Menopausal Mad Hatters: Jan. 1st, 2013



  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Beautiful day out today-79 degrees this afternoon, so Bob and I just had to take out our bikes and go for a nice ride :-) I'm so glad the cold has gone away !
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Game day at Tonya's house, grilling out and chillin' dogs:-)

  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Watching the game today. Go Falcons! Cousin Lynn went home today and that makes me sad. Thank you See he for posting my Zeke pictures. He is sure missed around here.

    My pleasure. We lost our beagle a few years ago after 13 years-hence our new mini aussies. We love our new dogs dearly, but each dog is unique and always sorely missed when gone.
  • tonyacoursey
    tonyacoursey Posts: 404 Member
    Seehe, I was so fortunate to be Zeke's mom for 9 years. He was such a great addition to our family. Poor Rick had never had such a large dog before and I didn't think we were going to make it through the first My other Great Dane was Ashley, so I had some idea of what to expect but Rick didn't have a clue....she lived to be 12. Poor Zeke had so many health issues he lived till 9 years and I was grateful for all of those. We all said this weekend how much we missed him. It was so kind of you to post his pics for me.

    I love Buzz and Delilah so much, but they are so different. Delilah has figured out how to get out of the fence and we have no idea how she is doing it unless she is using the wood pile (it is 3 feet from the fence) to get out. Poor Buzz is not a snuggle bunny like she is but so much better behaved. He gets a bum rap....

    @Janet...I will be pulling for the Ravens come Superbowl time. I am sad the Falcons didn't make it but even though I had hope I knew in my heart it wasn't to be....
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Ho Hatters!!

    Well, reality hit with a bang this morning when I woke up to -11C temps and snow on the way home from work last nite - YUCK!! :noway:

    Had an absolutely fabulous time in Costa Rica; it's a beautiful country and the resort we were at was just lovely (Rui Palace in Guanacaste) Very different from other Rui's we've been at as its very very modern, but spectacular and everything was flawless; the staff was fantastic and the food scrumptious - my goal was to only ever have one thing on my plate I recognized lol.. I love trying new foods and I managed most of the time to make my goal! :laugh:

    I had also decided to go outside my comfort zone and try new things, so I went zip lining and snorkeling (which was THE most amazing thing I've ever done... I actually yelped the first time I put my head into the water with the mask on because it was so clear and so beautiful and there were so many fish it startled the heck outta me (Janet, you'd probably relate most with the shock because I've had terrible eye sight since I was 4 and had to wear the coke bottle glasses to see anything - and I think you have the same prob) so this just blew me away). We saw puffer fish and sea cucumbers and a school of barracuda..I swear it was like watching a Jacque Cousteau film on a big screen LOL.. went to a puma rescue center and wild life tour.. the only thing I passed on was the trip to the hot springs at the volcano.. not my thing to boil in a pot of hot water :tongue: Took a sunset boat cruise one afternoon and the rest of the time was flat out by the pool or in the ocean with a drink in one hand (sometimes in both :sad: ) and my suntan lotion in the other! And yes.. I brought TWO hats!

    I gained a couple of pounds as expected; not stressing in the least though; as I'm just back to "normal" eating now and continuing on my weight loss journey so it will come off as I go. (at one point one of my friends said "really.. at this point, we're just eating for sport!" and it became our tag line for the last few days because its so true.. On my next days off I will attempt to figure out how to move my pictures from my phone to my puter and then see if I can post one or two. I would absolutely go back to CR again in a heartbeat btw!

    I have to catch up on everyones profiles and posts, might take me a couple of days as pesky work gets n the way - I managed to get out and get groceries and gas this morning as we're heading into a cold snap with -20C for the next few days, so I'm hoping the transition back to good healthy eating is a little smoother this time after the Christmas fiasco... :o)

    Hope everyone has a great week.. I need to start prepping my lunch and getting ready to head in but if it's quieter tonight than last nite I hope to get some Hatter reading in!! Hugs all around.. it's good to see ya'll again!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    PS: Being a Canuck, the whole purple/football/teams involved etc) is outside my realm of knowledge (I do know there's a superbowl game at some point and I know it will be on at work if we're there) but if you guys just tell me who you want me to root for, I'll be happy to cheer em on if I'm at work and it's on! :bigsmile:
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    PS Snoozie, if you know how, you can text me your pics and I can do the rest to post them-would love to see them:-)
  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Snoozie, wow zip lining! And snorkeling! I agree it is amazing when I can put my face in the water in a snorkel mask and actually see! I am so glad you had a wonderful vacation, but I can not imagine the total cold, it can be freezing in Maryland but not like your Canada world!
    Tonya, sorry the falcons won't be playing the ravens in the Super Bowl. Even though I am not going to watch the game (or any football game) I love when Baltimore gets all purple, the buildings and monuments are lit in purple and people of all races join together in their enthusiasm, and strangers think I am the biggest fan of all in my many purple outfits.
    NSV, Florida edition I was playing tennis with my son and we needed to take a break for a wardrobe malfunction, my skirt was so big it was falling off!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Lol Janet on the wardrobe malfunction !! I think we better start the bail money fund up again in case you and Tammy get picked up for "streaking" soon!:happy:
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Zip lining and snorkeling!! I am so envious... I watch the zip lining on tv and I figure if I lived through it one time, it would be one of those things ...You go " I want to do it again!!!:laugh:

    Can't wait to see the pictures....It's as close to a foreign vacation as I'll ever get...LOL
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Ladies, hold On to Your hats and enjoy these awesome Snoozie photos! Warning: whilst viewing and reveling in joy for Snoozie's incredible escapade, try not to go menopausally madder by quitting your jobs, jumping on the next plane ,and meeting all the other mad hatters for a mai tai, sunset, and getting kicked out of yoga class!




  • hairsprayhon
    hairsprayhon Posts: 334 Member
    Wow, great pics!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Awes thanks so much for posting them Susan !! I did have one of me take. On the boat but I gotta figure out how to crop my sister out first lol. We are having our post party to swap pics on feb 2 so if there are any funny ones I will share 1 or 2... I do have an excellent video of the floor boards of the boat with my voice saying 'I dunno what's wrong with this camera it won't take any pictures '. Which was when I discovered I had switched the setting to video. Didn't even know I could take video with my phone til then!! Long nite just home but off for a few days so will post replies to all I missed over breakkie! Thanks again so very much Susan. Btw that 1st one was the sunrise on our last morning there.....we didn't bother going to bed ha!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Ps. Ummmm. I vote for doing all of the above lol. Lets all go!