May 2013 Due Dates



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi All, Welcome Jess!

    I just posted this over in the "how much have you gained" section, but I thought I'd repost here to hear your opinions since our group is closer-knit and more conversational. I'm getting pretty down about my weight. I'm 22 weeks today and weighed in at around 24-25 lbs. this morning. The midwife says it's normal and totally ok, but I just feel huge and gross ---and I'm barely past the halfway point!

    According to _What to Expect_, the baby now weighs about 1 lbs. That means I am about 1 lb away from hitting the "overweight" category (if I weren't pregnant). Yikes!

    I haven't been tracking my cals because I've been feeling so awful all the time -I figured why make myself feel guilty about what little bit of heartburn/nausea relief I can find? But maybe I need to jump back in the game now that I'm not quite as miserable as before. After shooting for a daily 1350 cals pre-pregnancy, I think I'm also just scared to see how much I actually eat now. Like, really scared.

    On the plus side (pun intended), the little guy is doing a lot of acrobatics down there! I know why pregnant women can sometimes be smug: there's a little secret movement going on that only you and the baby share, even though you are -gasp- in public!

    Our professional national conference is in town, and I could not find anything very professional to wear. I have about 2 dresses that fit, and I already wore the one yesterday that is not maternity-specific! So today everyone is kinda going to know if they look hard enough. It is sadly not very professional to look pregnant, but on the other hand, it's also embarrassing to have everyone thinking that I just got really super fat since last year.

    Girl, I am so with you! I saw your post over there, too. I've gained I think 18 pounds as of last Friday when I was 18+ weeks. I go to the doctor next Thursday, so I'm not sure what I will weigh then at 20.5 weeks. We shall see. I recommend reading PregosaurusRex's post on not freaking out about your weight ( I am trying so hard to go with the flow. It's really, really hard, though. Just remember that all of this is temporary.

    I haven't been tracking my calories because I am freaking HUNGRY all the time! The OB nurse told me I should be eating six small meals a day, but who has time for that? But I am with you, I think I am worried to know what I actually take in. I can only log in conjunction with controlled eating. I really don't want to know how many calories were in that Arby's sandwich I had for lunch today. (Hey, at least I didn't have a shake.)

    I know the awful feeling of looking like you're just fat as opposed to pregnant. I'm still sort of in that stage. As for your conference, I would re-wear the dress (most people probably wouldn't remember). Do you have any suits or dresses from when you have been a higher weight (if you've been a higher weight)? I had to be in court a few weeks ago, and I wore one of my older, bigger suits and kept the jacket open, which looked normal. Not that the judge or anyone else would care if I were pregnant, but I am not spending $$$ on maternity suits, so it will have to be dresses with open jackets - but I feel like a real suit is better, so I was glad to still be able to wear it. Not sure if I could pull that off now.

    Do they know that you are pregnant? I mean, not that you plan on wearing a sign around your neck at your conference, but do your co-workers and boss(es) know? If so, I'd just be up front. Our staff knows that I am pregnant, and I've joked with them that they're going to see a lot of repeat outfits because I don't feel like spending a buttload on new maternity clothes (I sold all my old maternity clothes as a lot on craigslist because they would all be too big for me this time). It's not like they're wealthy, either ('cause we sure aren't), or wearing brand new outfits every day, so they get it.

    Anyway, maybe get a dress like this at Old Navy ( and put a regular suit jacket over it?

    But seriously, read that post by Liz (P-Rex). And know that I am right there with you on the weight gain thing. It's ok. We won't end up having to have a special L&D bed because our butts are too big :wink: Sometime in June or July we'll all be getting this new baby thing under control and will be burning calories like crazy again!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks for your thoughtful response, Rebecca! I got through the conference yesterday. The only person who saw me pregnant and it really mattered was the editor of the press I want to publish with, and I tried holding my coat up around my belly as we were talking. So I think it worked out. Everyone at my job knows, so it's all fine there. I won't be having any more higher-stakes performances after this for awhile, and by that point there will be no hiding. I hate the stereotype, but I know that people just don't always respect a pregnant woman in the workplace.

    I did see PregasaurusRex's post, and while logic tells me it's all ok and nothing to be stressed about, I still can't help worrying about the weight gain! I am not even eating particularly badly --definitely more sweets to remove the persistent icky tastes from my mouth, and definitely heavy on the carbs (fresh veggies and even fruit give me nausea and heartburn), but I don't feel like it's crazy unclean and nasty processed stuff. Well, my husband is Italian and his son is already proving that the pasta doesn't fall far from the pasta press!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hey all! I'm wondering if any of you are doing prenatal yoga, or if you regularly did yoga before the pregnancy. I have heard a lot of great things about prenatal yoga and how it can help with labor, so I did a lot of research on who were the best teachers around town. The problem is that those teachers NEVER seem to be actually teaching the classes they claim to be teaching, even though they are listed on the schedule!

    I have tried FOUR different prenatal yoga classes with the intention of meeting a specific teacher I'd heard was good, and FOUR times there have been subs! Argh. I was not into yoga before this, but now I'm realizing that you really need to call ahead to ensure that the teacher scheduled is actually the one teaching! The subs have been ho-hum, and today's actually did a bunch of stuff that I know pregnant women are not supposed to do: lots of stuff while laying flat on your back, backbends, downward dogs (which give me heartburn), etc. I wonder if the sub phenomenon happens that often in regular yoga classes or if I just got unlucky!

    On the up side, I'm feeling the best I have been all pregnancy. Maybe my body has found some kind of equilibrium with the whole thing? Go 22 weeks! I'm finally complaining about something other than how crappy I feel :) I'm being super productive at work. And I made some totally delicious low calorie veggie soup that doesn't give me heartburn or nausea!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good morning all-

    The flu hit our house hard this past week. Luckily, I seem to have only gotten a mild case (thank you flu shot?). But regardless I'm on the mend and feeling a bit better. I'm on a hot apple cider and herbal tea kick and loving taking my water this way over the last few days. It feels good to be warm (I'm one of those people that ALWAYS has icy cold skin and sleeps under two blankets).

    TheLaser - I'm with you on why pregnant women look smug! Baby is moving and grooving a lot lately. I swear he's doing somersaults! It feels soooo odd (even with a second pregnancy it's still such a unreal experience).

    I've never done prenatal yoga - in fact the only time I've ever studiously done yoga was in college and that's because our instructor was phenomenal. If I found a good teacher (and didn't have to worry about getting a sitter for my toddler) I'd totally do it again. In fact, I've been throwing around the idea of doing online prenatal yoga courses... I've heard fantastic things about ( They offer a 15 day free trial and then monthly membership is $18 for unlimited classes. If I can stick to doing at least every other day for the trial period - maybe I can convince DH to let me do it - afterall thats a GREAT price for 15 classes a month (1 every other day).
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey all! I'm wondering if any of you are doing prenatal yoga, or if you regularly did yoga before the pregnancy. I have heard a lot of great things about prenatal yoga and how it can help with labor, so I did a lot of research on who were the best teachers around town. The problem is that those teachers NEVER seem to be actually teaching the classes they claim to be teaching, even though they are listed on the schedule!

    I have tried FOUR different prenatal yoga classes with the intention of meeting a specific teacher I'd heard was good, and FOUR times there have been subs! Argh. I was not into yoga before this, but now I'm realizing that you really need to call ahead to ensure that the teacher scheduled is actually the one teaching! The subs have been ho-hum, and today's actually did a bunch of stuff that I know pregnant women are not supposed to do: lots of stuff while laying flat on your back, backbends, downward dogs (which give me heartburn), etc. I wonder if the sub phenomenon happens that often in regular yoga classes or if I just got unlucky!

    On the up side, I'm feeling the best I have been all pregnancy. Maybe my body has found some kind of equilibrium with the whole thing? Go 22 weeks! I'm finally complaining about something other than how crappy I feel :) I'm being super productive at work. And I made some totally delicious low calorie veggie soup that doesn't give me heartburn or nausea!

    I, too, was bummed out because when my son was born I found this "family" yoga studio with these two awesome instructors (who are also moms of young kids). I did some baby/mama yoga classes (yoga is HARD when you add a 20-lb baby to the mix!), which were awesome, and I know they had prenatal yoga. A couple of months ago they shut down :sad: They still do private sessions, but I can't afford that. Their "regular" (ie, non-private) classes had so few people that they felt very personal. Then again, I guess that's why they closed. It's a shame because they were so great. I think they just needed a better location and better marketing, but those can cost $$$$$!

