Crossfit Victories



  • littlehokie
    I did the 30 inch box jump 5 times in a row today! I was pretty stoked, I usually do the 20 for wods since I'm a woman but have jumped on the 24 a bunch of times but the 30 always scared me. Did it on my first try!
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Beat my Deadlift 1RM with my 3RM max today - super psyched :)
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Not a huge accomplishment since I am only in ramp. But, I conquered one of my fears last night. i am a 300+ lbs guy and anything hanging from the bar had me worried. We worked on the kipping movement and K2E. Not that I could get my knees past my waste, but I was able to sustain and hold myself up for a prolonged time. It doesn't sound like much but I tried this a little over 2 months ago and could not retain my grip and my elbows felt like they were going to break. Little step, big Victory!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Beat my Deadlift 1RM with my 3RM max today - super psyched :)
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Not a huge accomplishment since I am only in ramp. But, I conquered one of my fears last night. i am a 300+ lbs guy and anything hanging from the bar had me worried. We worked on the kipping movement and K2E. Not that I could get my knees past my waste, but I was able to sustain and hold myself up for a prolonged time. It doesn't sound like much but I tried this a little over 2 months ago and could not retain my grip and my elbows felt like they were going to break. Little step, big Victory!
    Love the dedication! You will nail this!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I did the 30 inch box jump 5 times in a row today! I was pretty stoked, I usually do the 20 for wods since I'm a woman but have jumped on the 24 a bunch of times but the 30 always scared me. Did it on my first try!
    30 inch box scares me but I have nailed the 24 so maybe I should try too - just hate the thought of scraped legs!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    I managed 1 x DU for every 5 x singles - for 7 minutes this morning - yeah baby! it's all in the bounce!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    we did a double annie yesterday, so 50-40-30-20-10-20-30-40-50 Double Unders/abmat sit ups

    I'm finally back at crossfit after almost 6 months off with an encapsulated shoulder/bursitis & broken toe. I was surprised at how well I did. I managed to string together all my double unders until my very last set of double under (50, got the first 22 then it was all mental and I kept tripping over my feet)

    It was a little slower than my usual annie time, but I'm still happy with it.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Got a power clean PR last night. 260 lbs. He said if I would use more technique instead of power I could lift way more. Maybe next time, still gotta learn Olympic lifting. Then we ran 400 meters and 7 power cleans with 70% of your max for 3 rounds.
  • ahemming1
    ahemming1 Posts: 93 Member
    After 8 months of CrossFit, I finally got an unassisted pull-up! Took me that long. I can string together 3, kipped. In that same week, I also got my handstand push-up (with a kip). The Open has pushed me ot do more. Love it!

    I can't figure out DUs. I was doing them decently for a while - up to 15, and now I can barely do 1. Hmmmmmm. Keep practicing.
  • madmags
    madmags Posts: 1,340 Member
    Nice work, the DU will comeback with a little practice
  • volleyballnut
    volleyballnut Posts: 7 Member
    Started Crossfit in Nov and I'm totally hooked! Yesterday I did a new 1 rep max PR on deadlift of 255 lbs! YES!
  • volleyballnut
    volleyballnut Posts: 7 Member
    WOW! that's awesome! only been going 5 months but I know how hard those are to do!!! Great job!
  • volleyballnut
    volleyballnut Posts: 7 Member
    Don't take away from yourself what a great step this is!! GREAT job and keep it up! Can't do more than about 10 knee ups on the bar myself w/o my hands being on fire--keep it going!!
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I'm torn about this victory - I feel great that I finally got to write Rx on the board for a WOD. But it was only for an AMRAP of slam balls at 15kg (women). It was my first attempt at doing a slam ball activity with 15kg and I was happy to get it done, but almost everyone Rx'ed so it feels a bit like a cheat victory.
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    Ninja jumps!
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    PR'd my squat cleans and my deadlifts this week by 20 pounds each. When I started almost a year ago my hip mobility was so bad even doing squat cleans with a 35 pound bar almost made me cry. Now I'm doing double that amount.
  • Vmg773
    Vmg773 Posts: 49 Member
    Finally got DUs
  • kelr0110
    kelr0110 Posts: 213 Member
    Finally got DUs

    this makes me super jealous lol....congratulations!
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    PR'd my cleans this week - both 1rm and 3rm! I also linked a new record DUs (21) and upped my Fran weight!