May 2013 Due Dates



  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    I agree -- you're already model of losing the baby weight successful - I'm sure you're OB will be understanding. Besides, we've got it tough! As soon as we get out of the first tri and get our appetites back then *wham!* it's the holidays with stuffing and cookies and treats and oh my.... not an easy feat.

    Momma -- I hear you, I've been having headaches for the past week and am just learning to live with them (my caffeine tricked stopped helping). It's not so bad compared to everything else I suppose. How are yours feeling? I haven't had any anxiety thus far, but think yours is totally understandable after the fainting! That's scary!

    I did have a lot of uterine soreness/tenderness for a few days over last week, but that's gone now so I think it was just normal uterus growth (no spotting or anything).

    How's everyone sleeping? I'm having a tough time adjusting to non-back sleeping, but it's getting better. Just ordered a snoogle body pillow -- cannot wait. Besides that, I'm clocking in a good 8-9 hours sleep (besides bathroom breaks) each night. I think I could sleep 11 hours a night if schedules permitted.

    Oh - and Rebecca -- glad your vagina isn't sore any longer! :laugh:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I agree -- you're already model of losing the baby weight successful - I'm sure you're OB will be understanding. Besides, we've got it tough! As soon as we get out of the first tri and get our appetites back then *wham!* it's the holidays with stuffing and cookies and treats and oh my.... not an easy feat.

    Momma -- I hear you, I've been having headaches for the past week and am just learning to live with them (my caffeine tricked stopped helping). It's not so bad compared to everything else I suppose. How are yours feeling? I haven't had any anxiety thus far, but think yours is totally understandable after the fainting! That's scary!

    I did have a lot of uterine soreness/tenderness for a few days over last week, but that's gone now so I think it was just normal uterus growth (no spotting or anything).

    How's everyone sleeping? I'm having a tough time adjusting to non-back sleeping, but it's getting better. Just ordered a snoogle body pillow -- cannot wait. Besides that, I'm clocking in a good 8-9 hours sleep (besides bathroom breaks) each night. I think I could sleep 11 hours a night if schedules permitted.

    Oh - and Rebecca -- glad your vagina isn't sore any longer! :laugh:

    Doctor's appointment this morning went great - they had to chase the baby around with the doppler, but generally s/he was hanging out on my left side, which is where I swear I've felt "flutters." My OB said that since I know what the baby moving feels like, it was probably that and not gas. (She's had four kids, so she knows.) She didn't say a word about my weight gain, but I did lament my gain to the OB nurse - so perhaps the nurse told my OB not to give me a hard time about it.

    Anyway, I totally agree - suddenly we can eat again and are STARVING, then BAM! Thanksgiving and Christmas! I was invited to a lasagna party on Friday night, too - just throw that ricotta onto my thighs, will ya! I am not sure if I am going to go. My sister and her husband are going. I know my husband won't (he's still kind of wiped out from having the flu), which means we wouldn't need a babysitter, but I would also feel bad ditching him. At the same time we also appreciate individual time (our son would be in bed before I left), so who knows. I'm still debating, and the hostess is a good friend, so I can sort of decide at the last minute.

    I, too, have been having uterine stretching feelings, I guess, sort of discomfort but not real pain, and no bleeding. The OB nurse said that is totally normal; since your uterus is a muscle, you're going to feel it stretching, and everyone feels it a little differently.

    I am sleeping worse and worse only because it's getting uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach (my preferred sleeping position), and not being able to sleep on my back is killing me! I bought a simply body pillow last time I was pregnant, and last night I contemplated bringing it out again.

    My real issue, though, is that if something wakes me up, I have a hard time going back to sleep. I limit liquids after 8PM so that I don't have to pee in the middle of the night, but the night before last one of our dogs decided to puke at 4AM (my husband got him to the bathroom floor in time for easy clean-up), so I was up from 4AM until 5:30AM (I wake up at 6:30). Last night our son woke up and cried for like two minutes around 2AM, and I was up until 3AM. So the past couple of days I've been exhausted because instead of getting my usual 8-8.5 hours, I've been getting more like 6 or 7, which isn't enough for me. I agree, I could sleep 11 hours at a stretch if time permitted, but that would mean I'd have to go to bed right after I put my son down for the night!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member

    Doctor's appointment this morning went great - they had to chase the baby around with the doppler, but generally s/he was hanging out on my left side, which is where I swear I've felt "flutters." My OB said that since I know what the baby moving feels like, it was probably that and not gas. (She's had four kids, so she knows.) She didn't say a word about my weight gain, but I did lament my gain to the OB nurse - so perhaps the nurse told my OB not to give me a hard time about it.

