Ripped in 30 jan 2013 challenge!



  • Amanda372
    Amanda372 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi, I just found this group. I have been doing Ripped in 30 for a week now and this morning completed - well as best I could - Level 2 day 1. I found the plank moves difficult as my shoulders are just not strong enough.

    My wrists were hurting too but I did see somewhere (long ago) that a tip for this is to maybe do the plank on your weights - so like the Renegade rows but without doing the row part. I will try this tomorrow morning and will let you know if it makes a difference.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Day 4 Week 2 complete. Really went for it today and boy can I feel it! I don't get any pains in my wrists, but I used to in 30 day shred, so they must be a lot stronger now! Can't wait for week 3 though. Getting bored of this one now.
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 2 week 2 done, holy cow those planks are brutal, but I love it!!! Keep up the great work everyone!!!
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Hi all, Just wondering how you track calories burned for ripped in 30? I wasnt able to find it in the list of exercises.

    If you don't have a heart rate monitor, there's a general circuit training that you can use. You are probably burning more calories than it'll give you, though. If you have a heart rate monitor, you can create you own exercise under cardiovascular and label it.

    Congratulations to all of the progress that everyone's making!!! Knock, knock...Quarter test! My booty hurts so bad. :sad: I'd cry if someone tried to bounce a quarter of it.
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, I just found this group. I have been doing Ripped in 30 for a week now and this morning completed - well as best I could - Level 2 day 1. I found the plank moves difficult as my shoulders are just not strong enough.

    My wrists were hurting too but I did see somewhere (long ago) that a tip for this is to maybe do the plank on your weights - so like the Renegade rows but without doing the row part. I will try this tomorrow morning and will let you know if it makes a difference.
    Thanks for the tip I'm gonna try that tonight!
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    So I did my workout and I hate to say this, but I am not enjoying this week, I hope I get better at it.

    @Amanda372, thanks for the tip, it was better!
  • racerchick31
    racerchick31 Posts: 91 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    I just started Ripped in 30 today, after completing the 30 Day Shred on Saturday (1/12). Day 1 of Level 1 really was an awesome workout and I felt pretty darn good after completing it! I may feel differently tomorrow. LOL
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Week 2 day 4 completed! Two more days and I'm moving on to week 3. :happy:

    @racerchick31-Welcome to the group! Congrats on finishing 30 Day Shred!
  • jaztoderan
    jaztoderan Posts: 71 Member
    I wasn't going to take any rest days unless I absolutely needed to.. well I absolutely need to take today off! I had the most intense hot yoga session.. it was way hotter than normal and the instructor was brutal. I'm wiped & have a dehydration headache! So water and rest tonight. Starting week 3 tomorrow to keep on schedule.

    Everyone's doing so good, this is awesome!
  • Amanda372
    Amanda372 Posts: 17 Member
    @Amanda372, thanks for the tip, it was better!

    I used the weights today and it was better too - apart from my shoulders not lasting the full circuit though ... COME ON!!!GET IN THE GAME! stoopid shoulders.

    I also have problems with the sitting to table move - I'm not sure if it's because my arms are too short / my bum too big / my muscles not strong enough but I can't lift myself off the floor unless my arms are behind me which is what Jillian says not to do. So near the end of the exercise it dawned on me that I could use the weights again as mini platforms and it was much better. Need to remember that for next time!!
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 3 week 2.
    I am glad I saw this I can't do tables either, definetly going to try the weights.
    Hope you all have a fantastic day!!!
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Week 2 Day 5 completed! I :heart: sumo squats!! One more day to go for week 2, rest, and on to week 3.
  • racerchick31
    racerchick31 Posts: 91 Member
    Level 1, Day 2 Complete! :bigsmile: I wasn't toooo sore today. Ok...except the back of my legs...ouch. I didn't know they could hurt that bad. ha ha!

    @tdbernrd Thank you for the welcome! You are really doing great!
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Week 2 day 3 completed! It's getting easier...thank goodness!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    @Amanda372, thanks for the tip, it was better!

    I used the weights today and it was better too - apart from my shoulders not lasting the full circuit though ... COME ON!!!GET IN THE GAME! stoopid shoulders.

    I also have problems with the sitting to table move - I'm not sure if it's because my arms are too short / my bum too big / my muscles not strong enough but I can't lift myself off the floor unless my arms are behind me which is what Jillian says not to do. So near the end of the exercise it dawned on me that I could use the weights again as mini platforms and it was much better. Need to remember that for next time!!

    I have the same problem with those horrible table/ab holds! Definitely going to try your tip tomorrow!

    Really didn't have the energy today but completed it. Tomorrow is the last day of week 2! Woop! Will take measurements on friday morn and see if there's any progress!
  • Jennifer076
    Jennifer076 Posts: 275 Member
    Day 4 week 2 complete. I am curious to see what week 3 & 4 are like....yikes. Keep up the fantastic work everyone.
  • KilannaFit
    Hi ladies and welcome to the new ladies joining

    Week 3 day 2 done and I am enjoying it.

    I think that mainly because it's speeded up slightly. Less breaks between each stage.

    Loving the rock n roll crunches but I really really love the one leg drop squats with curls. Makes me feel like 'Rooooar!'

    I do think I am going to get a HRM as I am not sure if I am worklng hard nuff even if I am swearing and gasping now

    Keep going ladies :)
  • tdbernrd
    tdbernrd Posts: 510 Member
    Week 2 day 6 completed! Taking a rest day tomorrow.
    @KilannaFit- Rock n roll crunches sound tough. Can't wait.
  • racerchick31
    racerchick31 Posts: 91 Member
    Hiya everyone! =)

    Week 1, Day 3 complete!! Yay!! So good....hopefully I can keep it up. Right now I'm feeling pretty good about it. I haven't even looked at the upcoming weeks though. ha ha! I'm just taking it one day at a time. ;)
  • brenperez18
    brenperez18 Posts: 48 Member
    Done with week 2 day 4! Now that I don't focus on my wrists so much, I can really feel my shoulders burn!!

    @racerchick31 yes, we need to take it a day @ a time!