May 2013 Due Dates



  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Just a quick follow-up (delay caused by our going out to lunch after the OB's office called). The OB nurse called me back and said she didn't think my issue was anything to worry about, probably that I just have some friable tissue that is getting irritated when a BM is coming (or has come out). She said she will run it past my doctor, who will call if I need to come in or anything, but she doubted it since I am not having any other issues. Since it happened so often starting on Friday and happened again this morning (yesterday was the only "day off" I had from it - it only happens once a day and stops as soon as it starts), I asked if I should call again if it continues, and she said to call on Monday if I'm still having issues.

    I don't want to say she blew me off, because that's definitely not the case, but she really didn't seem concerned at all. My next appointment is two weeks from tomorrow, so unfortunately I'm not scheduled to be in there for a while :frown:
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm back at work today & tomorrow and then another 4 day weekend for me - Wahoo! I've been feeling under the weather (sore throat, coughing, and braxton hicks) so I'm hoping the next few days are uneventful.

    Getting pretty excited for our u/s next week. Last time we took my parents with us, and this time my mom told me she cleared the whole morning... we haven't made the decision if we are inviting them to come in again - but I think she's already planning on it. I'm not opposed to her being there, in fact I like that she could hold my son - but I feel a little odd that she is already planning on it without us talking about it. Does that make sense? Oh well, we wanted my MIL to be there this time, but travel plans just didn't line up right.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Just a quick follow-up (delay caused by our going out to lunch after the OB's office called). The OB nurse called me back and said she didn't think my issue was anything to worry about, probably that I just have some friable tissue that is getting irritated when a BM is coming (or has come out). She said she will run it past my doctor, who will call if I need to come in or anything, but she doubted it since I am not having any other issues. Since it happened so often starting on Friday and happened again this morning (yesterday was the only "day off" I had from it - it only happens once a day and stops as soon as it starts), I asked if I should call again if it continues, and she said to call on Monday if I'm still having issues.

    I don't want to say she blew me off, because that's definitely not the case, but she really didn't seem concerned at all. My next appointment is two weeks from tomorrow, so unfortunately I'm not scheduled to be in there for a while :frown:

    It's always interesting when the nurse/dr seems completely unconcerned... it's kind of frustrating because to us its a huge deal - but they get these calls all the time and they are so used to it being "normal" that they forget to console us - not just give us the facts. At least that's how I felt about the fainting episode a few weeks ago. Sorry that you've been having these scares! Hopefully the let up soon.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good morning all!

    I'm back at work today & tomorrow and then another 4 day weekend for me - Wahoo! I've been feeling under the weather (sore throat, coughing, and braxton hicks) so I'm hoping the next few days are uneventful.

    Getting pretty excited for our u/s next week. Last time we took my parents with us, and this time my mom told me she cleared the whole morning... we haven't made the decision if we are inviting them to come in again - but I think she's already planning on it. I'm not opposed to her being there, in fact I like that she could hold my son - but I feel a little odd that she is already planning on it without us talking about it. Does that make sense? Oh well, we wanted my MIL to be there this time, but travel plans just didn't line up right.

    Hmm, I think that would sort of bother me, too, that my mom would have "cleared her schedule" without having been asked to attend. My OB's practice is funny in that only one person (other than you and the u/s tech) is allowed in with you. So if, say, you want your mom to be there, she has to tag team with, say, your husband. No children are allowed, either, unless presumably it's an adult child (like if you had an 18-year-old and were pregnant again). While it's no fun for people who then have to find child care, it's kind of nice because it really makes it easy to limit who goes. I could totally see my MIL trying to work her way into that one and guilting my husband into saying it's ok. Frankly I feel weird enough already without having my bare stomach exposed to my in-laws, thanks. So personally I am very appreciative of that policy! (They also don't allow kids at appointments except for newborns at postpartum follow-ups, but I see people breaking that rule all. the. time.)

