May 2013 Due Dates



  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Hey! New thread! Awesome job ladies!! :smile:

  • JenMarie8781
    JenMarie8781 Posts: 377 Member
    Technically, I'm DUE June 8th... but I never go past 37 weeks so I will most likely deliver in the middle of May... so I thought I'd reply to this post. lol. This is my 5th baby - I have a 7 year old boy, 5 year old boy and 2 year old boy/girl twins. At my 15 week ultrasound I was told this baby is a boy too but I have my 20 week ultrasound coming up on Wednesday to confirm. I'm sure they were right though. lol. I am just now starting to feel a lot of movement in the past week or so. I love that feeling : ) Congrats everybody!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Welcome to all new posters! Who would have thought we'd get so many more new members this deep into the second trimester?!

    So, my latest victories have been lots of swimming, pre-natal yoga, and yesterday... RUNNING! YAY!

    And the latest dilemma is the crib. I want to get a nontoxic crib; maybe I've been reading too much, but I learned that there are no special standards for baby cribs and the materials used. And babies/toddlers have their mouths on everything, chewing up a storm. It's hard to find both a crib and a fitting, nontoxic mattress within a reasonable price range, though. Any thoughts on this, ladies?

    I also bought my first piece of nursery furniture -a very high-quality glider off craigslist! Yay!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    So. Tired. Woke up at 1:30 AM with our little man throwing up. He wouldn't settle down and go back to bed until he had a warm bath, vicks vapor rub, his fingernails clipped, rocked and snuggled by mommy, his stuffed puppy dog, and "Llama Llama Misses Mama" read to him 3 times. Luckily daddy was able to go back to sleep after the throwing up stopped last night (he has big tests today), but this mommy didn't get back to bed until after 4:00 AM, so the 6 AM alarm was too soon. Also, today I'm grateful again for a mother that provides such a great and loving enviroment for my sweet little mister and is willing to take him even when he's sick.

    On the pregnancy front, everything seems to be progressing as normal. Just plugging along and hoping for an uneventful remaining couple months.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    So. Tired. Woke up at 1:30 AM with our little man throwing up. He wouldn't settle down and go back to bed until he had a warm bath, vicks vapor rub, his fingernails clipped, rocked and snuggled by mommy, his stuffed puppy dog, and "Llama Llama Misses Mama" read to him 3 times. Luckily daddy was able to go back to sleep after the throwing up stopped last night (he has big tests today), but this mommy didn't get back to bed until after 4:00 AM, so the 6 AM alarm was too soon. Also, today I'm grateful again for a mother that provides such a great and loving enviroment for my sweet little mister and is willing to take him even when he's sick.

    On the pregnancy front, everything seems to be progressing as normal. Just plugging along and hoping for an uneventful remaining couple months.

    Was something going on last night? My son woke up at 1AM for no good reason and decided to be talkative with his stuffed animals. He was not throwing up or crying, but around 1:15 I decided to check on him to see if maybe he needed a diaper change, and that's what had woken him up. I go in there, and he's fine. I mean, there's pee in his diaper, but his pants are dry, and his diaper doesn't feel full. He normally sleeps 10-12 hours without a diaper change, so I figure there's no harm in not changing him, since changing him will surely require me to stay with him and cuddle him for at least a half an hour. He also did not feel hot, like he had a fever or anything.

    He fell back asleep by 1:30ish. I was up past 4AM! I could not go back to sleep. That 6:15 alarm was PAINFUL. I still feel like I could fall asleep at any moment.

    When my alarm went off, I looked at the monitor to see my son asleep, but there were big wet spots all over his crib sheet. At first I was afraid he'd had diarrhea or something (I knew he hadn't thrown up because he screams bloody murder after he does that), but I went in there, and his diaper was full of pee, his pajama pants and most of his shirt were soaked with urine, and all those big wet spots were pee. GREAT. I bathe my son at night but had to give him a quick bath this morning, strip the sheets, wash his stuff animals and make sure they're in the dryer before we leave (so that he can have them tonight without delay), etc. I still had to shower, so I kept him in the bathroom with me and took a 3-minute shower. It was glorious, I assure you!

