May 2013 Due Dates



  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member

    In other news, I'm back in the pool with a regular schedule now and am pretty psyched about feeling good! We also decided to take another plunge and sign up for Bradley Method childbirth classes. It's a 12 week course, which feels really excessive to me, but I do like how they cover a lot more than just the labor and birth, including breastfeeding and newborn care --which we are total 0's at right now-- and they give the birth partner a lot of great strategies for helping out and navigating the medical system when we can't for ourselves. I talked to the instructor and felt it was a good fit, plus most of the cost will also be covered by insurance. I was leaning toward a hypnobirthing course, but then I didn't really see myself as very conducive to that method. Has anybody done either one or the other of these methods?

    I haven't looked into the Bradley Method classes in my area, but we just signed up for a 4 week class (offered by our midwife group) that covers birthing as well as newborn care and breastfeeding. A good friend of mine did the Bradley Method 12 week session and loved it. Sounds like a really supportive environment. I'm like you - I figure that we're starting from zero here, so might as well soak up a thing or two. Besides, it might be a nice way to connect with other expecting moms. Let me know which one you choose!

    On a side note about meeting other new moms - does anyone have any tips? None of my local friends are into the 'baby zone' yet, so I've been looking for places to connect. There's several mom groups in our area that meet up for weekly play-dates/stroller walks, etc, but obviously I'm not quite there yet. I suppose I could go walking with them sans stroller on a weekend, but I'd rather not force it ... basically I just keep imagining that I'll run into this pack of pregnant women one day and we'll obviously all be friends. Totally realistic, right? :wink:
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I'm trying to meet other soon-to-be moms through prenatal yoga, although I can't say it has totally worked yet. But then again, I live in New England, where people can be a little standoff-ish until you spend a lot of time with them. I'm also learning that prenatal yoga can be an expensive way to (theoretically) get to know other pregnant women! I'm curious about other ideas, too.

    On a side note about meeting other new moms - does anyone have any tips? None of my local friends are into the 'baby zone' yet, so I've been looking for places to connect. There's several mom groups in our area that meet up for weekly play-dates/stroller walks, etc, but obviously I'm not quite there yet. I suppose I could go walking with them sans stroller on a weekend, but I'd rather not force it ... basically I just keep imagining that I'll run into this pack of pregnant women one day and we'll obviously all be friends. Totally realistic, right? :wink:
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Oh, I remember the pelvic pain from the twins! Ooooh, boy, that was no fun! Sorry you're feeling it, though I guess it's sort of inevitable.:flowerforyou:

    One of our twins is a boy, so we'll have 3 girls, 1 boy. I think I would go crazy in a house full of only girls!

    Today's ultrasound went great. She was able to see everything she couldn't last time.....and wow, has the baby grown! 4 weeks ago she measured 10oz and today she was measuring 1lb9oz! What?! The u/s lady said it's all based on the baby's belly size, and apparently it isn't uncommon to change dramatically up or down from one u/s to the next.

    4 weeks until the 1 hour glucose test, then I get another growth u/s 4 weeks after that, then I'll go to the every-2-weeks visits! Wow, the end is coming up fast!

    My goodness!! That is a huge difference in weight and that seems big for even 23 weeks!! I am glad everything went well and she could see everything! I already did 1 glucose test since I figure I may as well (since they wanted a base for my preeclampsia and I had to the fun 24hr collection), soI will probably do another in 2-3 weeks. Did you get preeclampsia with the twins?

    Yeah, apparently the typical singleton is barely over 1 lb at 23 we'll see how things turn out! My own weight gain has been minimal the past month (maybe 1 pound?) so it's not like I'm gaining ridiculous amounts of weight, adding to the baby's weight.

    No, I actually had NO problems during my twin pregnancy except borderline gestational diabetes. It was managed simply by spreading my carbs out throughout the day and avoiding any big carb spikes at any one particular meal. I was on alert for pre-eclampsia and even bought a BP cuff to check it at home. Considering I had about every stress in life occurring at once during that pregnancy (became landlords of our house, moved from WA to GA, bought a new house, husband got new job, expecting twins), I'm amazed my blood pressure always stayed normal! :huh: Just goes to show that every pregnancy is different, I guess, even for the same mom-to-be!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I'm trying to meet other soon-to-be moms through prenatal yoga, although I can't say it has totally worked yet. But then again, I live in New England, where people can be a little standoff-ish until you spend a lot of time with them. I'm also learning that prenatal yoga can be an expensive way to (theoretically) get to know other pregnant women! I'm curious about other ideas, too.