    Anyway, I totally agree - suddenly we can eat again and are STARVING, then BAM! Thanksgiving and Christmas! I was invited to a lasagna party on Friday night, too - just throw that ricotta onto my thighs, will ya! I am not sure if I am going to go. My sister and her husband are going. I know my husband won't (he's still kind of wiped out from having the flu), which means we wouldn't need a babysitter, but I would also feel bad ditching him. At the same time we also appreciate individual time (our son would be in bed before I left), so who knows. I'm still debating, and the hostess is a good friend, so I can sort of decide at the last minute.

    I, too, have been having uterine stretching feelings, I guess, sort of discomfort but not real pain, and no bleeding. The OB nurse said that is totally normal; since your uterus is a muscle, you're going to feel it stretching, and everyone feels it a little differently.

    I am sleeping worse and worse only because it's getting uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach (my preferred sleeping position), and not being able to sleep on my back is killing me! I bought a simply body pillow last time I was pregnant, and last night I contemplated bringing it out again.

    My real issue, though, is that if something wakes me up, I have a hard time going back to sleep. I limit liquids after 8PM so that I don't have to pee in the middle of the night, but the night before last one of our dogs decided to puke at 4AM (my husband got him to the bathroom floor in time for easy clean-up), so I was up from 4AM until 5:30AM (I wake up at 6:30). Last night our son woke up and cried for like two minutes around 2AM, and I was up until 3AM. So the past couple of days I've been exhausted because instead of getting my usual 8-8.5 hours, I've been getting more like 6 or 7, which isn't enough for me. I agree, I could sleep 11 hours at a stretch if time permitted, but that would mean I'd have to go to bed right after I put my son down for the night!

    YES! that's exactly it --- I am having the same problem, once I wake up, I am UP. My husband is a strength coach so he's up at 4:30 a few days a week to get to the gym for his 6am classes, and ugh -- so hard going back to sleep once his alarm goes off. Though, I'd much rather be awake because of an alarm than dog puke -- sorry about that! Definitely not an ideal mid-night activity (not that there is an ideal mid-night activity... besides sleeping). I need to take a page from your book and stop drinking past 8 - I would love to skip the bathroom breaks now while I still can.

    You should break out your pillow! At first I thought it was funny wanting a pregnancy pillow this early on, but I think I'll roll onto my back every night without it. I'm still sleeping on my stomach, but it's starting to lose favor. I wish I could just be sedated every night... god I miss alcohol. :wink:

    So glad your appointment went well --- I am sure you're feeling flutters, I've been reading everywhere that veteran mom's can tell the difference between gas and movement at 16 weeks. That's so great!! I can't wait til weeks 20-22 when my first-timer senses can feel that baby. And thanks for the uterus stretching reassurance - it set off an alarm when I first noticed it, but then again weeks 16-18 are meant to be a 'growth spurt' for baby, right? So I figure it's doing it's thing. We're so close in our due dates (I'm May 28th) that it's nice to see how you're progressing especially since you have experience!

    And lasagna party sounds delicious -- I say go! Leave the husband, leave the child and enjoy a night full of cheese. There are so few indulgences these days - take what you can get! :smile:
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hi All! It's so great hearing everyone's updates and knowing that other people share my concerns. I am also worried about my weight gain: 20 lbs at week 19, and that's even with three days of almost no eating during the appendectomy! I'm now the biggest I have ever been in my life. At the same time, I feel like with all of my GI problems, any eating I'm doing is survivalist eating, and so I'm trying not to feel bad about it. It's not like I'm eating unhealthy foods, just a lot of (whole grain) carbs. Well, and chocolate.

