Chris' cut for Thailand trip



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    You freeze egg whites? Also, do you have any ice cream recipes? I have the same ice cream maker from the look of it. I'd live a recipe!!

    Buy frozen egg whites as I use heaps of them. Don't really make ice cream that often but generally milk and protein powder is the base :)

    16 February 2013
    BW 83.5 kg

    Cals 6000 estimated

    17 February 2013
    BW 84kg

    Yesterday I carb loaded well :) Fasted deadlift comp in the morning.

    Current PB is 220kg.
    Lift 1 215kg easy
    Lift 2 222.5kg easy
    Lift 3 227.5kg (500lbs) a bit hard but mainly because I didn't pull pack enough
    Lift 4 was a token lift not included in comp total. 235kg! Tought but felt good!

    I came 4th JUST! If I did the 235kg in the allowed lifts I think I would have came second. A 112kg dude pulled 300kg for the win.

    And Keola came first in the female class with this lift. She missed 130kg but this was a 2.5kg PB since NYE after 2 cycles of 5/3/1.

    And then we checked into hotel in Brisbane, hit up their spa/sauna and chilled out all arvo. Then went to our favourite Korean BBQ restaurant for mass feasting!

    After the comp I practiced some strongman stuff as well. Just a bit of log pressing. Got up to 70kg x5 clean and push press.


    17 February 2013

    Morning hotel gym session for a little bit. 1000m on the rower in 3min33s. No idea if that is good or not. Bit of shadow boxing with weights and some elliptical while overlooking the city.

    Recent EATS

    roo snag/veggie japanese curry

    korean bbq

    choc/peanut/mashed banana oats with blueberries

    Cals lots :)
  • Way to go to both you and Keola! That's awesome! Wow...sounds like an awesome carb load..what all did you eat? Ill try the milk and protein powder ice cream.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Way to go to both you and Keola! That's awesome! Wow...sounds like an awesome carb load..what all did you eat? Ill try the milk and protein powder ice cream.

    Thanks :smile:

    It was more of a calorie load. I just wanted lots of everything. Friday there was lots of oats, pb, 1L ice cream, pop tarts etc. etc. Worked well haha.

    Tip on ice cream making is if you want to add crunchier stuff to it just do with about a minute to go. Mine doesn't like the crunchy bits being in there too long.
  • I'm going to try it today. Ice cream! YAY!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    good luck :smile:

    18 February 2013
    BW 84.3 kg


    Bench was tough but I "just" made all my reps. PB for reps on bent row, first time I've made 8 Pendlay style. Band pushups were added for something different for tricep work and also first time since shoulder injury I've been able to do CG bench.


    slow cooked chicken/veggie dish with konnyaku noodles

    Cals 3280
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    19 February 2013
    BW 84.6 kg

    140kgx15 was meant to be x3x3 but I thought I'd just do them in one set and go hard. Lower back felt a bit tight after so I just did one set of good mornings and left it there. One more week of diggit then a few rest days then I'll go and test my squat and bench maxes at PTC.


    veggie fritatta with sriracha

    sweet potato chips

    mexican slow cooked roo chilli

    Cals 2109
  • eats look good.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    after those I had a lot of carbs as I couldn't get to sleep. 19th was 270P/653C/89F

    20 February 2013
    BW 85.1kg

    Rest day

    Spent majority of the day redoing my final exam for Cert 4. Eventually got it! (have to get 100%) Then Keola and my sister trained and I was crazy sore from squats so I hit the rumble roller and played around on the bag. At the end of the session, did some pad work with Keola and then just let her swing at me haha. Eventually she got me smack in the nose with a solid jab! At this point in time, I remembered that I should probably put my head gear on before we start!

    Now I was having an intentional low day because of yesterday's high day and all was going well. Was fasting for 22hrs today and all good. Went to bed and then woke up at 2am and I could NOT get back to sleep. Had to have 2 bowls of proats to fill me up. I know that I can't sleep when I'm hungry which is probably the main reason I do IF so I need to work out a plan so that when I do wake up in the middle of the night (which is common) I can have something that will fill me up and put me back to sleep. Bloody annoying!

    The worst bit is I know how important adequate sleep is to me and how **** my performances are when I don't get enough.

    Cals 2506
  • I'm confused...yesterday was 2100 wasn't it?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm confused...yesterday was 2100 wasn't it?

    was. Then I couldn't get to sleep so I ate lots of carbs. Slept bloody great after that. I think I need carbs specifically before bed to get me to sleep.
  • Ohh. I see. I think I might start doing ESE. We shall see about that. I have class from 8:30 till 3 so I'm going to try to fast for at least 21 hours (up to 24). I'm already done eating for the night so I'm hoping that by doing this I can have a hefty deficit. Then during the week I can have a modest deficit and still lose 1/2 to 2/3 pound a week.
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    Looks like everythings on track great job. We'll have to have a little shin-dig before you leave for Thailand. Also i am looking at going in the Power comp in April. So i might have to start eating again. lol.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Looks like everythings on track great job. We'll have to have a little shin-dig before you leave for Thailand. Also i am looking at going in the Power comp in April. So i might have to start eating again. lol.

    weight hasn't really decreased much but I've had more important things on my mind like getting strong as fuark :tongue:

    You talking about the GPC states at PTC? Or the strongman comp I'm going in at the gold coast? I can't wait for strongman comp. Events are atlas stones, farmer's walks, tyre flips, log press and max deadlifts in 90 secs.

    21 February 2013
    BW 85.4kg

    Spent majroity of the afternoon training people. All progressing well :) I just did a bit of random stuff like front squats, levers etc. Just to get some blood flow and try and speed up the recovery of these legs/glutes. I did attempt a leg raise (pike) to front lever. TOO DAMN HEAVY!

    We then had a few people over for stove top bbq night. Was a great night.


    bulgogi roo steak, kanga banga and various salads

    jelly, berries and vanilla ffgy sludge

    Cals 2490
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    The GPC state titles, Strong sounds like fun, I try come down for that see you in action.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    The GPC state titles, Strong sounds like fun, I try come down for that see you in action.

    Nice :smile: For that one you need to be a member and wear a fancy suit I believe. Check with Scott. I am yet to get a fancy suit but will soon. I got automatically accepted into the Nationals in Melbourne (without going in states) because I'll be in Thailand then. Not expecting to break any records but should be fun anyway!
  • adamsilva
    adamsilva Posts: 261 Member
    Ah I see ok will look into abut more. **** yeah that's sweet you'll do awesome anyway. When's the nationals?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    June ish :smile:

    22 February 2013
    BW 85.4kg


    Terrible bench session today. I was supposed to get up to 5 doubles at 99. Didn't even make my triple at 92.5, just wasn't feeling it. I did have to do rows and band pushups first though which is not normal for me. I then just did some singles then some back off sets. Also, tried the Japanese style setup for the first time today which felt much better but maybe I need more practice at it to actually lift more.

    Then went and took the poodles for a nice walk


    I had hit my cal target of 2500 again and once again, woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep without getting some food into me. Seriously starting to piss me off. It's always because I need to pee initially. Then I just can't get back to sleep. I stop drinking liquid well before I go to bed so I'm going to the doctor's next week and see what he says.


    choc/coconut proats with cinnamon apples

    Cals 3216
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    23 February 2013
    BW 84.8kg

    MMa circuit training for 3 rounds of 1min work, 30secs rest

    tyre flips
    sled drag (row)
    16kg KB swing
    20kg farmers walks
    battle ropes
    sledge hammer
    towel/gi chinups
    exercise bike (rest)

    Then 2 hours of mma. We did ground and pound stuff and then a heap of half guard and deep half guard sweeps and reversals. Rolling went well again. Subbed everyone I went against until I came up against my trainer (Joel) that's him below doing chins. Farkin' destroyed me. He's about 2 steps ahead of everything I do haha. Good fun though.

    Then I met my mate who is making my website and I have a massive TO DO list now which I'm happy about as I've basically finished my cert 4 now.

    Then went to the beach for a little bit for frisbee and swim.

    Then chilled out in the arvo. (and reread some UD2 stuff and sorted out my strongman training to fit)

    Then got dressed up in bubble wrap for a friend's ABC (anything but clothes) party :) Great fun! And some seriously creative costumes. She lives in a penthouse in Mooloolaba with the best view on the coast.





    Cals 2888
  • swimsuits definitely count as clothes. lol. looks like you two had fun! wow, your workout sounds intense. are you going to do UD2?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    haha, she was contemplating some strategically placed postcards :tongue:

    Yep, will be running UD2 for next 4 weeks in conjunction with my strongman training stuff.

    Mon: high reps of deadlifts, front squats (for atlas stones), clean and push press (for log), farmers walks and tyre flips. (I'll probably do some curls and flys to ensure every body part is adequately worked)
    Tue: same
    Wed: rest
    Thu: rest
    Fri: same exercises up to 8 rep max at RPE of 9. Then probably 5% drop. (not for farmer's or tyre flips, probably just stick to around 45kg per hand for farmer's)
    Sat: same exercises up to 3-5rm. (not for farmer's or tyre flips, probably just stick to around 45kg per hand for farmer's)
    Sun: rest

    Mon-Thu: low
    Fri am: low, pm high carbs (350g)
    Sat: 700-800g carbs
    Sun: maintenance cals

    This will only be for 4 weeks until Thailand.