December Check In and Chat Thread



  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Just getting ready to go in to do my SL - thinking I need to buy gloves, I've been having a harder time holding the bar. I kinda pushed up my weight more than 5# this last time, just cause I felt like I wasn't working up to what I could, it was almost too easy? I went from doing 50 for deadlift which felt like nothing (also watched rippetoe's form on deadlift and was hankering to try it heavier) did 95# successfully for 5x5! yay! But my grip killed!

    so today....

    Squat: 75#
    OH: 50
    BP: 50
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    You should only be doing 1x5 for deadlifts, for now.

    Gloves actually make it harder to grip the bar because they make the bar thicker/wider. If you want to work on grip strength overall, you can try out some Fat Gripz, or do farmers walks with the heaviest dumbbells you can, or do your warmups for the deadlift with a double overhand grip (not mixed) or some combination of those things.

    Also if your grip is slipping, try switching to mixed grip, and also invest in some chalk or an eco ball (non marking chalk substitute) if your gym doesn't allow chalk.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 100 pound bench press! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 100 pound bench press! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • CassandraMarie3
    CassandraMarie3 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm on my tenth are my stats from last night:

    5x5 110 squat
    2x5 120 deadlift
    2x5 45 overhead press. Failed on third set and did 20 lb dumbells instead.
    5x5 60 lb bench press.

    Feeeeeling it today and oh so happy!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 100 pound bench press! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Jaxster92708
    Jaxster92708 Posts: 130 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: 100 pound bench press! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    All I can say is wow. Maybe I'll get there someday *sigh*.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    @lorina - You are a beast. I can't wait to report those kind of gains!

    I broke down and bought three sessions with a personal trainer. Merry Christmas to me!

    I really didn't want it to get to this point, but I want to lift HUGE and therefore safely. With my squats getting the best of me and not being able to progress, I bit the bullet.

    I really hope to learn something from this guy. I checked out all of the trainer profiles at the gym and he was the last one I looked at (since he is so new). Turns out he is a three time state champion powerlifter, national qualifer, and state record holder for dead, squat, and bench. Its a match made in heaven, lol. I just hope he doesn't have to waste my time with the stupid "Here is a treadmill, this is how you turn it on. Here are the weight machines, make sure you don't place your fingers in pinch points" spiel. I want to get right into lifting heavy and correcting my form issues!
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Hey all! Nice to see you are all staying strong!

    This is going to be my last week of lifting heavy for a bit (my new weights are in my profile bit but will add them in here to remind myself when I check back through posts)...

    Squats - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)
    Bench Press - 65 kg (143 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 40 kg (88 lbs)
    Deadlifts - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)

    I want to focus on fat loss, conditioning and watching what I eat more. No I haven't gone off the rails or anything, but I am not eating enough to be lifting this heavy and I need to get some focus back on just food and perhaps some interval training, running, cycling and such. I also seem to have stalled on most of my lifts again. I think the only one still to increase with no trouble is the deadlift. I know I am lifting really heavy and am happy with my progress so far, I just need to rethink and plan new workouts around my busy and varied work schedule, away from the self-imposed "pressure" of having to increase my lifts for a bit.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Aww...we will miss you! Good luck with re-focusing your efforts and hope to see you back soon!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Squats - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)
    Bench Press - 65 kg (143 lbs)
    Barbell Row - 70 kg (154 lbs)
    Overhead Press - 40 kg (88 lbs)
    Deadlifts - 102.5 kg (225.5 lbs)

    :love: :love: :love: Dang!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Well today isn't a lifting day for me but I'm hoping for some advice.....

    I'm wondering for those of you who have been achieving fat loss while doing SL, did it take awhile before you started to notice your inches move? I'm not so overly concerned with my scale weight.....although I have been stalled there for quite some time too.

    The reason I ask is because I'm just really not moving in the inches department with the exception of my thighs (and I am certainly thrilled about that!). The last time I took my measurements and got on the scale was October 26. Granted I was on holidays for 11 days since then and also away for work for a few days and had next to no control over my diet. I have lost 1 lb and my inches haven't moved! It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I started SL and I have no intention of stopping, I am just wondering if I am missing something!

    I did run my numbers this morning.....

    BMR 1558 (Fit2Fat recommends I eat 2334 daily). I do track my calories, just not through the site. I weigh everything and stuff that I can't weigh is measured. I strive to eat 1700/day and on lifting days I will go up to 2000 if the mood strikes. I calculate my activity as moderate as I do SL 3x/week and cardio at least 1x, but I'm now going to try for 2.

    Any words of advice?

    Thank you!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    It took me a couple months before I noticed anything...but everyone is so different.

    eta: sorry...that wasn't very helpful! :laugh:
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    It took me a couple months before I noticed anything...but everyone is so different.

    eta: sorry...that wasn't very helpful! :laugh:

    lol No it was helpful! I don't know how slow these results are going to be! So knowing that you experienced a delay before seeing anything is great :) Thank you!
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Well today isn't a lifting day for me but I'm hoping for some advice.....

    I'm wondering for those of you who have been achieving fat loss while doing SL, did it take awhile before you started to notice your inches move? I'm not so overly concerned with my scale weight.....although I have been stalled there for quite some time to

    I'm stalled because I wasn't consistent for two months, but in the summer, I was having trouble seeing anything.

    The places I measured didn't seem to change, the scale went down very slowly, etc. I did experience "woosh" a couple of times over three or four months.

    But my 17-year-old daughter started saying, "wow, mom, I can tell you've lost weight!" even when I hadn't. the biggest change I did see was in my lower belly, in a spot the measurements miss - too low for a waist and too high for the hips.

    you may want to cut back a small amount on your deficit, maybe cut another 100 calories per day for a couple weeks and if still no progress cut another 100 or so.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,212 Member
    After trying a single 90kg (198lb) deadlft last week and getting it half way I kept to the strict 5x5 at 60kg tonight then.. 1 rep at 80kg and 2 sets of 1 at 90kg fully up!
    Soooo pleased! Really want to have a goal of 100kg by the comp on 19th January but it felt too much to hope for 20kg. If I can tidy up the 90kg (so no slight hitch) then I'm in a good position to get the 100kg on the day (from the buzz and red bull I'll be drinking). lol

    Happy days, slight downer is that I have a bit of a strain under my arm pit / chest - nothing too bad, but it affected my rows tonight in set B. Took some ibuprofen so hoping that will help it relax before next lift as it's overhead press time.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Nexus and Port -- it might be time for you to look at an intermediate program. (you can still come and check in with us though!)

    Your two most popular options are Madcow, which I believe Medhi has links to documentation on off his site (and we had a discussion about it here a while ago) and the one I'm doing which is Wendler's 5/3/1. I'd probably suggest 5/3/1 to Nexus and Madcow to port. 5/3/1 is lower volume and slower weight increases - you only increase once a month. Madcow is weekly increases rather than daily, and slightly higher volume than 5/3/1 but lower than 5x5.

    So you'll get faster progress with MadCow (in theory) but 5/3/1 gives you a lot more leeway to add additional conditioning and bodyweight movements to your workouts. <-- so probably you can see why I recommend a different program to each of you, since you have different goals).

    I'm doing 5/3/1 and I'm very happy with the move - my husband and I were getting to the point where we just felt exhausted and worn out by the time we got to anything after squatting. I know more about this one than Madcow if anyone wants to chat about it. I know we need a "what's next" sticky but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Good morning Ladies!

    Well today isn't a lifting day for me but I'm hoping for some advice.....

    I'm wondering for those of you who have been achieving fat loss while doing SL, did it take awhile before you started to notice your inches move? I'm not so overly concerned with my scale weight.....although I have been stalled there for quite some time too.

