May 2013 Due Dates



  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Unfortunately, the fridge is awful here at work (we have 3 full size ones - but we have a HUGE office and I've heard to many horror stories about people eating other peoples lunchs, taking their tupperware, and setting stuff on the counter to make room for their own stuff. Plus each Friday night supposedly a crew comes in to throw everything out and wipe down the shelves - so I can't even keep condiments in there!

    When I bring in fruit/veggies I usually toss them in a lunch bag in small plastic containers with paper towels to avoid getting moist/moldy. But that's a GREAT callout RBX! I'm totally going to get a bowl of bananas and maybe oranges for my desk. I should be able to go through a small bunch and 3-4 oranges a week.

    My husband is a HUGE Fiberone fan - I think they taste too gritty. My boss does Sunbelt, and they taste good - but I'm not sure about their nutrition facts...

    I completely forgot about instant oatmeal. Yum! That's a great idea for this bitter winter in Minnesota.

    I need to make a shopping list and get serious about reigning in my snacking at work!
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I second the applesauce cups! I get those as well with no sugar added :smile: and odd as it sounds a cinnamon graham cracker dipped in applesauce is amazing, even non pregnant I will have it occasionally, though I havent had it in a long time and dont know how healthy graham crackers are really :ohwell: and I second the mini fridge...I purchsed one specifically for under my desk and I havent brought it in I thought it was a great idea! The kitchen at work is close to me though and people respect others things so I havent felt too compelled to bring it in, but now I have one just in case!
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks ladies!

    Unfortunately, the fridge is awful here at work (we have 3 full size ones - but we have a HUGE office and I've heard to many horror stories about people eating other peoples lunchs, taking their tupperware, and setting stuff on the counter to make room for their own stuff. Plus each Friday night supposedly a crew comes in to throw everything out and wipe down the shelves - so I can't even keep condiments in there!

    When I bring in fruit/veggies I usually toss them in a lunch bag in small plastic containers with paper towels to avoid getting moist/moldy. But that's a GREAT callout RBX! I'm totally going to get a bowl of bananas and maybe oranges for my desk. I should be able to go through a small bunch and 3-4 oranges a week.

    My husband is a HUGE Fiberone fan - I think they taste too gritty. My boss does Sunbelt, and they taste good - but I'm not sure about their nutrition facts...

    I completely forgot about instant oatmeal. Yum! That's a great idea for this bitter winter in Minnesota.

    I need to make a shopping list and get serious about reigning in my snacking at work!

    Hey Lady!

    I second the instant oatmeal - that's a go-to for me. Also, I make my own trail mixes with raw almonds, craisins, cheerios, dark chocolate m&ms and mini-pretzels (or whatever else I can find). What about cheese? Could you bring a baggie of cheese cubes in at the beginning of the week? For bars, I like the Think Thin Creamy Peanut Butter protein bars - they have 0 sugar and 20g of protein. I try not to eat them all the time, but when I do, I split one out over 2 days as a chocolate snack.

    Have fun snack shopping!

    ETA: Just re-read that your fridge is horrible. Hmmm, maybe the cheese won't work, but you could at least bring them in for the day.
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    25 weeks and suddenly extremely hungry, much hungrier than previous weeks! So I'm glad all of you are discussing healthy snacks...especially since I think I am right on track to gain 25 pounds and don't want to get too out of hand during the third trimester.

    For healthy snacks, I really like baby carrots with roasted red pepper hummus (from target) or the trader joes triple flavor hummus (I can't remember all three flavors, I think they are cilantro, garlic, and red pepper.) It is really good and the carrots or other veggies are a great alternative to the tortilla chips that I'd normally eat with's really easy to eat too many chips. I also like string cheese, yogurt (the normal Yoplait lowfat strawberry banana, strawberry cheesecake or mixed berry flavors) and quaker strawberry yogurt granola bars. I know they have some sugar in them, but I personally don't like the artificial taste of the kashi or fiber one bars...or the aspartame taste of the fat free yogurt...just personal preference! And they are way healthier than alternative dessert choices.

    Cracked pepper triscuits are also really good!
  • laurajethan
    laurajethan Posts: 50 Member
    Hey everyone. Im currently 24 weeks pregnant with my second baby. After taken a very long 19 months to concieve we are about to head to Fiji on our pre-wedding honeymoon. We get married 3 months after bub is due so decided to go away before we have it.

    Can anyone help with food/eating what should and shouldnt do while away.

    I struggled the first 12 weeks and stacked alot of weight on but havent put much on at all since then. Im not aloud to do more than walking due to tearing a tendon between my uterus and pelvis and I think that hasnt help with the weight going on so easliy in the first few weeks. I seam to tear it about every 4 weeks so hasnt been able to repair properly
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Laurajethan- Congrats on baby, wedding, and pre-honeymoon! Sounds exciting!!

    Hubby asked me to wait on buying all my desk snacks til payday (this friday) so i packed some juice (sore throat and water is irritating it) and fruit. Plus one of my downfalls lately are the frozen uncrustables (pb&j pies kind of)... I love that I can grab one frozen and head to work and by the time I need a snack it's thawed out. I also packed some dry cereal. Not the greatest, but I need more fiber!

    How is everyone doing?
  • rubybeach
    rubybeach Posts: 529 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I love all these snack ideas! Can't wait to get back to Australia and on a normal routine for a few weeks.

    Canada has been nice, but wow..... Vancouver is about as expensive as Australia. Especially the housing. Nice city, we walk everywhere and so diverse too. Still searching for a corporate housing option.....

    Good news we loved the midwife and doula......just trying to figure out what hospital we can use as we wont have the standard Canadian health insurance until after the Bub is born.

    How's everyone else?
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Laurajethan- Congrats on baby, wedding, and pre-honeymoon! Sounds exciting!!

    Hubby asked me to wait on buying all my desk snacks til payday (this friday) so i packed some juice (sore throat and water is irritating it) and fruit. Plus one of my downfalls lately are the frozen uncrustables (pb&j pies kind of)... I love that I can grab one frozen and head to work and by the time I need a snack it's thawed out. I also packed some dry cereal. Not the greatest, but I need more fiber!

    How is everyone doing?

    WHY DID YOU TELL ME ABOUT THE UNCRUSTABLES?!? Just kidding, but that sounds SO good. I love PB&J, and somebody taking out the small amount of work it takes to make one is really tempting :smile:

    Otherwise, feeling decent. I think I screwed up a tendon or something where the inside of my thigh meets my crotch (for lack of a better description) because it was really tired about 10 weeks ago when I did a vigorous walk, and now every now and again it hurts. I was getting up from giving my son a bath last night, and I yanked it. It hurt all night every time I moved my leg anything besides straight forward, so flipping over in bed became a slow procedure (my one dog who sleeps on my legs was not amused, and I accidentally shoved him off the bed at 3:30AM). It feels better today, but it's really annoying! I can't complain about much else, so I'm glad that's all I've got that's bugging me, but man it's no fun to be in pain!

    I hope everyone else is feeling good!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hey everyone. Im currently 24 weeks pregnant with my second baby. After taken a very long 19 months to concieve we are about to head to Fiji on our pre-wedding honeymoon. We get married 3 months after bub is due so decided to go away before we have it.

    Can anyone help with food/eating what should and shouldnt do while away.

    I struggled the first 12 weeks and stacked alot of weight on but havent put much on at all since then. Im not aloud to do more than walking due to tearing a tendon between my uterus and pelvis and I think that hasnt help with the weight going on so easliy in the first few weeks. I seam to tear it about every 4 weeks so hasnt been able to repair properly

    Hey there! Welcome, and congratulations! I'm wondering if what you did is what I did (see my last post above). It gets better, then I do something to unexpectedly aggravate it, then it KILLS when I move my leg the wrong way. I see my doctor tomorrow, so I will be asking her about it.

    As for your gaining and eating while away (which sounds like an awesome trip, by the way), just go with what you know is healthy. The good thing about Fiji and places like that is that there is a lot of fresh fruit available (yum!). Be sure to share pictures because that is one of the most beautiful places in the world!
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I love all these snack ideas! Can't wait to get back to Australia and on a normal routine for a few weeks.

    Canada has been nice, but wow..... Vancouver is about as expensive as Australia. Especially the housing. Nice city, we walk everywhere and so diverse too. Still searching for a corporate housing option.....

    Good news we loved the midwife and doula......just trying to figure out what hospital we can use as we wont have the standard Canadian health insurance until after the Bub is born.

    How's everyone else?

