it's because they'll do the c-section a week before my due date (May 5). I'm 28.5 weeks along right now, so only about 10 weeks to go! :love:

    Also, I asked my doctor about whether he felt I should increase, maintain, or lower my calorie intake. I've gained 23 pounds so far, and he said that was excellent and to keep doing exactly what I've been doing. So yay! My belly is measuring right on track as well, and I have another appointment in 3 weeks for a final ultrasound to check on the baby's growth. After that, it's just down to the every-2-weeks and then weekly visits until D-Day! It feels so close and yet, as noted above, we haven't really done any preparing because it feels like it's not close enough to do anything yet. :laugh:
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi May Mammas! I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! Mine started out badly, but then my husband's gift improved it --a Snoogle pillow! I was really sleeping badly this week and felt miserable and exhausted, but this morning I woke up happy and refreshed after a totally comfortable night. Yay! Maybe the third trimester won't be so difficult after all (today's officially Day 1 according to my midwife -28 weeks!). I am constantly astounded at how I look. It's me and yet not me. The babe is also kicking up a storm these days.

    In other news, we started our Bradley Method class this week and I LOVED it! There are only 3 other couples, and they almost all are due the same week as me and seem like nice, smart, friendly, fun people, so I'm looking forward to getting to know them and getting together with our babies. Even though the class is long (12 weeks) and hard to get to, I like that it is giving a lot of practical tips for making labor more bearable and strengthening my body in preparation. We even have exercise homework! The teacher is really passionate and invested, too -she dropped out of a PhD program because she wanted to be involved in birth education.

    I'm looking forward to this evening. My husband and I are going to an art museum and then to an old favorite vegan restaurant that we went to on one of our earliest dates. It's hard to believe that only a year ago we had just gotten engaged and had a totally different life.

    It sounds like everyone's doing pretty well and that's exciting! I missed our little group's discussions recently!
    Jess ---you're still an honorary member of the May Mammas even with your April date! (I'm sure by the time May rolls around, many of us will have wished for an April due date!)
    Rubybeach -sounds like ligament pain or maybe SPD, although I'm hardly an expert. If it's the latter, you should have it checked out asap because I guess catching it early can help. Congrats on getting a place in Vancouver. I love that city!
    Mormonmamma -safe travels! Sound so beautiful and fun!
    RBX -hope the cold never comes!
    LadyJacc -you are my pregnancy preparedness idol :) All we have is a glider and a rug.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I am glad the silence was broken! I didnt have much to say except an appointment update, but that didn't feel like a good way to break the ice! Sounds like everyone is doing well! I will be 27 weeks tomorrow, so today marks the official start of the third trimester! Yay! The girls look good and both weighed 2.6lbs on Wednesday! We havent decided on a date for the csection but he said no longer than 38 weeks, if they wait that long!

    TheLaser-grats on your snoogle! It makes such a huge difference and I have been sleeping with mine since 8 weeks! Lol. Plus it works great to use after the baby comes, like a super boppy! I would wrap it and make a little nest to sit my son in in the bedroom if I was getting ready, instead of toting a bouncy seat or laying him on the floor. He loved it! And that sounds great with your class! I am hoping to meet some people in our multiples class in March, but I have also joined the mothers of multiples local group so I am hoping it will keep me sane when the girls get here!
    Jess- Thats great your kids behaved so well! I have to do my (hopefully) last glucose test on Tuesday. I am hoping it will be normal as usual, because I just hate having to go to the lab and sit for an hour so early in the morning! And I hear ya on the not ready mom wants to have a baby shower for me April 20th......I will be 36 weeks by then! She is trying to plan it for when my stepdad is working and when they wont have my 13 year old autistic stepbrother for the weekend and the other option before that is March 30th, but my Mom is worried about the weather for my family from PA that will be joining us. I just feel that is too close to due date to wait to get everything ready if we wait until April 20th.....because with our son I was prepared by 35 weeks and they took him at 36w4d due to a multitude of things and I dont want to be surprised again and unprepared! Which would you ladies do?
    RBX-That would be great if you had another boy, I know I wouldnt mind trying for another boy in a few years, depending on our situation, but then I think if we get another girl...thats a lot of estrogen in one house! Lol! But they are so much fun, I keep looking at my sons infant pictures and cannot wait to meet the girls!
    Momma-I want to go on a trip bad! Enjoy yours! Time is flying by and I had hoped to get to Pa before the girls get here, but now it may have to wait until summer. Especially with us saving up for a van and a "cushion" for when I am not working....
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Hi May Mammas! I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day! Mine started out badly, but then my husband's gift improved it --a Snoogle pillow! I was really sleeping badly this week and felt miserable and exhausted, but this morning I woke up happy and refreshed after a totally comfortable night. Yay! Maybe the third trimester won't be so difficult after all (today's officially Day 1 according to my midwife -28 weeks!). I am constantly astounded at how I look. It's me and yet not me. The babe is also kicking up a storm these days.

    In other news, we started our Bradley Method class this week and I LOVED it! There are only 3 other couples, and they almost all are due the same week as me and seem like nice, smart, friendly, fun people, so I'm looking forward to getting to know them and getting together with our babies. Even though the class is long (12 weeks) and hard to get to, I like that it is giving a lot of practical tips for making labor more bearable and strengthening my body in preparation. We even have exercise homework! The teacher is really passionate and invested, too -she dropped out of a PhD program because she wanted to be involved in birth education.

    I'm looking forward to this evening. My husband and I are going to an art museum and then to an old favorite vegan restaurant that we went to on one of our earliest dates. It's hard to believe that only a year ago we had just gotten engaged and had a totally different life.

    It sounds like everyone's doing pretty well and that's exciting! I missed our little group's discussions recently!
    Jess ---you're still an honorary member of the May Mammas even with your April date! (I'm sure by the time May rolls around, many of us will have wished for an April due date!)
    Rubybeach -sounds like ligament pain or maybe SPD, although I'm hardly an expert. If it's the latter, you should have it checked out asap because I guess catching it early can help. Congrats on getting a place in Vancouver. I love that city!
    Mormonmamma -safe travels! Sound so beautiful and fun!
    RBX -hope the cold never comes!
    LadyJacc -you are my pregnancy preparedness idol :) All we have is a glider and a rug.

    I don't have time to respond fully - but wanted to say that I am madly in love with my snoogle. Good job to your hubby!

    Enjoy it lady!. :laugh:
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I am glad the silence was broken! I didnt have much to say except an appointment update, but that didn't feel like a good way to break the ice! Sounds like everyone is doing well! I will be 27 weeks tomorrow, so today marks the official start of the third trimester! Yay! The girls look good and both weighed 2.6lbs on Wednesday! We havent decided on a date for the csection but he said no longer than 38 weeks, if they wait that long!

    Jess- Thats great your kids behaved so well! I have to do my (hopefully) last glucose test on Tuesday. I am hoping it will be normal as usual, because I just hate having to go to the lab and sit for an hour so early in the morning! And I hear ya on the not ready mom wants to have a baby shower for me April 20th......I will be 36 weeks by then! She is trying to plan it for when my stepdad is working and when they wont have my 13 year old autistic stepbrother for the weekend and the other option before that is March 30th, but my Mom is worried about the weather for my family from PA that will be joining us. I just feel that is too close to due date to wait to get everything ready if we wait until April 20th.....because with our son I was prepared by 35 weeks and they took him at 36w4d due to a multitude of things and I dont want to be surprised again and unprepared! Which would you ladies do?

    Your babies are sounding FANTASTIC!! I just looked through my notes from my twin pregnancy, and mine weighed 2lbs13oz and 3lb at 28 weeks, so it sounds like yours are right about on par with where mine were. Yay for healthy-sized babies!!

    Also, I was thrown a small shower for the twins at 35 weeks and the babies were born at 36w2d. I was a *little* nervous about having the shower so late (since I obviously didn't know when the babies would arrive) but it worked out. Worst-case scenario, as long as you have a few sleepers for the girls and some diapers on hand, you could probably put off the shower until after they're home, if they're born before you get to have the shower.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I am glad the silence was broken! I didnt have much to say except an appointment update, but that didn't feel like a good way to break the ice! Sounds like everyone is doing well! I will be 27 weeks tomorrow, so today marks the official start of the third trimester! Yay! The girls look good and both weighed 2.6lbs on Wednesday! We havent decided on a date for the csection but he said no longer than 38 weeks, if they wait that long!

    Jess- Thats great your kids behaved so well! I have to do my (hopefully) last glucose test on Tuesday. I am hoping it will be normal as usual, because I just hate having to go to the lab and sit for an hour so early in the morning! And I hear ya on the not ready mom wants to have a baby shower for me April 20th......I will be 36 weeks by then! She is trying to plan it for when my stepdad is working and when they wont have my 13 year old autistic stepbrother for the weekend and the other option before that is March 30th, but my Mom is worried about the weather for my family from PA that will be joining us. I just feel that is too close to due date to wait to get everything ready if we wait until April 20th.....because with our son I was prepared by 35 weeks and they took him at 36w4d due to a multitude of things and I dont want to be surprised again and unprepared! Which would you ladies do?

    Your babies are sounding FANTASTIC!! I just looked through my notes from my twin pregnancy, and mine weighed 2lbs13oz and 3lb at 28 weeks, so it sounds like yours are right about on par with where mine were. Yay for healthy-sized babies!!

    Also, I was thrown a small shower for the twins at 35 weeks and the babies were born at 36w2d. I was a *little* nervous about having the shower so late (since I obviously didn't know when the babies would arrive) but it worked out. Worst-case scenario, as long as you have a few sleepers for the girls and some diapers on hand, you could probably put off the shower until after they're home, if they're born before you get to have the shower.

    I was surprised they were so big! But very excited! I decided on March 30th and my mom is happy with that. I just need everything ready. I was working on washing all the bouncer/stroller/and toy fabric parts yesterday and my back was killing me by the end so I think I may have done too much, but I want to make sure everything is ready just in case of bedrest or early delivery. But with it only being 3 people coming from Pennsylvania I figure worst case for them my Gram can bring the gifts when she comes after the girls are born, since she plans to be down here for a week or so to help me out anyways. I appreciate your response! =)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    And my latest news is that I have/had a UTI (will find out the lab results today). Ugh. If that was any indication of how I'll be in labor, I'm pretty scared! I was moaning and miserable!

    It also seems like everything I am doing to cure myself of it causes heartburn, too: I am downing cranberry juice, which is instant heartburn; I am eating yogurt so I don't get a yeast infection from the antibiotics, and that's also contributing to heartburn. The only neutral thing seems to be this parsley-cornsilk tea mix that my local crunchy health food store recommended. Thank goodness for those ma-and -pop health food stores!

    Oh well, at least I slept well last night! Gotta look at the positives.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    And my latest news is that I have/had a UTI (will find out the lab results today). Ugh. If that was any indication of how I'll be in labor, I'm pretty scared! I was moaning and miserable!

    It also seems like everything I am doing to cure myself of it causes heartburn, too: I am downing cranberry juice, which is instant heartburn; I am eating yogurt so I don't get a yeast infection from the antibiotics, and that's also contributing to heartburn. The only neutral thing seems to be this parsley-cornsilk tea mix that my local crunchy health food store recommended. Thank goodness for those ma-and -pop health food stores!

    Oh well, at least I slept well last night! Gotta look at the positives.

    Oh, I'm so sorry :frown: UTIs suck even when you're not pregnant! I've had one really bad one in my life, and I was crying while dealing with the pain. Labor pains are TOTALLY different, though!

    My heartburn is kicking up, too. I am trying to drink water, which helps sometimes and makes it worse others. I just take those Tums and hope for the best :indifferent:

    Glad you had a good night of sleep, though! I'm having a horrible time with that, well, partially because I have a cold, but also because any time something wakes me up for more than a few seconds, I'm up for a while. One of our dogs decided to puke on the bed around 5AM this morning (he was on my legs, so my husband grabbed him and got him to the bathroom floor before any vomit came out and hit our bed or carpet), and I was awake from then until about 6:20. My alarm goes off at 6:30. It was like a cruel joke!

    I was having heartburn issues every now and again and was in the habit of taking Tums before bed every night, but even with that it is starting to hit me at random times during the day and also in the middle of the night (even though I take Tums before bed). I think I had it worse with my first pregnancy, so I guess I should be grateful that it's not as bad as it was then, but it's still a pain!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Waiting on my second blood draw for glucose test... blorg. I feel so gross, but in 15 minutes it will be done, and hopefully my OB will be quick with me so that I can go EAT!

    Also, we bought bedroom furniture for our son (25 months) this past weekend! It gets delivered on March 16th, so we have until then to clear out his new bedroom (we've been using it as storage space and frankly need to purge a lot of it)! I'm excited for him to sleep in a big boy bed!

    How's everyone?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    RBX - good luck on your glucose test. Got mine back last week and I passed. Small victories.

    Bleh. Nausea is sticking around and I feel like crap. I've already thrown up twice this morning and it's not even 9:30!!

    Has anyone else been having Braxton Hicks? I've been having incredibly painful BH contractions (I know, I know "Braxton hicks contractions don't hurt") My OB knows and told me as long as I don't have more than one an hour then not to worry about it. Right now they are coming about every 45 minutes. I still have 8 weeks before they would let me go into labor, and even though these false contractions suck, at least my uterus is getting ready for a quick labor by practicing, right?
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Yes Good luck on your glucose test RBX! I will get my results tomorrow from the one I took on Thursday. I am also hoping to pass so I dont have to do the 3 hour. Thats exciting with your sons new furniture! I know we have to put our son into his toddler bed soon. He climbed out when I put him down for a nap on Thursday and in the mornings he gets ready to flip over his bars when I am getting him out. Just getting more and more brave....he was doing tumbles off the couch yesterday, which was scary and he just kept laughing...hes getting too daring now! :ohwell:

    I haven't had any BH contractions yet, but I didnt have them with my son and even if I had them I am not sure I would know considering Ive never felt contractions.....but hopefully they wont start! I am sorry to see you are nauseous:frown: . It is good your uterus is paracticing! Hopefully that will make it easier :smile: .

    On a side note my weight has evened out finally, which is nice! I changed my eating habits slightly, but it is so hard when I am hungry more than not.....I have just stopped snacking right away and waiting an hour or so and drinking water. I feel a lot better and I am hoping based on my prior weight gain, I can more or less maintain from here. Which would be fantastic! But the body will do what it wants....I had to buy more shirts because my belly is getting so big that most of my regular shirts no longer cover the band on my maternity pants :frown: ...but it was nice to buy myself a few new shirts and a new pair of maternity jeans this weekend....I haven't bought myself anything in so long! Just buy for the girls and our son I feel pretty today in my new shirt! And my coworker told me last week "You look skinny today! Omg like really skinny!" Never hear that during, but I feel like my body fat has shifted and I am thinner width wise and more belly.....anyone else having this? I know I am not complaining...I look better than I did when I was pregnant with my son! :drinker: :bigsmile: