Whats for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    We went to cheddars Sunday and I had a bunless burger. they presented if really nice. and a side order of steam vegies. I will definte order it again. But think I will have them cut it in half and take it home with me. for It was way too much for me

    My plan today.
    B.... Baked egg omelet cofee snd cut up peppers Those little orange yellow and red ones. take the place of my bread
    Very good**************

    L..... 1 c of black beans soup tea. small salad-- soup very good

    D....1 c black bean soup, brussell sprouts, salad Jello

    S yogurt

    This eating gluten free is pretty easy to eat out.

    Guy my son lives in St louis he had the weight surgery and lost 80 to 90 lbs. He goes to thee ym and he looks fantastic.
  • Spartan_Guy
    Spartan_Guy Posts: 30 Member
    We went to cheddars Sunday and I had a bunless burger. they presented if really nice. and a side order of steam vegies. I will definte order it again. But think I will have them cut it in half and take it home with me. for It was way too much for me

    My plan today.
    B.... Baked egg omelet cofee snd cut up peppers Those little orange yellow and red ones. take the place of my bread
    Very good**************

    L..... 1 c of black beans soup tea. small salad-- soup very good

    D....1 c black bean soup, brussell sprouts, salad Jello

    S yogurt

    This eating gluten free is pretty easy to eat out.

    Guy my son lives in St louis he had the weight surgery and lost 80 to 90 lbs. He goes to thee ym and he looks fantastic.

    Gluten free is SO much easier now. I was diagnosed at age two (in 1982), and really until Atkins got popular, it was nearly impossible to eat out. I'd ask for a burger without the bun and get those vapid stares and the inevitable, stupid question: "How are you gonna eat it?" Then it would still come with the bun, and when I tried to send it back, the server would say, "just take the bun off." Right. Let me pour some cyanide on your food and tell you to scrape it off. Good luck with that.

    Anyway, once the Atkins carb-free business got moving, the no-bun thing became much easier. People still didn't really "get it" as to gluten, but at least they knew what was up with ordering without a bun. Then, a few years ago with the gluten-free fad, everything became so much easier.

    I'm glad the Cheddars experience went well for you!
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    Today I did a 1/2 Food for Life multi-seed G-F english muffin with a fried egg and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Lunch was leftover Chicken Tortilla soup topped with some D-F Daiya chedder cheese and toritlla chips. Snacks have been tea with coconut oil and stevia and homemade/raw juice from this morning (beet, kale, carrot, apple, ginger, and lemon). I have Bikram yoga later, so I am trying to keep my meals light.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    B: Raspberry GF oatmeal, apple
    L: Rainbow slaw, turkey, swiss cheese
    S: Banana, cashews
    D: Steak, salad, mashed potatoes
    S: Greek yogurt
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    B........Baked omelet - i really like these for it can be baking while i have my first cup of coffee

    L.....Bowl of beans soup Salad

    D.... grilled chicken snd steam brocolli
    SF jello
    Snacks....... yogurt
  • hbunting86
    hbunting86 Posts: 952 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm new to this having been diagnosed celiac last week. You all have some great meal ideas - good to know it'll take a while to get my head around but will become more normal after that. Lucky for me I love cooking and don't eat processed foods wherever possible, so I don't think it should be too difficult. It'll be thinks like condiments that will trip me up, as I'm a condiment queen haha!

    So here's today for me:

    Breakfast - Smoothie made with blueberries, banana, 1/2 dessert spoon peanut butter, rice protein powder

    Lunch - 1 chopped tomato, 1 small chopped hardboiled egg, 1/2 chopped reed avocado, 100g prawns cooked in garlic and chilli all tossed together with a squeeze of lemon (pic below)

    Dinner - I plan to make a chicken corn chowder, with chicken, bacon, roasted corn, cannellini beans, coconut milk and fresh chilli.

    Nice to meet you all, have a lovely day!

    Heather :)
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hello heather, your meals look delish

    my eats today.

    B................baked egg omelet, coffee

    L..............1/2 c black bean soup. SF jello with a dab of cool whip, coffee

    D.............. grilled chicken green beans Tea jello SF
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Hey I did lose 5 lbs for the month of January and that is my goal. 5 lbs a month so working on February now.