    The reason I ask is because I'm just really not moving in the inches department with the exception of my thighs (and I am certainly thrilled about that!). The last time I took my measurements and got on the scale was October 26. Granted I was on holidays for 11 days since then and also away for work for a few days and had next to no control over my diet. I have lost 1 lb and my inches haven't moved! It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since I started SL and I have no intention of stopping, I am just wondering if I am missing something!

    Its ...super hard for me to say honestly. I have kind of wacky body dismorphia days where I think I still look SO SO FAT and will always look fat and haven't lost anything. The scale hasn't moved for me and I've actually stopped measuring as well because my original measurements were done by a trainer, and so I'm never sure if I'm doing them the same, and more importantly my waist measurement fluctuates like CAH-RAY-ZEE depending on the day. As in I have gained and lost an inch on my waist over a couple day period, due entirely to bloating.

    My thighs can also blow up a lot via water retention.

    So yeah. Since getting on the scale and seeing a high number or measuring and seeing an upward fluctuation can make me feel bad for days, I kind of stopped doing it. Mostly I go by visual changes and things other people said.

    Visually I've lost fat on my belly and around the waist - I have minor MINOR ab definition (there's a visible vertical line that I didn't used to have on my upper stomach) that I didnt' have before that shows up MOST days (and ti shows up more often now whereas before it only showed up on low-water retention days, now it only disappears on high days and is otherwise there) but that doesn't really result in any kind of measurement change. That I can measure anyway. Maybe I suck at measuring?

    My hip measurement is about the same but my butt looks firmer and higher. I'd say, first 4 months or so I lost a few inches overall a bit off waist, hips, thighs, and calves. My abdomen looked smaller and smoother but I didn't have good measurements on that area.

    Like Ishtar I tend to see changes in whooshes - and sometimes right before a whoosh it looks worse. Not everyone has that but I do.

    Ack...back in a bit, gotta do work
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Thanks so much ladies! This is the kind of stuff that I'm looking for. I am confident that things are changing.....but all the things that are supposed to be my confirmation of that are not cooperating! lol

    I really can't see how am eating too much....and as much as it's hard to sometimes eat 1700, I can't imagine *having* to go lower. I guess that's where I start to consider changing my goals hey?

    Oh well, keep plugging on and see where it gets me I suppose!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Jayliospecky reminded me of GoKaleo today (I actually HAD read one article but I didn't remember til now).

    Mostly I mention it because she's eating 2800 calories a day and also she looks completely different with weight lifting + lots of food at the same weight that she was 2 years ago (if you go to the 666 post and look at her montage - the two pics she highlights in the article are at 160 but what she doesn't mention is the picture on the right of the bikini picture is 162 and she looks even LEANER there). And not doing much cardio. And I needed to hear that because I'm pretty unhappy eating less than 2200 and sticking under 2k is misery for me but I'm also unhappy being this fat.

    But I can be patient. Yes. I haven't been logging for the past month and I'm probably averaging between 2100 and 2500 most days (except for today, which is gonna be super high probably). And I felt great eating that way, healthier, I notice more leanness in my arms and legs (the things I was perfectly happy with before, GO AWAY STUPID BELLY FAT), and then today I decided to make myself start logging again and I feel miserable and fat because I "ate so much"

    and that is a stupid way to feel when I've otherwise felt great all week
    weeeeeell, I might have felt miserable today anyway because I had a milk drink and lactose intolerant people really shouldn't do that and expect to feel good, but on a non logging day I would have just laughed it off like "ah the milk, I know better but it was so yummy" and instead I ran around going "WAAAAAAAAH WHY DID I EAT SO MUUUUUCH I SUUUUCK"

    So just sayin.
    I can't see how 1700 is too much. If anything, maybe its too little. Unless you are physically chained to a desk all day, then you go home and sit on the sofa for 5 hours, then go to bed and also you are fairly small, I don't see how anyone should go lower than that.