    On a side note about meeting other new moms - does anyone have any tips? None of my local friends are into the 'baby zone' yet, so I've been looking for places to connect. There's several mom groups in our area that meet up for weekly play-dates/stroller walks, etc, but obviously I'm not quite there yet. I suppose I could go walking with them sans stroller on a weekend, but I'd rather not force it ... basically I just keep imagining that I'll run into this pack of pregnant women one day and we'll obviously all be friends. Totally realistic, right? :wink:
    Since we moved when we were expecting our twins (already had our oldest daughter), we didn't know anyone in the area. I joined and found a group of new moms in my area to hang out with and do playdates with. They aren't super-close friends (since then we've made friends with neighbors and people at church, etc) but it was a start, and it was always good to get out of the house for whatever reason when the babies were young!
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    Rebecca - have you tried compression socks? I get the swelling really bad too and thought about trying them this time around...
    I have not tried those but have thought about it... The problem is that I live in dresses!

    Actually, I could try this look. Hot or not?


    Bahahaha, that's hilarious!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Edit to say to RBXChas: That puppy is too stinkin cute!! Its going to be a while before we get one =/, Im excited you adopted too!

    Thanks! He's so sweet :) All of our dogs are rescues. We just can't bring ourselves to buy one, not even from a reputable breeder, when there are so many sweet pups who need homes elsewhere!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    On a side note about meeting other new moms - does anyone have any tips? None of my local friends are into the 'baby zone' yet, so I've been looking for places to connect. There's several mom groups in our area that meet up for weekly play-dates/stroller walks, etc, but obviously I'm not quite there yet. I suppose I could go walking with them sans stroller on a weekend, but I'd rather not force it ... basically I just keep imagining that I'll run into this pack of pregnant women one day and we'll obviously all be friends. Totally realistic, right? :wink:

    I met some other new moms in baby & mama yoga classes when my son was a few months old. They were nice enough, but I always had to run to get home for whatever reason, so I was never able to hang out.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Oh, I remember the pelvic pain from the twins! Ooooh, boy, that was no fun! Sorry you're feeling it, though I guess it's sort of inevitable.:flowerforyou:

    One of our twins is a boy, so we'll have 3 girls, 1 boy. I think I would go crazy in a house full of only girls!

    Today's ultrasound went great. She was able to see everything she couldn't last time.....and wow, has the baby grown! 4 weeks ago she measured 10oz and today she was measuring 1lb9oz! What?! The u/s lady said it's all based on the baby's belly size, and apparently it isn't uncommon to change dramatically up or down from one u/s to the next.

    4 weeks until the 1 hour glucose test, then I get another growth u/s 4 weeks after that, then I'll go to the every-2-weeks visits! Wow, the end is coming up fast!

    My goodness!! That is a huge difference in weight and that seems big for even 23 weeks!! I am glad everything went well and she could see everything! I already did 1 glucose test since I figure I may as well (since they wanted a base for my preeclampsia and I had to the fun 24hr collection), soI will probably do another in 2-3 weeks. Did you get preeclampsia with the twins?

    Yeah, apparently the typical singleton is barely over 1 lb at 23 we'll see how things turn out! My own weight gain has been minimal the past month (maybe 1 pound?) so it's not like I'm gaining ridiculous amounts of weight, adding to the baby's weight.

    No, I actually had NO problems during my twin pregnancy except borderline gestational diabetes. It was managed simply by spreading my carbs out throughout the day and avoiding any big carb spikes at any one particular meal. I was on alert for pre-eclampsia and even bought a BP cuff to check it at home. Considering I had about every stress in life occurring at once during that pregnancy (became landlords of our house, moved from WA to GA, bought a new house, husband got new job, expecting twins), I'm amazed my blood pressure always stayed normal! :huh: Just goes to show that every pregnancy is different, I guess, even for the same mom-to-be!

    Wow...thats great you arent gaining rapidly! I am trying to stay below my end weight from my last pregancy, but idk if I will be able to considering I am up 20-22lbs already...but I am hoping I can. I have 14lbs until I reach that weight. My dr says I am gaining weight appropriately though, so hopefully it will stay that way. I am glad you had no issues during your twin pregnancy :), I am hoping we wont have any, though we have minor baby issues with baby A having a free floating cord and club feet, but the cord is fixing itself and I am hoping as she grows her feet will too :). That is definitely a lot to go through during a pregnancy! Hopefully this one is more relaxing for you :)
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I'm trying to meet other soon-to-be moms through prenatal yoga, although I can't say it has totally worked yet. But then again, I live in New England, where people can be a little standoff-ish until you spend a lot of time with them. I'm also learning that prenatal yoga can be an expensive way to (theoretically) get to know other pregnant women! I'm curious about other ideas, too.

