January Check in and Chat - HAPPY NEW YEAR!!



  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Holy DOMS- Hamstrings Batman!! they hurt worse today than yesterday, my rest day... not gonna stop my workout tonight though....
    Ive been watching that "So you think you can lift/squat" video on youtube.... its driving me crazy that I have to wait til tonight to get to the gym to work on my form/squat

    Anyone know much about potassium and it relates to lifting? I read somewhere that if you are particularly sore, taking potassium sups may help....
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Holy DOMS- Hamstrings Batman!! they hurt worse today than yesterday, my rest day... not gonna stop my workout tonight though....
    Ive been watching that "So you think you can lift/squat" video on youtube.... its driving me crazy that I have to wait til tonight to get to the gym to work on my form/squat

    Anyone know much about potassium and it relates to lifting? I read somewhere that if you are particularly sore, taking potassium sups may help....

    In general potassium is recommended to help with sore muscles - even for runners. I used to eat tons of bananas when I did more running and it always seemed to help if I had high mileage one day. I say it can never hur!.

    Ok - so I'm thinking that I"m going to transition to Wendler as well after my wedding. So I'm glad that Vette has so I can soak up all the knowledge Tameko and Vette and spewing on this. I'm at around 12 weeks right now for SL - but I don't want to change it up right now with my schedule going all wonky.

    I've been sniffing around the different links and websites - looking up what my lifts should be.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I am also considering 5/3/1 when I'm done this round of SL, so I'm with Darwin on finding Vette's transition in very informational!

    Just out of curiosity though, has anyone heard anything about any of Nia Shanks workouts? That's another route that I'm considering as I really LOVE her approach....everything she says just makes sense. Not to mention the fact that she is one badass chick!

  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member

    What did you pick for assistance vette? Are you doing a triumvirate template?

    Since I am trying to "bulk", I went with the BBB template. Someone emailed me suggesting that instead of doing OHP, then OHP assistance work...do the bench press instead, so I am still training each lift twice per week. I don't know if I want to go that route or just follow it as written.

    Core work sucks. I tried a dip last night too...I couldn't get back up. And the only thing that saved me during the 5x10 was taking a break after my third set to coach hubz on his deadlift. So I had a good breather :happy:
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    What did you pick for assistance vette? Are you doing a triumvirate template?

    Since I am trying to "bulk", I went with the BBB template. Someone emailed me suggesting that instead of doing OHP, then OHP assistance work...do the bench press instead, so I am still training each lift twice per week. I don't know if I want to go that route or just follow it as written.

    Core work sucks. I tried a dip last night too...I couldn't get back up. And the only thing that saved me during the 5x10 was taking a break after my third set to coach hubz on his deadlift. So I had a good breather :happy:

    If you don't feel like you're getting good results from BBB you can switch it around a little - just plan to hit all the muscles, yanno? we're doing the 4 day a week schedule, but Nick is doing the schedule where every week you do 1 day of 5/5/5, 1 day of 3/3/3, 1 day of 5/3/1, and 1 day of deload. (so for example, you ohp 3x5, then squat 3x3, then bench 5/3/1, then deload squat, and then the next week its 3x3 ohp, 5/3/1 squat, deload bench, and 3x5 squat.) He loves it, because sometimes he doubles up the deloaded squats with another day, I'm not sure if it would work for me and I sort of like the 'relief' of know what week it is?

    You can also do 3/5/1 - that's a fomat in his powerlifting book. So you do your 3 week, your 5 week, then your 5/3/1 week with the idea that you're doing heavy-light-heavy-light rather than light-light-heavy-heavy
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    Squats - 45lbs after a 45 min cycle (deload from 53lbs). Given the way my knee felt after I ran on Weds, I'm more than happy with this.
    Overhead - 30lbs
    Deadlift - 105lbs I've finally figured out that the screw collars weigh 2.5*kg* each, so there was one lift earlier in my programme where I accidentally added 5kg to the weight I thought I was doing!

