January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned this before but I am actually a fan of LeanGains and Martin Berkhan. He can (as most of these trainers) be a little much at times, but I really like his philosophies (similar to the way I like Nia) because they are normal. I just came across an old article about him and for some reason reading these tips today really resonated with me and this journey that we are on being that we are lifters (YAY BADASS BABY!) so I thought I would share :smile:


    I also like Martin - sometimes the way he writes is not the BEST (I assume because English isn't his first language) in that the tone comes off a little odd but he's overall hilarious and tells the truth as he sees it. I'm really sorry he's dropping out of posting, but he hadn't posted in ages annnnyway so I guess I won't miss it much.

    And Nia too although I don't really like what she's been posting since she put out her program and started marketing it more aggressively, its become really sales-y feeling. There's still good content there though, just a little bit of crap to filter through. Her older stuff is better.

    I wanted to like girlsgonestrong more than I do - its a little too rah-rah girlsgirls! for my personality. But that's just me, I'm not that personally invested in girldom.

    I really like GoKaleo though - she's a lifter although I'd say she posts more about body image and exercise in general than anything.

    I totally want to rename this to badass *****es. Maybe that should be the feb thread.

    I agree that it's too bad that Martin won't be posting for awhile but I do respect his reasoning why.....it's a shame that others are too lazy to come up with their own philosophies that they have to make money off others ideas.

    I do agree with Nia becoming more sales-y but overall it doesn't bother me so much because her theories are solid and she promotes an overall healthy lifestyle rather than many of the fad diets that we see everywhere. Although with that being said, I did start my journey by using the Body by Vi shakes, so I would be a hypocrite if I started slamming them....although my outlook has changed drastically.

    I actually do like the message that Girls Gone Strong promotes because they are real women....that have fantastic physiques and they eat and lift heavy ****. I think that we are starting to see a real shift in the paradigm in regards to how women *can* workout and what exactly will get them the bodies they want. Right now it's just starting and pretty soon it will be overkill but hopefully it will really change things for a lot of ladies. I know it did for me as I only started to buy into this stuff like 7 months ago.

    Ultimately the reason I posted that link is because it talks about the journey....and it being imperative to eat and lift. I don't know why, as it's something that I know, but seeing Martin talk about it, just like that....so easy....when he lives day to day at 6% BF.....well it kind of shifted my thinking a bit to be honest. Almost like a slight kick in the *kitten*, if that makes sense.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Oh and I like GoKaleo too....she also promotes a very balanced, healthy lifestyle which I love :)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Oh and I like GoKaleo too....she also promotes a very balanced, healthy lifestyle which I love :)

    She (like Martin) maintains a very fit and lean physique without a TON of craziness. She doesn't do much cardio and she eats a TON.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member

    Hiitme you are like an energizer bunny. Nothing stops you! You know what else has tons of potassium. The mighty potato! People hate on potatoes, but they are one of the highest potassium foods. Also they are delicious. You can cook them more ways than Bubba cooks shrimp. Make sure you eat the skin though.

    HARDLY the energizer bunny, in fact Im quite lazy.....I work off momentum.... so as long as I keep going, I can keep going.... if I stop, its takes nearly an act of God to get me going again....

    thanks for the advice on potato... I had been doing low carb but need to increase both carbs and calories to fuel these workouts so a baked potato is a win-win...

    I couldnt wait til Monday to do "A" day.... i felt pretty good.... wasnt able to do 65 on barbell row though....but I completed the workout plus did some machine work (seated leg press, hip adductors)

    so my OCD brain isnt pleased but my body is....
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So hmmmm there might be something to this whole eating more thing after all because for some reason my lifts felt pretty damn good this morning!

    Squat @ 120# felt great....and I was anticipating having a struggle with it so now there is no doubt about going to 125# next workout. Same thing with my rows at 85#.....that had been where I got stuck awhile ago but this morning it felt pretty great! Still stalled on BP @ 57# though but I know I'll smash it next workout!

    Feeling pretty BADASS I must say!

    Combination of more calories and no hiit or tabata this week? Not sure what is going on but I think I will carry it into next week :happy:
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Hey Vegas - thanks for the link, it does have some pretty good points!

    I like GGS and have been on GoKaleo once or twice - I should spend more time on there.

    I woke up with middle back and glute DOMS this morning, and slight arms stiffness form OHPs a couple days ago. It made me really happy, since its been months since I have really been sore.:drinker:

    Today is my Sunday, so I have to figure out what to cook in bulk today for work lunches. I also need to figure out dinner...I'd like to use the crock pot for something, but all my meats are frozen right now. I would also like to make some Jamie Eason mini-Turkey Meatloaves (amazing), but stupid frozen turkey :grumble:

    I am not sure if today will be a rest day or if today will be 5/3/1 on bench. I guess it depends on what hubz wants to do - he didn't get home from work until like 0430, so I don't know how long he will be sleeping today.
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member

    Zulily has some awesome workout gear right now...
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Hey Vegas - thanks for the link, it does have some pretty good points!