    On the other hand, maybe your mom is hoping to watch your son at home while you're getting the u/s done?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Just a quick follow-up (delay caused by our going out to lunch after the OB's office called). The OB nurse called me back and said she didn't think my issue was anything to worry about, probably that I just have some friable tissue that is getting irritated when a BM is coming (or has come out). She said she will run it past my doctor, who will call if I need to come in or anything, but she doubted it since I am not having any other issues. Since it happened so often starting on Friday and happened again this morning (yesterday was the only "day off" I had from it - it only happens once a day and stops as soon as it starts), I asked if I should call again if it continues, and she said to call on Monday if I'm still having issues.

    I don't want to say she blew me off, because that's definitely not the case, but she really didn't seem concerned at all. My next appointment is two weeks from tomorrow, so unfortunately I'm not scheduled to be in there for a while :frown:

    It's always interesting when the nurse/dr seems completely unconcerned... it's kind of frustrating because to us its a huge deal - but they get these calls all the time and they are so used to it being "normal" that they forget to console us - not just give us the facts. At least that's how I felt about the fainting episode a few weeks ago. Sorry that you've been having these scares! Hopefully the let up soon.

    I agree - from my internet "research," this isn't that uncommon an occurrence, so you are probably right in that they get these kinds of calls all the time. Even the lady who took the message for the OB nurse asked me if I had cramping, and when I said no, it's like the red flag went down. It's just so annoying!
  • niccolebarnes
    niccolebarnes Posts: 27 Member
    It's been forever since I've been on here, but with the slow work week I finally have some extra time. We found out last friday that we are having another BOY!!! I'm super excited. My husband was kind of hoping for a girl, but oh well! Little man looks perfect and is measuring right on target.

    I'm really ready to be done with this pregnancy which stinks because I'm only half way there. Oh well. I'm not nearly as hungry as I thought I would be. The hubs keeps getting on to me about not eating enough. The problem I have is that something sounds good...I start to make it...and when it's done, I don't want it anymore. Anyone else keep switching their minds?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    It's been forever since I've been on here, but with the slow work week I finally have some extra time. We found out last friday that we are having another BOY!!! I'm super excited. My husband was kind of hoping for a girl, but oh well! Little man looks perfect and is measuring right on target.

    I'm really ready to be done with this pregnancy which stinks because I'm only half way there. Oh well. I'm not nearly as hungry as I thought I would be. The hubs keeps getting on to me about not eating enough. The problem I have is that something sounds good...I start to make it...and when it's done, I don't want it anymore. Anyone else keep switching their minds?

    My problem is that I decide I want to make something this week, so I shop based on that, and then I never feel like eating it, so it never gets made. Ingredients either go to waste or get used otherwise. My husband is really good at eating up those things, though!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ugh, got home to find brown discharge and a spot of red blood in my underwear. So unsettling! When I continued to wipe, there was nothing more, and admittedly on the drive home I felt irritated "down there."

    Of course it was past 5, so I had to have the on-call doctor paged. She said that since I was not bleeding continuously or having cramping, she didn't think it was an emergency but that I should be seen tomorrow (1) so if there's nothing wrong I'm not left worrying all (long) weekend, and (2) so if there is something wrong, we can address it.

    I'm still feeling movement, so I'm not freaking out just yet, but of course now I am questioning whether what I feel is actually movement or just gas! (I know it's movement, but it's really easy to question yourself!)

    I am just hoping they can see me right away tomorrow. I have a feeling I have an infection of some sort (maybe a yeast infection, I don't know), so the question is whether they will do an ultrasound first to rule out placenta previa or an internal exam to check for an infection. Either way, I am just glad that I can be seen so I can figure out what the deal is once and for all.

    The office doesn't open until 9, so I can't call until then. I am tempted to just show up at 9 to possibly be seen faster. My OB doesn't do appointments until 10, and I don't even know if she's in tomorrow given that I know she is off next week.. I would be happy to see anyone, though! They have something like 8 doctors, so I can't imagine no one will be able to see me.

    I will update after seeing the doctor tomorrow, whenever that will be!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Rebecca: I just wanted to pop in and say good luck tomorrow. I'm sure it will be nothing serious that will affect the baby adversely.