    So glad you found a midwife and doula you love! I'm sure that's a lot of stress off your shoulders. I'm sure they'll help you navigate the health system, too. Then you just have to find a place to live, which can be fun! I hope you've been feeling better - I know you dealt with lots of nausea, so I assume that's pass (or at least I hope so)!
  • ToFatToBeSick
    Due May 13th with my 4th and last child.
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    I love uncrustables! But I havent bought any even though they are so convenient! The grilled cheese ones are good as well, but I definitely dont buy those becuase I like to make my own with tomato and onion!

    I am sorry to hear about the muscle tears for you ladies =/, I hope they get better for good! I have been having an issue and it is getting worst it seems, when I lay on my back at night and hubby rubs lotion on my belly, my lower back gets extremely stiff and I cant turn takes so much effort and my muscles/joints just wont budge....I dont know what it is, but I feel it going all the way down my left leg...idk if it is my sciatic nerve possibly? It wasnt so severe with my last pregnancy so I didnt worry too much, but considering it happens every night, I am wondering if any of you ladies experience this as well?

    Also I got the okay from my doctor to just walk, no swimming and no yoga =/, but its something so I am hoping to go to the gym a few days a week and walk on the treadmill. I went on Thursday night and felt great after, I lifted light weights but then I did a chest press and I dont think it was a good idea because I had to stop after that since my lower belly was hurting. But at least I can do legs and arms! I find it odd though that 10 weeks ago I was told swimming is great and now I am being told not to swim becuase I am so preterm with twins and to wait until 32 weeks to start swimming....but its doctors orders. The girls are crazy kickers, much more active than their brother, so thats been fun. It actually makes me laugh when I look at my belly and just see it push out randomly....especially since I am being kicked at the top more since the girls are generally head down now, whereas my son was breech the whole pregnancy.

    My belly is getting huge! I wake up and it looks enormous and my coworkers will even tell me "you look huge today!!" Lol so its a lot of fun. We moved into our bigger place this weekend, we did it in less than 24 hours so it was a fast paced move, but I am glad it is over and it is so much more space for us! Which we definitely needed. We tackle our room tonight, which wont be fun at all, but we did the living room and kitchen last night which didnt take long so that was a relief and I slept much better knowing the house is almost in order! I have a regular ob appointment this Friday than back to the perinatologist on Wednesday to see how the girls are measuring and for (hopefully) my last cervical length.....

    How is everyone else doing? Any new changes? When are your appointments or what has happened at the most recent? :smile:
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Hello Fellow Mamas! Welcome to our newest members! It sounds like a number of us are starting to get big and a little uncomfortable from the effects --I know I am!

    I just got back from our "babymoon." It wasn't anywhere particularly exotic (like Fiji -I wish!), but it was exactly the right vacation for me at this stage, just at the cusp of the final trimester. I'd never been to Florida before, and my husband's parents have a nice condo there. We did a great mix of athletic sightseeing (cycling and kayaking in the Everglades), relaxing at the beach or pool, and going to cultural sights. His parents are Italian and excellent cooks, so while I was getting a lot of exercise, I was also eating heartily!

    Things are getting a little uncomfortable at night, and I'm sleeping with a pillow under my hips. This doesn't exactly help with heartburn, so I'm propped up higher at my head, with the end result being this weird suspension thingy that does not make it easy to turn over. My yoga instructors are recommending a body pillow. Has anyone used this and did it work? I feel like I am already spending so much on my own comfort (yoga, Bradley birth class). I don't know why I feel weird about it, but it seems like I'm "giving in" and babying myself too much when I spend money on maternity-related stuff. I think about women of past times who were pregnant for years and years, and wonder why I am such a wimp. :)
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    Hello Fellow Mamas! Welcome to our newest members! It sounds like a number of us are starting to get big and a little uncomfortable from the effects --I know I am!

    I just got back from our "babymoon." It wasn't anywhere particularly exotic (like Fiji -I wish!), but it was exactly the right vacation for me at this stage, just at the cusp of the final trimester. I'd never been to Florida before, and my husband's parents have a nice condo there. We did a great mix of athletic sightseeing (cycling and kayaking in the Everglades), relaxing at the beach or pool, and going to cultural sights. His parents are Italian and excellent cooks, so while I was getting a lot of exercise, I was also eating heartily!

