Chris' cut for Thailand trip



  • So for your diet it's basically carb cycling--4.5 low, 1.5 high, 1 moderate? How did you figure out your Saturday carbs? Also, what's your M-Th look like in terms of deficit?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    So for your diet it's basically carb cycling--4.5 low, 1.5 high, 1 moderate? How did you figure out your Saturday carbs? Also, what's your M-Th look like in terms of deficit?

    It's all setup from UD2 guidelines based on protein required for LBM on low days. Cals are set at 50% of TDEE on low days. Saturday carbs are based off being fully depleted and then the amount required to replenish and supercompensate. (based off LBM also)
  • So for your diet it's basically carb cycling--4.5 low, 1.5 high, 1 moderate? How did you figure out your Saturday carbs? Also, what's your M-Th look like in terms of deficit?

    It's all setup from UD2 guidelines based on protein required for LBM on low days. Cals are set at 50% of TDEE on low days. Saturday carbs are based off being fully depleted and then the amount required to replenish and supercompensate. (based off LBM also)

    Ahh i see. That makes sense. 50% TDEE...I think I'd want to DIE. Lol. Okay, I wouldn't want to die but I'd want to hibernate.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    It's only 4 days :smile: And I know from past experimenting that I respond extremely well to cyclical keto/glycogen depletion dieting.
  • That's awesome! So, here goes nothing! You've got this!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Thanks Love :smile:

    And I just remembered I've got my S&C certification this weekend so I'll do tension workout Thursday and Power workout Friday. and carbload those days too.

    24 February 2013
    BW 83.7kg

    Went and climbed Mt Pomona with Keola and Muzz today. Was Muzz's first time in ages. I walked with them until we got to the stairs and then I seem to just get in a mood and just want to charge up it. Ended up getting up there in 24mins. Best is 19mins I think but that includes running from the start.



    Then went to the pub and met mma mates to watch UFC. It was "ladies day" because of first female fight in UFC so all the gf's came along as well. As usual, my tips were WAY off haha. Good day though.

    Then did some baking. Made some choc-coconut protein muffins which turned out pretty well.


    choc/coconut protein muffins

    braised roo & bacon/onion stuffed roasted pumpkin

    Cals 3242
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    25 February 2013
    BW 84.4kg

    Weekly results
    Abs calipers down from 16mm to 14mm
    waist measurement down from 82.7mm to 82.2mm

    DL's done for max reps in 90secs with my heaviest (green) resistance band. C&P also done for max reps in 90 seconds. 1min rest between everything. Supersetted most things. Did UDL's instead of front squats cause Muzz was doing them and I like em :p

    Probably won't bother with many food pics for low carb period as it will pretty much be the same. Big *kitten* tuna salad for breaky, bacon and egg white scramble for pre-workout, about 500g of meat and some fibrous veggies for dinner and jelly & protein sludge before bed.


    bacon & egg white scramble with peri peri sauce

    hoisin kanga banga stir fry

    Cals 1465
  • FoxyMcDeadlift
    FoxyMcDeadlift Posts: 771 Member
    Miring the intensity of your training and results!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Miring the intensity of your training and results!

    Thanks Foxy. Those deadlifts for 90seconds are farkin' killer. I'll take a vid next week.

    26 February 2013
    BW 83.4kg

    Depletion 2
    Chins were neutral grip, sumo DL's done from deficit with my heavy resistance band (same as yesterday). Ab wheel rollouts done with a pause at the bottom. Farkin' tough session.

    Also, I met some people from University of Sunshine Coast and I'll be doing some casual work in strategic analysis which should work well as I'm getting my business started. Start next Monday.


    bacon, spinach & egg white scramble with pineapple hot sauce

    lemon pepper/soy basa & veggies

    Cals 1469
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    27 February 2013
    BW 83.5kg

    Rest day. Needed it!

    Wrote a few articles for my website and then went to the sauna for some relax time. Was great!

    exactly the same as yesterday :p

    Cals 1451
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    28 February 2013
    BW 83.3kg

    sumo's were against hardest green band.

    Was in the gym for AGES today! I started my stuff at 3pm but didn't finish it by the time first clients got there so I had to spread it out. Got out of there at 7:30 or so.

    Today is setup as low carb for most of the day then some carbs pre workout, then commence refeed after.

    Girls training


    peri peri scrambled bacon/egg white salad

    cinnamon/maple creamed rice (600g cooked)

    Cals 2673
  • YAY for refeed. Anything planned for tomorrow's food fesT? Tomorrow is a full day refeed right?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    it is now today :smile: And it's all in my diary already. Will be some good pics :tongue:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    1 March 2013
    BW 83.3kg


    These sumo DL's were from deficit unlike the 200x4 I did a few weeks back. Form wasn't 100% though. Chins were neutral grip so a bit harder than supinated grip.

    Then did final handstand at the movies :p


    pumpkin/berry oats with banana, cinnamon & maple syrup

    pancakes with bacon and ice cream

    peri peri SP chips and JD bbq sauce (& another lot that were cinnamon maple)

    Domino's chicken napolitana

    Cals 4789
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    late edit

    Cals 5291
  • BOOM! Nice job. Man I wish I could eat 5000+ calories and see progress!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    don't speak too soon.

    2 March 2013
    BW 84.3kg

    Cals 2460

    3 March 2013
    Cals 3937

    I did the Australian S&C level 1 certification over the weekend. It was a really good course and learng a heap of stuff. Was mainly run by the head S&C coach for the Brisbane Broncos.

    4 March 2013
    BW 85.2kg

    chest 5mm
    abs 14mm
    thigh 6mm

    82.4cm waist

    Pretty much exactly the same as last week which is a bit dissapointing. Probably overate a bit on the "maintenance" weekend though. Will reassess for this week. Avg cals 2670, pretty much maintenance it seems.
  • handstands at the movies? is that a skirt i see? you guys are AWESOME! seriously! maybe your numbers will be different if you measure BEFORE your carb have more bloating and such after you've refilled your glycogen stores (at least I'd think some supercompensation is going on). In any case, you didn't regress and that's pretty good!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Skirt shorts thing :-P

    Yeah, yesterday was quite high carb so i expected the weight up but didn't rally think the measurements would be. I did Getty stronger though on Deadlifts which i want expecting so that is a good thing.

    Bday next Saturday so carb up will start on Friday night. Going to ptc to do strongman training Saturday morning and that is all i know.

    Oh and i started working at university of the sunshine coast in a position in strategic analysis today. Some work whilebusiness stuff is in initial stages.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    4 March 2013
    BW 85.2kg


    3 rep total PB from deadlifts last week :)
    Overhead press was with a tricep bar so very narrow grip.

    And here is the first set of deadlifts.

    Cals 1216