    I like GGS and have been on GoKaleo once or twice - I should spend more time on there.

    I woke up with middle back and glute DOMS this morning, and slight arms stiffness form OHPs a couple days ago. It made me really happy, since its been months since I have really been sore.:drinker:

    Today is my Sunday, so I have to figure out what to cook in bulk today for work lunches. I also need to figure out dinner...I'd like to use the crock pot for something, but all my meats are frozen right now. I would also like to make some Jamie Eason mini-Turkey Meatloaves (amazing), but stupid frozen turkey :grumble:

    I am not sure if today will be a rest day or if today will be 5/3/1 on bench. I guess it depends on what hubz wants to do - he didn't get home from work until like 0430, so I don't know how long he will be sleeping today.

    Ironic that you were just saying you hadn't had DOMS in forever and miss it :laugh:

    I just made a recipe I found in the main forums for a chicken and broccoli casserole. It's really tasty and you could really batch it up. I did use the low sodium cream of mushroom soup *gasp* however you could use greek or plain yogurt and use some spices to add some flavor. You could also easily add more veg too.

    I like to do a sweet and sour chicken in the crockpot. You just throw the frozen chicken breast in with catalina dressing and sugar free apricot jam. About 45 min left and I thrown in a bunch of pepper and some pineapple. Great with quinoa!
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member

    I like to do a sweet and sour chicken in the crockpot. You just throw the frozen chicken breast in with catalina dressing and sugar free apricot jam. About 45 min left and I thrown in a bunch of pepper and some pineapple. Great with quinoa!

    Sounds pretty tasty. I was planning on doing quinoa this week as my grain...I might have to look into doing an Asian style chicken crock pot adventure.

    Dumb Q, but what is catalina dressing? lol
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member

    I like to do a sweet and sour chicken in the crockpot. You just throw the frozen chicken breast in with catalina dressing and sugar free apricot jam. About 45 min left and I thrown in a bunch of pepper and some pineapple. Great with quinoa!

    Sounds pretty tasty. I was planning on doing quinoa this week as my grain...I might have to look into doing an Asian style chicken crock pot adventure.

    Dumb Q, but what is catalina dressing? lol

    Haha maybe it's just in Canada? It's a Kraft salad dressing! It's red and....well....I don't really know what it tastes like alone because I only eat it in this recipe lol

    I also found a General Tso's chicken recipe in the main forums awhile back....I made it a couple of weeks ago and it was also quite nice :)
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    I decided on Skinny Taste Crock Pot Santa Fe Chicken, as I am too lazy to go the store - and I have all the needed ingredients on hand. Maybe next week will be Asian-style! Is Catalina like French Dressing maybe? Its red too, lol.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I decided on Skinny Taste Crock Pot Santa Fe Chicken, as I am too lazy to go the store - and I have all the needed ingredients on hand. Maybe next week will be Asian-style! Is Catalina like French Dressing maybe? Its red too, lol.

    It's not just in Canada! (Even though some would argue MI pretty much is Canada.) It is basically french dressing. There is some slight variation to make it different, but no one knows what it is.

    I'm so happy I got to go to gym last night. I thought the DOMS would be way worse, but I'm mostly fine. I mean I'm sore, but not the brace-yourself-to-sit-down-to-pee sore. I did workout A and deloaded squat to 75lb which was fine with a knee brace >.> I kept my BP and Row the same as last time at 75. I added in some glute bridges at 55# and the bar is starting to hurt my hip bones at that weight. Might have to track down the pad for next time. /wuss

    Back to baked potatoes. I think the best baked potatoes are mine. Soooooooooo modest. For a really crispy skin if you're into that kind of thing I rub with coconut oil. Then sprinkle with sea salt and bake on the rack at 425 for 1hr15 minutes for a larger potato, or 1hr for a smaller one. The secret is in the coconut oil. You'll thank me later.
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    quick newbie question:

    my SL app is telling me to add 5 pounds for next workouts or the squats . the bar is 35. I put 5 pound plates on each side to make it 45 pounds. Does the app mean for me to add 5 pounds to each side making it 55pounds next? for OHP it tells me to add 2-1/2 pounds. I don't think my gym had that size plates. I've never seen them if so. So what do I do? it tells me to add 5 for BR too hmmmm

    ETA: I just looked at next session and figured out part of the answer. it says my squat should be at 50 pounds meaning 2.5 added on each ....

    Are there 7.5 pound plates so I can add one to each side of the 35 lb bar? I guess I need to look closer at the weights of the various plates
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    quick newbie question:

    my SL app is telling me to add 5 pounds for next workouts or the squats . the bar is 35. I put 5 pound plates on each side to make it 45 pounds. Does the app mean for me to add 5 pounds to each side making it 55pounds next? for OHP it tells me to add 2-1/2 pounds. I don't think my gym had that size plates. I've never seen them if so. So what do I do? it tells me to add 5 for BR too hmmmm

    ETA: I just looked at next session and figured out part of the answer. it says my squat should be at 50 pounds meaning 2.5 added on each are there 7.5 pound plates so I can add one to each side of the 35 lb bar? I guess I need to look closer at the weights of the various plates

    Plates normally come in 2.5, 5, 10, 25, 35, and 45 lb increments. I've heard some gyms don't have 2.5 lb plates, but you can get your own fractional plates or get some 2" washers and tape them together for desired weight. I have actual fractional plates, but I'm sure you can google the proper taping technique if you get the washers. Good luck =)
  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    You'll do a 5 and a 2.5...
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I'm a little obsessive about reading about fitness and nutrition and someone on the main forums started a thread with a link to a website called www.aworkoutroutine.com.

    Yeah I love this guy.

    The only thing I don't like is that he has ZERO pictures of himself.....so really you have no idea if he practices what he preaches but boy, he does a good job of putting all the stuff we believe into English and easy to understand articles! I highly recommend taking a cruise around his site....even if it's just for reminders!

    As for the Catalina dressing....I know for sure we have French dressing here in Canada too but I have no idea what the difference between the 2 is......I say try French and see what happens lol

    Oh and I also made my first ever protein pancake today.....SO EFFING GOOD! I'm totally hooked! 340 calories and 40g of protein YAY BABY!

    ****yes this is how bored I am on a Saturday afternoon. Why did I decide to start dating a guy that works up north 3 weeks out of 4? Alberta Girl Problems (which probably only fellow Canadians will understand lol)***
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    quick newbie question:

    my SL app is telling me to add 5 pounds for next workouts or the squats . the bar is 35. I put 5 pound plates on each side to make it 45 pounds. Does the app mean for me to add 5 pounds to each side making it 55pounds next? for OHP it tells me to add 2-1/2 pounds. I don't think my gym had that size plates. I've never seen them if so. So what do I do? it tells me to add 5 for BR too hmmmm

    ETA: I just looked at next session and figured out part of the answer. it says my squat should be at 50 pounds meaning 2.5 added on each ....

    Are there 7.5 pound plates so I can add one to each side of the 35 lb bar? I guess I need to look closer at the weights of the various plates

    It's 5# overall....so 2.5# per side and for 2.5# overall you would do 1.25# per side. Depending on where you live, you can buy fractional plates however I'm in Canada and couldn't get them here (well eBay had a set but I really wasn't prepared to pay that much). I also had no luck finding the 2" washers so I actually bought rolls of masking tape, believe it or not. They are 0.5# each and work like a dream. Now luckily I have a home gym so no one actually has to SEE me using them :laugh:
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    Wooooot! I finally lifted after - ugh! - two weeks!!! It felt amazing. It was a good session - I dropped weight a little bit but I felt so much better on my row form. SOOO much better. I managed 5x5 squats with the bar, with none of that pain. I do want to get a knee brace though, and I am going to try only increasing my weight on them once a week. I threw in hip adductor and abductor in hopes of supporting the squats. Did some core work and push ups. Great day!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Wooooot! I finally lifted after - ugh! - two weeks!!! It felt amazing. It was a good session - I dropped weight a little bit but I felt so much better on my row form. SOOO much better. I managed 5x5 squats with the bar, with none of that pain. I do want to get a knee brace though, and I am going to try only increasing my weight on them once a week. I threw in hip adductor and abductor in hopes of supporting the squats. Did some core work and push ups. Great day!

    YAY!!! No pain! Great news :)
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Oh and I also made my first ever protein pancake today.....SO EFFING GOOD! I'm totally hooked! 340 calories and 40g of protein YAY BABY!

    ****yes this is how bored I am on a Saturday afternoon. Why did I decide to start dating a guy that works up north 3 weeks out of 4? Alberta Girl Problems (which probably only fellow Canadians will understand lol)***

    Hm, I really need to think about investing in protein powder and using it in recipes. One of the guys on my friends list posts a new protein recipe every day on his blog. Hmm.

    And for the working up north, down in the south that's probably equivalent to dating someone who works offshore. Not that I'm dating anyone at all...