    We're off to NYC tomorrow as our mini-vacation makeup from the cancelled trip to Turkey. I'm still unsure about whether I can handle the Turkey trip, so this is a test drive. (I continue to marvel at my own timidness, but pregnancy has really thrown me for a loop and I'm so much less adventurous than I ever have been. Can I really be the same person who once wrote for the Let's Go travel guides in Eastern Europe?)
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Rebecca: I just wanted to pop in and say good luck tomorrow. I'm sure it will be nothing serious that will affect the baby adversely.

    We're off to NYC tomorrow as our mini-vacation makeup from the cancelled trip to Turkey. I'm still unsure about whether I can handle the Turkey trip, so this is a test drive. (I continue to marvel at my own timidness, but pregnancy has really thrown me for a loop and I'm so much less adventurous than I ever have been. Can I really be the same person who once wrote for the Let's Go travel guides in Eastern Europe?)

    Thanks! I have an appointment at 12:15. I totally get the timidity thing. My husband wanted to go to the park the other day, and I didn't want to be far from home!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Ok, update time! All is well. They did not do an ultrasound but (oh yay) did an internal exam. My OB said that my cervix is very vascular, so it is prone to bleeds, and she does not suspect any infections. I am not at all dilated, and the Doppler sounded good, so it was pretty much all good news. It's an annoyance that I just have to deal with, and she said I should call if I bleed like a period and/or have painful cramping. I asked if the bleeding will lessen or disappear as my pregnancy progresses, and she said it might because the cervix moves up higher and potentially away from irritations. It's not dangerous, but so I don't make things worse she put me on pelvic rest (which I had already done anyway) and that I shouldn't go to Spinning, since that irritated it. She said my best option for exercise is the elliptical :( I don't have one, and I would have to pay for a gym membership to do so. I am not sure what to do, but I'm guessing light walking would probably be fine. The nice thing about living in SC is that our winters are mild. I have to weigh my options.

    The funny thing was that before my exam my BP was insane (158/98), so they re-took it after I knew all was well, at which point it was 105/70. So clearly I was stressing out!!!

    Anyway, I hope everyone is feeling well, but I didn't want to leave you ladies hanging!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Wow Rebecca - that's crazy about your BP! I never know why they take it before the exam anyway - I'm always so excited to hear the heartbeat that I read in the 130's and then have to have it re-taken at the end (when I'm back in the 110's). You were definitely stressing, which is totally expected - I am so glad that everything seems to be ok! Did you end up spinning on xmas eve? Did that cause any problems? Walking seems like a great alternative - and so nice this time of year while xmas decorations are still up in homes and storefronts.

    Our xmas was great - best gift was the Ergo carrier from my brother - can't wait to strap it on with Fig (our 'womb' name is Fig - we are not naming our child Fig, however, my dh's sister gave us all embroidered stockings for xmas, and the baby's was embroidered with 'Fig'... no way am I going to let this stick :laugh: )

    I am starting to feel what I *think* is movement, but as a first timer I really have no idea. My anatomy u/s is next Thursday so I'm beyond excited to find out the sex.

    My appetite is better (aka: I'm finally eating vegetables again) but I still haven't gained any weight. I've been hovering at my -6lb deficit from morning sickness and then lost another lb last week, and honestly not gaining is becoming pretty annoying. I know that it'll happen as I get into the middle of the 2nd trimester (I'm just 18 + 3) but for now I'm tired of hearing I need to eat more from relatives (I was going to punch the next extended family member to feel my stomach and ask me where my bump was over xmas). Arrrg. Okay, vent over.

    Have fun in NYC Laser! I totally understand the timid thing too - like Momma was saying, driving in the snow is totally freaking me out these days - but I'm sure that you'll have a great time in NYC and surprise yourself. But even if you do put off Turkey, it'll all be worth it in the end regardless.

