Like Minded Lushes - November 2012



  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I think I may be doomed. Weight loss will be getting even more difficult. My state just legalized recreational weed.:bigsmile:

    Mine did too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Oh, I stopped at the store last night and got some peach fresca...oh. myyyyyyy. I just had one, but it was a stiff one.

    Talk to me about stout...would I like it?
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Oh, I stopped at the store last night and got some peach fresca...oh. myyyyyyy. I just had one, but it was a stiff one.

    Talk to me about stout...would I like it?

    Stouts are dark, dark beers that are also usually intense in flavor and most of the time you can't see through them or have more than one haha. They're delicious but it's so much flavor and heaviness that more than one would in my opinion be too much. I definitely think they're worth a try though :drinker:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Meanwhile I'm having wine and snuggling with the pups wishing the husband was home. Mother in law is taking me to the social security office tomorrow to change my name :heart: It's still very weird seeing LaBarre after Katlin instead of Matwyko but I'm keeping Matwyko as my middle name so that makes it a little easier haha. The husband was so snuggly this morning and so when he came around after getting ready for work to wake me up with a kiss like he always does before I walk him downstairs I just said "no, can't you just stay home and snuggle all day." Cannot wait for tomorrow night and loads of snuggling :heart: Gosh I miss him. I don't know how women with husbands in the military or like my friend who's husband has to go away for months for a job do it. I know it sounds co-dependent and I was very independent before getting together with Kyle but I can honestly say he's my best friend and after 9 years together and now being married I just want him home at night with me and the pup-a-lups and kitties.

    Ok, end mushy rant.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Awww...sweet. Is it bad that I enjoy it when my husband travels? 26 years of marriage does that to ya perhaps. :tongue:
    0 last night. I'm thinking red wine tonight. Its finally chilly here.
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Awww...sweet. Is it bad that I enjoy it when my husband travels? 26 years of marriage does that to ya perhaps. :tongue:
    0 last night. I'm thinking red wine tonight. Its finally chilly here.

    I was thinking the same thing...but I do remember way back when, like Kat is talking about :love:

    Well my zero streak is borken, I know I typed it wrong but it's fun to say :laugh:

    Monday - 0
    Tuesday - 0
    Wednesday - Sambuca in my coffee
    Thursday - 2+ glasses of wine, but not quite 3 because i don't have any more chilled. :cry:

    Getting ready to prepare a hot bath with some wine and some candles then watch the first season episode of Burn Notice.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    What a lovely night, diana! Even better if the husband is out of town. :bigsmile:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    I don't think time has anything to do with it. I always looked up to my Grandma and Grandpa who were together for over 26 years and were still the best of friends and most affectionate couple aside from my aunt and uncle that I've ever known. I told Kyle from day 1 that's the relationship I wanted. I'm only 26 and have been with Kyle for 9 years but we are always working at our relationship. There are good days and bad just like any relationship but we have a connection that we work at that couples we know who haven't even been together for 5 years are already losing. My family is very affectionate so I carried that into my relationship and now Kyle is affectionate and now his family is more affectionate =]
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    And I don't mean to sound angry but I don't think it's because we're only 9 years in (which only one other couple our age is) that we still feel the way we feel :heart:
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    Kat, I think it's awesome that you guys have been together for 9 years and still feel that way about each other. Sounds like you guys are in it for the long haul and it's refreshing to hear that you know it does take work. Mind you this is coming from a married lady who got married at 19 and 26 years later is still married and still in love. But I agree with Sid too, I enjoy when husband is away, but only because I know he is coming back :smile:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Kat, I think it's awesome that you guys have been together for 9 years and still feel that way about each other. Sounds like you guys are in it for the long haul and it's refreshing to hear that you know it does take work. Mind you this is coming from a married lady who got married at 19 and 26 years later is still married and still in love. But I agree with Sid too, I enjoy when husband is away, but only because I know he is coming back :smile:

    Thank you for this :heart: I just keep getting the feeling that people think we only feel this way because we're young. I've been through a lot in my 26 years and I know I have something very special with Kyle. Sure we both sometimes take things and each other for granted but for the most part we really try to keep our love as strong as it is. Being a child of divorce is tough, especially when your father wanted a divorce because of you. My relationship with Kyle has not always been easy because not only am I an only child and independent but I've clearly got underlying issues with men because of my father. I always knew it would take work to have a relationship like my Grandparents, who not only gave me a relationship to look up to but also took me in when I was taken away from my mother and gave me the structure I needed. They taught me what it was and meant to be in a loving relationship and as much as I love Kyle's parents, sometimes unless you knew them you would never even know they were married. They never used to say I love you or even hug and now they do :heart: Don't get me wrong, I still love my alone time but in my situation where I have said alone time pretty much all the time, I really look forward to seeing Kyle and just spending time together and I completely understand not everyone is able to do that and every relationship is very different, I'm just tired of people saying or implying the only reason we are the way we are is because we're young and have only been together for 9 years when in reality it's because we work hard at our relationship :heart:

    Again sorry if I came across as angry and sorry for the vent. I just see so many friends and other couples around that don't seem happy anymore and when I think about what my Grandparents had and how they would still have it if my Gramp hadn't passed away, it makes me sad. I think people take things for granted way too much these days :ohwell:

    And I'm not sure I've ever asked or said anything but if that's your pup in your picture he/she is absolutely precious :heart: My pup-a-lups are my world :smile:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Yup. Diana said it best. No disrespect meant, kat.
    I've never been all that affectionate tho...and verrryyyy independent. It doesn't mean I don't love my husband. 26 years (2 living together prior) and I can honestly say he is my best friend. I also never wanted a kid until I met him. He is *the* most amazing father. He also helped nurse my mom through cancer.

    But that doesn't mean i don't need him to get the hell outta town every so often so I can miss his *kitten*. Every couple has their own vibe that works for them :glasses:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Ya, well, ya'll can miss your men because I am about to kick mine in the *kitten*. In fact, he is sleeping on the couch. Not sure, if it's to punish me, but I love having the bed to myself. I never, ever, leave the bed. EVER!!

    Thursday, 2 thus far and I might down the third. I am going to bed because I am clearly very crabby and exhausted.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Haha kim. I hear ya. Mine's a snorer. Get yo *kitten* into the guestroom. And take the kitten with ya..this b!tch needs her sleep.
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Yup. Diana said it best. No disrespect meant, kat.
    I've never been all that affectionate tho...and verrryyyy independent. It doesn't mean I don't love my husband. 26 years (2 living together prior) and I can honestly say he is my best friend. I also never wanted a kid until I met him. He is *the* most amazing father. He also helped nurse my mom through cancer.

    But that doesn't mean i don't need him to get the hell outta town every so often so I can miss his *kitten*. Every couple has their own vibe that works for them :glasses:


    I love that you're married to your best friend. I know a lot think that's cliche when someone says that but I think it makes a marriage that much stronger. I also know that just because a couple isn't as affectionate as another doesn't mean they don't love each other just as much. My family has just always been very lovey and so that's how Kyle and I am now and I think at least for us that helps. And I'm still on the fence about kids. I never even thought I'd get married and certainly never thought about kids but here I am married and letting in the idea of children. As for the out of town thing I guess with him having earnings 4 times a year on top of traveling I'm just blah to it all when I'm alone so much as it is. I totally agree every couple has their own vibe and every couple does what works for them, I guess I just wish people would stop focusing on my age and rather the fact that now even after 9 years already, marriage does actually feel different to me and that I want to work even harder at my relationship and keep it as lovey as it is right now.

    Nisi hope tomorrow is better :ohwell:
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,178 Member
    And I'm not sure I've ever asked or said anything but if that's your pup in your picture he/she is absolutely precious :heart: My pup-a-lups are my world :smile:

    Yep that is my pup, Callie, who is now 11 months old and full of the devil. I am probably crazy but I have the wheels rolling on getting another puppy in December.:noway:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Stouts what a magical thing they are. Unlike Kat I can drink them and lots of them. Yes they are filling but oh so complex and satisfying. They came be very high in alcohol or very low...I tend to go with the higher ABV....cause, well, I'm a lush and don't wanna waste my calories on beer that won't get me drunk :laugh:
    I love to have one the morning after a night of drinking cause some are like chocolate milk and some are like coffee and they make me feel better :huh:
    Amy, you are in Colorado right? Try and seek out some Avery, they have some amazing amazing amazing stouts!!!!!!!!!!!

    Kat-I'm with you sister! My husband and I have been together for almost 12yrs (married 5 1/2) and he is my bestie (did I really just type that) AND I hate when he isn't around, its like torture for me! He is going away next week for two nights and a whole week next month. I might go crazy haha!!!

    Last night, in honor of National Stout Day, I made my husband take me out. So.....1 flight of beers, 1 13oz chocolate pumpkin (1/2 Rogue Double Chocolate Stout and 1/2 Sam Adams Fat Jack imperial pumpkin...WOW so good) and then we came home and had a Weyerbacher Old Heather!
    Tonight, I will take it easy since I am hurting a little today, but wine will probably be had!
  • ChLoE1130
    ChLoE1130 Posts: 1,696 Member
    Big time discussion going on here! My input is that my husband and I are still in the beginning stages obviously (married 1 year together for 5). We have totally opposite work schedules, he is off wed and thurs I am off saturday and sunday. So on my days off I look forward to him getting home. But on my work days I sometimes like when he works late, so I can have some alone time to watch my crap tv and not have to listen to him making fun of my real housewives or jersey shore addictions :laugh: But, I think all relationships are different, just because your not affectionate doesn't mean you aren't completely in love. I am not affectionate really at all, but my husband is and I think we meet somewhere in the middle and it seems to workout for us.

    I am drinking tonight, screw waiting until Saturday!

    Saturday- going to a bonfire party so probably some wine and beer
    Sunday- not sure
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Bonfire party I wanna go, that sounds like so much fun ENJOY!!!

    Oh and to add, we are both pretty affectionate...him more than me, but we have been told that we make people sick :laugh:
  • Kat120285
    Kat120285 Posts: 1,599 Member
    Bonfire party I wanna go, that sounds like so much fun ENJOY!!!

    Oh and to add, we are both pretty affectionate...him more than me, but we have been told that we make people sick :laugh:

    Haha I know those couples. And no, I don't think if you're not as affectionate as someone else that it means you love any less. I know a lot of family and friends that aren't very affectionate but I know without a doubt they love each and every one of our crazy *kitten* haha.

    Probably going to lunch and shopping with the mother in law later and then getting take out for dinner instead of going out for date night as the husband didn't get home until after 2 this morning. Probably an early to bed night which you would think would mean low key in regards to drinks but we all know how that can change. Warmer here today, about 50 so all the snow is melting :frown: but the sun is out and it's beautiful so can't complain too much :smile:

    Wolf, I kept trying to convince my husband to get me another puppy for my wedding gift but with our 3 pups and 2 (most of the time) jerk cats he wasn't going for it haha. I wanted him to donate to the ASPCA and Humane Society for my gift anyway :heart: I'll still joke every now and then like when he asks what I want for Christmas or my birthday and say how about a puppy!!