Whats for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Lin how long did it take you to lose those 94 lbs? and how long have you been gluten free
    I'pretty nosey
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Hey Marie---I'll send you a PM........no one else cares about this stuff.


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi Guys
    benn to the doctor and to walmart for our weekly groceries. not a gluten is my basket
    my meals for today

    B.............. greek yogurt and mixed fruit coffee
    L & S......... potatoe soup and coffee.
    .S......... apples and slice of cheese maybe a small spoon full of peanut butter.

    Have a great day
  • Garlicmash
    Most days are different but breakfast is 2 poached eggs with(If i have any) a slice or 2 of gf bread or tinned tomatoes,and baked beans and may be dry fried mushrooms.
    Lunch will possible be a salad or a baked potato with cheese or tuna or beans
    Dinner is always different .
    tonight I had a cheese less mushroom ,chicken and garlic pizza with a baked potato and salad
    the night before I had a roast dinner but was mostly different veg.
    quit often i love having stuffed courgettes,stuffed with rice or quinoa,mushrooms and garlic with boiled potatoes or a salad.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Not sure about today's dinner but here is yesterday. Breakfast and lunch will be the same for today.

    B- Baked oatmeal cup, raspberries
    L- Broccoli salad, cottage cheese, clementine
    S- Banana
    D- 2 fried eggs, butternut squash and kale sauteed w/ raisins and feta cheese.
    S- Chobani bites pineapple caramel yogurt
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    hi guys,

    B ....scramble egg, apple, sausage links,,,,gf toast 1 t SF jelly
    L..... potatoe soup tea
    D..... 1 Roasted chicken le Brussell sprouts Fruit
    Snack.... yogurt
    friday weigh in coming up hope I do well. and all of you too.
  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    I'm one that sometimes craves salty with sweet.... so one of my latest faves is 1oz or so of cooked ground turkey meat & 1 pineapple ring.... (I pre-cook a pound of the ground turkey at a time and then freeze it for easy eating later.)

    Healthy, and the pineapple is good for inflammation reduction - and the small meal/snack is less than 100 calories. :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I'm one that sometimes craves salty with sweet.... so one of my latest faves is 1oz or so of cooked ground turkey meat & 1 pineapple ring.... (I pre-cook a pound of the ground turkey at a time and then freeze it for easy eating later.)

    Healthy, and the pineapple is good for inflammation reduction - and the small meal/snack is less than 100 calories. :)

    Sounds good i hear a oood protein snack during the day is good for you. Thanks for sharing. in fact I think i will have some turkey and pineapple for a bed time snack
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am reading the wheatbelly book. pretty interesting seems I made the right choice of food plans I lost 3 lbs this week.
    My menu for today

    Breakfast......Yogurt and fruit with coffee.
    Lunch progressive chicken and corn ahowder soup Gluten free. I added some moe eggies to it
    Mid afternoon snack .... sausage link.
    Dinner. 2 homemade enchilasdas with cheese and avacardo.
    coke , diet
    Beddtime snack if needed yogurt and fruit.
  • sfarrell1359
    sfarrell1359 Posts: 63 Member

    I make this on the weekend, it makes about 8 sausage patties and then I freeze them. I usually eat one for breakfast with a banana and sometimes a piece of toast. It's pretty easy to make. It says to use granny smith apples but I have also used golden delicious and it comes out just as tasty.
  • Bettyeditor
    Bettyeditor Posts: 327 Member
    I'm not sure ya'll want to know what I eat :P I'm allergic to dairy and yeast too, so I can't really have bread products. I'm allergic to cinnimon too. My meals and snacks take a lot of creativity since I have so many food allergies. And I have type 2 diabetes so I count every carb VERY carefully. And I'm trying to get my cholesterol down to normal so I count every gram of fat too. LOL

    Breakfast: either Quaker Corn Bran with soy milk or unsweetened oatmeal (oats don't bother me thankfully) with a hard boiled egg and a half banana and coffee.

    Lunch/Dinner: A Green Giant veggie mix (many varieties are without gluten/dairy/yeast) and 4 oz of either skinless boneless baked chicken or cooked turkey (no processed or deli-sliced meats with preservatives) and either half a small potato or a half cup of rice.

    Snacks: I have the most fun here. I've found LOTS of gluten-dairy-yeast free snacks. Includings: Enjoy Life Coco Loco bars, Glutino Chocolate Peanut bars, 1/2 cup of grapes or small Cuties mandarine orange, Gensoy Zesty Barbeque Soy Crisps, RW Garcia 5 Seed Onion & Chive Crackers (blow-your-mind delicious), Enjoy Life soft-baked Snickerdoodles, Edward & Sons Brown Rice Snaps, Erin's All Natural Popcorn (low saturated fat version), Go Raw Chocolate Super Cookies or Chocolate Squares, or sometimes half an apple sliced and dipped in some crunchy Addam's all natural peanut butter (when I feel I can splurge on some fats).
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You may not want them because you are counting carbs, but if you want them, I have dairy-free/yeast free bun, pancake, and tortilla recipes that might add some desired variety. You can find them in the Recipes and Websites threads at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/8246-grain-free

    If you need help adjusting them for other allergies, let me know.
    I'm not sure ya'll want to know what I eat :P I'm allergic to dairy and yeast too, so I can't really have bread products. I'm allergic to cinnimon too. My meals and snacks take a lot of creativity since I have so many food allergies. And I have type 2 diabetes so I count every carb VERY carefully. And I'm trying to get my cholesterol down to normal so I count every gram of fat too. LOL

    Breakfast: either Quaker Corn Bran with soy milk or unsweetened oatmeal (oats don't bother me thankfully) with a hard boiled egg and a half banana and coffee.