    Happy New Year Ladies!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Glad to hear everything went well RBXchas!! Im sure its irritating, but at least there is no danger. I am not stressing over the club feet or free floating cord as I was the first day, I feel a lot better about it now and our focus is names. They are so hard! Especially picking 2 at once. We had 2 choices, but they are on the top 10 list so we wont do them, we want them to have unique names like their brother.
    I am definitely planning to invest in an ergo carrier. I see moms in the store with a NB being worn and 2 kids in the cart, I figure thats a good way to go for me! lol Fig is so cute as a womb name :). Anyone get any baby items for Christmas? I didnt, but was told by my MIL that I need to stop buying everything and let the grandparents help.....I cant help it though bc I am a bargain shopper and have been getting things used from a facebook mom yardsale site. By the time I have a baby shower I will only need diapers and wipes :laugh: .
    I am getting together with my mom and ILs tonight for a Christmas Eve since my parents werent here and tomorrow is Christmas! I am hoping for a lot of food so I can eat as much as I like :). Anyone have plans for New Years?
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Goodorning ladies & Happy New Year!

    We found out on New Years Eve that we are getting another BOY! I'm so excited! I'm thrilled that we can reuse all the clothes, blankets, and sports toys!

    Our big decisions now are names (of course we didn't have any boys names picked out yet) and the stroller. Target had the new Sit-N-Stand (with thr removable full back seat) on sale over the weekend - but of course it's not compatible with the carseat we have (Eddie Bauer) so we'll have to figure out if its worth it to buy a new stroller AND carseat.
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    Rebecca - Glad to hear everything is OK! The bleeding is an annoyance, as I mentioned a few pages back. Hopefully it stops as you get further along...which seems to have happened with me! Haven't had any in over 2 weeks, and we dtd a couple days ago (haven't dtd without blood in 2+mos...its the little things :laugh: ).

    LadyJacc - feeling the movement is exciting! I finally noticed it on Saturday (was 18+1)...I kept thinking I was feeling it, but it wasn't until I actually felt it that it was like, "ok, THIS is what I've been hearing about". :love: My scan is not far behind yours (14th)!

    Tara - no baby items for Christmas persay, but my parents were in town and got our crib for us! It will be delivered this week, I'm so excited!

    mormonmomma - congrats on the boy!! Good luck deciding on a stroller....I'm having such a hard time!

    I made it through Christmas with gaining 3.4lbs (I thought it would be a lot more)! Somewhat unsettling that I've gained 10 of my 14.6lbs since Nov 27, but I think its normal to go through spurts like that? We painted the nursery and upstairs bathroom since we had the long weekend and our crib will be here this week. I didn't want to move a bunch of stuff in there only to have to move it out again to paint. We don't know what we're having yet, but wanted to keep it g/n either way, so its a pale yellow. Now I'm just counting down to our anatomy scan so we can get to work building our registry!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Anatomy scan tomorrow! I can't wait -- are you other 'due in late May' ladies getting as anxious as I am? Hearing about everyone's gender's is getting me excited.

    Also, I feel totally justified putting off all nursery related work until I find out... thus, nothing has been purchased, moved or painted... I suppose 'break time' is about over.

    Rebecca - how's pelvic rest going? Any more issues? I hope you're taking it e-a-s-y.

    BananaCat - Congrats on your blood-free romp! It really is the little things, isn't it? :wink: I'm super impressed that you've already painted and ordered a crib - you are adding to my guilt complex. I know it's the universal unisex color, but I love yellow nursery's - always a great choice! what color crib are you doing?

    Momma - Another Boy! That's great - big congrats. Is the Sit-N-Stand a snap & go stroller? I keep reading everywhere that those are the way to go -- is that your opinion too? My sister-in-law praises her BOB, but I'm not sold.

    I've been having more and more back pain during the night. Blah. I've been using the snoogle selectively - some nights I love it and some nights it's like a pillow prison. How's everyone else sleeping?

    Hope everyone had a great New Year!
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Good morning,
    My name is Jess. I am pregnant with a surprise! As we already have 3 angels and were adamant about being done. However, this little one popped up and we were literally speechless! She is going to have to be scheduled for a C-section, my son, the youngest, will be 4 when she arrives, she is due to be here around the 15th depending on the date. I would prefer to give a vaginal birth any day of the week!!! C-Sections are sooo rough on the body- however, there are too many risks involved to deliver naturally. Sorry to ramble on and on!!!! Happy fit Pregnancy everyone! LOL:tongue:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey all and welcome Jess!