    Thankfully that's the biggest drama I've had lately! I hope everyone is feeling well!
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    I've been maintaining 180 pounds now for 5 weeks! Yay. I've been back to regular cardio for almost 20 day, and I'm starting to get my stride back! I can workout for 40 minutes and feel great afterwords, I've started upping my speed on the elliptical, I've gone from 40 rpm to 55-60 rpm but still on resistance 6.... But I don't think I'll up my resistance until I'm fully up to my pre pregnancy speed. I feel so much better now days since I've gotten back on track, my lower back doesn't hurt as much, and (knock on wood) I've gone 25 weeks without swelling!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome to all new posters! Who would have thought we'd get so many more new members this deep into the second trimester?!

    So, my latest victories have been lots of swimming, pre-natal yoga, and yesterday... RUNNING! YAY!

    And the latest dilemma is the crib. I want to get a nontoxic crib; maybe I've been reading too much, but I learned that there are no special standards for baby cribs and the materials used. And babies/toddlers have their mouths on everything, chewing up a storm. It's hard to find both a crib and a fitting, nontoxic mattress within a reasonable price range, though. Any thoughts on this, ladies?

    I also bought my first piece of nursery furniture -a very high-quality glider off craigslist! Yay!

    That's great you found a high-quality glider on craigslist - what a find! I'd been looking on there for a while for the same, but it seemed that no one wanted to part with their nice chairs. Alas, we found a great alternative at Ikea, so I can't complain.

    I, admittedly, know nothing about toxins in furniture, but did see a super pricy Pacific Rim Non-Toxic crib at a mattress store -- $800ish (yikes!) -- non-toxic does seem to cost you! Good luck with your search!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Welcome to all new posters! Who would have thought we'd get so many more new members this deep into the second trimester?!

    So, my latest victories have been lots of swimming, pre-natal yoga, and yesterday... RUNNING! YAY!

    And the latest dilemma is the crib. I want to get a nontoxic crib; maybe I've been reading too much, but I learned that there are no special standards for baby cribs and the materials used. And babies/toddlers have their mouths on everything, chewing up a storm. It's hard to find both a crib and a fitting, nontoxic mattress within a reasonable price range, though. Any thoughts on this, ladies?

    I also bought my first piece of nursery furniture -a very high-quality glider off craigslist! Yay!

    Congrats on your first piece of nursery furniture! I am hoping to get a glider and ottoman for the girls room soon. And congrats on all the exercise! I am going to try and swim again if my doctor okays it at the next appointment...I am tired of paying for a gym membership I havent been able to use for the past few months =/.......But I would recommend for the crib situation, just continuing to look until you find what is good for you, I dont know if ours is necessarily non toxic, but it is real wood and the mattress is a sealy, so I trust it. It was bought for us and I picked it out, its Graco brand, and since they have been around for so long, I figure they are trustworthy for the most part.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Rebecca & Momma - Sounds like it was a rough night for both you ladies - sorry to hear it! Hopefully you'll be able to get some much needed sleep tonight!

    Congrats on maintaining your weight Renae - that's a huge accomplishment! Glad your workouts are feeling better as well.

    Nothing new for me. Spent last weekend painting the nursery and are currently in the throws of an Ikea explosion - hopefully we'll get everything assembled and uncluttered in the next few days.

    Take care!!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    So. Tired. Woke up at 1:30 AM with our little man throwing up. He wouldn't settle down and go back to bed until he had a warm bath, vicks vapor rub, his fingernails clipped, rocked and snuggled by mommy, his stuffed puppy dog, and "Llama Llama Misses Mama" read to him 3 times. Luckily daddy was able to go back to sleep after the throwing up stopped last night (he has big tests today), but this mommy didn't get back to bed until after 4:00 AM, so the 6 AM alarm was too soon. Also, today I'm grateful again for a mother that provides such a great and loving enviroment for my sweet little mister and is willing to take him even when he's sick.

    On the pregnancy front, everything seems to be progressing as normal. Just plugging along and hoping for an uneventful remaining couple months.

    Was something going on last night? My son woke up at 1AM for no good reason and decided to be talkative with his stuffed animals. He was not throwing up or crying, but around 1:15 I decided to check on him to see if maybe he needed a diaper change, and that's what had woken him up. I go in there, and he's fine. I mean, there's pee in his diaper, but his pants are dry, and his diaper doesn't feel full. He normally sleeps 10-12 hours without a diaper change, so I figure there's no harm in not changing him, since changing him will surely require me to stay with him and cuddle him for at least a half an hour. He also did not feel hot, like he had a fever or anything.

    He fell back asleep by 1:30ish. I was up past 4AM! I could not go back to sleep. That 6:15 alarm was PAINFUL. I still feel like I could fall asleep at any moment.

    When my alarm went off, I looked at the monitor to see my son asleep, but there were big wet spots all over his crib sheet. At first I was afraid he'd had diarrhea or something (I knew he hadn't thrown up because he screams bloody murder after he does that), but I went in there, and his diaper was full of pee, his pajama pants and most of his shirt were soaked with urine, and all those big wet spots were pee. GREAT. I bathe my son at night but had to give him a quick bath this morning, strip the sheets, wash his stuff animals and make sure they're in the dryer before we leave (so that he can have them tonight without delay), etc. I still had to shower, so I kept him in the bathroom with me and took a 3-minute shower. It was glorious, I assure you!

    Thankfully that's the biggest drama I've had lately! I hope everyone is feeling well!

    Those random bad nights can be killer, especially when we have a hard enough time sleeping, I know it wears me out more than before if our little man randomly gets up. I hope your son is doing better Mormonmama! And hopefully that wont happen again RBX! Hope everyone is doing well! :)
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I've been maintaining 180 pounds now for 5 weeks! Yay. I've been back to regular cardio for almost 20 day, and I'm starting to get my stride back! I can workout for 40 minutes and feel great afterwords, I've started upping my speed on the elliptical, I've gone from 40 rpm to 55-60 rpm but still on resistance 6.... But I don't think I'll up my resistance until I'm fully up to my pre pregnancy speed. I feel so much better now days since I've gotten back on track, my lower back doesn't hurt as much, and (knock on wood) I've gone 25 weeks without swelling!

    Thats great you have been maintaining! I wish I could maintain for even 2 weeks! I am so worried I am going to gain too much because very appt I am up at least 2lbs....which is average for twin gain at this time, but I dont want to be too heavy at the end because I want to get right back on track after the 6 week okay!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I've been maintaining 180 pounds now for 5 weeks! Yay. I've been back to regular cardio for almost 20 day, and I'm starting to get my stride back! I can workout for 40 minutes and feel great afterwords, I've started upping my speed on the elliptical, I've gone from 40 rpm to 55-60 rpm but still on resistance 6.... But I don't think I'll up my resistance until I'm fully up to my pre pregnancy speed. I feel so much better now days since I've gotten back on track, my lower back doesn't hurt as much, and (knock on wood) I've gone 25 weeks without swelling!

    Thats great you have been maintaining! I wish I could maintain for even 2 weeks! I am so worried I am going to gain too much because very appt I am up at least 2lbs....which is average for twin gain at this time, but I dont want to be too heavy at the end because I want to get right back on track after the 6 week okay!

    I'm not worried so much about getting back on track postpartum, but I really don't want an earful from my OB! Last time I was pregnant, I went on a cruise (around 18 weeks), and at my next appointment I had gained too much, too quickly. My OB told me that if I'd gained too much again at the next appointment, she wouldn't hesitate to put me on a special diet. (I think she was worried about GD, but I passed that test with flying colors, and at my next appointment I either maintained or had a respectable gain, I can't remember.)

    This time I've gained more than I'd like, but she hasn't said a word so far. When I saw her at my first appointment, she was so impressed with my loss and newfound love of fitness that perhaps that is why she hasn't said anything so far. Hopefully it'll stay that way because I'm trying, but all my body seems to want to do is gain weight! I'm ok with it, though.
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    I've been maintaining 180 pounds now for 5 weeks! Yay. I've been back to regular cardio for almost 20 day, and I'm starting to get my stride back! I can workout for 40 minutes and feel great afterwords, I've started upping my speed on the elliptical, I've gone from 40 rpm to 55-60 rpm but still on resistance 6.... But I don't think I'll up my resistance until I'm fully up to my pre pregnancy speed. I feel so much better now days since I've gotten back on track, my lower back doesn't hurt as much, and (knock on wood) I've gone 25 weeks without swelling!

    Thats great you have been maintaining! I wish I could maintain for even 2 weeks! I am so worried I am going to gain too much because very appt I am up at least 2lbs....which is average for twin gain at this time, but I dont want to be too heavy at the end because I want to get right back on track after the 6 week okay!

    I'm not worried so much about getting back on track postpartum, but I really don't want an earful from my OB! Last time I was pregnant, I went on a cruise (around 18 weeks), and at my next appointment I had gained too much, too quickly. My OB told me that if I'd gained too much again at the next appointment, she wouldn't hesitate to put me on a special diet. (I think she was worried about GD, but I passed that test with flying colors, and at my next appointment I either maintained or had a respectable gain, I can't remember.)

    This time I've gained more than I'd like, but she hasn't said a word so far. When I saw her at my first appointment, she was so impressed with my loss and newfound love of fitness that perhaps that is why she hasn't said anything so far. Hopefully it'll stay that way because I'm trying, but all my body seems to want to do is gain weight! I'm ok with it, though.

    I'm bound and determined to have my obgyn not harp on me at at least ONE Aappointment. Lol I have 3 and it this particular one who's just mean mean mean about it. I see her again at the end of February and I want her to say good job just once lol. Mostly because she acts like I can't do it.
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I've been maintaining 180 pounds now for 5 weeks! Yay. I've been back to regular cardio for almost 20 day, and I'm starting to get my stride back! I can workout for 40 minutes and feel great afterwords, I've started upping my speed on the elliptical, I've gone from 40 rpm to 55-60 rpm but still on resistance 6.... But I don't think I'll up my resistance until I'm fully up to my pre pregnancy speed. I feel so much better now days since I've gotten back on track, my lower back doesn't hurt as much, and (knock on wood) I've gone 25 weeks without swelling!

    Thats great you have been maintaining! I wish I could maintain for even 2 weeks! I am so worried I am going to gain too much because very appt I am up at least 2lbs....which is average for twin gain at this time, but I dont want to be too heavy at the end because I want to get right back on track after the 6 week okay!

    DO NOT WORRY about too much weight gain with the twins! :flowerforyou: I gained a little over 60 with my twins, delivered at 36w2d, and they were 6lb7oz and 6lb9oz. I lost 40 pounds within 3 weeks (obviously not exercising) and was back to pre-preg weight by about 7-8 weeks postpartum. Eat so those sweet baby girls can grow nice and big and avoid the NICU! :heart:
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I stopped getting updates under 'my topics' for this thread because it locked at 500 and I didn't see the continuation until now! Oops!

    Sounds like some stressful days for RBXChas and Momma - sorry about that! Sometimes you just have one of those days....that feels like weeks....!:noway: I hope things have improved by now!

    Nothing too exciting going on with me. We finally got around to thinking about room arrangements once this baby arrives. Currently we have 2 girls sharing a room and our son on his own. We're going to move our son into the 'girls' room (though it's blue and not girly at all) and move our oldest daughter into our son's room. That will make it so the twins are sharing a room (like the good ol' days, lol). Our oldest daughter will then share a room with the baby (also a girl) when she makes her arrival. Since our oldest will be 3 tomorrow (!) she'll be good about not bothering the baby vs if one of the twins (who will be ~20 months when she's born) shares a room with her. Also, the room the oldest/youngest will share is right by our room, whereas the room the twins will share is at the other end of the hall. I'm not trekking across the house for middle-of-the-night feedings! In the next couple months we need to transition the twins into 'big kid' beds so we have a crib available for the new baby. Fun times ahead!.....:laugh:
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    Update: I tried to talk to my husband about the possibility of having another baby 3-4 years down the road and he told me he was planning to get a vasectomy! I understand that he's 41, and I'm his second wife, but he gave his first wife as many kids as she wanted, but with me I had to beg for the one I have. It's not fair. All because he wants to be able to retire when he's 60....
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Nothing too exciting going on with me. We finally got around to thinking about room arrangements once this baby arrives. Currently we have 2 girls sharing a room and our son on his own. We're going to move our son into the 'girls' room (though it's blue and not girly at all) and move our oldest daughter into our son's room. That will make it so the twins are sharing a room (like the good ol' days, lol). Our oldest daughter will then share a room with the baby (also a girl) when she makes her arrival. Since our oldest will be 3 tomorrow (!) she'll be good about not bothering the baby vs if one of the twins (who will be ~20 months when she's born) shares a room with her. Also, the room the oldest/youngest will share is right by our room, whereas the room the twins will share is at the other end of the hall. I'm not trekking across the house for middle-of-the-night feedings! In the next couple months we need to transition the twins into 'big kid' beds so we have a crib available for the new baby. Fun times ahead!.....:laugh:

    Sounds like fun!!! My son turns 2 this coming weekend, so we really need to get on the whole moving crap out of what will be his new room (we've been using it as storage) and buying furniture for him. I am so not looking forward to it, but at the same time I'll be happy to be cleaning out that room!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Update: I tried to talk to my husband about the possibility of having another baby 3-4 years down the road and he told me he was planning to get a vasectomy! I understand that he's 41, and I'm his second wife, but he gave his first wife as many kids as she wanted, but with me I had to beg for the one I have. It's not fair. All because he wants to be able to retire when he's 60....

