December Check In and Chat Thread



  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks Ladies! For some reason my bf doesn't seem nearly as impressed with my creativity lol

    @Lorina......I am anxiously awaiting the day that I fail OHP at 70! Today failed at 47 UGH!
  • RunningDirty
    I beat my PR on deads today, but was hoping to hit 185 and instead hit 180. Maybe next week. My little guy has been sick for days so I was just happy to get to the gym today!

    Masking tape = genius! Clever lady:)
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Man! You ladies are seriously killing it!

    I'm a couple months in - I'm also doing a simultaneous program 100 pushups - just cause I wanted to do push-ups. So I have switched around my work-outs a little.

    Today I'm doing:

    Squat - 75 lbs
    deadlift - prob same
    rows - gonna try 50

    Can't wait till I can squat as much as you guys do! Hey when you get to the heavier squats, do you have people spot you? What about the heavier bench, too? And do you ask random strangers? I'm the only girl in the weights section usually - wish I had someone to go with me!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I don't have a spotter. On squats I don't need one because of the safety pins on the rack. Someone there would just distract me. on bench is the only one I feel I might need a spotter on, but not yet. I've gone up to 82.5 lbs on bench without a spotter. I may just end up dragging a bench into the cage if it comes to that.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't have a spotter, either. I'm just really cautious. If it feels like I'm going to have problems, I stop. I've had to do the roll of shame a couple times with bench press, but I've gotten better at predicting when I'm going to fail so I can stop first.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    you don't need a spotter on the squat, just drop down all the way and let the bars catch the weight for you then crawl out from under it.

    For the bench I will generally either ask for a spot on a set I think I'll need help for (so usually the last set) or I will just play it very safe and not go for a rep if I think its iffy that I'll make it. Honestly though you aren't benching so much that you should worry about failing. The bar will just sit on your abdomen, you'll do the roll of shame, and that's that. You can also use the cage to bench- set the pins right at the bottom of your range - although this can be kind of not workable if the holes aren't drilled in the right places.

    If you want to ask for a spot, just ask a random person. Usually you'd ask another person that's benching or waiting for a bench. Just make sure you tell them not to TOUCH the bar unless you ask for help or signal in some way. otherwise - especially because you're a lady - they will most likely grab it or touch it constantly thinking that you need help. I will just say "hey can you watch me on this last set? I should be able to get it but I'm a little worried about the last few reps. I'll let you know if I need help so you can just let me try to push until I say something."
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    What Tameko said...last week I asked someone to "spot me" on my last set of bench--my first time at 75. He was resting after his bench set, I caught his eye and asked. I just told him that I was going for 5 and that I might need a bit of help on the last couple. He didn't touch the bar and was cool.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    What Tameko said...last week I asked someone to "spot me" on my last set of bench--my first time at 75. He was resting after his bench set, I caught his eye and asked. I just told him that I was going for 5 and that I might need a bit of help on the last couple. He didn't touch the bar and was cool.

    Same here, I got brave last week and asked one of the "muscle guys" that I see almost every time I'm there. Problem was he DID touch the bar too soon. I was struggling yes, but could have pushed it out. Oh well, next time I WILL ask them not to help unless I scream. :)
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Today's workout was poo-poo. I am starting to feel the effects of my shift change and lack of sleep. A few more weeks of flip-flopping around are in my future though :grumble: .

    I got back up to 100lb on my squat, but I still feel like my form suffers as soon as I break triple digits. I really have to fight to keep my knees from traveling foward and I feel like I am still overarching my back. I don't like getting back aches from squatting! Anyways, did 5x5 but will keep it there next workout to work on form more.

    Bench press: I did 70, but only did 5 sets of 3, as I didn't have a spotter and new I would be failing today.
    Row: I was soooo tired that I skipped rows in lieu of assisted pullups, just so I could get home faster and get to sleep.
  • CALake
    CALake Posts: 269 Member
    Just realized I'm on week 19!!!! I started in the end of July, I can't believe how fast time goes.

    I was really excited to be squatting 160 a few weeks ago... before I realized my form was bad and I wasn't going down to parralell anymore. Same with bench and a few others. So major deload a few weeks ago, but I'm actually MORE sore with lower weights and better form!

    Squat- 135
    Bench- 80
    Row- 90
    OHP- 50
    Dead- 135
  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    Just realized I'm on week 19!!!! I started in the end of July, I can't believe how fast time goes.

    I was really excited to be squatting 160 a few weeks ago... before I realized my form was bad and I wasn't going down to parralell anymore. Same with bench and a few others. So major deload a few weeks ago, but I'm actually MORE sore with lower weights and better form!

    Squat- 135
    Bench- 80
    Row- 90
    OHP- 50
    Dead- 135

    Strong work! I, too, did a major deload when I realized my form was suffering. I am doing 3x5 now and adding some assistance work at the end (usually just one exercise) and found that helped me with strength gains. I also increase my weights by just 1/2 lb on upper body lifts: Makes me feel better to see the number go up, even though it is just a tiny amount!!

    Keep up the good work!
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    Woo! Just back from the gym and I think I rocked it! After watching some Rippetoe on YouTube, realized that I've been making my squats much harder than they should be, so fixed my form and had no problem with 85x5x5. 60# on OHP and 135# DL--I was SOOO excited to have 45s on that bar. Felt badass. :glasses:
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    danjo, what did you do differently? I should probably watch Rip's squat vids...*scuttles off to YouTube*
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    I think I was doing more of a leg press before. I was coming out with my quads killing me and not feeling anything in my glutes or hamstrings. I thought a lot more about lifting my rear end to get back to standing, instead of pushing through my feet and it made a world of difference!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member

    squats: 120lbs for 5/4/4
    overhead: 60 lbs for 5/4/4
    deadlift: 125 lbs for 3 reps
    assisted pull up 42% of my body weight for 5/4
  • Maybaby100
    Maybaby100 Posts: 84 Member
    I seem to have a really tough time with the OHP. Today I was at 50lbs and failed on multiple reps. I'm not even breaking a sweat with it, just not strong enough to get it up over my head. I did 5, 3, 3, 2, 3.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    danjo, what did you do differently? I should probably watch Rip's squat vids...*scuttles off to YouTube*

    Look for the one on "fixing hip drive" or something like that.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I am supposed to hit the gym after I get off work in the morning. I have read more articles on back squats trying to figure out the cause of my back pain. I need to try to get a video of squats so I can get some form checks, but not sure I will be able to get one, as my phone is usually dead by the end of my shift.

    My SI joint pain has subsided since incorporating some yoga stretches (thanks guys!), but now I am getting lower back pain and I think it’s is from overarching my lower back. I sit a lot at work, so I have developed a little bit of "duck butt" or anterior pelvic tilt, so I already have an exaggerated curve in my lower back. I feel like every time I break 100, my squat form becomes a train wreck. I am going to deload (again) back to 90 and see if I can bust through this form issue.

    I am supposed to dead lift 150 today, and I am a little scared. 145 was REALLY hard last time.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    @a_vettestingr......are you driving up from your low squat position with your low back? I know that's something that I REALLY focus on and it helps tremendously. All I had to do to get the driven into my head was watch a couple Ripptoe videos with him smacking this guys lower back super hard (well it looked hard lol) and now that's all I can think about. You can really feel it into the glutes too when you lift up from there!

    I had a great workout today.....I'm still so happy that I am able to increase on most lifts but my days of that are coming to a stop soon I think!

    Squat 5x5 @ 85#
    Bench 5x5x5x4x3 @ 52# (thank God for my masking tape rolls!) FAIL!!!!!
    Row 5x5 @ 75#

    Happy Wednesday all!