    On a side note about meeting other new moms - does anyone have any tips? None of my local friends are into the 'baby zone' yet, so I've been looking for places to connect. There's several mom groups in our area that meet up for weekly play-dates/stroller walks, etc, but obviously I'm not quite there yet. I suppose I could go walking with them sans stroller on a weekend, but I'd rather not force it ... basically I just keep imagining that I'll run into this pack of pregnant women one day and we'll obviously all be friends. Totally realistic, right? :wink:
    Since we moved when we were expecting our twins (already had our oldest daughter), we didn't know anyone in the area. I joined and found a group of new moms in my area to hang out with and do playdates with. They aren't super-close friends (since then we've made friends with neighbors and people at church, etc) but it was a start, and it was always good to get out of the house for whatever reason when the babies were young!

    I feel the same way, I actually just sent an email to the mothers of multiples group in my area to see if I can meet some moms that main issue is I meet a lot of moms, but they are usually 6+ years older than me, which I am okay with and I can definitely hang out with people older than me, but I would like some friends closer to my age, and I def want some couple friends bc my hubby needs some dad friends too!
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I hope you are all doing well, wish I could review all the posts I've missed and respond.....but I think that would take me forever.

    Rebecca, cute puppy!!! Great practice for waking up all night with the baby :tongue:

    LadyJacc & Laser- have you tried I used it when I moved to Australia and made friends. I will use it again in Canada and there are mom-to-be groups, playgroups, fitness groups.....lots to choose from and everyone there wants to make friends, so it's easy. So I second Jess's recommendation.

    Renae, I hope your appointment went well!

    I'm still in the US trying to figure out life.......spoke with our relocation agent and headed to Canada at the end of the month for a house hunting trip. Still can't meet a midwife there or choose a hospital, for someone who like *some* control..... This is quite the learning experience. But in the end, it'll be find. The hardest part is being separated from my husband for these 3 weeks.

    Planning lots of traveling for our last month in Australia too. Anyone been to the Great Barrier Reef? New Zealand? Bali or Fiji? If so, I'd love to hear all about it.

    Oh and we're having a girl :love: Anatomy scan came back good and she weighed 14 Oz at 20 weeks. Kicking up a storm!

    Take care ladies!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member

    LadyJacc & Laser- have you tried I used it when I moved to Australia and made friends. I will use it again in Canada and there are mom-to-be groups, playgroups, fitness groups.....lots to choose from and everyone there wants to make friends, so it's easy. So I second Jess's recommendation.

    Thanks for the suggestion Ruby & Jess -- I've just joined and there's a lot of baby stuff going on in my area - how have I not heard of this before? Big thanks again!!

    I am also hoping to meet other moms through prenatal yoga, but you're totally right Laser - it comes at a cost! Geeze, $22 for a drop-in session? no thanks.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member

    LadyJacc & Laser- have you tried I used it when I moved to Australia and made friends. I will use it again in Canada and there are mom-to-be groups, playgroups, fitness groups.....lots to choose from and everyone there wants to make friends, so it's easy. So I second Jess's recommendation.

    Thanks for the suggestion Ruby & Jess -- I've just joined and there's a lot of baby stuff going on in my area - how have I not heard of this before? Big thanks again!!

    I am also hoping to meet other moms through prenatal yoga, but you're totally right Laser - it comes at a cost! Geeze, $22 for a drop-in session? no thanks.

    I did my baby/mama yoga (which would have also worked for prenatal yoga) on a Groupon or LivingSocial deal, which was 4 classes for $20, so $5 apiece. I wouldn't pay $22 a class! Maybe they have a class pass or a monthly membership that is more affordable when you break it down per class? That's the only way I could afford going to Spinning, well, at least before pregnancy. (Because they are awesome they extended my expiration dates on my passes because my OB told me not to Spin anymore.) Otherwise my Spinning classes would be $15 apiece!!!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I hope you are all doing well, wish I could review all the posts I've missed and respond.....but I think that would take me forever.

    Rebecca, cute puppy!!! Great practice for waking up all night with the baby :tongue:

    LadyJacc & Laser- have you tried I used it when I moved to Australia and made friends. I will use it again in Canada and there are mom-to-be groups, playgroups, fitness groups.....lots to choose from and everyone there wants to make friends, so it's easy. So I second Jess's recommendation.

    Renae, I hope your appointment went well!