    Wouldn't you know it that as soon as I started to feel better after the appendectomy, the heartburn comes back full force! My sister, my mom, and my husband's sisters all suffered from heartburn throughout their pregnancies, so this babe is smacking it to me from all sides. I've got this whole arsenal of herbal remedies to combat it: papaya enzymes, calcium carbonate (the active ingredient in TUMS, but ohsogross), baking soda + water, raw apple cider vinegar + water (my latest concoction-it's disgusting and you feel like you're going to die after drinking it, but in a few minutes the heartburn is GONE!). I have a whole cabinet filled with digestive teas, prenatal vitamins, DHA, and all these remedies...I feel like some witch with a big black cauldron waiting for her eye of newt and salamander hearts!

    In the midst of all my gloom and doom surgery, I've also started to feel my wee one move! I feel weirdly proud of him for it!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi All! It's so great hearing everyone's updates and knowing that other people share my concerns. I am also worried about my weight gain: 20 lbs at week 19, and that's even with three days of almost no eating during the appendectomy! I'm now the biggest I have ever been in my life. At the same time, I feel like with all of my GI problems, any eating I'm doing is survivalist eating, and so I'm trying not to feel bad about it. It's not like I'm eating unhealthy foods, just a lot of (whole grain) carbs. Well, and chocolate.

    Wouldn't you know it that as soon as I started to feel better after the appendectomy, the heartburn comes back full force! My sister, my mom, and my husband's sisters all suffered from heartburn throughout their pregnancies, so this babe is smacking it to me from all sides. I've got this whole arsenal of herbal remedies to combat it: papaya enzymes, calcium carbonate (the active ingredient in TUMS, but ohsogross), baking soda + water, raw apple cider vinegar + water (my latest concoction-it's disgusting and you feel like you're going to die after drinking it, but in a few minutes the heartburn is GONE!). I have a whole cabinet filled with digestive teas, prenatal vitamins, DHA, and all these remedies...I feel like some witch with a big black cauldron waiting for her eye of newt and salamander hearts!

    In the midst of all my gloom and doom surgery, I've also started to feel my wee one move! I feel weirdly proud of him for it!

    Yay for feeling movement! I have done apple cider vinegar and water, and it does taste terrible but works - however, I stick to Tums :D

    I'm glad you're improving after surgery, though. How are you feeling physically? I figure it's not a big incision, but it's still surgery.

    Also, I broke the news on Facebook today. One of my law school friends who happens to live in my area now (which is odd because we went to law school a 14-hour drive from where we currently live, and neither of us is from this area) is also expecting, and her due date is 6 days before mine! I was like, yay, I have a local pregnancy buddy! Y'all are great, but it is nice to have someone you can see in person, and it might be nice when we both have newborns (this is her third baby).
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Great to hear the appt went well RBX! And I wouldnt be so concerned if your doctor didnt say anything :). I am actually worried I have not gained enough....I am only up 12lbs and I will be 18 weeks tomorrow. I am happy I am still below where I was when I got pregnant with my son, but I know even being overweight and pregnant with twins I need to gain a sufficient amount. I am going to ask my doctors next week and see what they say. They may be okay with it considering I am overweight, but I want to make sure. I have been fortunate and have not had heartburn yet, I didnt with my son though so maybe I am one of the lucky ones! Also I have been sleeping with my snoogle for almost 9 weeks, I pulled that sucker out in no time because I love sleeping on my back and stomache so I needed to prep myself for now when I cant really do either =/. I am needing another pillowon top of my snoogle though this go around to get comfy. I am also having trouble getting back to sleep after waking up, its awful. I sometimes wake up 2-3 times a night. I cant stop drinking water early in the evening because I have always drank more at night so its habit. Hope all is still well with everyone!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I posted this (with some other comments) on the December challenge thread, so I apologize if anyone reads this twice! (Also, please note that all is well - the OB I spoke to seemed extra sure of that based on what I told her but also because I had seen my doctor on Thursday, and all was fine then.)