    Breakfast.......2 scrambel eggs coffee
    Lunch............. home made potatoes soup Diet R, Pepper JelloSF and a dollop of cool whip light

    Dinner..... grilled fish , oven fries salad tea jello SF and dollop of cool whip
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I am reading the ten commandent diet
    i got a free Sample from Amazon thougt it was great so I order the kindle version of it to find out more about it
    But will continue to be Gluten Free it was highly recomended by a friend Will keep you posted

  • Bob's red Mill products that I tried have been delicious: Gluten free quick cook oats (usually add cinnamon and chopped apple or dried fruits and/or nuts), Gluten free Pancake mix, Gluten free Cornbread. I have bought some of their cake mixes and brownie mixes, and pizza crust (which my friend totally loves), but haven't tried any of these yet.
    Since going gluten free in Aug. 2012 I've found that risotto is a fun alternative to rice (I buy the flavored kinds), Quinoa (which takes on the taste of foods that it's with so usually make it into a salad--- I put tomatoes, rinsed black beans, cucumber, shredded carrots, feta cheese and sliced almonds, and lime juice, but so many ways to make it), gluten free brown rice pastas (I like to add veggies to sauce to add substance w/o a lot of calories.
    I always have Nature path wild berry gluten free frozen waffles on hand I love to put peanut butter on these and/ or some of the following: frozen or fresh berries, lite whipped cream, sugar free syrup, kroger (Smith's) carb lite yogurts, preserves. I like multi-grain breads so I usually buy a loaf of this and freeze it since I don't eat it that often and cinnamon raisin bread with lite or fat free cream is good.
    I usually try to stick to smaller portions sizes of substance foods and fill up on fruits and veggies to fill my plates and have for snacks (along with some protein items like cheese, yogurt or nuts for snacks).
    Hope this gives you some ideas- )
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    Hi I'm new to the site as of about a month ago - and just found your group - I am gluten-intolerant - and so is my husband - convenient actually that we both are - just coincidental - but it has made it easier on both of us. We are both also allergic to milk products and I have been told by my allergist that I'm allergic to corn.

    We follow a gluten-free diet and have for over two years now. I have not been 100% milk free - but I'm better now - especially now that I'm on a healthy weight loss plan - I LOVE yogurt and so I eat goat or sheep yogurt which is fine for me - but I live on the island of Kauai and sometimes we cannot get products until "the shipment comes in" - and we have only a few stores that carry it - so sometimes (like right now) I cave and buy greek (cow) yogurt. I try not to overdo it - but a shipment of goat yogurt comes in on the 15th so I am hoping to score some.

    Well in answer to the topic here's what I usually eat:

    B: Goat Yogurt w/ frozen organic blueberries or fresh if I can get them, a few strawberries and of course fresh papaya yum- I have this as is or sometimes sprinkled with any variety of the following:
    walnuts, chia seeds, hemp seeds, organic shredded coconut ( I do not overdo on the sprinkles because the calories do add up and I try to keep breakfast in the 200 to 300 cal. range.

    B2: Sometimes I will have egg beaters and top with a bit of yogurt and fruit on the side. I need my protein to feel satisfied.

    L: Lunch is my biggest meal and it's pretty much the same with variations: B I G salad - I really mix it up - I'm blessed to live in Hawaii and I have my own garden year-round - I grow alot of my salad fixings myself - fresh kale - my favorite - chop it up and just massage it with an oil/vinegar or lemon dressing - it softens the leaves and it is the bomb as they! Also add in things like:
    Watercress, parsley, red cabbage, napa cabbage, any other lettuces that might be in the garden, tomato, mushrooms - well - let's just say - I really vary my daily salads and make them as colorful as possible - I like to chop up my veggies and toss with my dressing - then I top them with a protein of choice: chicken (skinless), salmon or ahi or other fresh fish or shrimp, pork tenderloin, center cut pork chop.

    D: Well - I am not a big dinner eater any longer - I may have some smoked salmon and veggies - a few GF crackers only occasionally now as I really have to watch my carbs/sugars due to elevated cholesterol. I may grab a little left over protein from lunch and sometimes if I'm really hungry - another salad.