    I had issues with brown spotting in my discharge yesterday, but the night before I had (sorry TMI) a difficult time going #2 - so it totally makes sense. I'm fine with being on pelvic rest because I'm not really feeling like doing anything with my husband, but the not being able to work out like I want to sucks. Hopefully it will go away as my cervix rises! It doesn't hurt and is more annoying than anything else, so it's really not a big deal.

    I'm feeling much, much more movement in the past week or so, which is fun. I have to get used to this all over again!

    It's exciting to hear about everyone's scans. Mine is next Thursday, but, as I've mentioned, we're not finding out what we're having. Well, I guess I'm not... I scheduled it on a day when our schedule was free, but then my husband got scheduled in court right smack in the middle. He's not really upset about it frankly because I don't make a huge deal about the scan. It's not like he won't be there for the birth!

    Anyway, I hope you are all doing well and had a great New Year's!
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    Anatomy scan tomorrow! I can't wait -- are you other 'due in late May' ladies getting as anxious as I am? Hearing about everyone's gender's is getting me excited.

    Also, I feel totally justified putting off all nursery related work until I find out... thus, nothing has been purchased, moved or painted... I suppose 'break time' is about over.

    Rebecca - how's pelvic rest going? Any more issues? I hope you're taking it e-a-s-y.

    BananaCat - Congrats on your blood-free romp! It really is the little things, isn't it? :wink: I'm super impressed that you've already painted and ordered a crib - you are adding to my guilt complex. I know it's the universal unisex color, but I love yellow nursery's - always a great choice! what color crib are you doing?

    Momma - Another Boy! That's great - big congrats. Is the Sit-N-Stand a snap & go stroller? I keep reading everywhere that those are the way to go -- is that your opinion too? My sister-in-law praises her BOB, but I'm not sold.

    I've been having more and more back pain during the night. Blah. I've been using the snoogle selectively - some nights I love it and some nights it's like a pillow prison. How's everyone else sleeping?

    Hope everyone had a great New Year!

    Well, the only reason we got a crib is because my parents offered to buy it for us, and they were visiting for Christmas! If it were up to us, it would be put off, lol. We got the Baby Cache Montana crib in espresso...I think it'll look great with the yellow! Got a call from BRU today that it's ready to be picked up :bigsmile: Good luck with your scan tomorrow! 11 more days for us.....:sad:

    Welcome, Jess!!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All, Welcome Jess!

    I just posted this over in the "how much have you gained" section, but I thought I'd repost here to hear your opinions since our group is closer-knit and more conversational. I'm getting pretty down about my weight. I'm 22 weeks today and weighed in at around 24-25 lbs. this morning. The midwife says it's normal and totally ok, but I just feel huge and gross ---and I'm barely past the halfway point!

    According to _What to Expect_, the baby now weighs about 1 lbs. That means I am about 1 lb away from hitting the "overweight" category (if I weren't pregnant). Yikes!

    I haven't been tracking my cals because I've been feeling so awful all the time -I figured why make myself feel guilty about what little bit of heartburn/nausea relief I can find? But maybe I need to jump back in the game now that I'm not quite as miserable as before. After shooting for a daily 1350 cals pre-pregnancy, I think I'm also just scared to see how much I actually eat now. Like, really scared.

    On the plus side (pun intended), the little guy is doing a lot of acrobatics down there! I know why pregnant women can sometimes be smug: there's a little secret movement going on that only you and the baby share, even though you are -gasp- in public!

    Our professional national conference is in town, and I could not find anything very professional to wear. I have about 2 dresses that fit, and I already wore the one yesterday that is not maternity-specific! So today everyone is kinda going to know if they look hard enough. It is sadly not very professional to look pregnant, but on the other hand, it's also embarrassing to have everyone thinking that I just got really super fat since last year.