    That said, I ordered the Summer Sanders prenatal workout from Amazon, which is set to arrive today.

    Knock on wood, my bleeding issues have been much less since I saw my doctor a week and a half ago. I've only had a couple of recurrences. Thursday I go for the big ultrasound, which is exciting! I will be by myself, which is fine, but I'm excited to get a look at the baby again (I haven't done that since the first ultrasound at 7.5 weeks). I'm getting waves of movement, in that s/he is quiet for a while, then moves around like crazy! Right now is the latter, and it feels like there's an alien in there.

    I hope everyone is having a good first full week back after the holidays!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good morning all-

    The flu hit our house hard this past week. Luckily, I seem to have only gotten a mild case (thank you flu shot?). But regardless I'm on the mend and feeling a bit better. I'm on a hot apple cider and herbal tea kick and loving taking my water this way over the last few days. It feels good to be warm (I'm one of those people that ALWAYS has icy cold skin and sleeps under two blankets).

    TheLaser - I'm with you on why pregnant women look smug! Baby is moving and grooving a lot lately. I swear he's doing somersaults! It feels soooo odd (even with a second pregnancy it's still such a unreal experience).

    I've never done prenatal yoga - in fact the only time I've ever studiously done yoga was in college and that's because our instructor was phenomenal. If I found a good teacher (and didn't have to worry about getting a sitter for my toddler) I'd totally do it again. In fact, I've been throwing around the idea of doing online prenatal yoga courses... I've heard fantastic things about ( They offer a 15 day free trial and then monthly membership is $18 for unlimited classes. If I can stick to doing at least every other day for the trial period - maybe I can convince DH to let me do it - afterall thats a GREAT price for 15 classes a month (1 every other day).

    Hey there! So sorry you had the flu, but I'm glad it didn't hit you too badly! Are you feeling better now? My husband was out of commission in early December for a solid week and a half with the flu, and I had to handle our son 100% so that they didn't come into contact. My husband had not gotten a flu shot, but both our son and I had, and considering we all live in the same house, I can imagine that the flu shot is the only reason neither of us got sick. He finally got the shot about two weeks ago, just in case. It's free with our insurance, so I told him he'd be an idiot not to get it, since we're basically paying for it when we pay our insurance premiums every month! This flu season is supposedly already really bad, so I'm still washing hands often and whatnot, just in case there's a strain that our shots don't cover.

    That is CHEAP for a month's worth of classes, by the way, plus you don't have to drive anywhere and can do them on your own schedule!

    I totally agree on the feeling weird thing even though it's not our first rodeo. It's a feeling that is so unique that I don't think I'll ever get used to it, and I mean that in a good way. It is weird, though!
  • cjm0014
    cjm0014 Posts: 118
    Hey. I haven't been on MFP in a good while but I found out I was pregnant last fall. After contacting the father, who lived in a different city, we arranged to move to a new city together for work. My family isn't supportive since it was out of wedlock and I understand that, it is just a little bit tough. The fiance is clueless, he's a man! Haha. I'm 22 and he is 20 and this is our first, obviously. I went to a dr twice back home, to make certain I was pregnant and then to determine the sex, but now I don't have a dr, hospital, any support, or resources. I'm working on getting all of that together while fiance is at work every day. Maybe I can find some support here :)

    Oh, I'm due May 14th.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Hey Ladies!

    Hope everyone survived Monday! We had our scan last week and found out we are having a Boy (!!) -- I'm beyond excited! I did find out that I have a anterior facing placenta, which explains why I'm not feeling Fig's movements very often. Nothing is low-lying or anything troublesome, so hopefully it'll move up as the weeks go on. Anyone else have experience with this? Other than that, Fig is measuring about a week ahead and looks great.

    Rebecca - so glad that your bleeding has slowed! I'll have to check out the workout videos you ordered - I haven't heard of those before. You'll have to give us a review.

    Bananacat - how's it going for you with the bleeding? Still good after your last romp? And I love the crib you got - great choice!

    Laser - I've signed up for a 8 week prenatal yoga series (and it was actually reasonably priced for Seattle) that I think I'll start around 28 weeks or so? I've also heard that it's great for labor and breathing techniques. The place I found takes the prenatal thing pretty seriously, and even requires that I bring a snack with me for 1/2 through class, so fingers crossed the teachers are legit. That's annoying that you keep getting subs at your yoga studios -- downward dog in a prenatal class?? What was she thinking? yikes.

    Momma - Sorry to hear you've got the flu in your house! Hot apple cider sounded amazing the moment I read it on your post - thanks for the inspiration! Hope you feel better soon - and I agree, that's an amazing price for the yoga - I'd jump on board!

    We finally made some progress towards the nursery and are all set to paint this weekend. I purchase these wall graphics at Etsy ( and I'm excited to start nesting. Oh, and I caved and purchased my first pair of maternity jeans -- holy moly - SO much more comfortable! Where have I been?! :love:
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Hey. I haven't been on MFP in a good while but I found out I was pregnant last fall. After contacting the father, who lived in a different city, we arranged to move to a new city together for work. My family isn't supportive since it was out of wedlock and I understand that, it is just a little bit tough. The fiance is clueless, he's a man! Haha. I'm 22 and he is 20 and this is our first, obviously. I went to a dr twice back home, to make certain I was pregnant and then to determine the sex, but now I don't have a dr, hospital, any support, or resources. I'm working on getting all of that together while fiance is at work every day. Maybe I can find some support here :)

    Oh, I'm due May 14th.

    Welcome and congrats! Sorry to hear your family isn't being supportive - that's got to be very difficult. Did you move very far away from your hometown?

    I would suggest trying to find a local mom-to-be group so you can get reviews on hospitals, midwives and other care options. Plus, it's so nice talking to other pregnant ladies -- which is why this board is so great! We're here for support anytime - take care!
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Question- I don't really track that much because I eat a pretty clean diet. But I got around to fiddling with the settings on MFP and looking around at how many calories I should be consuming, and I came up with around 1900. That seems like a lot! But its about 300 more than I need for maintaining my pre-pregnancy weight, which is generally what they say you need for the second tri. Does this sound about right for a small gal who started at a healthy weight? Anyone have similar stats that can weigh in with what their intake (before exercise) is? Thanks!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    iampanda: my calorie intake is supposed to be around 2200 (I started off overweight), so 1900 sounds about right for someone at a lower weight. I'm not really tracking right now either because I'm actually at a point where food "sounds good" again and I'm eating because I like the taste, not just to stop the nausea/heartburn. I'm trying to get my fruits/veggies/water in and then beyond that I'm eating what sounds good with portion control (with the exception of sweets - I'm a sucker for sugar and usually go back for seconds).
  • jennyjo79
    jennyjo79 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi all! Man, where have I been!? I sure wish I knew this thread was here earlier! I didn't realize there were so many MFP'ers that continue here while pregnant! Would love to connect with some others that are expecting in May! :)

    I'm Jenn and due May 8th.
    My Hubby & I have been together for 16 years and together we already have a 13 year old son named Cole. We'd been hoping and trying for another one for over 11 years with no luck. We went thru testing, did the whole 'when it happens, it happens' mentality, I gave myself hormone injections, and then we just sort of gave up with the whole idea after so much time had passed. [Dr's couldn't find anything wrong; "unexplained secondary infertility"]. After much discussion, we had just began the foster parent application process in early 2012, hoping to foster to adopt. And then, what do you know ... one day before our 13th wedding Annniversary, last September, we found out we were PREGNANT! :) We are all so excited and even our 13 year old is super excited to become a big brother!
    We just had our ultrasound on December 19th and found out we are expecting another boy! Of course, after so many years of just wanting a baby, we would've been thrilled with either, but wanted to know this time so we could better prepare. We have a few names picked out, but think we have it narrowed down. Right now Chance is our #1 pick [figure it's very fitting, considering the circumstances], but Carson is also running a close 2nd. How about all of you? What are your name picks?

    I really look forward to getting to know all of you and hearing about all your baby's to be! :)
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hi all! Man, where have I been!? I sure wish I knew this thread was here earlier! I didn't realize there were so many MFP'ers that continue here while pregnant! Would love to connect with some others that are expecting in May! :)

    I'm Jenn and due May 8th.
    My Hubby & I have been together for 16 years and together we already have a 13 year old son named Cole. We'd been hoping and trying for another one for over 11 years with no luck. We went thru testing, did the whole 'when it happens, it happens' mentality, I gave myself hormone injections, and then we just sort of gave up with the whole idea after so much time had passed. [Dr's couldn't find anything wrong; "unexplained secondary infertility"]. After much discussion, we had just began the foster parent application process in early 2012, hoping to foster to adopt. And then, what do you know ... one day before our 13th wedding Annniversary, last September, we found out we were PREGNANT! :) We are all so excited and even our 13 year old is super excited to become a big brother!
    We just had our ultrasound on December 19th and found out we are expecting another boy! Of course, after so many years of just wanting a baby, we would've been thrilled with either, but wanted to know this time so we could better prepare. We have a few names picked out, but think we have it narrowed down. Right now Chance is our #1 pick [figure it's very fitting, considering the circumstances], but Carson is also running a close 2nd. How about all of you? What are your name picks?

    I really look forward to getting to know all of you and hearing about all your baby's to be! :)

    Hi Jennyjo! Welcome to the group :)

    We are still throwing names around for our little man, but I'm not sure which direction we will go yet. Our oldest son's name starts with a "Br" and the little girl name we love for a future daughter starts with a "Br" so we are thinking about Brigham this time around to stick with "B" or "Br" names - but then we worry about being stuck with B names for all of our kids. Can you imagine being the only 1 of your siblings without a matching name?

    My in-laws don't like the idea because it would make keeping score during card games/board games complicated (they use initials). I'm still not sure if I think it's cute or over the top for all of them to have matching names... any (gentle) opinions one way or the other?

    So if we don't do Brigham we may go with Maxwell, or Neal, or Darren, or some variation of Kenneth (a family name). Lots of options. We are very undecided at the moment.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Hi all! Man, where have I been!? I sure wish I knew this thread was here earlier! I didn't realize there were so many MFP'ers that continue here while pregnant! Would love to connect with some others that are expecting in May! :)

    I'm Jenn and due May 8th.
    My Hubby & I have been together for 16 years and together we already have a 13 year old son named Cole. We'd been hoping and trying for another one for over 11 years with no luck. We went thru testing, did the whole 'when it happens, it happens' mentality, I gave myself hormone injections, and then we just sort of gave up with the whole idea after so much time had passed. [Dr's couldn't find anything wrong; "unexplained secondary infertility"]. After much discussion, we had just began the foster parent application process in early 2012, hoping to foster to adopt. And then, what do you know ... one day before our 13th wedding Annniversary, last September, we found out we were PREGNANT! :) We are all so excited and even our 13 year old is super excited to become a big brother!
    We just had our ultrasound on December 19th and found out we are expecting another boy! Of course, after so many years of just wanting a baby, we would've been thrilled with either, but wanted to know this time so we could better prepare. We have a few names picked out, but think we have it narrowed down. Right now Chance is our #1 pick [figure it's very fitting, considering the circumstances], but Carson is also running a close 2nd. How about all of you? What are your name picks?

    I really look forward to getting to know all of you and hearing about all your baby's to be! :)

    Hi Jennyjo! Welcome to the group :)

    We are still throwing names around for our little man, but I'm not sure which direction we will go yet. Our oldest son's name starts with a "Br" and the little girl name we love for a future daughter starts with a "Br" so we are thinking about Brigham this time around to stick with "B" or "Br" names - but then we worry about being stuck with B names for all of our kids. Can you imagine being the only 1 of your siblings without a matching name?

    My in-laws don't like the idea because it would make keeping score during card games/board games complicated (they use initials). I'm still not sure if I think it's cute or over the top for all of them to have matching names... any (gentle) opinions one way or the other?

    So if we don't do Brigham we may go with Maxwell, or Neal, or Darren, or some variation of Kenneth (a family name). Lots of options. We are very undecided at the moment.