    Snacks: I have fruit - learning about "low glycemic" choices - just starting on that journey - but have been pretty much addicted to pomegranates. I may have some raw almonds (yes, I count them out - as I have always been a bit of a squirrel and nuts were a weakness) If I really want something sweet - I have fresh coconut if I have it - or dried organic no sugar added coconut with a few banana chips - I really try to limit those - again - easy to get carried away - don't ever let myself eat out of the bag - I serve it out and if I want more I have to make the walk back to the kitchen - it helps me to reinforce how much I'm eating.

    Thanks for all of your input and support - If new to the GF lifestyle - I'm glad to share my experiences - GF does not mean calorie free obviously or I wouldn't be here! I am committed to living GF - it's all about reading labels and asking questions when dining out - but it's do-able!

    ALoha - Lynn
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Welcome Lynn! :)

    Today I am eating:

    B- Homemade raspberry chocolate chip oatmeal cup
    L- Broccoli slaw w/ cottage cheese
    S- Banana and cashews
    D- Uncertain. Probably pork roast, mixed veggies, and rice.
    S- Frozen blueberries, yogurt.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My eats today

    B,,,,,,Greek yogurt frozen Strawberries
    L....... Veggie soup with lean pork loin
    D......Kale stir fry with shredded carrots, sl. Mushrooms, onions,some Gaelic, 1 t. Olive oil SF jell grilled fish
    .............................................My first time to cook kale it was Good .
    Snack.............. yogurt
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    My eats today

    B.....2 poach eggs, over 1/2 cup of kale stir frycupd coffee with creamer
    L... 2 cups of homemade veggies soup with pork loin SF Jello 1/2..... cup tea
    D...3 oz. grilled fish. Small salad,1/2 c Steam carrots tea
    Snacl....yogurt 1/2 c greek
    My first time to cook with Kale and it was really good . i thought it would be bitter but that was not the case
    Hweis what I di Add about 1T/ olive oil in a skillet ad onions, sl. mushrooms, . some shedded carrots. had some left over so warm it up and had 2 poach eggs on top. really good and refreshing.
  • julesgirls9103
    Today I did not do so good. It was the first day for me to calculate so I got to see just why I am not losing any weight.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    B: Raspberry chocolate chip oatmeal cup, whole milk cappuccino
    L: Beef stew
    S: Cashews, banana
    D: Beef Stew
    S: Yogurt
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    breakfast......yogurt, fruit coffee
    Lunch... !/2 c progresso soup gluten free 1/2 c Sugar free Jello
    3:oo Pm Snack....1/2 apple 1 oz cheese
    Dinner. ! 1/2 c veggie soup with 3 oz of cooked fish
    Eating light today for tomorroww is WI day
  • lhapple82
    lhapple82 Posts: 16 Member
    Breakfast- I start every day with a smoothie. I pack it full of brown rice protein powder, a scoop of Green Superfood, chia and flax seeds, coconut oil, almond milk, and usually 1/2 a banana and a scoop of cocoa powder.

    Lunch- I cook different soups and stews in batches over the weekend to freeze into individual portions. Today, I had some vegan roasted root vegetable soup over some brown rice and grass fed ground beef and a salad with homemade olive oil and peach balsamic vinegar dressing.

    Snack before the gym- I have a couple of blood oranges and a handful of raw pecans today.

    Dinner- Tonight, I'm making some mustard glazed chicken thighs with mashed sweet potato and braised green beans.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    gosh that all sounds good.

  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    My usual pattern currently:

    breakfast - bean chili, fruit

    snack - homemade trail mix

    lunch - supper leftovers, maybe with potato, quinoa, and/or frozen veggies

    snack - buckwheat porridge or baked potato

    - potatoes w/ sauce
    - Mexican - tacos, taco salad, chili, sloppy joes, quesadillas
    - hearty veg/lentil soup
    - breakfast for supper - pancakes or crepes, hash browns, tofu, fruit
    - homemade pizza, veggie burgers, or falafel
    - mashed potatoes and gravy
    - roasted veggies
    - stir fry
    (and of course a salad and side veggie with each of these)

    snack - fruit, leftovers, porridge, etc.

    so much fiber!... does that not cause, er.... other 'issues'???