    I'm getting to really love that post-lift feeling of...dunno. Not soreness, not acheyness, just knowing that my muscles have been working, but could have done a bit more. You ladies know what I mean, right?
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Squats - 45lbs after a 45 min cycle (deload from 53lbs). Given the way my knee felt after I ran on Weds, I'm more than happy with this.
    Overhead - 30lbs
    Deadlift - 105lbs I've finally figured out that the screw collars weigh 2.5*kg* each, so there was one lift earlier in my programme where I accidentally added 5kg to the weight I thought I was doing!

    I'm getting to really love that post-lift feeling of...dunno. Not soreness, not acheyness, just knowing that my muscles have been working, but could have done a bit more. You ladies know what I mean, right?

    That feeling? After you finish lifting? There is a technical term for it......it's called.....BADASS!

    And yeah, I TOTALLY know what you mean :bigsmile:
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    Squats - 45lbs after a 45 min cycle (deload from 53lbs). Given the way my knee felt after I ran on Weds, I'm more than happy with this.
    Overhead - 30lbs
    Deadlift - 105lbs I've finally figured out that the screw collars weigh 2.5*kg* each, so there was one lift earlier in my programme where I accidentally added 5kg to the weight I thought I was doing!

    I'm getting to really love that post-lift feeling of...dunno. Not soreness, not acheyness, just knowing that my muscles have been working, but could have done a bit more. You ladies know what I mean, right?

    I love it!! Addicted! I'll go with badass too !!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    So OK. I don't know HOW or where....cause I honestly don't see it.....but I measured myself today and it says my waist is down 3 inches from Jan 11....BLOAT??? Who knows??? So I took a picture and since you ladies are honest.....I will actually say that I feel my arms are definitely getting better!!! Oh and the picture from today (blue shirt) has the addition of a bra :D


    Yes I agree! definitely smoother and leaner in the belly!! And your arms do look great!
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    squatted 105, 5x5
    Bench 85, 55544
    Tried Row 90 did a couple and then decided that it was too much and went back down to 85.

    How do you guys respond to several posts on one post? I can never remember who said what by the time I am writing my own post.
  • fisherlassie
    fisherlassie Posts: 542 Member
    @Fisher: goblet squats are basically a front squat where you hold a dumbbell in your hands at chest level...like you're holding a goblet.

    Ugh. I just spent the WORST 90 minutes with my 2 kids and the neighbor kid. I usually have grad school class on Weds. night, but our professor was doing something at the circuit court, so she cancelled class. My advisor, however, made us meet with her to go over the comps that we'll have to do in order to graduate. So, after school, I got my daughter from ballet, got my son and the neighbor from school, drove 25 minutes to the meeting, sat in the meeting for 30 minutes--where she read to us. Awesome. Then, back in the car for 30 minutes (in evening traffic, which blows.) The kids were b!tching at each other the entire.time.

    I was contemplating skipping my lifting session tonight, but it might help my crabbiness. :laugh:

    My son has been having a rough time too and therefore i have been having a hard time. i have been excessively crabby too. i jumped down their throats this morning when they were interrupting my lifting. I hope you did yours and are feeling better. I guess I'll see later on!
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    squatted 105, 5x5
    Bench 85, 55544
    Tried Row 90 did a couple and then decided that it was too much and went back down to 85.

    How do you guys respond to several posts on one post? I can never remember who said what by the time I am writing my own post.

    The power of tabs. I just open my response in a different tab (middle mouse click in chrome) then I can look over the thread in the original tab.

    Autocorrect has nothing on Swypos. For those not familiar swype is a method of typing on android where you drag your finger in a connect the dots type way to make a word. So instead of getting break and bread you get break and veal. My old phone's voice to text never understood gym and I would always text people I was going to Jim's. I saw him a lot. Good thing my bf didn't have an issue with it.

    Zoreena welcome and good luck with your trainer tomorrow.

    Hiitme you are like an energizer bunny. Nothing stops you! You know what else has tons of potassium. The mighty potato! People hate on potatoes, but they are one of the highest potassium foods. Also they are delicious. You can cook them more ways than Bubba cooks shrimp. Make sure you eat the skin though.
  • a_vettestingray
    a_vettestingray Posts: 654 Member
    Real quick before I chow down on some lunch, and before I forget how...badass (?) I feel.