    Yesterday I did a Spin class, which is typical for my Saturday mornings, and for some reason I could not get comfortable on the bike seat. I ended up a little sore (not sore like the first time I took a class, though), which is unusual because I'm so used to it that I never get sore anymore. Then last night (sorry for TMI) I had a BM, and when I wiped my lady parts, there was a little pink in my discharge.

    I called my OB's office and spoke to the OB on call, who was SUPER nice about it, and she said that given that I'd taken a Spin class and had unusual discomfort down there, this was not an unusual outcome. I wasn't cramping or actively bleeding, so she said to take it easy for 24 hours (and pelvic rest - no muddying the waters) and to call back if it got worse (ie, cramping or period-like bleeding). I'm pretty sure I've felt the baby move since last night (I'm 17w today, so it's still hard to be sure), but I haven't had the issue since. She also said that because we are pregnant, we have more blood flow to that area, so if we "injure" any tissue in the vagina, cervix, etc., even just a little, we can bleed easily, which is why it's common to have that happen after sex.

    It scared the crap out of me, though. As such I am going to hold off on exercising today and start back with easy walks during the week. I am leery about going back to Spinning, though, until my next scheduled class, which is Christmas Eve morning. Even if none of this is doing damage, it's still a lot to go through when you see blood.

    Has anyone else had this happen, especially after a workout? I read that having a BM will sometimes "re-open" or exacerbate a previous injury/irritation, so if I had irritated my lady parts with Spinning, going to the bathroom later that night may have caused it to bleed. Admittedly (and I told the OB this) I fished around up there with some toilet paper, and it seemed to be localized to my lower parts, and there was no pink coming out from up near my cervix. Of course she advised me not to check that out further because I could irritate myself further and cause it to happen again!

    Anyway, I hope you are all having a nice weekend so far! We have not ordered our Christmas cards yet, so later today we are going to try to get some good pictures of our son with the dogs. I'm not so sure how this is going to pan out. If not, I will just buy regular cards and include a small picture of him in them.
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Rebecca- sorry about your pain in spinning class. We're you wearing padded biking shorts? I have a spinning bike at home and I'm ALWAYS sore afterwards unless I wear those the point it feels like I'm bruised. With that in mind, I bet you're even more likely to have pain due to pregnancy.
    Feel better soon!

    MormonMamma- is the anxiety new and just related to the pregnancy? I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

    LadyJac- did you get your pillow? How is it? I just ordered mine and can't wait! I'm in the same boat as you, husband is up at 4:30am to go running....

    TheLaser- how's the recovery process? How far post op are you? Hope you're feeling better.

    Tara- what did your doctor say about the weight gain, everything ok?

    I've been so sad over the Oregon shootings and then the insane Sandy Hook murders.... It's Terrible beyond words and I can't wait to get home and hug my family.

    We watched Christmas Vacation last night, which reminds me of my family and diverted my attention.

    And TMI moment..... I woke up last night and thought my nipples were burning off. I'm not kidding, they felt on fire. I was actually scared there was a fire or acid until I was fully alert and awake. It went away after 15-20 minutes. What is that?? And I'm not a whimp, I've had 3 surgeries and a broken collarbone....this was painful.

    Have a good week everyone.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Rebecca- sorry about your pain in spinning class. We're you wearing padded biking shorts? I have a spinning bike at home and I'm ALWAYS sore afterwards unless I wear those the point it feels like I'm bruised. With that in mind, I bet you're even more likely to have pain due to pregnancy.
    Feel better soon!

    MormonMamma- is the anxiety new and just related to the pregnancy? I'm sorry you're dealing with this.

    LadyJac- did you get your pillow? How is it? I just ordered mine and can't wait! I'm in the same boat as you, husband is up at 4:30am to go running....

    TheLaser- how's the recovery process? How far post op are you? Hope you're feeling better.

    Tara- what did your doctor say about the weight gain, everything ok?

    I've been so sad over the Oregon shootings and then the insane Sandy Hook murders.... It's Terrible beyond words and I can't wait to get home and hug my family.

    We watched Christmas Vacation last night, which reminds me of my family and diverted my attention.

    And TMI moment..... I woke up last night and thought my nipples were burning off. I'm not kidding, they felt on fire. I was actually scared there was a fire or acid until I was fully alert and awake. It went away after 15-20 minutes. What is that?? And I'm not a whimp, I've had 3 surgeries and a broken collarbone....this was painful.

    Have a good week everyone.

    No, I wasn't wearing padded shorts. I used to Spin 4x/week and had no problem with pain. Two weeks ago I took a class and had no problem. I'm not sure if it's a sudden increase in blood flow to that area or what. I will see what happens next time!

    As for your nipples feeling like they're on fire - were you wearing anything different that would irritate them? My boobs (including nipples) are still sensitive, though not as much as very early on, and sometimes what bra I wear or, during the night, how I sleep can irritate them.

    But still, that's so weird! I've never heard of that! Maybe you had a weird dream that caused increased blood flow to them and made you feel that way.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    The anxiety is over anything... like driving in the snow - which , hello, I live in Minnesota. I'm used to driving in the snow. But I had a complete meltdown because I was afraid to drive my son in the snow. I was panicked that I might pass out at the wheel, that I'd lose control fo the vehicle, that I'd get stuck, etc... most of those were pretty irrational since I have extensive experience driving in blizzards and trying to beat the chain up laws on cross country drives... but for 2 or 3 days it didn't matter how irrational the fear was - I was not willing to get in the drivers seat. I was really sad to miss my girls night out last week because I was too afraid to drive myself. It was silly and as soon as I faced my fear I was fine. I just have to keep breathing slowly and tell myself that it's not rational to freak out over x, y, or z. It's frustrating because I've never felt this way before and I it's like two parts of my brain are fighting to control my thoughts.

    Ruby - I get the sharp pain in my nipple too. To me it feels hot and almost like lightening striking. Unfortunately, normal and it will probably keep occuring through at least the first few months of breastfeeding. (TMI, but word of warning - if you and your husband had been intimate and your breasts are integral in being intimate - that could be a big reason it happened).

    Hows everyone doing on Christmas shopping?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    The anxiety is over anything... like driving in the snow - which , hello, I live in Minnesota. I'm used to driving in the snow. But I had a complete meltdown because I was afraid to drive my son in the snow. I was panicked that I might pass out at the wheel, that I'd lose control fo the vehicle, that I'd get stuck, etc... most of those were pretty irrational since I have extensive experience driving in blizzards and trying to beat the chain up laws on cross country drives... but for 2 or 3 days it didn't matter how irrational the fear was - I was not willing to get in the drivers seat. I was really sad to miss my girls night out last week because I was too afraid to drive myself. It was silly and as soon as I faced my fear I was fine. I just have to keep breathing slowly and tell myself that it's not rational to freak out over x, y, or z. It's frustrating because I've never felt this way before and I it's like two parts of my brain are fighting to control my thoughts.

    Ruby - I get the sharp pain in my nipple too. To me it feels hot and almost like lightening striking. Unfortunately, normal and it will probably keep occuring through at least the first few months of breastfeeding. (TMI, but word of warning - if you and your husband had been intimate and your breasts are integral in being intimate - that could be a big reason it happened).

    Hows everyone doing on Christmas shopping?

    You're so funny about intimacy up there :wink: I have had the "lightning" pains there, too, just not a prolonged burning sensation. My totally uneducated guess is that our boobs don't grow at a steady rate but in spurts, which means they suddenly do something to accommodate extra tissue and whatnot. Totally unscientific, but it makes me not worry when it happens!

    As for anxiety, I do have some issues with that, and I think you did the right thing by just taking it slow, not going out when you were truly uncomfortable about it, then doing it but breathing and everything. I know you're an experienced snow driver, but I'm sure your blackout didn't help. It is hard because you want to think rationally, but there's this inner part of you, like your gut instinct, that is saying, "NO! Rational does not always mean safe!" Whatever you can do to help that rational part of your mind take over, do it!

    As for Christmas shopping, money is super tight for us, so I haven't bought my husband anything. He knows that and is ok. He hasn't said whether or not he's buying me anything, but I don't expect him to. I did get him some stocking stuffers, though, no big deal. We got our son a few little toys, nothing big, but he's still too young to really appreciate Christmas presents. We have bought for all but one of our nieces and nephews (the one remaining nephew is getting an iTunes gift card). No other adults are getting gifts from us. They all know how business starts dying in mid-November and doesn't pick up until mid-January, and it's not like we are swimming in money the rest of the year, so paying bills is difficult, let alone buying gifts. However, we feel the kids should get them, even if they're small gifts.
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hello All! Just checking in with all of you!

    Rubybeach -I've been wondering if your morning sickness ever went away. I recall that it was really bad. I feel like every time I go to the midwife and say this or that is bothering me, they always have the same response: oh, in a few weeks/months, things will probably get better. I feel like I'm constantly banking on the future to get through the woeful Now.

    Mormonmomma -I have also had driving fears, but not quite as extreme as actually missing things. I think it's because I read a horrible car accident story on another preggo board that happened in MA on the road I drive to work, and also because I was never much of a driver anyway. When I am scared, I try to drive slowly and also put on some calming music or NPR to take my mind off of my fear.

    I'm close to finishing off my gift shopping. My husband asked me what I wanted, and I said a painted nursery! We're still debating on which bedroom to use, but one of our rooms is a hideous green color and even if it's not the nursery, I'd want it changed.

    I'm more or less healed from the surgery, which is nice. I heard the baby's heartbeat galloping away today, so things appear to be normal. I'm also trying to walk more since I can't run or swim these days. I also had my first prenatal massage! Actually, it was my first massage ever. One of my friends is a masseuse, and so part of the relaxation also came from catching up with her -talking with a friend is as nice as the massage itself! (Hmm, maybe massages are wasted on me!)
  • BananaCat83
    BananaCat83 Posts: 77 Member
    It scared the crap out of me, though. As such I am going to hold off on exercising today and start back with easy walks during the week. I am leery about going back to Spinning, though, until my next scheduled class, which is Christmas Eve morning. Even if none of this is doing damage, it's still a lot to go through when you see blood.

    Has anyone else had this happen, especially after a workout? I read that having a BM will sometimes "re-open" or exacerbate a previous injury/irritation, so if I had irritated my lady parts with Spinning, going to the bathroom later that night may have caused it to bleed. Admittedly (and I told the OB this) I fished around up there with some toilet paper, and it seemed to be localized to my lower parts, and there was no pink coming out from up near my cervix. Of course she advised me not to check that out further because I could irritate myself further and cause it to happen again!

    Anyway, I hope you are all having a nice weekend so far! We have not ordered our Christmas cards yet, so later today we are going to try to get some good pictures of our son with the dogs. I'm not so sure how this is going to pan out. If not, I will just buy regular cards and include a small picture of him in them.

    I have this on a regular basis, unfortunately! Most of the time, nothing triggers it, its just random bleeding (bright red/pink, that lasts a few hours or so). Twice its been triggered by sex and thats what did it the first time...we were terrified! 2 weeks of pelvic rest after that. I see my doc every other week at this point, due to some other issues, and it happened 3 times between my last two visits. They did notice that I have a polyup that developed since my last pap in July, but other than that there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. But it's nervewracking and makes me paranoid! I'm always worried/nervous to have sex....poor DH! He's nervous about it too but that doesnt stop him :tongue:
  • mrs_dwr
    mrs_dwr Posts: 189 Member
    I'm on my phone so I can't reply to everyone, but I just wanted to let you all know that I had my 'big' ultrasound today, and we're having another GIRL! That'll make 3 girls, 1 boy for us! The sonographer couldn't get a clear view of everything she needed to check (feet, profile, etc) so I will get another ultrasound in 4 more weeks (at 24 weeks) - yay! Baby girl was constantly on the move during the whole thing, but I couldn't feel her much because she was facing me. All her kicks/twirls were toward me instead of toward the outside of my belly. That's why I haven't been feeling too many movements during this pregnancy. Based on her activity today, though, I'm kind of glad I don't have to feel all that constantly yet! :-)
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Congrats on your baby girl!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    It scared the crap out of me, though. As such I am going to hold off on exercising today and start back with easy walks during the week. I am leery about going back to Spinning, though, until my next scheduled class, which is Christmas Eve morning. Even if none of this is doing damage, it's still a lot to go through when you see blood.

