Chris' cut for Thailand trip



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Looks good! I worked legs yesterday and it took everything I had not to eat the entire house!

    I seem to get that everyday :tongue:

    7 February 2013
    BW 8kg

    Was training 2 clients this arvo and I felt that I needed more rest before my bench session so I just did my SOHP 55x10x3 sets.

    RIDICULOUS DOMS in lower abs from those ab wheel rollouts a few days ago. Glutes are on fire too so I'm lacking a bit in mobility at the moment haha.

    Then it was taco night with friends. Good times :)


    Elvis oats

    custard & pb scrolls

    taco goodness

    Cals 2523
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    9 February 2013
    BW 83.2kg

    WHOOP *kitten* DAY! Up early and went to Keola's bootcamp. Watched them do the fitness testing which was beep test and then bw exercises and a run. People nearly spewing already :P Then we went to the kickboxing gym and I did that class with them. Then it was my turn to run a class for work experience and I did an intro to strength training class. I taught deadlift, hang clean, press, bb squat, good morning and bent row. Then got them to do a few circuits of them. All went well :) Finished off with some bb walking lunges (50kg for 25m I did) and then suitcase carries. Feedback was good :)


    Very happy return to deadlifts after a few weeks off with a strained right trap. All seems good again.

    post kickboxing class handstands

    Now it is 10pm and I'm doing a semi all nighter. I've been asked to go and climb Mt Coolum about 15min before the boot camp people to scare the **** out of them! I just went and picked up my scream character costume. Can't farkin' wait haha. Watching movies, studying and wasting time on youtube all night. YEW!


    Choc proats with banana, berries and almonds

    Cals 2745
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Beast mode.

    Solid deads.

    Grunt/10. Nice grin at the top.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Beast mode.

    Solid deads.

    Grunt/10. Nice grin at the top.

    haha thanks mate.

    10 February 2013
    BW 83.8kg

    As I said, stayed up really late and climbed Mt Coolum by myself at 2am. Was a little scary listening to animal noises haha. Got to the top and I waited in the bushes for the bootcamp people to come. I was dressed up in my scream character costume :) They called for a minute of silence which was when I made my attack behind. To my dissappointment, I only got one scream! Good fun though.

    Rest of the day, sleeping and resting. Keola was dead too after 12 events in 1.5 days!

    home made okinomiyaki 54P/69C/4F

    Cals 2503
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    11 February 2013
    BW 83.9kg

    Rest day. Just went for a walk with the poodles, did a couple of muscle ups and human flags and then some mobility work. Other than that, lots of studying :)


    And I was going to have a typical 2500ish cal day but then I changed my mind. Had a fresh tub of PB. Thought, never eaten a whole tub of that before. Got started, got about half way through before I had to get a drink. So thick! Then decided to mix the rest with maple syrup and cinnamon. Dat dere fat intake.


    portuguese chicken & egg salad

    Portuguese chicken/veg stirfry and baked SP/pumpkin

    Cals 4906
  • what do you study? A whole jar of pb? Nice!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    doing my certificate 4 in fitness now which will allow me to get insurance and start my nutrition and training coaching business :smile:
  • that's fantastic..I'm sure you'll pass.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    3 out of 5 subjets done now. Not too long to go :smile:

    12 February 2013
    BW 84kg

    Just did 50% of 3sets of 8 of front squats, deadlifts, bench press, SOHP, bent rows and a few chinups. Then stuffed around on the bag for a bit.

    Also trained another client today. Big guy at about 100kg. I'm going to need more weights soon!

    22hr fast and then it was time for pancakes to celebrate International Pancake Day. Here is the total recipe I used.



    pumpkin protein pancakes topped with banana, yoghurt, blueberries, cinnamon and sf maple syrup

    Cals 1268
  • Was yesterday low to male up for the day before or are you doing ESE?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    to get closer to my 2500 average for the week goal :smile:
  • Ahhh got it! :)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    as well as that I know that I'll probably eat a bit extra on Friday because of deadlift comp on Saturday and on Saturday night LLL and I are going to mega Korean BBQ where cals WILL be consumed :happy:

    13 February 2013
    BW 83.5kg

    Very productive study day. Got all of my assessment done for subject 4 of 5 for Cert 4 in Fitness. Not passed yet but done at least.

    Then I made some WHOOP *kitten* protein brownies. Recipe is here

    And then I went to mma. This class was good as there weren't as many young people/noobs. Even though I haven't been for ages I still felt like I was picking things up fairly quickly. Half an hour of 3min rounds on the pads. Then about an hour of BJJ technique stuff. We did countering the butterfly guard, countering the butterfly guard sweep, setting up the nearside kimura by going for americana on the other arm, forearm slicer after they have defended the farside kimura.

    Then had a roll. 5 3min rounds. I got tapped by my trainer as expected haha. 2 rounds were even with 2 guys (no subs) and I got 2 subs on one guy and 3 on another. This fella was pretty fit and he is going in a BJJ comp soon and he was CHARGING at me but I could sort of tell that he was near his limit fitness wise. My best sub was when I swept him from the bottom, got to mount, let him push off, grabbed an arm and went for the arm bar, he defended that well and all in one rolling motion I switched it up and got a sweet triangle choke. Was quite chuffed with that one :P


    protein brownie 9P/11C/3F

    choc/cinnamon proats with banana, berries & almonds

    Cals 2987
  • Those brownies look Not even joking!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Those brownies look Not even joking!

    They are LEGIT! So good that I ate 3/4 of them as soon as they came out of the oven :laugh: I will typically look at the macros for a total recipe just in case I get peckish and eat it all at once.
  • Did you post a recipe for those?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    link is in my post!
  • Thanks. I think I need to make them!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    14 February 2013
    BW 82.3kg (no idea why so low)

    Big day of studying and then I had another new client. Was very happy with her progress for first session. Nugget and Nick were box squatting and both getting much better at sitting back. My mum and Kerrie trained together and that is working well as they are quite close on their weights already. My mum had another go at bb back squat as she normally front squats. (30kgx10) She said it felt much better and we will be able to start upping the weights again.

    I was bored during study time and decided to do 20 pushups every 12mins and then switch to squats on the hour. Ended up doing 300 of each. Then in the gym I just did my deload stuff. Some pause deadlifts at 90kg, 60kg bench, 50kg front squats and a few random things on the bar.
    Keola was so nice and got up crazy early to bake my some delicious dark chocolate filled protein cookies! Delicious! See below

    Random pic. This is how I stock my freezer. Lots of meat, frozen veggies, egg whites, frozen bananas, excess cottage cheese that I can't fit in the fridge, ice cream and ice cream maker. IIFYM :)


    Valentine's Day dark choc protein cookies

    taste tester basket

    portugues chilli chicken veg stirfry

    choc/pb banana parfaits

    Cals 3349
  • You freeze egg whites? Also, do you have any ice cream recipes? I have the same ice cream maker from the look of it. I'd live a recipe!!