Sunday - Sharing



  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    Sunday - My life is heading towards a whole new reality or at least that's how it feels, it is not a quick process but it is happening. My weight loss/healthy lifestyle journey is chugging along and I am embarking on a new "career/business" path as well, both of which will bring me wealth in the end, wealth in that my life will be happy and healthy and wealth as in a good stream of income that will hopefully last well in to my retirement years and will allow me to stay home and homeschool my 3 youngest kids right through to when they head out to college. I am grateful to MFP for my new healthy life and a very dear friend for the new business opportunity. I am truly a very lucky person to have all this abundance in my life.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    It's been a tough week for me. I got a little off track and lost focus. My MFP friends have really stepped up and given me the encouragement and motivation to work through this. Right now the scale is not moving but I know it is very hard to lose weight and deal with medication. As my friend Sharon reminded me the scale should not be my only indicator of success. This week alone 3 different people asked me how much weight had I lost. I was shocked because I don't see it myself.

    I'm going to stay away from the scale and only weigh in weekly for all challenges and put the scale away on other days. I'm going to eat healthier and I've already kicked up the exercise. No more whining...I know what I need to do.

    It's not easy but I can do this!
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Hi all,

    All of us who are suffering from other issues should expect that is often the reason for our weight gains...and I, for one, expect that all kinds of us have suffered other issues. I have had depressed times, I do have killer sciatica, and right now knees that just don't if you are suffering, you have my empathy and understanding....

    Sill, I am very grateful that so far, I do not have a life threatening disease...and I am here to lose the weight that might threaten me with thanks for being here!

    I am recommitted to the one pound per week goal, even though this has been a very difficult week...with another to come!

    I too have had a tough week, with lots of meals out. Even when I make good choices, I feel that there is always a slip in the food....for example, I had a roast beef lunch with veg and rice....and "au jus"...which was really a thin gravy I had to scrape off, and the veg were peas and carrots,,,,the rice was with wild rice ....and I kicked myself for not insisting on a tomato, or asking about the "Au jus.".... It makes me feel that I am in a war with the restaurant industry....and I have to triple check on everything as I order, since I cannot trust the menu....sigh....

    While I feel worn out by all that...and have more to come this week....I also have a longer term perspective...

    Perhaps that is what we all need, a long long perspective....we did not add all the weight in a day....and participating in life, and not being a hermit, is essential to our mental and physical I am prepared to say that there are times, like Christmas,
    when staying as clean as I can in my food is the best I can do....and there are times when it will not be a weight loss week...

    Life is longer than this week, and having a good attitude for next week is probably the best I can do...that and choose salad and veggies more than meats at our mini vacation...I have a plan! It is not written in stone, but it is here where my self care consciousness lives!

    I will be bringing a protein-whey supplement to help me stay within my guidelines.....and supplement meals where I find they are too wheat or fat based....I know that is expensive, ( I use the liquid and not the powders for ease of use)...but that works for me.

    Have a good week everyone!

    BJ, SWO, CA
  • LJA1968
    LJA1968 Posts: 516 Member
    I'm hungry! LOL. Lately I feel like I could eat nonstop. I'm afraid I'll cave and gain back all I've lost.
  • valcladdagh
    valcladdagh Posts: 210 Member
    I'm hungry! LOL. Lately I feel like I could eat nonstop. I'm afraid I'll cave and gain back all I've lost.

    Me too!! But we will make it through. Just a minor set back - Right? Absolutely!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    I had a really tough month in February. I wanted to let everyone know how my mfp pals lifted me up and got me refocused. I was very down and my pals encouraged me to keep my head up and keep going forward. Because of them I think I will have a good month. Thanks everyone!
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    After working 2 jobs for what seems like forever (6 yrs) I am sadly down to one as of two weeks ago. We lost our best friend of 20 years, (lost his wife 5+ years ago! and it's been a little rough. for everyone in my family. Those last weeks I was at his house more than I was home and many times over night. I think he would appreciate that I am refocusing and getting "back on the wagon" with my own health goals now that I have some time for me again! Thanks for listening.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    I've been going trough my issue with night binging. I don't know why I get hungry at night. Luckily I save calories for evening snacks but I'm worried it is going to get bad again. Trying to be strong.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    Hang in there Kar! Struggling at night myself. We can do this!!!
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I thought I would share about my weight loss journey. I have been up and down for years. Did Weight Watchers lost 30 pounds in a year. Decided to have surgery (Duodenal Switch) on 10/29/2012. Best decision I have ever made for myself. Anyways, its been 6 1/2 months and I have lost 125 pounds so far. All my eating habits have changed and Im still learning to do it all right!!!!!!!!!! Well thats it for now, will post more often and as I remember to do so. Remembering is the hardest part.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    Posted new pics on FB this morning...trying to do a project of sorting and putting photos in album...what a chore.

    Weighed 210 this morning. I'm gonna get to onederland soon.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    Dad went to Venice Italy. Sent me a beautiful necklace and coin purse made in Italy. I love him for being my dad. With Father's Day coming up, all I got him was a card. LOL. Hubby thinks it was a nice trade.
  • 2manyhats
    2manyhats Posts: 1,189 Member
    Sunday, the only day the hubby gets to sleep in and I woke up @3:30 and couldn't go back to sleep.Now I am waiting for the sun to come out so I can get my workout in before church. Have a blessed day!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    Dad went to Venice Italy. Sent me a beautiful necklace and coin purse made in Italy. I love him for being my dad. With Father's Day coming up, all I got him was a card. LOL. Hubby thinks it was a nice trade.

    Sounds like a wonderful Dad:)
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    Truth: have to stay off the scale again. My clothes are falling off, I'm getting healthier and I'm toning. Sooner or later more weight will come off.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    It's been almost a month since my last post and I can confirm after much patience the scale is starting to move again. I amped up my exercise and put the scale away and the inches continued to fall and soon after the scale began to move. But I'm going to continue to stay off of it and not be come obsessed because I know I'm getting healthier and my friends are noticing the weight loss.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    I just thought I would share a NSV with you guys. I CAN WEAR MY WEDDING RINGS AGAIN....THEY FIT JUST FINE...ONCE AGAIN...TOOK 7 YEARS BUT I'M WEARING THEM AS OF THIS MORNING!!!!!!! I was so happy that it brought tears to my eyes.

    Thanks for all your encouragement!

    I love you all!!!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    I just thought I would share a NSV with you guys. I CAN WEAR MY WEDDING RINGS AGAIN....THEY FIT JUST FINE...ONCE AGAIN...TOOK 7 YEARS BUT I'M WEARING THEM AS OF THIS MORNING!!!!!!! I was so happy that it brought tears to my eyes.

    Thanks for all your encouragement!

    I love you all!!!

    What a wonderful NSV. I'm so happy for you:flowerforyou:
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,268 Member
    Sharing my NSV...I climbed Stone Mountain Saturday with a great group of ladies. It has to be the hardest thing I've ever done exercise wise. I wanted to give up half way through but my BFF & I persevered and made it to the top. I am so proud of myself for not stopping and plan to do this again. My BFF and I walked 5 miles Monday but that was nothing compared to walking 1.3 miles up that steep mountain.
  • FuzzieJelly
    FuzzieJelly Posts: 848 Member
    Sharing my NSV...I climbed Stone Mountain Saturday with a great group of ladies. It has to be the hardest thing I've ever done exercise wise. I wanted to give up half way through but my BFF & I persevered and made it to the top. I am so proud of myself for not stopping and plan to do this again. My BFF and I walked 5 miles Monday but that was nothing compared to walking 1.3 miles up that steep mountain.

    so proud of you...keep up the good work