    Has anyone else had this happen, especially after a workout? I read that having a BM will sometimes "re-open" or exacerbate a previous injury/irritation, so if I had irritated my lady parts with Spinning, going to the bathroom later that night may have caused it to bleed. Admittedly (and I told the OB this) I fished around up there with some toilet paper, and it seemed to be localized to my lower parts, and there was no pink coming out from up near my cervix. Of course she advised me not to check that out further because I could irritate myself further and cause it to happen again!

    Anyway, I hope you are all having a nice weekend so far! We have not ordered our Christmas cards yet, so later today we are going to try to get some good pictures of our son with the dogs. I'm not so sure how this is going to pan out. If not, I will just buy regular cards and include a small picture of him in them.

    I have this on a regular basis, unfortunately! Most of the time, nothing triggers it, its just random bleeding (bright red/pink, that lasts a few hours or so). Twice its been triggered by sex and thats what did it the first time...we were terrified! 2 weeks of pelvic rest after that. I see my doc every other week at this point, due to some other issues, and it happened 3 times between my last two visits. They did notice that I have a polyup that developed since my last pap in July, but other than that there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. But it's nervewracking and makes me paranoid! I'm always worried/nervous to have sex....poor DH! He's nervous about it too but that doesnt stop him :tongue:

    Thanks for the reassurance! I didn't have this at all with my first pregnancy, but then again I didn't work out at all... Sex has been off the table since I found out I was pregnant, as it was last time. I just can't get myself in the mood, and since this is the second time I've had a bit of pink (first time was around 8 weeks, totally unexplained), I've been leery about having sex even if I had a moment when I was in the mood. I guess there are other things we could do, but, well, if I'm hardly ever in the mood for sex, I'm not about to be in the mood for its alternatives!

    I think it was just the bike seat, and I'm wondering if I had my bike settings wrong or if I need to adjust them. I'll play with it and see what happens.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I'm on my phone so I can't reply to everyone, but I just wanted to let you all know that I had my 'big' ultrasound today, and we're having another GIRL! That'll make 3 girls, 1 boy for us! The sonographer couldn't get a clear view of everything she needed to check (feet, profile, etc) so I will get another ultrasound in 4 more weeks (at 24 weeks) - yay! Baby girl was constantly on the move during the whole thing, but I couldn't feel her much because she was facing me. All her kicks/twirls were toward me instead of toward the outside of my belly. That's why I haven't been feeling too many movements during this pregnancy. Based on her activity today, though, I'm kind of glad I don't have to feel all that constantly yet! :-)

    Awesome! Yay!
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm on my phone so I can't reply to everyone, but I just wanted to let you all know that I had my 'big' ultrasound today, and we're having another GIRL! That'll make 3 girls, 1 boy for us! The sonographer couldn't get a clear view of everything she needed to check (feet, profile, etc) so I will get another ultrasound in 4 more weeks (at 24 weeks) - yay! Baby girl was constantly on the move during the whole thing, but I couldn't feel her much because she was facing me. All her kicks/twirls were toward me instead of toward the outside of my belly. That's why I haven't been feeling too many movements during this pregnancy. Based on her activity today, though, I'm kind of glad I don't have to feel all that constantly yet! :-)

    Congrats!! My husband is pretty sure we are having a little girl - we'll see if he's right on New Years! What a way to start 2013, huh?
  • Bilbobradshaw
    Bilbobradshaw Posts: 79 Member
    I just realized that there were forums on MFP for PREGNANT PEOPLE!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to talk with other moms who care about fitness. :)

    First time mom, age 24, about 18 weeks
    My due date is May 20th
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I just realized that there were forums on MFP for PREGNANT PEOPLE!! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to talk with other moms who care about fitness. :)

    First time mom, age 24, about 18 weeks
    My due date is May 20th

    Welcome and congratulations!

    Be sure to check out other threads, like the December challenge (you set your December goal, whether it be fitness- or nutrition-related (or both or even something else), which we're easy about, so no biggie joining on 12/19! There's also a 2nd trimester thread and some other fun topics and questions you can check out. Enjoy! :happy: