January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Had to share my experience last night at the gym, I finally failed on my bench press - last rep of my last set, I knew it was coming!

    Squat: 105 5x5
    row: 70 5x5
    bench press: 75 5x5

    Last night I was doing my SL routine and I knew I was going to be near fail on my bench press after my first set. This was also the moment I've been dreading - I had to ask a guy to spot me. I had to talk to one of the beefcakes. It took me a few extra breaths - but there were a couple guys just shooting the *kitten* by the squat racks and I finally got up the courage to just ask them "Hey sorry - but can one of you spot me?" and they were so incredibly nice about it. The guy who ended up helping was actually like "I think it's awesome when I see a girl in here using barbells because it never happens and it's the best workout". He helped me through the rest of my four sets - the entire time - and now I know that I can do it. And yeah - I think that there is no reason in the world to be intimidated anymore because they are just in awe of us and what we are trying and can do.

    Probably one of my best experiences weight lifting wise.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Had to share my experience last night at the gym, I finally failed on my bench press - last rep of my last set, I knew it was coming!

    Squat: 105 5x5
    row: 70 5x5
    bench press: 75 5x5

    Last night I was doing my SL routine and I knew I was going to be near fail on my bench press after my first set. This was also the moment I've been dreading - I had to ask a guy to spot me. I had to talk to one of the beefcakes. It took me a few extra breaths - but there were a couple guys just shooting the *kitten* by the squat racks and I finally got up the courage to just ask them "Hey sorry - but can one of you spot me?" and they were so incredibly nice about it. The guy who ended up helping was actually like "I think it's awesome when I see a girl in here using barbells because it never happens and it's the best workout". He helped me through the rest of my four sets - the entire time - and now I know that I can do it. And yeah - I think that there is no reason in the world to be intimidated anymore because they are just in awe of us and what we are trying and can do.

    Probably one of my best experiences weight lifting wise.

    I failed on my BP yesterday too...only at 57# but last rep, last set too!

    That's so awesome that you had a great experience with the big dudes....guess they aren't so scary after all!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hi ladies!! I am going to start stronglifts next week! I wanted to join because dang...I did not see hardly any info out there on how women were suppose to go at this! I have been on my journey only one week now. Worked out almost everyday and lost 3 lbs. However, I talked to HeyItsDan or whatever and he recommended doing Strong Lifts. My parents are former body builders so knowing that there IS a better way than what I was doing, is such a relief! Nice to meet you all

    Welcome to the group! You will love the SL program!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Welcome!! This is a wonderfully supportive group you have found, these women are fantastic.

    I was this >< close to asking for a spotter on my bench. I think I will do 70# again next time and then see how I feel.

    I freaking love my gym. Well sort of. :D I want to tell you how the other half live. This morning, there were about eight women in the free weight section and 12 men. That's normal. :happy: But - two of them were young, tiny... and STRONG. Hated them. :D I actually felt far more intimidated by them than I did by the men! They did their entire workout on the platform attached to the squat rack, even when they were doing high rep dumbbell work, so I am never, ever feeling guilty about taking up a rack again. Yeah, so this morning, women were using three of the four racks, and I never saw a guy come near the fourth. :laugh: Anyway - maybe all men isn't so bad! (Interestingly, there were an equal number of men and women using the machines and the cardio equipment. I belong to the world's most egalitarian gym!)

    I decided to do squats and rows without shoes on today. It rocked my socks! <yes, pun intended. groan> But really, it was a definite improvement. I'm going to get a pair of Chuck's and see which feels better. And nobody looked at me twice. (Who would with Barbie and Skipper working it out? :tongue: ) I dropped my squats all the way down to 65#. Still hurt a little on my fifth rep but totally bearable. I am just going to keep the weight really low until it starts feeling better. I practiced my form all over the gym during rests and turned sideways with the bar to check it out, and I really think it's fantastic. :laugh:

    I graduated to the bar for rows at 70 and it actually felt better for whatever reason.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Oh question: do any of you drag a bench into the squat rack for your bench press, instead of asking for a spot? I'm not exactly sure how that would work since the bar comes so low anyway, but I know I've seen it recommended.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Oh question: do any of you drag a bench into the squat rack for your bench press, instead of asking for a spot? I'm not exactly sure how that would work since the bar comes so low anyway, but I know I've seen it recommended.

    I've been thinking of doing this if nobody is available.....I'll let ya know!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Oh question: do any of you drag a bench into the squat rack for your bench press, instead of asking for a spot? I'm not exactly sure how that would work since the bar comes so low anyway, but I know I've seen it recommended.

    I moved the bench over to the powerrack the first time I thought I might fail. I didn't like it because the catch bars were either too low (it would crush my chest/face anyways) or too high (couldn't get low enough to make contact with my chest without the BB catching.

    Anyways, if I feel like I am going to fail, I don't do that rep. Or I do it, and do the roll of shame...since I have no shame, lol. I have only had a spotter like twice since I've started at my gym. :cry:

    Sarah - I deadlifted barefoot once, I got a couple weird looks...but oh, well. It was deadlift day, and I didn't have my weight shoes with me, just my running shoes...which are too thick/squishy for me. So, I just kicked them off. It was awesome! I usually lift in my new balance minimus, but I would like trying to squat barefoot...
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Sare, I lift in my Converse One Stars that I got from Tarjay...a bit cheaper than actual Chucks.

    Speaking of, I was such a hot mess on Tuesday...I forgot socks and a pony-holder. Fortunately, I had some bobby pins that held my hair back, but I lifted in my Cons sans socks...it was strange.

    I'm heading to the gym during my plan today...this will make 3 trips to the gym in a week, which hasn't happened in a long-azz time.
  • chocolatecroissant
    chocolatecroissant Posts: 155 Member
    Conquer the mind and you will conquer the body! YOU CAN DO THIS!
    I'm saving that quote. Great! Very inspirational. :-)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I think I said this before, but I feel like my squats are best in my Converse and my deadlifts can go either way but I might actually prefer bare feet. But really aside from Squats I don't find a big difference between the two - I've never done any of it in real shoes though. I don't even own real shoes. Hate em. I never wear shoes if I can avoid it, I wear flipflops or my Vibrams. But squatting in a hard soled shoe is really so superior.

    A_v - next time you go for a PR I'd probably do less test reps - you had done so much work close to your 1rm that by the time you got up to 180 you were probably just too tired. next time go stragiht to 180 (After warmup) and see if you can do it.
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Sare, I lift in my Converse One Stars that I got from Tarjay...a bit cheaper than actual Chucks.

    Oh yeah, I'm not going to get a pair of John Varvatos or anything. (We have enough of those in our house. :grumble: ) AHEM. Anyway, I was going to pick up a pair of Converse at Tarjay. Is there an echo in here? :drinker:

    Great job getting there! I left my socks at home once and ran three miles. Grossness.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Conquer the mind and you will conquer the body! YOU CAN DO THIS!
    I'm saving that quote. Great! Very inspirational. :-)

    Thank you :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Sare, I lift in my Converse One Stars that I got from Tarjay...a bit cheaper than actual Chucks.

    Oh yeah, I'm not going to get a pair of John Varvatos or anything. (We have enough of those in our house. :grumble: ) AHEM. Anyway, I was going to pick up a pair of Converse at Tarjay. Is there an echo in here? :drinker:

    Great job getting there! I left my socks at home once and ran three miles. Grossness.

    *whispers* mine are from tarjay too.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    Yay for Tarjay! Helping the women of MFP get strong and bad-as$ one pair of shoes at a time.

    Yeah, my plan to do a double progressive workout, keeping at it until I could do 3 reps of 16 ain't gonna happen. One of the things I love about SL is the simplicity and I realized that I was mucking it up.

    Squats: 3x8 85
    Bench: 5x5 70
    Rows: 5x5 65

    Gah, I see so much stupid asshattery at the gym sometimes, I just want to yell and the stupid HS boys and their stupid dads and tell them, "You're doing it wrong!" so many times. *smh*
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Good evening Ladies!

    Question for everyone tonight and I'm not sure if anyone will know the answer, but I figured I would try here before I go to the main boards :)

    Awhile back a male friend of mine that trains pretty hard told me that his "trainer" said that deadlifting more than once per month is far too hard on your body. I just kind of ignored it and replied with something about form and weight and that it's a solid exercise that is one of the big 6. Then tonight I read a comment from Martin Berkhan (LeanGains) that essentially said the same thing....that he deadlifts very sparingly as well. Now I'm not disputing SL or Starting Strength as I do believe that Rippetoe has put DL similarly in his program, but what do you make of this thought process?

    Don't get me wrong....I love to DL and have seen nothing but great things from it, so I intend to keep it up....but in my little sponge brain, I can't help but want more information!

    Hope you are all having a great night!
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    In my totally uninformed opinion :laugh: ... I deadlift around 105ish now and it feels like one of the easiest things I do. This HAS to be dependent on how much you are lifting, clearly. Maybe it gets far more intense as the weight increases?

    PS - What is the "lift" where you put the bar across your shoulders and then bend and stick your *kitten* out with straight legs? Because the little ladies in my gym were doing that this morning and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Ugh, this morning I realized it takes me longer to track down all the weights I stack up to do rows and deadlifts than to actually do the exercises. If only people could learn to rack weights (and put them in the correct spot).
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    In my totally uninformed opinion :laugh: ... I deadlift around 105ish now and it feels like one of the easiest things I do. This HAS to be dependent on how much you are lifting, clearly. Maybe it gets far more intense as the weight increases?

    PS - What is the "lift" where you put the bar across your shoulders and then bend and stick your *kitten* out with straight legs? Because the little ladies in my gym were doing that this morning and I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

    I know...I feel the same way....like the DL is challenging now at 135# for me, but nothing ridiculous! I think that exercise is called a Good Morning, but I might be wrong!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Well Ladies, I have to say that I am horribly frustrated this morning and I just don't know what to do. I seriously cried during my workout which is clearly not a great idea :(

    It has been 4 weeks since I last stepped on the scale, took measurements, all that good stuff.

    Not only did I gain 4lbs in scale weight, which I could deal with easily enough, but my measurements went UP. All except my chest.

    I am busting my *kitten* 6 days/week. I track every calorie except for a free meal I usually have once/week. Even over the holidays I worked out every day and I probably did overeat, but not enough for this. I stay usually within 1700-1800 calories/day and I do eat clean for the most part....protein is the focus of everything I eat for the most part.

    I have been stalled like this for months now....I'm not talking just these last 4 weeks.....I really can't remember the last time I saw any sort of significant movement anywhere, scale or measuring tape.

    I swear my body is changing and that good things are happening but let's face it, I still have weight to lose and hitting this wall is really starting to do a number on the mental component.

    I don't know what to do!!!!
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Well Ladies, I have to say that I am horribly frustrated this morning and I just don't know what to do. I seriously cried during my workout which is clearly not a great idea :(

    It has been 4 weeks since I last stepped on the scale, took measurements, all that good stuff.

    Not only did I gain 4lbs in scale weight, which I could deal with easily enough, but my measurements went UP. All except my chest.

    I am busting my *kitten* 6 days/week. I track every calorie except for a free meal I usually have once/week. Even over the holidays I worked out every day and I probably did overeat, but not enough for this. I stay usually within 1700-1800 calories/day and I do eat clean for the most part....protein is the focus of everything I eat for the most part.

    I have been stalled like this for months now....I'm not talking just these last 4 weeks.....I really can't remember the last time I saw any sort of significant movement anywhere, scale or measuring tape.

    I swear my body is changing and that good things are happening but let's face it, I still have weight to lose and hitting this wall is really starting to do a number on the mental component.

    I don't know what to do!!!!

    If you figure it out - I'd love to know - cause I"m in the same boat with my weight. Sure I've lost inches in my waist - but that's it. I haven't lost anything in my thighs, and trust me, my thighs could use it.....actually all of me could. I haven't gone down in weight at all either and tend to eat 1800 a day as well. I also do cardio 3x a week in addition to lifting - I'm eating right around where TDEE says I should. So not sure why I'm not losing.....I seriously have like 50 lbs to lose, too. Ridiculous.....

    So my response wasn't so much to say i have answers or ideas - but that I get it, and I can commiserate with you.