Ripped in 30 jan 2013 challenge!

lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
I absolutely adore jillian's workouts and am ecstatic that I have finally found something that works. In December I did the 30 day shred and lost 8 inches in total!
January means ripped in 30! Who's up for it?
I'm going to combine it with yoga meltdown and maybe even Zumba on opposite days, but I intend to do 30 days straight of ripped in 30. Aiming for another 2 inches off the waist!


  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    I wanted to do 30DS in January but I lost my copy and can't find it anywhere (and don't have unlimited internet so I can't youtube it every day) so I bought Ripped in 30 instead. Hopefully it's just as good!
  • scratchybike
    scratchybike Posts: 13 Member
    I'm in for ripped in 30 in jan!
  • Jasey25
    I'm doing Ripped in 30 and yoga meltdown for 30 days straight too! Add me :)
  • KilannaFit
    I am in for Ripped in 30

    Starting on 01/01/2013

    Cannot wait :)
  • KilannaFit
    Well day 1 level 1 done.

    My lower body is shaking but I completed it.

    Sure by day 4 I'll feel like I can keep up the pace and stop these shakes :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Well done everyone for starting :) I'm doing day 1 tomorrow! After a 5 hour drive I think I'll need it!!
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    good job for starting already! I just took before pics and weighed myself, going to get hydrated and start in a couple hours. Feeling great about this!
  • vhr1777
    I'm in for the challenge! I am working on the Ripped in 30 video and just finished the first workout. I had originally thought that I would start with 30 Day Shred, but I couldn't find that video today. I have it, but don't know where it is!

    Good news is that I survived....bad news is that I have 29 days to go! However, I will do it!!!!

    Funny thing is that I have read about some people that hate JM and the way that she coaches. However, I found myself highly motivated to push harder! At one point, when JM says, "you are not gonna stop", I totally screamed, "No, I am not gonna stop! I will not stop!" Ha! :) My kids thought I was crazy!

    Good luck to each of you!
  • TrishPretti
    TrishPretti Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone, i just started the ripped in 30 today finished the 30 day shred yesterday! hope I can keep this together for the entire time
  • jlanderson_12
    jlanderson_12 Posts: 40 Member
    I started last weekend so I am on day 5 today! I have several of her DVD's and never finished the full 30 days. My challenge is to actually finish this. I posted this picture of me to remind myself where I want to be and to get rid of this belly fat. Yuck!!! I love Jillian also. Hearing the same thing all week long does get annoying though. I prop her up on my laptop now and have the TV going at the same time. I think it makes it go by faster.

    I made it all the way to the running man before I was really breathing hard and getting tired. I like that it is something new everyweek so that your body does not get used to it. They call that Muscle Confusion don't they?

    I'm feeling motivated (for now) this heres hoping! :laugh: :wink: :smile:
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    I don't find her too annoying but after the first couple times I don't wanna hear it anymore so I mute her, put on subtitles, and put on my own music.

    I did day 1 yesterday and was pretty pathetic, stopped for a breather way more than I wanted to. My legs and butt are so sore already today no idea how I can continue but I know I'll be less sore after haha.
  • KilannaFit
    Hi All.

    Glad to see more people doing RI30. Day 2 done but I have no coordination doing the running man :)

    Nothing like having my cat watching me as if I have gone nuts

    I am loving the deadlifts.

    Keep it up ladies xx
  • FutureSkinnyMama03
    FutureSkinnyMama03 Posts: 250 Member
    I'Il be here in another 10 or so days. :) I'm on level 3 of shred right now & ripped in 30 is next on my list! :)
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    Just did day 2! My mom even joined in. I did much better today, not sure what I did differently, maybe better hydrated etc. Feels great!
  • jlanderson_12
    jlanderson_12 Posts: 40 Member
    Just finished day 5!!! I put on my work out clothes while I was doing dishes and getting the boys ready for bed. I thought that would keep me motivated. Then I sat down :blushing: My husband is the one that put the DVD in and pushed play then walked away so I can do my thing. So happy he did that for me. I told him he needs to help me stay motivated and he did a great job at it. He didn't scold me or ignore me either. What he did was perfect :love:

    Today I got to the second set of the "running man" before I got really winded. Heres hoping I am getting in better shape! :drinker:
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Just finished day 5!!! I put on my work out clothes while I was doing dishes and getting the boys ready for bed. I thought that would keep me motivated. Then I sat down :blushing: My husband is the one that put the DVD in and pushed play then walked away so I can do my thing. So happy he did that for me. I told him he needs to help me stay motivated and he did a great job at it. He didn't scold me or ignore me either. What he did was perfect :love:

    Today I got to the second set of the "running man" before I got really winded. Heres hoping I am getting in better shape! :drinker:

    That is amazing. Its great to have non-patronising motivation in your own home. My boyfriend is always tempting me to be lazy and eat rubbish, but now he's on a health kick too so hopefully it will be easier!

    I've just done day 1! Wish I hadn't had 10 days off after 30 day shred, but couldn't be helped as I wasn't at home. Going to stick to my calorie goal and just have 1 rest day a week )but still do cardio or something) and hoping to see a big difference in photos after!

    Keep going everyone :)
  • KilannaFit
    Hi Ladies

    Day 3 done. My thighs are killing me now.

    Whatever happens I will make it past the 30 days.

    27 more days to go :)
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Keep going everyone! I did day 2 today and tried my hardest. Now dripping with sweat and shaking. I tried to do yoga meltdown but only managed 6 minutes and I barely have the energy to type! Will try to complete it later! phew we really are going to be ripped by the end of this!
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    I hope that I'm not too late to join! I started Level 1 Day 1 Wednesday. I was surprisingly much better last night, L1D2. I feel like my thighs are going to fall off, but I'm going to keep going. Hopefully, I'll be able to catch up with everyone else. I've got to go back and listen to how many days each level lasts.
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Hi Ladies

    Day 3 done. My thighs are killing me now.

    Whatever happens I will make it past the 30 days.

    27 more days to go :)

    Ok. Now, I know it's not just me.