    5x10 Hanging Leg Raises (I used the roman chair)

    50 DEADS ARE NO EFFING JOKE - holy *kitten*, I'm pooped.

    Whoever thought this was a good idea? :grumble: But I set a rep record:drinker: !

    Now I go eat.
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    I didn't know who Nia Shanks was, but I just looked her up and she looks pretty freaking awesome. I also like that she doesn't have breast implants. I'm not anti-boobs. I think every woman has the right to do what she wants with her body, and if implants make her feel awesome then she should go for it. With that being said- I do find it refreshing to see a woman in fitness without them. Especially when sub-muscular implants (forget the technical term) really impact how you can train your chest muscles, and take forever to recover. I find it odd that so many women in fitness go the implant route when it directly impacts their fitness. I mean you don't see many concert pianists with SWV nails. Her website is a little cheesy though- like the female Mehdi.
  • xidia
    xidia Posts: 606 Member
    That feeling? After you finish lifting? There is a technical term for it......it's called.....BADASS!

    And yeah, I TOTALLY know what you mean :bigsmile:

    BADASS for the win.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    I didn't know who Nia Shanks was, but I just looked her up and she looks pretty freaking awesome. I also like that she doesn't have breast implants. I'm not anti-boobs. I think every woman has the right to do what she wants with her body, and if implants make her feel awesome then she should go for it. With that being said- I do find it refreshing to see a woman in fitness without them. Especially when sub-muscular implants (forget the technical term) really impact how you can train your chest muscles, and take forever to recover. I find it odd that so many women in fitness go the implant route when it directly impacts their fitness. I mean you don't see many concert pianists with SWV nails. Her website is a little cheesy though- like the female Mehdi.

    lol Yeah her website is cheesy....she is actually in the process of re-doing it but the content in there is effing awesome. If you are on Facebook there is also group called Girls Go Strong which is Nia and a group of other badass female trainers that are REAL and have probably the bodies that we are aspire for....I'm guessing on that one. I really buy what she sells because it just makes sense!
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    So I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned this before but I am actually a fan of LeanGains and Martin Berkhan. He can (as most of these trainers) be a little much at times, but I really like his philosophies (similar to the way I like Nia) because they are normal. I just came across an old article about him and for some reason reading these tips today really resonated with me and this journey that we are on being that we are lifters (YAY BADASS BABY!) so I thought I would share :smile:

  • extraordinary_machine
    extraordinary_machine Posts: 3,028 Member
    We should change the name of our group to "Badass B!tches." :laugh:

    Today was a rest day, so I walked up to my sons school to pick him up. Wheeee. I'm supposed to lift tomorrow, but I'm in an Ed Tech conference from 8-3:30...we're working through lunch. Oy. I guess I'll just eat my cals and hit my macros like it's a lift day, then I'll be FORCED to lift, right?
  • sarahz5
    sarahz5 Posts: 1,363 Member
    TOMORROW I AM FUNKING LIFTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ^it is said, thus it must be done.^ :wink:

    I am still in lolz at the idea that we can respect trainers for their normalcy. Lolz for truth.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    So I'm not sure if I have ever mentioned this before but I am actually a fan of LeanGains and Martin Berkhan. He can (as most of these trainers) be a little much at times, but I really like his philosophies (similar to the way I like Nia) because they are normal. I just came across an old article about him and for some reason reading these tips today really resonated with me and this journey that we are on being that we are lifters (YAY BADASS BABY!) so I thought I would share :smile:


    I also like Martin - sometimes the way he writes is not the BEST (I assume because English isn't his first language) in that the tone comes off a little odd but he's overall hilarious and tells the truth as he sees it. I'm really sorry he's dropping out of posting, but he hadn't posted in ages annnnyway so I guess I won't miss it much.

    And Nia too although I don't really like what she's been posting since she put out her program and started marketing it more aggressively, its become really sales-y feeling. There's still good content there though, just a little bit of crap to filter through. Her older stuff is better.

    I wanted to like girlsgonestrong more than I do - its a little too rah-rah girlsgirls! for my personality. But that's just me, I'm not that personally invested in girldom.

    I really like GoKaleo though - she's a lifter although I'd say she posts more about body image and exercise in general than anything.

    I totally want to rename this to badass *****es. Maybe that should be the feb thread.