    I'm still in the US trying to figure out life.......spoke with our relocation agent and headed to Canada at the end of the month for a house hunting trip. Still can't meet a midwife there or choose a hospital, for someone who like *some* control..... This is quite the learning experience. But in the end, it'll be find. The hardest part is being separated from my husband for these 3 weeks.

    Planning lots of traveling for our last month in Australia too. Anyone been to the Great Barrier Reef? New Zealand? Bali or Fiji? If so, I'd love to hear all about it.

    Oh and we're having a girl :love: Anatomy scan came back good and she weighed 14 Oz at 20 weeks. Kicking up a storm!

    Take care ladies!

    Congrats on the baby girl!!! It's still weird to me that we don't know. I forgot from last time how weird it was not knowing. Our receptionist lady is pissing me off because she keeps insisting that we're having a girl. I told her that the way it seems to work in both my and my husband's family, another boy is a much more likely possibility (I know that has nothing to do with anything, but she's the kind of woman who believes in old wives' tales) and that I would actually prefer to have a boy (but would not be disappointed or anything to have a girl), but she WON'T drop it. It's been getting under my skin for the past few weeks, and I feel like joking with her only eggs her on, so I just try to ignore it.

    14 oz is big for 20 weeks! Well, not huge, but bigger than normal. Mine was estimated at 13.5 oz at 20 weeks, which surprised me. I guess we're just feeding them well :tongue:

    Are you going back to Australia before you go up to Canada to house hunt, or are you meeting up there? That would be a long trip for only a week or two back there. Sorry it means you can't pin down your doctors and stuff, though. I can imagine that having one of the few things you can control out of your hands would be frustrating. When do you make the final move?

    As for trip recommendations, I have never been to that part of the world. Someone I know (an American) is spending a year living in New Zealand and recently mentioned that she was heading to Fiji, since she's much closer than she would be back in the US. I was a little jealous because from here that's a long trip! I would go to as many of those neat places as you can! Let us know what you end up doing so that I can live vicariously through you :happy:
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I hope you are all doing well, wish I could review all the posts I've missed and respond.....but I think that would take me forever.

    Rebecca, cute puppy!!! Great practice for waking up all night with the baby :tongue:

    LadyJacc & Laser- have you tried I used it when I moved to Australia and made friends. I will use it again in Canada and there are mom-to-be groups, playgroups, fitness groups.....lots to choose from and everyone there wants to make friends, so it's easy. So I second Jess's recommendation.

    Renae, I hope your appointment went well!

    I'm still in the US trying to figure out life.......spoke with our relocation agent and headed to Canada at the end of the month for a house hunting trip. Still can't meet a midwife there or choose a hospital, for someone who like *some* control..... This is quite the learning experience. But in the end, it'll be find. The hardest part is being separated from my husband for these 3 weeks.

    Planning lots of traveling for our last month in Australia too. Anyone been to the Great Barrier Reef? New Zealand? Bali or Fiji? If so, I'd love to hear all about it.

    Oh and we're having a girl :love: Anatomy scan came back good and she weighed 14 Oz at 20 weeks. Kicking up a storm!

    Take care ladies!

    Congrats on the baby girl!!! It's still weird to me that we don't know. I forgot from last time how weird it was not knowing. Our receptionist lady is pissing me off because she keeps insisting that we're having a girl. I told her that the way it seems to work in both my and my husband's family, another boy is a much more likely possibility (I know that has nothing to do with anything, but she's the kind of woman who believes in old wives' tales) and that I would actually prefer to have a boy (but would not be disappointed or anything to have a girl), but she WON'T drop it. It's been getting under my skin for the past few weeks, and I feel like joking with her only eggs her on, so I just try to ignore it.

    14 oz is big for 20 weeks! Well, not huge, but bigger than normal. Mine was estimated at 13.5 oz at 20 weeks, which surprised me. I guess we're just feeding them well :tongue:

    Are you going back to Australia before you go up to Canada to house hunt, or are you meeting up there? That would be a long trip for only a week or two back there. Sorry it means you can't pin down your doctors and stuff, though. I can imagine that having one of the few things you can control out of your hands would be frustrating. When do you make the final move?

    As for trip recommendations, I have never been to that part of the world. Someone I know (an American) is spending a year living in New Zealand and recently mentioned that she was heading to Fiji, since she's much closer than she would be back in the US. I was a little jealous because from here that's a long trip! I would go to as many of those neat places as you can! Let us know what you end up doing so that I can live vicariously through you :happy:

    Rebecca, how strange the receptionist goes on and on about it. When people tell me they're not finding out the sex of the baby, it means to me that they don't want to know.......even know your guesses! People are strange though, no denying that.

    My husband was almost 10 lbs! :noway: I'm so scared....... Hopefully our big babies now don't keep expanding to giant babies :tongue: although as long as they are healthy, right?!

    I'm hanging out in the US until we go to Canada for the house hunting trip, then off to Australia then move to Canada around March 15th. My husband went back to Oz and I stayed behind as the flight is getting harder and harder with each month. He'll be back to travel with me to Canada later this month.

    I will definitely give you a trip update from my travels :)

    Hope you're well!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    My husband was almost 10 lbs! :noway: I'm so scared....... Hopefully our big babies now don't keep expanding to giant babies :tongue: although as long as they are healthy, right?!

    My last one measured a little big, too, at the structural ultrasound (I didn't have any u/s after that one), and he was 7lbs 3 oz. I had the tiniest little tear, and my OB questioned whether or not it was even worth the one stitch (she did it anyway for good measure - I'd had an epidural, so it wasn't like I was going to feel it).

    However, he was born at 38.5 weeks, so perhaps it meant that he was a little ahead of his EDD. I think this one might be a little ahead, too, based on when I think I may have ovulated (ie, not based on a 28-day cycle, which is how our EDDs are typically calculated).
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Congrats on the girl ruby!! Looks like a lot of girls in the thread thus far! :smile: And I have never been to any of those places, but it sounds like a great way to spend time before she arrives :smile: Hopefully you can meet your midwife and see the hospital soon!! I know with pregnancy it goes so fast and slow at the same time I couldnt imagine not having some control, but I guess its another way to prep you for an unpredictable baby :happy:
    I havent even been told what my girls weigh so I am jealous that you guys know! They just measure them and say they are growing good :grumble: . Maybe this Friday when they do the measurements again I can find out! I just want to see if they are growing at the same rate or different and how big they are considering they are sharing!
    RBX-I couldnt imagine someone insisting, I would just be frank with her, I am definitely not the mean type, but I also do not like to be annoyed and in the end you can blame it on the hormones :bigsmile: so thats definitely a plus!
    @Ladyjacc-I joined after my son was born and was bummed bc the groups were north or south of me :frown: so youre lucky they have so much going on in your area! Hoping after the girls get here I can find a group of some sort.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Happy Hump Day ladies!

    Just heard back from my OB and my blood test for neural tube defects finally came back-in and was negative. So that's another test down - but geeze, I'm starting to wonder what else they could possibly test for at this point? The super annoying nurse at my OB's (the pee nazi) was joking with me about all the testing and said something like 'now you can stop worrying about the big stuff and start worrying about whether he'll be crossed-eyed or have a cleft palate.' um, thanks?! Don't give me new things to worry about crazy nurse. Come on - I live in a world of Google fueled worry already! :laugh:

    Congrats on the girl Ruby!! Your travels are intense - that's a lot of airplane time! Glad you'll be able to do it before you're too big & uncomfortable. I'm excited to hear how the house hunt goes! And I second Rebecca - I'd take advantage of all the closer travel options (like Fiji!) while you're back in Aus - that would be such an amazing babymoon.

    Rebecca - tell your receptionist that you're just SO happy that she knows what you're having, and thank her profusely for solving this medical mystery for you. Tell her that you weren't sure how in the world you'd get through the next 4 1/2 months without her insight. That should shut her up.

    Tara - hopefully some more mamas will move to your area! And have fun seeing your girls again on Friday's u/s!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies...

    How's everyone doing? I'm feeling pretty good. Been going to my chiropractor for the SPD stuff and feeling a little better. I had thrown my back out moving furniture over the weekend and once my lower back is out you can bet that my pubic bone slipped too. I always feel so good after getting adjusted though.

    So is anyone dealing with more aggression during their pregnancy? I feel like I'm much quicker to anger than I normally am. Poor Dear Hubby is practically walking on eggshells. I talked to an OBGYN friend and she said St. John's Wart is safe during pregnancy and WOOHOO! It's been great I've been on it for about 4 days (the one day I've missed it DH and I got into a little spat) but at least when I remember to take it things seem to be more like normal. Side bonus, I think it's helping the anxiety too!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am pregnant with my surprise of a fourth!!! And am due on the 15th of May! I have to get a C-section due to risks involved (3rd C-section) So congrats everyone!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    I am pregnant with my surprise of a fourth!!! And am due on the 15th of May! I have to get a C-section due to risks involved (3rd C-section) So congrats everyone!

    Welcome and congrats!! Wow - a surprise 4th, how wonderful. What are the sex's of your current kiddos? Are you finding out the sex of your new baby?