Thursday - Truth



  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    My friends think that I am crazy to get up and hour early, every morning to exercise. BUT if I don't then I am not as relaxed and focused at work.

    Oh, how I wish I were crazy like you!!
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I will be trying to improve my self esteem this year, and work on loving myself a little more.

    There needs to be a group for this ^

    I would wager that most of us overweight people on MFP deal with self-hatred and/or self-esteem issues.

    I know that I have spent a lifetime seeing the glass as half empty. I want to be more positive. I want to love myself so that I can better love others. I want to feel that I am a person who is worthy of being healthy and happy.

    I do not want to join pity party, a self-flagellation group or a place where people go to talk about their emotional problems. But I am very interested in joining a group that teaches people how to focus on the positive, increase their self-esteem and realize their self worth.
  • uniquesarah
    uniquesarah Posts: 79 Member
    i have a sweet truth and love chocclate
  • SouthGippyGirl
    SouthGippyGirl Posts: 76 Member
    There are days that I JUST DON'T CARE!! I've learned to manage them most of the time, but I find myself occasionally just going "You know what? I am going to eat this [insert delicious but SO unhealthy food here] because it's awesome and I JUST DON'T CARE what it's going to do to me!!"

    Which isn't so bad if it's ONE food occasionally, but usually it's a whole day, which turns into two, a week, a month... and then I'm back to the start!

  • my1focus
    my1focus Posts: 62 Member
    I hate that sometimes I get grief for trying to change up my diet or watch things that I'm eating or the amount. It feels like people are quick to either scrutinize what i'm doing or it turns into a conversation that i'm in the middle of with the lunch group. OR they are quick to say that i don't need to do what i'm doing. HELLO!?!?!? Not really asking for your two cents!
  • csmith822
    csmith822 Posts: 46 Member
    I will eat things until they are gone. If I buy a bag of candy for Halloween or Christmas, it's like a magnet, drawing me back to it until it's all gone or I throw it away. Keeping track of what I eat on myfitnesspal is really helping me avoid this cycle. :)
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I will be trying to improve my self esteem this year, and work on loving myself a little more.

    There needs to be a group for this ^

    I would wager that most of us overweight people on MFP deal with self-hatred and/or self-esteem issues.

    I know that I have spent a lifetime seeing the glass as half empty. I want to be more positive. I want to love myself so that I can better love others. I want to feel that I am a person who is worthy of being healthy and happy.

    I do not want to join pity party, a self-flagellation group or a place where people go to talk about their emotional problems. But I am very interested in joining a group that teaches people how to focus on the positive, increase their self-esteem and realize their self worth.

    I couldn't agree more! Let's continue to lift each other up and support each other...while continuing to hold each other responsible for making good choices. :flowerforyou:
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I want to look the way I did when I got married and before kids. I know that will never happen especially with all the stretch marks and the two abdominal surgeries which will prevent my tummy from ever looking normal again. This sometimes makes me want to give up and just eat whatever I want because I think there is no point.
  • mrtobias50
    mrtobias50 Posts: 93 Member
    I am frustrated with how slowly the weight comes off. I know I am 63 and post-menopausal and it is expected to be slower but I would love to be the exception to the rule. I wish I had been able to do this when I was younger.
  • rethadiet
    rethadiet Posts: 25 Member
    I have trouble with exercising. I began walking the dogs - one overweight and one skinny. I am not happy with the level of unfitness. I hope I will keep on exercising and not become discouraged because it is exhausting and very little calories are burned.
  • MarielenaC
    MarielenaC Posts: 94 Member
    I want to cry almost everyday. My goals seem impossible to me at times and I get sooooo discouraged easily. Its hard.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I want to cry almost everyday. My goals seem impossible to me at times and I get sooooo discouraged easily. Its hard.

    You can and will succeed...Don't give up
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I lied to everyone during the holidays about how much I ate. The only place I was truthful was here and because of it ... I gained almost 6 pounds in two weeks.
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    I want to cry almost everyday. My goals seem impossible to me at times and I get sooooo discouraged easily. Its hard.

    I have been there with you more times than I really care to admit. The thing is, we really need to learn how to figure out that WE ARE WORTH IT.

    I have tried the "I need to lose 140 pounds" to jumpstart myself-maybe more of a shock factor for me...but then I quit because I get frustrated due to slow progress....

    This time, I am setting small, attainable fact, I set my goal weigh to 250. My starting weight (this time around) is 263. Start small so that you can taste your success and savor it. If you look at my Friday Fitness post-I am only committing to moving more. I have lots of ideas, but honestly, if I walk this weekend, that is more than I did last weekend.


    We can do this
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I totally agree with Michelle.....small step at a time
  • uniquesarah
    uniquesarah Posts: 79 Member
    totally agree small steps can lead to big changes don't give up on yourself you can do this i use to have no motivation and really hated myself but i took small steps and slowly built my motivation up you will reach your goals x
  • asusundevils22
    asusundevils22 Posts: 11 Member
  • asusundevils22
    asusundevils22 Posts: 11 Member
    Everything people posted is soooo true. Weight lose is a frustrating journey. I lose weight then have to do it again. In the past it has always been gained during pregnancy. This year not so. I am scared that I won't be able to lose it and keep it off. I look at my mom, she has lost weight in the past, them gained it back so many times. A couple of years ago she just gave up. I don't want to be that way. I want to lose the weight and keep it off. Sometimes I think my fears are what prevents me from being successful. If I don't really try then when I fail I can blame my lack of effort, not my inability to truly lose weight.

    That is my fear is that I will lose a ton and then gain it back. A few years ago I lost about 20 lbs and gained it back and more. I need to stay physically active and limit my sugar. Scary and sad I will have to watch this the rest of my life.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    I'm a car eater. It started when I was working two jobs and in college. I never had time to eat, so grabbing food and eating in my car was the only way I could get food in. Obviously, this type of eating does not lend itself to healthy food. Now it is like a pavlovian response. Even when I'm not hungry I want to eat as soon as I get in the car. I'm working on it, but it is a struggle.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    Truth is I struggle every night NOT to late night binge. I don't know about you, but I feel like I'm sneaking the bite in the middle of the night. Anyone else feel this way?