January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Today was my second workout with the new power rack!!! I am taking a long time figuring out where to put the safety bars and the hooks to hold the barbel. I don't know what these things are actually called. Anyway it is sooo cool to be doing this! Today I did 5X5 with 75lbs on the Squats, Bench Press and the row!! I love lifting weights!!! I love seeing the weight go up!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Today was my second workout with the new power rack!!! I am taking a long time figuring out where to put the safety bars and the hooks to hold the barbel. I don't know what these things are actually called. Anyway it is sooo cool to be doing this! Today I did 5X5 with 75lbs on the Squats, Bench Press and the row!! I love lifting weights!!! I love seeing the weight go up!!

    Great work!!! It's so fun hey....I definitely feel badass using my rack, even through my meltdown this morning!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Whoo! Look at that gorgeous (power) rack!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Fisherlassie, i love your profile pic! :happy:

    Bras. Don't even get me started. I wear bras that clearly just don't fit me. I really don't want to buy until I'm done losing weight, but on the other hand, I am back to my original pre-kids size and I can't imagine going any lower than this. I have weighed 20 pounds less than I do now, and I was still this size. I guess I should indulge in some retail therapy!

    I have a hormonal IUD. I wouldn't be surprised if it messed with your progress. I got mine way back before I got serious about fitness/weight loss, but I will say that my baby weight hung around far longer the second time, with the IUD, than it did the first, with no birth control. Hey, I think you just gave me an excuse. :drinker:

    tl;dr: Don't ever have kids. :tongue:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Bras! I have always hated bras. I didn't wear them for years and years even though I have large breasts. I also didn't move very much during those years. Most of the last year I have been wearing a couple of fairly useless bras. One of my big goals was to lose enough weight to be able to find a sports bra that fit. I am not really a clothes person. I am happy that I can now easily walk into the thrift store and find clothes that fit. I don't care to spend a lot of money on clothes. BUT!! I went out and splurged on two very expensive, for me, sports bras!!! Very soon after I went out and bought two more!! I now have 4 bras that fit and that make it so that I can run and do aikido, and lift weights with out being afraid parts are going to get pinched or bashed or bruised. And!! before Christmas I actually did a cartwheel!! I haven't done a cartwheel in 30 years!!! This was all made possible by those nasty over the shoulder boulder holders!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Bras! I have always hated bras. I didn't wear them for years and years even though I have large breasts. I also didn't move very much during those years. Most of the last year I have been wearing a couple of fairly useless bras. One of my big goals was to lose enough weight to be able to find a sports bra that fit. I am not really a clothes person. I am happy that I can now easily walk into the thrift store and find clothes that fit. I don't care to spend a lot of money on clothes. BUT!! I went out and splurged on two very expensive, for me, sports bras!!! Very soon after I went out and bought two more!! I now have 4 bras that fit and that make it so that I can run and do aikido, and lift weights with out being afraid parts are going to get pinched or bashed or bruised. And!! before Christmas I actually did a cartwheel!! I haven't done a cartwheel in 30 years!!! This was all made possible by those nasty over the shoulder boulder holders!

    One more reason I'm happy that I never had gigantic boobs! I am a genetic freak....no matter what size I am, even pregnant, these girls do not grow, shrink or otherwise lol But I won't complain.....like I said before....at least I can fit into all bra things cute lol
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Sarah - do what I did and look for super discounted ones (my local macy's always has stuff go on sale for super cheap). Its such a relief.

    Oh and as far as size changing - I had ALWAYS been a 34D, and then a DD, my mom has always been a 32dd or a 34dd and my sister has always been a 32a - so when I got back to a 34dd I was like "well obviously this is it" - but no. Muscles around my back and chest. Changed everything. Weird weird ****. I had no idea.

    AND re: kids - ha. I'm not gonna lie - in addition to thinking pregnancy is SUPER gross (and not being much into children anyway) once I started losing weight I was like "why would I ever give this up for BABIES?" -- but it seems like if you're in shape going into the pregnancy and you stay active, people bounce back very easily from it.

    FL - I hate bras too. Hate em. If I didn't feel like I *had* to wear them for work appropriateness (boo) I never would - I *never* wear them at home or doing errands, I just own a bunch of those camisole things with the built in shelf bra. Actually when we went on vacation I spent the entire time 100% bra free (this was a stated goal of mine) and it was lovely. I just wore a bikini top if I wanted to wear something besides a cami.

    I wear them for work though because cami's would not be considered appropriate work attire. Sometimes in the winter I wear one with a sweater over it though. But, mine aren't that big any more which gives me more options anyway.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Bras! I have always hated bras. I didn't wear them for years and years even though I have large breasts. I also didn't move very much during those years. Most of the last year I have been wearing a couple of fairly useless bras. One of my big goals was to lose enough weight to be able to find a sports bra that fit. I am not really a clothes person. I am happy that I can now easily walk into the thrift store and find clothes that fit. I don't care to spend a lot of money on clothes. BUT!! I went out and splurged on two very expensive, for me, sports bras!!! Very soon after I went out and bought two more!! I now have 4 bras that fit and that make it so that I can run and do aikido, and lift weights with out being afraid parts are going to get pinched or bashed or bruised. And!! before Christmas I actually did a cartwheel!! I haven't done a cartwheel in 30 years!!! This was all made possible by those nasty over the shoulder boulder holders!

    One more reason I'm happy that I never had gigantic boobs! I am a genetic freak....no matter what size I am, even pregnant, these girls do not grow, shrink or otherwise lol But I won't complain.....like I said before....at least I can fit into all bra things cute lol

  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    I did stronglifts workout A for the first time tonight. I started with low weight to make sure I got used to it and got the form right. I'll do workout B tomorrow. I look forward to increasing weight!

    I'm sorry to those of you who haven't lost weight recently. I feel you, I was there last month. I got a lot of good advice from people, including sidesteel and sara and another mfp friend who is a doctor. One helpful piece of input I received is that I could possibly be logging food innaccurately. Obviously we all try our best to be as accurate as possible, but if you unintentionally log even a couple hundred cals lower than what you really ate, it makes a difference. This especially applies when you're eating out or at a friend's house and you don't know exactly how something was cooked. i hope this helps.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    I will join you in the bra hate...but at 5'3" and a 34 D/DD they're a necessity. This is after a breast reduction when I was 19 as well. I should definitely try Macys.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Fisher- Great Power rack! It's so pretty.
    Claritarejoic- Grats on your workout =D
    Vegas- For me (and many other ladies according to ladyblogs I've read.) Take quite a while to get used to any new HBC. I was off HBC for a few years, and when I went back on the same thing it still took me probably 6 months to get evened out.

    Bras- I f-ing love moving comfort, especially on Amazon. I used to be a 34D and now I'm up to 40DD. = ( I've been able to find moving comfort Maia bras pretty cheaply on Amazon. Like 20-30$. Lately it has been harder to find larger sizes on sale, but I just check back every so often. They are more like regular bras than many sports bras, so I just wear them as such unless I'm wearing a lower cut top. Their more sports bra like bras are great too, but I have to size up for them.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I did stronglifts workout A for the first time tonight. I started with low weight to make sure I got used to it and got the form right. I'll do workout B tomorrow. I look forward to increasing weight!

    I'm sorry to those of you who haven't lost weight recently. I feel you, I was there last month. I got a lot of good advice from people, including sidesteel and sara and another mfp friend who is a doctor. One helpful piece of input I received is that I could possibly be logging food innaccurately. Obviously we all try our best to be as accurate as possible, but if you unintentionally log even a couple hundred cals lower than what you really ate, it makes a difference. This especially applies when you're eating out or at a friend's house and you don't know exactly how something was cooked. i hope this helps.

    Great work on your first workout! The weight increases so quickly, it's so awesome!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Fisher- Great Power rack! It's so pretty.
    Claritarejoic- Grats on your workout =D
    Vegas- For me (and many other ladies according to ladyblogs I've read.) Take quite a while to get used to any new HBC. I was off HBC for a few years, and when I went back on the same thing it still took me probably 6 months to get evened out.

    Bras- I f-ing love moving comfort, especially on Amazon. I used to be a 34D and now I'm up to 40DD. = ( I've been able to find moving comfort Maia bras pretty cheaply on Amazon. Like 20-30$. Lately it has been harder to find larger sizes on sale, but I just check back every so often. They are more like regular bras than many sports bras, so I just wear them as such unless I'm wearing a lower cut top. Their more sports bra like bras are great too, but I have to size up for them.

    Yeah I'm thinking that there is still something else going on because it's been pretty much since September that I have been stalled but now the IUD really just isn't helping anything. I'm going to still adhere to my regular plan....this week being a rest week from exercise (until next Monday and honestly it's already bothering me) and 2 weeks of a diet break to hopefully try to even out some of the hormone issues. After the diet break I'll go to 2000 and see what happens after 4-6 weeks of that. Stupid HBC....now I'm wondering why I just didn't get tied off lol
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Back after a 1-day illness break photo-6.jpg
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ugh, this morning's workout sucked. I'm not surprised since I was out drinking last night. My squats went fairly well, but I'm curious if I'm going to fail next time because I kept having that moment of "am I going to make it?" at my fifth squat. Kind of frustrating that I'm going to start failing so early. I know I'm out of shape horribly, but I've always considered myself fairly strong. We'll just have to wait and see. I expected OHP to go badly, so I only put on an extra 2.5 instead of the 5. I made it through two sets, but I have a tendency to pause at the top of the lift and mentally prepare myself for going back down. Not sure if this is over-fatiguing my muscles or not (sometimes it'd be a several second pause). Then I failed at my fifth rep on my third set, then did two more sets with just the bar. My last OHP, my left hand lagged probably 6 inches behind my right. It was very ugly, but I finished my sets. Deadlifts were a breeze (and actually remembered to only do one set this time).

    I'm hoping I sucked because I was drinking and eating crap last night, but we'll see. I am doing the Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday split only because I go to coffee before work on Fridays with friends. But, that's stopping at the end of this month (and I've sadly figured out that I have to give up coffee because even using sweetener instead of sugar gives me low blood sugar). So maybe I'll switch to Monday/Wednesday/Friday. Crap, trivia's on Tuesday, so I have a couple of beers that night. Ugh.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Drinking messes my body up really badly - I don't know how normal that is but it actually makes me swell up (like the kind of visible bloat other people get from salt, I get from alcohol - but have no problem eating TONS of salt) and exhausted the next day.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I used to enjoy drinking (still do...I <3 craft beers)...but I really don't like drinking the night before I have a training session. I can tell that it really affects my performance negatively. I just don't feel as strong, I never get up as early, I crave carbs all day...its just kind of ugly. I used to indulge fairly heavily on the weekends, but the more serious I get about lifting...the less I indulge. This weekend, for example, I had three beers - which was a lot for me these days. However, when I am on vacation or whatnot...I drink freely :drinker:

    I posted this on my newsfeed yesterday and I am putting it out here on the main board. Yesterday was Official Progress Day and I took photos and measurements. My waist and chest are actually up .5 in each (boo!), hips are the same and weight is down .5lb from last month. Some friends said they could see some positive changes from last progress pic- I do not. I even quizzed the hubz and he didn't give me any good feedback. What do you guys think?

    http://s1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb449/avettestingray/?action=view&current=Day1toJan.jpg (I'm at work so I can't get to photobucket to imbed, I just copied the url from my profile)
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    You look amazing! You waist is more defined, your biceps are more defined, and your thighs are slimmer and more defined. I would kill for your abs...so excellent progress!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I started having a tiny bit of knee pain recently, but it got worse after yesterday's workout (up to 95lbs), and I reread the knee comments back a few pages. I know my form is decentish. I push from my heels keep my back aligned, no knees over toes etc. I also felt like when I made an effort to push my knees out more is when the first twinge of knee pain started. They were tracking with my toes, but I had started pointing my toes out further as I couldn't get parallel with them pointing forward. I also googled some and found an interesting 2 part article.

    I totally blow up if I have drinks. Like gain 5 lbs of water weight, get depressed at the scale, blow up. It's why I don't drink very often. I had 2 beers this week on different nights which was me being wild and crazy.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member

    I posted this on my newsfeed yesterday and I am putting it out here on the main board. Yesterday was Official Progress Day and I took photos and measurements. My waist and chest are actually up .5 in each (boo!), hips are the same and weight is down .5lb from last month. Some friends said they could see some positive changes from last progress pic- I do not. I even quizzed the hubz and he didn't give me any good feedback. What do you guys think?

    http://s1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb449/avettestingray/?action=view&current=Day1toJan.jpg (I'm at work so I can't get to photobucket to imbed, I just copied the url from my profile)

    I think your waist is up cause you're building mad muscle. Your abs are looking much more defined, and your waist LOOKS like its smaller. Your arms look more cut too. I must admit I'm curious about your tattoo.