    Lunch/Dinner: A Green Giant veggie mix (many varieties are without gluten/dairy/yeast) and 4 oz of either skinless boneless baked chicken or cooked turkey (no processed or deli-sliced meats with preservatives) and either half a small potato or a half cup of rice.

    Snacks: I have the most fun here. I've found LOTS of gluten-dairy-yeast free snacks. Includings: Enjoy Life Coco Loco bars, Glutino Chocolate Peanut bars, 1/2 cup of grapes or small Cuties mandarine orange, Gensoy Zesty Barbeque Soy Crisps, RW Garcia 5 Seed Onion & Chive Crackers (blow-your-mind delicious), Enjoy Life soft-baked Snickerdoodles, Edward & Sons Brown Rice Snaps, Erin's All Natural Popcorn (low saturated fat version), Go Raw Chocolate Super Cookies or Chocolate Squares, or sometimes half an apple sliced and dipped in some crunchy Addam's all natural peanut butter (when I feel I can splurge on some fats).
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my meals plan for today

    B....1/2 greek 2 % ourt 1 T flax meal ground, 1/2 c blueberries cup coffee or how about 2

    L...1 % 1/2 c veggies and bean soup homemade. Diet D. pepper 1/2 c cole slaw. coffee
    D.....same as lunch. maybe leave off the solw slaw.
    Snack some meat and fruit
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    This was yesterday. Breakfast & Lunch are the same today but IDK about dinner yet.

    B: Simpli Raspberry gluten free oatmeal, Oolong tea
    L: Broccoli slaw, cottage cheese.
    S: 2 Clementines
    D: GF spaghetti w/ meat sauce & Parmesan cheese
    S: Chobani raspberry, coffee w/ whole milk
  • candypa
    candypa Posts: 73 Member
    Breakfast: Juiced: apple, pear, celery, cucumber, red pepper, cubella or frying pepper, cilantro, garlic, kale
    Divided into three servings

    Lunch: Coat mushrooms with olive oil, Portebello mushrooms baked for 15 minutes round side down @ 425 degrees F. Turn over, coat mushrooms with olive oil again, fill with sauce, meat, etc. Family loved them filled with pepperoni and cheese. Of course, no cheese for me.

    Snacks: Cranberries dried with pumpkin seeds (no shells), walnuts, brazil nuts, and small amount of iodized salt. (thyroid issues) That is a great snack I can put into a bag and put into my coat. Otherwise, I like fruit and vegies.

    Dinner: Chicken with salad and quinoa
  • candypa
    candypa Posts: 73 Member
    Well here's an unusual breakfast - I just didn't feel like eggs today. So this morning after my workout I had...

    Coho salmon, rice and fresh pico de gallo.

    I'm a bit jealous- salmon and moose. I've never had moose, but heard it is very good. Great scenery.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    B.......Bacon and eggs no toast, coffee
    L...... Bowl of fruit coffee
    D.... 2 hot doga 1 T chilie !/.4 c cheese and chopped onions coffee.
    S yogurt and fruit.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    B: Baked oatmeal cup, sliced apples
    L: Organic kale & sesame salad, cottage cheese
    S: Banana
    D: Turkey Reuben on Udi's bread with tomato soup.
    S: Greek yogurt
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My eats today

    B......2 boiled eggs, slice tomatoes Coffee

    L,,,,Sugar free Jello and greek yogurt, Coffee

    D........Black bean soup, salad

    S.... SF jello and yogurt

    Have a great day! Go walking
  • Spartan_Guy
    Spartan_Guy Posts: 30 Member
    My typical breakfast consists of a banana, a zero-fat Chobani yogurt, and a glass of skim milk. I usually workout in the morning, so I eat the banana pre-workout, and the rest after. About once every week or two I'll have a bowl of Rice Chex instead.

    My mid-morning snack is a small handful of walnuts (about an 1/8 of a cup), a clementine orange (or two, if they're small), and sometimes another glass of milk. I also have a cup of black coffee.

    For lunch, I usually hit the salad bar. Spinach, tomatoes, peas, onions, green peppers, a tiny sprinkling of cheese, and about one tablespoon of fat-free red wine vinagarette dressing. Sometimes I'll throw on some grilled chicken. I'm lucky because the salad bar that I use keeps the croutons far away from everything else, and I've never had a cross-contamination incident.

    My mid-afternoon snack is another small handful of walnuts, another clementine (or two), and sometimes a little low-sodium cottage cheese. And, usually another cup of coffee to get me over the mid-day doldrums.

    I mix it up for dinner, though my go-to meal is a homemade salad. Spinach, tomatoes, onions, black olives, a little cheese, and a can of tuna or chicken. Same deal with the dressing. When I'm cooking, I'll make quinoa-lime chicken, grilled salmon and asparagus, or, if I'm good on calories for the day, some gf pasta with grilled chicken, veggie quesadillas with corn tortillas, or taco salad with lean turkey meat.

    If I'm craving something sweet at night, I'll cut up an apple and peanut butter w/honey and cinnamon, or just munch on some frozen blueberries.

    Obviously, I eat out on occasion (burger, no bun), sushi, and other gluten-free-but-not-necessarily-healthy things :)