    Things are getting a little uncomfortable at night, and I'm sleeping with a pillow under my hips. This doesn't exactly help with heartburn, so I'm propped up higher at my head, with the end result being this weird suspension thingy that does not make it easy to turn over. My yoga instructors are recommending a body pillow. Has anyone used this and did it work? I feel like I am already spending so much on my own comfort (yoga, Bradley birth class). I don't know why I feel weird about it, but it seems like I'm "giving in" and babying myself too much when I spend money on maternity-related stuff. I think about women of past times who were pregnant for years and years, and wonder why I am such a wimp. :)

    Hey, its important to be comfortable in pregnancy- good rest is just as important as exercise and good nutrition! With that said, my husband got me a Boppy body pillow for Christmas. I love it, and have slept with it literally every night since. It has a spot to lay my head, which keeps me elevated because I have heartburn/acid reflux, it has a lower spot in the middle for my belly, and it wraps around between my legs. It doesn't move around a bunch while I sleep. And while yes, I do have to move it when its time to roll over, my hips ache much less than before. You can also use it to prop you up in bed for reading, because it bends in half so half goes behind your back, and half wraps in front of you- perfect for perching a book, or later a nursing baby :)
  • iampanda
    iampanda Posts: 176 Member
    I love uncrustables! But I havent bought any even though they are so convenient! The grilled cheese ones are good as well, but I definitely dont buy those becuase I like to make my own with tomato and onion!

    I am sorry to hear about the muscle tears for you ladies =/, I hope they get better for good! I have been having an issue and it is getting worst it seems, when I lay on my back at night and hubby rubs lotion on my belly, my lower back gets extremely stiff and I cant turn takes so much effort and my muscles/joints just wont budge....I dont know what it is, but I feel it going all the way down my left leg...idk if it is my sciatic nerve possibly? It wasnt so severe with my last pregnancy so I didnt worry too much, but considering it happens every night, I am wondering if any of you ladies experience this as well?

    Also I got the okay from my doctor to just walk, no swimming and no yoga =/, but its something so I am hoping to go to the gym a few days a week and walk on the treadmill. I went on Thursday night and felt great after, I lifted light weights but then I did a chest press and I dont think it was a good idea because I had to stop after that since my lower belly was hurting. But at least I can do legs and arms! I find it odd though that 10 weeks ago I was told swimming is great and now I am being told not to swim becuase I am so preterm with twins and to wait until 32 weeks to start swimming....but its doctors orders. The girls are crazy kickers, much more active than their brother, so thats been fun. It actually makes me laugh when I look at my belly and just see it push out randomly....especially since I am being kicked at the top more since the girls are generally head down now, whereas my son was breech the whole pregnancy.

    My belly is getting huge! I wake up and it looks enormous and my coworkers will even tell me "you look huge today!!" Lol so its a lot of fun. We moved into our bigger place this weekend, we did it in less than 24 hours so it was a fast paced move, but I am glad it is over and it is so much more space for us! Which we definitely needed. We tackle our room tonight, which wont be fun at all, but we did the living room and kitchen last night which didnt take long so that was a relief and I slept much better knowing the house is almost in order! I have a regular ob appointment this Friday than back to the perinatologist on Wednesday to see how the girls are measuring and for (hopefully) my last cervical length.....

    How is everyone else doing? Any new changes? When are your appointments or what has happened at the most recent? :smile:

    About you laying on your back and then being in pain- I am not sure how far along you are, but its not really recommended that you lay on your back for more than a couple minutes past 20 weeks... the bigger you are and the further along you are, the less you should be on your back. It puts a lot of pressure on major arteries, and compresses nerves and such. That might be the problem- I would suggest laying on your side while your hubby puts on the lotion, and see if that helps.
  • LadyJocc
    LadyJocc Posts: 151 Member
    Hello Fellow Mamas! Welcome to our newest members! It sounds like a number of us are starting to get big and a little uncomfortable from the effects --I know I am!

    I just got back from our "babymoon." It wasn't anywhere particularly exotic (like Fiji -I wish!), but it was exactly the right vacation for me at this stage, just at the cusp of the final trimester. I'd never been to Florida before, and my husband's parents have a nice condo there. We did a great mix of athletic sightseeing (cycling and kayaking in the Everglades), relaxing at the beach or pool, and going to cultural sights. His parents are Italian and excellent cooks, so while I was getting a lot of exercise, I was also eating heartily!

    Things are getting a little uncomfortable at night, and I'm sleeping with a pillow under my hips. This doesn't exactly help with heartburn, so I'm propped up higher at my head, with the end result being this weird suspension thingy that does not make it easy to turn over. My yoga instructors are recommending a body pillow. Has anyone used this and did it work? I feel like I am already spending so much on my own comfort (yoga, Bradley birth class). I don't know why I feel weird about it, but it seems like I'm "giving in" and babying myself too much when I spend money on maternity-related stuff. I think about women of past times who were pregnant for years and years, and wonder why I am such a wimp. :)

    I agree with Iampanda - you've got so much going on with your body, paying a little more to sleep comfortably is absolutely worth it. I've been sleeping with a Snoogle body pillow since Mid-January, and while we had a trying relationship at first (I sometimes feel trapped in my pillow prison...) I can't sleep without it now. It's a life saver.

    You're babymoon photo looks beautiful! Glad you guys had a good time!
  • alibur85
    alibur85 Posts: 122 Member
    Hello Fellow Mamas! Welcome to our newest members! It sounds like a number of us are starting to get big and a little uncomfortable from the effects --I know I am!

    I just got back from our "babymoon." It wasn't anywhere particularly exotic (like Fiji -I wish!), but it was exactly the right vacation for me at this stage, just at the cusp of the final trimester. I'd never been to Florida before, and my husband's parents have a nice condo there. We did a great mix of athletic sightseeing (cycling and kayaking in the Everglades), relaxing at the beach or pool, and going to cultural sights. His parents are Italian and excellent cooks, so while I was getting a lot of exercise, I was also eating heartily!

    Things are getting a little uncomfortable at night, and I'm sleeping with a pillow under my hips. This doesn't exactly help with heartburn, so I'm propped up higher at my head, with the end result being this weird suspension thingy that does not make it easy to turn over. My yoga instructors are recommending a body pillow. Has anyone used this and did it work? I feel like I am already spending so much on my own comfort (yoga, Bradley birth class). I don't know why I feel weird about it, but it seems like I'm "giving in" and babying myself too much when I spend money on maternity-related stuff. I think about women of past times who were pregnant for years and years, and wonder why I am such a wimp. :)

    I'd get no sleep without my body pillow! I have a Boppy Body Pillow somewhere from my first pregnancy, and I did like it, but since then my husband and I got each other body pillows one Christmas, I've just been using that, along with my two other pillows. I toss and turn all night and my body pillows goes with me. My hip pain is still there, but having the support at night helps a ton!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! What brand is your new body pillow, alibur?

    And Tara --what does your doctor say about water walking? I have started adding this into my pool workouts and I LOVE it! It's gentler on my joints than even regular walking and I feel like I can get a really great workout in. I take my swim hand paddles and use those also to propel myself forward and get an arm workout.
  • mormonmomma11
    mormonmomma11 Posts: 358 Member
    Hey ladies!

    How is everyone doing? I'm pretty good today (other than being sick again. I wish the cold weather and all the icky germs floating around would go away! I'm ready for summer!).

    Just found out today that one of my husband's brothers is bringing is family out to see us in June and in the week after that I think his parents are coming. I'm pretty excited! We miss his family (he has 7 brothers and they are all very close). It will be good for him to spend some time with a brother and his parents.

    Also - I upped my water intake again (getting over 130 ounces a day again). I have to pee like crazy, but my snacking has let up a bit. I'm getting stoked to start planning my postpartum workouts. (silly, I know, but planning things makes me happy). I've convinced my extended family to compete in a "Biggest Loser" type challenge, but each person's goal would be different - for example mine would be to lose X amount of inches, my moms would be to log her food everyday, my aunt's would be to attend her botcamp classes once a week, and we'd get points based on how well we achieved our goal and then there could be bonus activities like... participate in a 5K, or get X amount of vegetables in each day for a week. We still need to work out all the details but we'll all go in for a "pot" to win. We can donate money, gift cards, or whatever we can. Lots to figure out details wise, but I'm pretty excited :)
  • TaraFTMVA
    TaraFTMVA Posts: 309 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice! What brand is your new body pillow, alibur?

    And Tara --what does your doctor say about water walking? I have started adding this into my pool workouts and I LOVE it! It's gentler on my joints than even regular walking and I feel like I can get a really great workout in. I take my swim hand paddles and use those also to propel myself forward and get an arm workout.

    I assume by no swimming she may just mean no vigorous laps, but I didnt specify. I would assume me walking in water and even leisurely swimming is okay. Especially because she told me to just walk for now and at least it is less weight on my joints if I am in water. I may have to try that! I will try and remember to ask her when I go next week to see the exact specifications, but I am sure that would be fine!