    Welcome! And I really need to get on here more often...I miss so much! Glad to see everyone is doing well it seems :).

    mormonmomma-we felt the same way, we were going to go with all E names (our sons name starts with E) but it wasnt intentional, we just seem to like E names, but since Elise and Eleanore are rising popular names we decided against it and are almost 100% on both names for our girls :). Well I am 100% but my hubby is the tough cookie! I like Brigham though :), so that definitely makes it hard. Its very unique, which is what me and the hubby are all about! But I am in the same boat I feel that if 2 start with B then the third should, but not necessarily, you may even change your mind by the time the little girl comes, I know we did. We agreed on 3 girl names when I was pregnant with our son and when I got pregnant with this one we didnt like any of But really it is up to you and I wouldnt worry about the inlaws....there are other ways than initials and they could use their middle names in the middle to distinguish if its a serious thing =/. You will find the perfect fit for your baby and congrats on a boy btw!!! ;D

    Everything seems to be going well here and this is delayed but I had every intention of doing prenantal yoga but I am unsure if I can with the free floating cord =/, and I am really bad about asking my doctors I felt extremely rushed the last appointment and they freaked me out bc the sonographer left the room to say she was going to get her supervisor...but no changes from what the doctor A still has club feet it hoping she will grow out of it :). I am excited because I get to go tour our new place tomorrow afternoon, which will be great! I am ready to just move in and get the girls room set up.....How is everyone? Have you gotten a lot so far for the babies? :)
  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    Seriously didn't know there were this many pregnant ladies on MFP!! Love it! Wish I knew about this thread sooner!!

    I'm pregnant with my second, due May 12th. It's a boy, Peyton Lee, whom I affectionately call Mr. Pie :) My first son is 3yrs and is so excited to be a big brother! This pregnancy has been rough, being put on and off bed rest due to pretern contractions. But all in all I love being pregnant and can't wait to hold my little one!!

    Feel free to add me, it's always nice to have others in your situation as MFPs!! Happy and healthy pregnancies to everyone!!

    - Alison
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    I'm due may 4th. I'm 23 weeks along and Already have gained 30 pounds my pregnancy this is my first pregnancy and my OB/GYN is not happy about how much weight I've gained. I recently lost 100 pounds But now I'm up 30. Right now I should only have gained 8-15 pounds LOL oops. So now I have to maintain my weight till the end of my pregnancy
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    I'm due may 4th. I'm 23 weeks along and Already have gained 30 pounds my pregnancy this is my first pregnancy and my OB/GYN is not happy about how much weight I've gained. I recently lost 100 pounds But now I'm up 30. Right now I should only have gained 8-15 pounds LOL oops. So now I have to maintain my weight till the end of my pregnancy

    Oh and I'm having a boy :-)
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Seriously didn't know there were this many pregnant ladies on MFP!! Love it! Wish I knew about this thread sooner!!

    I'm pregnant with my second, due May 12th. It's a boy, Peyton Lee, whom I affectionately call Mr. Pie :) My first son is 3yrs and is so excited to be a big brother! This pregnancy has been rough, being put on and off bed rest due to pretern contractions. But all in all I love being pregnant and can't wait to hold my little one!!

    Feel free to add me, it's always nice to have others in your situation as MFPs!! Happy and healthy pregnancies to everyone!!

    - Alison

    Welcome Alison! An congrats on your boy! I love the name you've picked -- and your womb name -- great choice!

    Sorry to hear about your pretern contractions - are they consistent or getting better? I'm sure bed rest is no fun, but it'll go by quickly.

    Take care!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I'm due may 4th. I'm 23 weeks along and Already have gained 30 pounds my pregnancy this is my first pregnancy and my OB/GYN is not happy about how much weight I've gained. I recently lost 100 pounds But now I'm up 30. Right now I should only have gained 8-15 pounds LOL oops. So now I have to maintain my weight till the end of my pregnancy

    Oh and I'm having a boy :-)

    Hi! Nice to have another Washingtonian - though I have to admit I had to look up where Sekiu was. Looks beautiful!

    I'm pregnant with my first as well and due the 28th. If you haven't already checked it out, you should take a look here ( it's a great take on weight gain. :smile:

  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    I'm not to worried, it's seeing my obgyn and getting yelled at that bugs me :-/