    Oh, wow - I'm not sure quite how to respond to this since it's such a personal situation, but I'm so sorry you guys aren't quite in agreement on that. If it helps, my husband wants a third and then wants to get a vasectomy (his decision to do that, not mine), but I'm done after this baby. This pregnancy hasn't been *that* bad compared to what some women go through, but with the spotting I've been experiencing, it's too stressful! Additionally (and this may sound totally selfish), I put a LOT of work into getting in shape after my son was born, and I'm going to have to do it all over again. I really don't have the energy to do it a third time (nevermind the energy to raise a third child)!

    I would just sit down and try to talk about it rationally with him - don't do it if you're feeling upset or are otherwise feeling emotional. (It's when my son does cute things that my husband talks about having a third - when we talk about it rationally, e.g., when we discuss money, he's all about stopping after two!)

    I hope you can come to some agreement soon! :flowerforyou:
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I've been maintaining 180 pounds now for 5 weeks! Yay. I've been back to regular cardio for almost 20 day, and I'm starting to get my stride back! I can workout for 40 minutes and feel great afterwords, I've started upping my speed on the elliptical, I've gone from 40 rpm to 55-60 rpm but still on resistance 6.... But I don't think I'll up my resistance until I'm fully up to my pre pregnancy speed. I feel so much better now days since I've gotten back on track, my lower back doesn't hurt as much, and (knock on wood) I've gone 25 weeks without swelling!

    Thats great you have been maintaining! I wish I could maintain for even 2 weeks! I am so worried I am going to gain too much because very appt I am up at least 2lbs....which is average for twin gain at this time, but I dont want to be too heavy at the end because I want to get right back on track after the 6 week okay!

    DO NOT WORRY about too much weight gain with the twins! :flowerforyou: I gained a little over 60 with my twins, delivered at 36w2d, and they were 6lb7oz and 6lb9oz. I lost 40 pounds within 3 weeks (obviously not exercising) and was back to pre-preg weight by about 7-8 weeks postpartum. Eat so those sweet baby girls can grow nice and big and avoid the NICU! :heart:

    Yah thats my main focus is getting them to be above 6lbs a piece :), at the last appointment last week I was excited because Baby B weighed 1.3lbs and Baby A weighed 1.2lbs! I love that they are growing together and are growing great. My doctor was excited at how great they looked at the last appointment, and even though I know it is early and they move a lot, Baby A finally wasnt breech! Was just a great appointment.

    On a side note: Mormonmama I was trying to respond to your post on Part 1 about the temperament of how I was when pregnant with my hubby called it my "roid rage" lol....but with the twins I am so much more mellow......He was always on eggshells my last pregnancy, the poor guy, but I think it proves how great of guys they truly are when they just take it and you get through it okay :smile: . This time I cry over the silliest things and even when I get mad, I feel way less angry than I did even before getting pregnant...I think its just the estrogen overload! But I figure I will see how I act after the girls are here and if I go back to being a little edgey temper wise I may see if I have a low estrogen issue...bc it is nice to be more mellow :bigsmile: I figure just try and hold back when you can and if not then just be sure to apologize and try and make the good times that much better and be extra loving so he knows it isnt the real you, its the hormones
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Update: I tried to talk to my husband about the possibility of having another baby 3-4 years down the road and he told me he was planning to get a vasectomy! I understand that he's 41, and I'm his second wife, but he gave his first wife as many kids as she wanted, but with me I had to beg for the one I have. It's not fair. All because he wants to be able to retire when he's 60....

    As RBX is hard as to what to put since it is personal, but it is nice you are talking about it. I know a couple where he just turned 50 and his second wife is 34 and she said she was on birth control but kept it a secret from her husband that she wasnt and she got pregnant...he isnt happy at all since they have a 5 year old and his 2 older kids are 22 and 24.....I am not into the vasectomy thing at all, me and my hubby have talked about it and I have planned to have my tubes tied....I just dont want him to get a vasectomy because it is so permanent, but even so I wont get my tubes tied until I am 30 or so, just in case we decide in a few years to have another...I think I am too young anyways (22) and even though I have 3 kids, I dont think they would do it for a few years, which I am okay with. I think it will be an easier discussion after your little one gets here and he remembers how it feels to have a newborn baby, he may get baby fever once this one gets a little older :bigsmile: Best of luck in reaching an agreement on this! :flowerforyou: