January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I actually enjoy weighing in after a night of indulging....my weight usually goes down (b/c I peed it all out the night before - yay for dehydration)!

    I am glad you guys can see a difference. I am going to just keep on trucking and hope that next month's pictures bring something noticable to my eyes.

    Fittree - the tat is like a, dare I say, "trampstamp", which is a black and red tribal of a lion's face starting in the middle, with additional tribal work going out and around on each side, ending at the points on my waist. Got carried away with the inking a few years ago. I have another on my right hip. I want more, but the hubz doesn't really like tats.

    Regarding the knee pain - I wish I had some helpful advice. I will def. check out those articles, b/c sometimes I get knee pain when I get around 100lbs. Someone here mentioned spreading the ground with your heels...and that seems to help me out, but I haven't tried it at higher weights yet. My next squat workout, I will be back up to 95 so we will see how it goes.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    You look amazing! You waist is more defined, your biceps are more defined, and your thighs are slimmer and more defined. I would kill for your abs...so excellent progress!

    I see this too - and actually I think you're not flexing as much as in your previous picture (the angle of your arms looks different) so its probably even more arm definition than you thought.

    I think you look great - your stomach looked good before too but I do see ab definition now which is awesome. You looked like you had a REALLY flat stomach before so I could imagine a slight gain in inches from building some muscle under there. Its not a bad thing, in my opinion.
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member

    I posted this on my newsfeed yesterday and I am putting it out here on the main board. Yesterday was Official Progress Day and I took photos and measurements. My waist and chest are actually up .5 in each (boo!), hips are the same and weight is down .5lb from last month. Some friends said they could see some positive changes from last progress pic- I do not. I even quizzed the hubz and he didn't give me any good feedback. What do you guys think?

    More definition everywhere and I think I can see your abs beginning to pop...wheeeee! Very nice work!!!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    I posted this on my newsfeed yesterday and I am putting it out here on the main board. Yesterday was Official Progress Day and I took photos and measurements. My waist and chest are actually up .5 in each (boo!), hips are the same and weight is down .5lb from last month. Some friends said they could see some positive changes from last progress pic- I do not. I even quizzed the hubz and he didn't give me any good feedback. What do you guys think?

    More definition everywhere and I think I can see your abs beginning to pop...wheeeee! Very nice work!!!

    I agree with this ^^^^^^^ Great work! You look so awesome!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Back after a 1-day illness break photo-6.jpg

    How did you post your screen shot here?!!! That's awesome!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So rest days suck. It's official. I really can't wait until I leave for Montreal on Tuesday because at least then I'll have distractions lol Sunday is actually a scheduled rest day, but since I decided to take yesterday off too (I worked out Monday-Friday last week....tomorrow is the start of the "official" training break) I feel like it's been forever since I have worked out lol

    The good news is that when I went shopping yesterday I was trying on dresses in medium...most of the larges were too big :)

    Rest days still suck. Training break sucks. Not really counting every single calorie is like effing heaven though lol

    You ladies are all doing so well on your lifts and progressions! I will live vicariously through you until I'm back at it!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Thanks for posting those knee-related links... I'm going to read them now. Personally I decided that I probably just pushed my weight too hard, too fast, and I actually hurt my already-sensitive knee. I remembered that I had been dumbbell then barbell squatting for MONTHS before I started to feel pain, so obviously there was something that changed. My knee now feels the way it does when I actively hurt it. This last session, I felt pain most of the time I was doing just the bar - the pain has just gotten more and more frequent and worse - and then I tried leg presses as an alternative, and I still felt the same pain.

    So I am going to take two weeks off from squats completely and do ab/adductor exercises and butterflies in place of them. I'll see what happens when I go back, starting with just the bar. If it still hurts I guess I will have to start looking at alternatives and considering PT.

    A_vet... you are smokin'! :love: I am impressed that you are showing progress in a month, even if it is just a bit - I never feel like I see that kind of change, and I have a lot more room for it! :laugh:
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    I used to enjoy drinking (still do...I <3 craft beers)...but I really don't like drinking the night before I have a training session. I can tell that it really affects my performance negatively. I just don't feel as strong, I never get up as early, I crave carbs all day...its just kind of ugly. I used to indulge fairly heavily on the weekends, but the more serious I get about lifting...the less I indulge. This weekend, for example, I had three beers - which was a lot for me these days. However, when I am on vacation or whatnot...I drink freely :drinker:

    I posted this on my newsfeed yesterday and I am putting it out here on the main board. Yesterday was Official Progress Day and I took photos and measurements. My waist and chest are actually up .5 in each (boo!), hips are the same and weight is down .5lb from last month. Some friends said they could see some positive changes from last progress pic- I do not. I even quizzed the hubz and he didn't give me any good feedback. What do you guys think?

    http://s1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb449/avettestingray/?action=view&current=Day1toJan.jpg (I'm at work so I can't get to photobucket to imbed, I just copied the url from my profile)

    Catching up on threads from this weekend...been busy!!!

    Vette you look amazing and I think your abs are way more defined, I think your legs look firmer, too! I agree with the increases mass is muscles...you've made awesome progress! You were already hot before, but damn girl!

    Weighing in on the bras, I had to share. I never used to be able to shop at Victoria's Secret - but after bring measured this weekend for my wedding, I now do. I'm a 38c/d depending. So not tiny...but not huge. My sister convinced me to try a bra on from their clearance bins....it's sole purpose was to increase my cup size 2x. Holy crap...it was literally a shelf, I couldn't see my feet either! Well I bought it anyway...figured my fiancé would like it.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I used to enjoy drinking (still do...I <3 craft beers)...but I really don't like drinking the night before I have a training session. I can tell that it really affects my performance negatively. I just don't feel as strong, I never get up as early, I crave carbs all day...its just kind of ugly. I used to indulge fairly heavily on the weekends, but the more serious I get about lifting...the less I indulge. This weekend, for example, I had three beers - which was a lot for me these days. However, when I am on vacation or whatnot...I drink freely :drinker:

    I posted this on my newsfeed yesterday and I am putting it out here on the main board. Yesterday was Official Progress Day and I took photos and measurements. My waist and chest are actually up .5 in each (boo!), hips are the same and weight is down .5lb from last month. Some friends said they could see some positive changes from last progress pic- I do not. I even quizzed the hubz and he didn't give me any good feedback. What do you guys think?

    http://s1206.photobucket.com/albums/bb449/avettestingray/?action=view&current=Day1toJan.jpg (I'm at work so I can't get to photobucket to imbed, I just copied the url from my profile)

    Catching up on threads from this weekend...been busy!!!

    Vette you look amazing and I think your abs are way more defined, I think your legs look firmer, too! I agree with the increases mass is muscles...you've made awesome progress! You were already hot before, but damn girl!

    Weighing in on the bras, I had to share. I never used to be able to shop at Victoria's Secret - but after bring measured this weekend for my wedding, I now do. I'm a 38c/d depending. So not tiny...but not huge. My sister convinced me to try a bra on from their clearance bins....it's sole purpose was to increase my cup size 2x. Holy crap...it was literally a shelf, I couldn't see my feet either! Well I bought it anyway...figured my fiancé would like it.

    Hahaha, I love those bras, I'm 100% in favor of more boobs. Except my shirts stop fitting. But I mean otherwise, yes. Go for it. also he WILL try to balance something on there. My husband and I always tried.

    That was one of the bras I had to ditch - actually... I should go buy another pushup. I think my bra size is done changing (which is what I said last time....) so I'd feel safe dropping a little cash now.....

    (famous last words, expect an angry rant from me in a few months about how my bra size changed again, although really I don't see where else it has to go. I'm certainly not going up to a 38 without steroids and I can't imagine getting smaller than a C - I've been a C or better since I was 12-13 and I wasn't overweight soooo ).

    Also I forget who mentioned craft beer but, yes please! But I don't mean that, I mean like if I seriously go out and DRINK I blow up like crazy. A beer or two is ok.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member

    Weighing in on the bras, I had to share. I never used to be able to shop at Victoria's Secret - but after bring measured this weekend for my wedding, I now do. I'm a 38c/d depending. So not tiny...but not huge. My sister convinced me to try a bra on from their clearance bins....it's sole purpose was to increase my cup size 2x. Holy crap...it was literally a shelf, I couldn't see my feet either! Well I bought it anyway...figured my fiancé would like it.

    I got measured as a 32C last year, but I think I need to get remeasured, since I noticed the boobies are smaller :cry: . I LOVE the VS insta-boob job! I have three levels of boobs in my drawer, lol. Lightly lined (normal cup size), slightly padded (+1 cup) and majorly padded (+2 cups). My husband says he doesn't understand, but likes to poke the majorly padded one, b/c its funny that I can't feel it at all!!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member

    Weighing in on the bras, I had to share. I never used to be able to shop at Victoria's Secret - but after bring measured this weekend for my wedding, I now do. I'm a 38c/d depending. So not tiny...but not huge. My sister convinced me to try a bra on from their clearance bins....it's sole purpose was to increase my cup size 2x. Holy crap...it was literally a shelf, I couldn't see my feet either! Well I bought it anyway...figured my fiancé would like it.

    I got measured as a 32C last year, but I think I need to get remeasured, since I noticed the boobies are smaller :cry: . I LOVE the VS insta-boob job! I have three levels of boobs in my drawer, lol. Lightly lined (normal cup size), slightly padded (+1 cup) and majorly padded (+2 cups). My husband says he doesn't understand, but likes to poke the majorly padded one, b/c its funny that I can't feel it at all!!

    My other reasoning was if I ended up drunk, passed out in a gutter, at least I have a pillow with me :).

    I also concur with the craft beer - though it doesn't have the best effect me the next day...I'm from Wisconsin, it's what they put in our bottles as children.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    ZOMG! I'm cracking up at myself. I am so glad Darwin posted to "Vette." :laugh: For real, I have been trying to figure out your screen name since before I joined this board. I got fixated on "vet testing ray" and couldn't get over the thought that you might be a veterinarian. :laugh: :blushing: :tongue:

    I drink. Full stop. Provided it's not American water labelled "beer" on the can.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Have I mentioned lately how much I love this group? :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Have I mentioned lately how much I love this group? :)

    Haha, girls who lift know where its at.
  • claritarejoice
    claritarejoice Posts: 461 Member
    Good morning and thanks for your encouragement everyone!

    Fantastic fotos a_vette!

    I finished my second A workout, so tonight or tomorrow I will do SL workout B with 40 pounds. It's taking me 30 minutes to do - is that how long it takes you guys?

    My bra size has decreased a lot recently, so I'm off to measure myself now. I was a 32H before I started losing weight.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Vette, you look amazing! Your before pics look great, too, but you definitely look more defined in the later pics, too.

    I'm afraid I have not much to add to the bra conversation. I'm a 36C-ish now. Also, I think I buy way too much underwear.

    Deload week for me, I'm actually kind of relieved. I think I was slightly overdue for a bit of a break. What do the rest of you ladies do in terms of rest/deloading?
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Darwin, you are a riot...I never thought about my bra doing double duty as a pillow!

    Sarah...yea, its a (cor)vette stingray. My favoritist car in the world, lol.

    Mmm craft beer...reminds me, hubz and I have the stuff to brew a stout but haven't had the time.

    And thanks for the reassurance guys...it will go a long way in the weight room!
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Since I've been so half-assed with my lifting, I've never really done a rest/deload week, but I do yoga on my off days.

    I'm glad hat I'm not the only one saying " vet testing ray" in my head...now that I know I'm like, "How did I miss that?"
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I'm finally getting back to the gym after the holidays. I had to deload, but I'm back! And that's the main thing!
  • _danjo_
    _danjo_ Posts: 134 Member
    Hi All! I'm still here. :happy: I didn't do much of anything over the holidays and it turned into 2 1/2 weeks of no lifting. Boo. I'm back at it and after another deload am back to:
    Squats 90#
    OHP 60#
    DL 125#
    Bench 65#
    Row 70#

    The problem I'm having now is all in my right wrist--I'm starting to think I broke something. It hurts to do just about everything, but there is no bruising or swelling. It doesn't really feel like a muscle tho. Boo again.

    Anyway, looks like there has been lots of fun convo, but no time to read it all. Hope the new year is treating everyone well so far!!