No more Late Night Snacking - January 2013



  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    I thinks it's

    Me 21
    LNS 4

    Ish, but I'm losing count slightly :laugh:

    Well done everyone :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    LNS 14
    me 10*
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 25
    LNS: 0

    Been really busy...always glad to come in and say HI :smile:

    **Mar** CONGRATS on the weight coming is TOTALLY your dedication and no LNS...WTG:):)
    **Karen** Glad you are soo active here. YAY to Day 10 for YOU :):)
    **Kris** Hope you are feeling better :smile:
    **Beeps** YES you CAN :):)
    **Kate** You are doing a FANTASTIC job :):)
    **Zaza** **Dewdrop** **Cassie** Hope you are all doing okay :happy:

    Keep up the focus!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Me: 23
    LNS: 3

    I haven't been on computer since my back went out on Thurs. worse than ever before. I am so disappointed. I need to be on a plane in a week so I am hoping the back brace and muscle relaxers will speed up the recovery process so I can get to FL, see my family and fly home without too much difficulty or pain. My sister is flying in from Italy and I don't want to miss that!

    My husband has been an angel. Now, if I could just stop eating the wrong things or so much since I have gained so much weight and can't exercise. I have to eat w/the meds so my perfect record is going downhill fast. It's the least of my concerns at the moment. Just so frustrated. Don't know what I'm going to wear/pack that will be comfortable. And I can't even look since I can't even dress myself at moment.

    Oh well. I am just going to have to relax and enjoy doing nothing right now. Had a great nap yesterday afternoon. :laugh:
    Take care everyone. Time for me to move on - sitting is my least comfortable position.

  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    LNS 14
    me 11*
    went over yesterday during the day but did not eat after 8 pm

    zaza- hang in there....hoping your back settles down
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 22 - LNS: 5

    I think

    Zaza, I know how that feels like! :flowerforyou: I had the exact problem before a holiday (we also flew to our destination) and I couldn't get out of bed until a day or two before our trip. During which there was almost no reminder of my back pain. As if a magic hand had taken the pain away - which I think was really what it was! Hope your meds work and that you'll have the same experience as I had and will be able to fully enjoy the family reunion! :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    Well, my parents came for a visit - which was awesome because we didn't get to see them over Xmas. But, it meant "cards" night on Saturday, so, naturally, I had nibblies out ALL NIGHT. And, yep, I succumbed....

    Me: 22
    LNS: 5
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Was sick all weekend (finally feeling mostly better), but it made No LNS that much easier! BUT--my birthday in a few days so I may go crazy then :tongue:

    Until then, I'm going strong!

    Me: 27
    LNS: 0
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    LNS 14
    me 12*
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    LNS 15* :grumble: :grumble:
    Me 12

    did well during evening but often waking during night around 3 am and can't get to sleep. Stress eat..
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Me: 23 - LNS: 5

    I know, that sounds weird, but I'm not going to take my point away for having tasted a fruit yogurt (one teaspoon and didn't even like it).
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    Me: 23
    LNS: 5
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    Me: 28
    LNS: 0
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    ME: 28
    LNS: 0

    Continue to be pretty busy...and always glad to come in and say HI :smile: Glad I am a member of this group, especially today...wanted to LNS...but had to keep looking BEYOND eating in the moment...I still have my weak moments...sooo glad to be here :)

    Zaza...sorry to hear of your predicament. This month has FLOWN by. I *do* hope your back feels better. Life has its challenges, but we are here on MFP to support each other...through it ALL. Get better soon, and don't give up the fight to NOT LNS...You can *and* will do it...Thanks for being here!

    To All...I keep missing days checking in,...and it is sooo late here...just giving Hugs to everyone...and KEEP THE FAITH (big smile)...

    Keep up the focus!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,972 Member
    Me: 24
    LNS: 5

    I'm feeling pretty good about my January. It's not a PR, or anything, but, I'm pretty steady at just one LNS per week - and I'm totally fine with this! I never wanted to cut it out altogether - because that leads to all sorts of 'denial' issues for me. And, I think I've been pretty steady at the <6 LNS number for 6 or 8 months at this point.
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    My perfect streak is no more! Oh well--it was yummy and worth it! But the next two nights I'm out late so I'll end with 3 LNS. I am proud of that!

    Me: 28
    LNS: 1
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    LNS 15

    me 13*

    did ok last evening but not good during the day
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Great job everyone.....yes, even the birthday splurge. It's ok!!! I've ended the month on a role. I just love feeling light and empty for bed. Now I just don't want food!!! Thanks for your support and being here to help me when the food attacks do come!

    LNS 4
    Me: 25
  • totalhealth12
    totalhealth12 Posts: 212 Member
    I just found this group and so need this! Are you continuing the challenge in February ? If so, I'm in!
  • katemateg
    katemateg Posts: 334 Member
    Hi everyone :drinker:

    Zaza, poor you, hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    After a week of total gluttony last week, this week has been super healthy and I feel so much happier about it.:laugh:

    Last week although, as always, I ate healthy, decently portion sized meals my sugar consumption was ridiculous. On Sunday I tallied up the calories of all my sugary treats and it totalled approx 5400 cals!! I was so cross with myself but it made me determined to get back on track this week. Because I am slim and at maintenance and I run lots friends will defend my over eating and say its ok for me to eat like that for these reasons, but its not. No body needs that much sugar or un nutritious food in such whopper quantities.
    This week has been much, much better. Sometimes I find that as soon as I have got through just one day being healthier, it's so much easier to continue. I'm on a roll. :happy:
    With regards to LNS that's gone really well even with last weeks gluttony. I think I'm at

    LNS 4 :grumble:
    Me 26 :smile:

    Fab work everyone :drinker: