Summer Weight Loss Challenge



  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    SW: 184.8
    GW: 160

    March totals
    03/04: 176.1

    Weight loss for the week = 2
    Total loss = - 8.7
    Total fat loss % 4.71

    Started Month 2 of Insanity and it is INSANE! Still getting up early to get it in. It has been quite
    a challenge to get the kids off to school and get to work on time but getting a morning workout in
    actually energizes me.

    Let's keep up the great work ladies.

    GREAT JOB Lady!! Keep up the good work.
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    SW: 219

    March 4 - 216.8
    March 11 - 216.8
    March 18 -
    March 25 -
    March 31 -

    No loss this week. I think I'm going to stay off the scale for a couple of weeks. I'm getting obsessed, depressed and putting too much pressure on myself. My next weigh-in will be March 25th.

    I can totally understand. I'm weighing in once a month now because I had come to the point where I'd hop on the scale every single time I went to the bathroom. I think that stressing over the scale and obsessing over it, adds at least five pounds. :wink: Stay away from the scale for a while. I'm sure you'll see some changes soon.

    I totally agree with you. Every morning I'm stepping on the scale. I'm taking the battery out and hiding it! I may not weigh in until April 1st.
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Good afternoon ladies! Here is my check in for this week

    SW: 181
    CW: 174.5 (down 1 pound since last week)
    GW: 140

    NSV for this challenge:

    1. Fit into my size 10 suit for Easter Sunday (almost there I think )
    2. Exercise 3-5 x a week
    3. Work harder to stay within my daily calorie limits

    Official weigh in goals:
    2/21: 177.5 (met this one)
    4/21: 160
    6/21: 143

    Great job! :)
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    Weekly check in:
    SW: 184.8
    GW: 160

    March totals
    03/04: 176.1
    03/11: 174.2 (-1.9)

    Trying to focus on reducing sodium intake.

    I totally understand the obsession with the scale. It's so tempting to step on it
    every time I'd pass it. It's can be such an evil tool. I was stuck at losing and gaining
    the same 3 pounds for about 7 months. The best way to measure your progress it to use a tape measure
    and watch how your clothes fit.
  • syralife13
    syralife13 Posts: 5 Member
    Would like to join and get some accountability!!! Is the routine just to check in every Monday?
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    I too would like to join for some accountability. You all seem like a very encouraging bunch! I would like to preface my stats by saying my goals are more for toning, and replacing my fat lbs. with muscle, and losing inches in my thighs. I'm pear-shaped, and all of my fat is in my lower half. I'm at an OK weight, just too much jiggle going on in the thighs and triceps.

    SW: 135 as of 3/11/13
    CW: 137 ...weird
    GW: 120-125 or wherever the scale settles once I incorporate weights and cardio into my schedule regularly

    - Fit into Size 6 GAP jeans I wore 2 summers ago
    - See some muscle in my thighs, and wear shorts this summer without experiencing chaffing in my thighs
    - Looser fitting collared shirts in the arms (tricep area)
  • soosweet1920
    soosweet1920 Posts: 124 Member
    I too step on the scale way too much. If I stay off a day I am doing great. It changes way too much for me to be stressing so I need to check once a week max to see where I really stand...easier said than done!!
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Would like to join and get some accountability!!! Is the routine just to check in every Monday?

    Hey there! You are more than welcome to join us, and you can check in whenever you like as much as you like! :)
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    I too would like to join for some accountability. You all seem like a very encouraging bunch! I would like to preface my stats by saying my goals are more for toning, and replacing my fat lbs. with muscle, and losing inches in my thighs. I'm pear-shaped, and all of my fat is in my lower half. I'm at an OK weight, just too much jiggle going on in the thighs and triceps.

    SW: 135 as of 3/11/13
    CW: 137 ...weird
    GW: 120-125 or wherever the scale settles once I incorporate weights and cardio into my schedule regularly

    - Fit into Size 6 GAP jeans I wore 2 summers ago
    - See some muscle in my thighs, and wear shorts this summer without experiencing chaffing in my thighs
    - Looser fitting collared shirts in the arms (tricep area)

    All are welcome, no matter your goals, we're here to support and encourage one another! Please join us! :)
  • mamagirl49
    mamagirl49 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm not posting stats until month end, but had to stop in and get updated. I'm in awe of all of you and celebrate your successes and feel your pain on the challenges. You're all amazing! Keep up the good work!
  • CassieJTS
    CassieJTS Posts: 13
    This is wonderful, I really need to be more accountable and having a group will help me to remember that summer is just around the corner.

    SW: 187
    CW: 183
    GW: 155

    1. Look decent in a pair of shorts so that I don't have to wear jeans all summer
    2. Workout EVERY day, even if it's just a walk
    3. Take more pictures (and maybe even work up the confidence to share them!) because I'm sick of hiding from the camera and having no photos with friends or family
  • JDubbs339
    JDubbs339 Posts: 44 Member
    I too step on the scale way too much. If I stay off a day I am doing great. It changes way too much for me to be stressing so I need to check once a week max to see where I really stand...easier said than done!!

    I'm right there with you. I went on the scale this morning actually : / Tomorrow morning I'm going to take my measurements and post them on here. Then I wil update them in 2 weeks. Is two weeks enough time to see lasting change in my body?
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    Welcome CassieCJS!!!! :):flowerforyou:
  • Yana150
    Yana150 Posts: 226
    I too step on the scale way too much. If I stay off a day I am doing great. It changes way too much for me to be stressing so I need to check once a week max to see where I really stand...easier said than done!!

    I'm right there with you. I went on the scale this morning actually : / Tomorrow morning I'm going to take my measurements and post them on here. Then I wil update them in 2 weeks. Is two weeks enough time to see lasting change in my body?

    I think two weeks is good.
  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    I would love to join this 6/21 challenge!

    SW: 208
    CW: 154.3
    GW: 135-140

    Non scale goals:
    1. Drink 64 ounces of water daily
    2. Exercise 6 days a week
    3. Run another 5k (non-stop)

    My status updates will on Wednesday's, since this is the day I committed to the challenge!

    3/6: 154.3
    3/13: 152.7 (-1.6) Now I've been here before, the true goal is to get past this number!
  • ladylumps12
    ladylumps12 Posts: 12 Member
    Chips are the devil food for me too! If I even look at a chip I gain weight! lol Good will power!
  • ladylumps12
    ladylumps12 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm confused whats the challenge?
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,269 Member
    I'm confused whats the challenge?

    This is a continuation of a previous thread. The link below will take you to the beginning of the challenge. Our leader Yana's first post explains the challenge. Good luck!
  • klb1002
    klb1002 Posts: 19
    Hi Ladies,

    Just checking in. I didn't lose this week which I knew because I looked at my body and saw that I was holding on to the bloat! LOL
    It is that time of the month and I just let it be this week. I worked out twice so far and will be heading to Zumba fusion class tonight. Not sure what the fusion part is, but we will see. I normally workout with my Zumba DVD's at home, but I have 15 fitness classes at the gym, and decided to give it a try. I will try their strength class next week to see what it is about.

    Let's do it!!! :smile:
    Decide.Commit.Succeed (by Beachbody)
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Just checking in. I didn't lose this week which I knew because I looked at my body and saw that I was holding on to the bloat! LOL
    It is that time of the month and I just let it be this week. I worked out twice so far and will be heading to Zumba fusion class tonight. Not sure what the fusion part is, but we will see. I normally workout with my Zumba DVD's at home, but I have 15 fitness classes at the gym, and decided to give it a try. I will try their strength class next week to see what it is about.

    Let's do it!!! :smile:
    Decide.Commit.Succeed (by Beachbody)

    I LUV Zumba! It is my fun workout. Enjoy your class tonight. I think when you do it with a group it is much more fun than just doing the DVDs alone.